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Semiannual and annual variations in the height of the ionospheric F2-peak   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ionosonde data from sixteen stations are used to study the semiannual and annual variations in the height of the ionospheric F2-peak, hmF2. The semiannual variation, which peaks shortly after equinox, has an amplitude of about 8 km at an average level of solar activity (10.7 cm flux = 140 units), both at noon and midnight. The annual variation has an amplitude of about 11 km at northern midlatitudes, peaking in early summer; and is larger at southern stations, where it peaks in late summer. Both annual and semiannual amplitudes increase with increasing solar activity by day, but not at night. The semiannual variation in hmF2 is unrelated to the semiannual variation of the peak electron density NmF2, and is not reproduced by the CTIP and TIME-GCM computational models of the quiet-day thermosphere and ionosphere. The semiannual variation in hmF2 is approximately isobaric, in that its amplitude corresponds quite well to the semiannual variation in the height of fixed pressure-levels in the thermosphere, as represented by the MSIS empirical model. The annual variation is not isobaric. The annual mean of hmF2 increases with solar 10.7 cm flux, both by night and by day, on average by about 0.45 km/flux unit, rather smaller than the corresponding increase of height of constant pressure-levels in the MSIS model. The discrepancy may be due to solar-cycle variations of thermospheric winds. Although geomagnetic activity, which affects thermospheric density and temperature and therefore hmF2 also, is greatest at the equinoxes, this seems to account for less than half the semiannual variation of hmF2. The rest may be due to a semiannual variation of tidal and wave energy transmitted to the thermosphere from lower levels in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

二维异常体上地磁水平分量变化的一些特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数值模拟计算显示二维异常体上H分量的周期性变化是不同步的,即在异常区内观测的Pi2脉动可能是非同时性的,本研究设计了一个二维模型,其H分量沿地表南北向可出现“以传播速度约为140km/s”的现象。  相似文献   

Giora J. Kidron 《水文研究》1999,13(11):1665-1682
Runoff is one of the main water sources responsible for water redistribution within a given ecosystem. Water redistribution is especially important in arid regions, and may be of great importance on sandy dunes, where the likelihood of runoff is low owing to the high infiltration rates of sand. Redistribution of water may significantly affect plant and animal distribution, and may explain vegetation patterns within an ecosystem. Runoff yield over sandy dune slopes in the western Negev Desert was measured under natural conditions during 1990–1994. The magnitude of runoff yield on different slope sections and on north and south exposures was established. The results demonstrate that while slope position controlled the microbiotic crust cover, crust cover and crust biomass controlled the amounts of runoff obtained. Whereas no runoff was measured on the upper dune sections devoid of crust, only meagre quantities were measured on the midslope sections, characterized by discontinuous crust cover. Substantially larger amounts were, however, obtained at the bottoms of the slopes, characterized by continuous crust cover. North‐facing slopes, usually characterized by a chlorophyll a content of 29–41 mg m−2, yielded on average 3·2 times more runoff than south‐facing footslopes, characterized by a 17 mg m−2 chlorophyll a content. Whereas microbiotic crust was found to be responsible for runoff generation, additional water supply owing to runoff may also explain the occurrence of a high biomass crust and the dense vegetation belt at the dune–interdune interface of the northern exposure, where runoff tends to collect. Thus, whereas crust may reduce infiltration in certain habitats, runoff generated by crust may also be responsible for the promotion of crust growth in other habitats. Runoff may also be used to promote vegetation growth at the dune footslopes. The possibility of using runoff to facilitate agroforestry is discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new method for reconstructing the polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field. The technique is based on the Svalgaard-Mansurov effect. We ause geomagnetic data of high-latitude stations with a long observation period, including the presatellite era. This method is designed to improve the quality and accuracy of reconstructed polarity, complementing the results of previous methods of Svalgaard (1975) and Vennerstr?m et al. (2001). For the large presatellite period from 1926, the accuracy of the method is estimated to be around 89% of overlaps with the interplanetary magnetic field polarity determined from satellite data.  相似文献   


Proper agricultural land management strategies improve soil structural properties, thereby reducing soil loss by water erosion. This study was conducted to estimate soil losses from plots of different agricultural land management using the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) (95.7) model. The study took place in a semiarid region in Kenya. The mean annual rainfall was 694 mm. The WEPP (95.7) model was initially used to estimate total sediment loading from the catchment into a reservoir. The estimate was about 2871 t corresponding to an average sedimentation rate of 1063 t km?2 year?1, which was about 76% of the measured total sediment inflow into the reservoir. Soil losses were estimated within 10 plots on the catchment of different sizes and slopes with the following treatments: conventional tillage (hand hoeing) with maize and soybean intercropping (HOCOBE); conservation tillage (disc plough) with maize and soybean intercropping (COBEAN); conservation tillage with only maize cultivation (CNTCORN); and conservation tillage with only soybean cultivation (CNTBEAN). The soil loss reduction of COBEAN, CNTCORN and CNTBEAN relative to HOCOBE ranged between 27–47%, 16–29% and 12–25%, respectively, depending on the size and slope of the plot. In general, conservation tillage reduced soil loss relative to conventional tillage. However, with conservation tillage, the single cropping system resulted in greater soil loss than the intercropping system. In the case of single cropping with conservation tillage, the soil loss reduction for maize ranged between 4 and 9%, relative to soybean. Overall, the study showed that there would be a significant reduction of soil losses from plots if conservation tillage with an intercropping system (maize and soybean) were to be adopted on agricultural lands in semiarid regions.  相似文献   

The Tuoku region in northern Tarim Basin of China is a key area for studying oil/gas reservoir rocks. The magnetic and mineralogical parameters of well cuttings from two wells, well S7, situated on oil/gas field, and well S6, at an oil/water interface, were measured. The two wells are located in the same structure with similar strata and types of lithology, but well S6 is a showing well of oil and gas 5 km northwest of well S7. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the possibility and distribution of secondary magnetic alteration that may have occurred due to hydrocarbon migration above an oil/gas accumulation. It is concluded that the magnetism of well cuttings from major strata in well S7, including source rocks, oil reservoir rocks and cap rocks, and in Quaternary (Q) soil is higher than that from well S6. The Cambrian oil-bearing strata and cap rocks have even higher magnetism in well S7. The shape and parameters of magnetic hysteresis loops indicate that soft (H c<20 mT,H s<0.3 T) ferrimagnetic components dominate the magnetic carriers within the strongly magnetic strata of well S7, whereas a mixed paramagnetic and ferrimagnetic distribution occurs in well S6 (for example, low coecivityH c and nonsaturating magnetized character). Analysis of heavy minerals shows that the contents of iron oxide (magnetite, maghemite and hematite) in well S7 are often higher than those in well S6. The magnetite content in samples of cuttings from Cambrian rocks can reach 9.7% in oil-bearing strata in well S7, and in strata Ekm and N1j are 1.215% and1.498%, respectively. Typical spherical magnetite grains are found within the main source rocks and the soils in well S7. By analysis of surface microtexture and of trace element contents, we infer that the spherical magnetite is composed of aggregates of ultrafine particles that are probably authigenic magnetite formed in a hydrocarbon halo background. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Geological Industry Foundation of China (Grant No. 49374216) and Foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Oil/Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation of China (Grant No. 9608).  相似文献   

Grassland degradation resulting from global climate change, overgrazing, and rodent damage is expected to influence the magnitude of canopy hydrological fluxes because of reduced vegetation biomass and changed species composition. The objectives of this study were to estimate herbaceous canopy rainfall storage capacity (S) along three different stages of sub‐alpine grassland degradation (non‐degraded, lightly degraded and moderately degraded) in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, China, and relate changes in S to canopy properties. An artificial wetting method and the water budget balance method, using rain simulations, were used for estimating S. Grassland degradation significantly reduced S. In non‐degraded, lightly degraded and moderately degraded grasslands, S estimated using the artificial wetting method were 0.612 ± 0.08 mm, 0.289 ± 0.04 mm, and 0.217 ± 0.01 mm, respectively; S estimated using the water budget balance method were 0.979 ± 0.32 mm, 0.493 ± 0.13 mm, and 0.419 ± 0.09 mm, respectively. These changes could be explained by accompanying changes in above‐ground biomass and leaf area index, as well as changes in species composition. Species‐specific rainfall storage capacity varied by a factor of 2.7 among the investigated species, with graminoids having the lowest values. Leaf area index was more correlated to S than was canopy coverage. Converting fresh weight of non‐leaf tissues into effective leaf area of the corresponding species and then introducing a coefficient of leaf area according to the specific storage capacity of leaves improved the linear relationship between S and leaf area index. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on data from the Japanese Kokubunji and Wakkanai stations of vertical sounding of the ionosphere, the variations in the foF2 critical frequency prior to the strong earthquakes of March 9 and 11, 2011 (M 7.2 and 9.0, respectively), are analyzed. It is found that significant positive disturbances of foF2 had been recorded approximately one day before the first earthquake. Notably, at the Irkutsk reference station, which is located about 3300 km from the earthquake epicenters, there were no significant disturbances of foF2. This suggests that the effects of increased foF2, observed at the Kokubunji and Wakkanai stations, were probably caused by the earthquake preparation processes. The seismo-ionospheric manifestations of the stronger earthquake on March 11, 2011, even if they took place, were hidden by the geomagnetic storm’s effects.  相似文献   

Anders Malmer 《水文研究》2004,18(5):853-864
In 1998 a wild fire struck a paired catchment research area under long‐term monitoring of hydrological and nutrient budgets. Streamwater quality as concentrations of dissolved and suspended particulate matter was monitored during 1·5–2·5 years after the fire in streams from seven different catchments. As the catchments, due to earlier experimental treatments, had different vegetations, varying effects related to different fire intensities were observed. The highest, mean stormflow, suspended sediment concentrations resulted from intensive fire in secondary vegetation that had experienced severe soil disturbance in previous treatments (crawler tractor timber extraction 10 years earlier). Stormflow concentrations were typically still about 400 mg l?1 in 1999 (10–21 months after the fire), which was about the maximum recorded concentration in streams during initial soil disturbance in 1988. Forest fire in natural forest resulted in less than half as high stormflow concentrations. For dissolved elements in streamwater there was a positive relation between fuel load (and fire intensity) and concentration and longevity of effects. Stream baseflow dissolved nutrient concentrations were high in the months following the fire. Mean baseflow K concentrations were 8–15 mg l?1 in streams draining catchments with intensive fire in secondary vegetation with large amounts of fuel. After controlled fire for forest plantation establishment in 1988 corresponding concentrations were 3–5 mg l?1, and after forest fire in natural forest in this study about 2 mg l?1. This study shows differences in response from controlled fire for land management, forest fire in natural forests and wild fires in manmade vegetations. These differences relate to resistance and resilience to fire for the involved ecosystems. There is reason to believe that wild fires and repeated wild fires during or after droughts, in successions caused by human influence, may lead to larger losses of ecosystem nutrient capital from sites compared with forest fires in natural forests. As fire in the humid tropics becomes more common, in an increasingly spatially fragmented landscape, it will be important to be aware of these differences. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A replicated field study using rainfall simulation and overland flow application was conducted in central Oahu, Hawaii, on a clay‐dominated Oxisol with a 9% slope. Three main treatment groups were examined: a bare treatment, a group of four rolled erosion control systems (RECSs) with open weave designs, and a group of five randomly oriented fibre RECSs. A total of 1122 measurements of runoff and erosion were made to examine treatment differences and to explore temporal patterns in runoff and sediment flux. All erosion control systems significantly delayed the time required to generate plot runoff under both simulated rainfall (35 mm h?1) and the more intense trickle flow application (114 mm h?1). Once runoff was generated during the rainfall application phase, the bare treatment runoff coefficients were significantly lower than those from the two groups of RECSs, as surface seal disruption by rilling is inferred to have enhanced infiltration in the bare treatments. During the more intense phase of overland flow application, the reverse pattern was observed. Interrill contributing‐area roughness was reduced on the bare treatment, facilitating increased runoff to well‐developed rill networks. Meanwhile, the form roughness associated with the RECSs delayed interrill flow to the poorly organized rills that formed under some of the RECSs. Regardless of runoff variations between treatments, sediment output was significantly lower from all surfaces covered by RECSs. The median cumulative sediment output from the bare surfaces was 6·9 kg, compared with 1·2 kg from the open‐weave RECSs and 0·2 kg from the random‐fibre RECSs. The random‐fibre systems were particularly effective under the more stressful overland flow application phase, with 63 times less sediment eroded than the bare treatments and 12 times less than that from the open‐weave systems. Architectural design differences between the two groups of RECSs are discussed in light of their relation to erosion process dynamics and shear stress partitioning. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quasi-periodic variations in the power of incoherent scattered signals, caused by wave disturbances of the electron concentration in the ionosphere, are analyzed for the day of a partial solar eclipse and for a background day. The windowed and adaptive Fourier transforms and the wavelet transform are used for spectral analysis. The spectral parameters of the wave disturbances at altitudes of 100–500 km in the 10–120 min period range differed significantly on the day of the solar eclipse and on the background day. Variations in the spectrum began near the onset of the phase of maximum disk occultation and continued no less than 2 h. The amplitude of time variations N was 2 × 109–4 × 1010 m?3, and the relative amplitude was 0.10–0.15. Wave disturbances have been compared for five solar eclipses; the comparison shows a noticeable variation in the spectrum of the wave disturbances during these events.  相似文献   

It has been previously demonstrated that a two-ion (O+ and H+) 8-moment time-dependent fluid model was able to reproduce correctly the ionospheric structure in the altitude range probed by the EISCAT-VHF radar. In the present study, the model is extended down to the E-region where molecular ion chemistry (NO+ and O+2, essentially) prevails over transport; EISCAT-UHF observations confirmed previous theoretical predictions that during events of intense E×B induced convection drifts, molecular ions (mainly NO+) predominate over O+ ions up to altitudes of 300 km. In addition to this extension of the model down to the E-region, the ionization and heating resulting from both solar insolation and particle precipitation is now taken into account in a consistent manner through a complete kinetic transport code. The effects of E×B induced convection drifts on the E- and F-region are presented: the balance between O+ and NO+ ions is drastically affected; the electric field acts to deplete the O+ ion concentration. The [NO+]/[O+] transition altitude varies from 190 km to 320 km as the perpendicular electric field increases from 0 to 100 mV m−1. An interesting additional by-product of the model is that it also predicts the presence of a noticeable fraction of N+ ions in the topside ionosphere in good agreement with Retarding Ion Mass Spectrometer measurements onboard Dynamic Explorer.  相似文献   

For the site of the astronomical observatory operated by The University of Tromsø in Skibotn, Northern Norway, the distribution of very small amounts of atmospheric water vapour is estimated from aerological data. For 5 winter months through a period of 11 years, during at least 6 per cent of the time, the precipitable water is likely not to exceed 3.0 mm, i.e. observations at wavelengths as long as 25 and a little short of 1 mm are possible. For a mountain site at 1250 m altitude, the corresponding amount is estimated to be 1.8 mm. The small amounts considered, were observed in the subsidence of tropospheric ridges. The Skibotn site is compared with other sites for infrared measurements in the Subtropics and in the Arctic.  相似文献   

Abundant natural gas inclusions were found in calcite veins filled in fractures of Central Fault Belt across the centre of Ordos Basin. Time of the calcite veins and characteristics of natural gas fluid inclusion were investigated by means of dating of thermolum luminescence (TL) and analyzing stable isotope of fluid inclusion. Results show that natural gas inclusion formed at 130―140℃ with salinity of 5.5 wt%―6.0 wt% NaCl. It indicates that natural gas inclusion is a kind of thermal hydrocarbon fluid formed within the basin. Method of opening inclusion by heating was used to analyze composition of fluid inclusion online, of which the maximal hydrocarbon gas content of fluid inclusion contained in veins is 2.4219 m3/t rock and the maximal C1/Σci ratio is 91%. Laser Raman spectroscopy (LRS) was used to analyze chemistry of individual fluid inclusion in which the maximal hydrocarbon gas content is 91.6% compared with little inorganic composition. Isotope analysis results of calcite veins show that they were deposited in fresh water, in which the δ13CPDB of calcite veins is from -5.75‰ to 15.23‰ andδ18OSMOW of calcite veins is from 21.33‰ to 21.67‰. Isotope results show thatδ13C1 PDB of natural gas fluid inclusion is from -21.36‰ to -29.06‰ and δDSMOW of that is from -70.89‰ to -111.03‰. It indicates that the gas of fluid inclusion formed from coal source rocks and it is the same as that of natural gas of Mizhi gas reservoir. Results of TL dating show that time of calcite vein is (32.4±3.42)×104 a, which is thought to be formation time of gas inclusion. It indicated that natural gas inclusion contained in calcite veins recorded natural gas leakage from Mizhi gas reservoir through the Central Fault Belt due to Himalayan tectonic movement.  相似文献   

Abundant natural gas inclusions were found in calcite veins filled in fractures of Central Fault Belt across the centre of Ordos Basin. Time of the calcite veins and characteristics of natural gas fluid inclusion were investigated by means of dating of thermolum luminescence (TL) and analyzing stable isotope of fluid inclusion. Results show that natural gas inclusion formed at 130–140°C with salinity of 5.5 wt%–6.0 wt% NaCl. It indicates that natural gas inclusion is a kind of thermal hydrocarbon fluid formed within the basin. Method of opening inclusion by heating was used to analyze composition of fluid inclusion online, of which the maximal hydrocarbon gas content of fluid inclusion contained in veins is 2.4219 m3/t rock and the maximal C1/ΣC i ratio is 91%. Laser Raman spectroscopy (LRS) was used to analyze chemistry of individual fluid inclusion in which the maximal hydrocarbon gas content is 91.6% compared with little inorganic composition. Isotope analysis results of calcite veins show that they were deposited in fresh water, in which the δ 13CPDB of calcite veins is from ?5.75‰ to 15.23‰ and δ 18OSMOW of calcite veins is from 21.33‰ to 21.67‰. Isotope results show that δ 13C1 PDB of natural gas fluid inclusion is from ?21.36‰ to ?29.06‰ and δDSMOW of that is from ?70.89‰ to ?111.03‰. It indicates that the gas of fluid inclusion formed from coal source rocks and it is the same as that of natural gas of Mizhi gas reservoir. Results of TL dating show that time of calcite vein is (32.4±3.42)×104 a, which is thought to be formation time of gas inclusion. It indicated that natural gas inclusion contained in calcite veins recorded natural gas leakage from Mizhi gas reservoir through the Central Fault Belt due to Himalayan tectonic movement.  相似文献   

An 87‐day incubation experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of various water levels on the soil nitrogen content in an inland salt marsh of Xianghai, China. Soil samples were collected from depths in the range of 0 to 30 cm at 10‐cm intervals after 15, 54 and 87 days of incubation. The total nitrogen (TN), available nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen (NO3?‐N) and ammonium nitrogen (NH4+‐N) contents and the nitrogen activation coefficient (NAC) were measured to investigate the soil nitrogen dynamics under three inundation treatments (?5, 0 and 5 cm). The results showed that TN was generally accumulated in all soil layers and exhibited a peak value in subsurface soils at the ?5‐cm inundation level at the end of the incubation period, whereas no obvious changes were observed in the TN contents in the bottom soils at the three inundation levels. Compared with the initial contents in the soils, the NO3?‐N and NH4+‐N contents were significantly reduced in all soil layers at the 0‐cm and the 5‐cm inundation levels at the end of the incubation period. In general, the available nitrogen content was higher in the surface soils compared with the deeper soils at all inundation levels. The NAC values exhibited a pronounced change in the subsurface soils at all inundation levels, decreasing significantly from 0.17 to 0.04 at the 5‐cm inundation level; however, a higher mean NAC value (0.126) was found over the incubation period at the 0‐cm inundation level compared with the 5‐cm and the ?5‐cm inundation levels. Nitrogen was released from plants into the soil under all inundation treatments over the incubation period. The soil organic matter exerted positive loadings on the TN and NO3?‐N contents and negative loadings on the NH4+‐N content at all inundation levels, and the water content generally exhibited a negative relationship with all forms of nitrogen. Additionally, the total phosphorus content exhibited a positive correlation with the TN and NO3?‐N contents. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Abundant natural gas inclusions were found in calcite veins filled in fractures of Central Fault Belt across the centre of Ordos Basin. Time of the calcite veins and characteristics of natural gas fluid inclusion were investigated by means of dating of thermolum luminescence (TL) and analyzing stable isotope of fluid inclusion. Results show that natural gas inclusion formed at 130–140°C with salinity of 5.5 wt%–6.0 wt% NaCl. It indicates that natural gas inclusion is a kind of thermal hydrocarbon fluid formed within the basin. Method of opening inclusion by heating was used to analyze composition of fluid inclusion online, of which the maximal hydrocarbon gas content of fluid inclusion contained in veins is 2.4219 m3/t rock and the maximal C1/ΣC i ratio is 91%. Laser Raman spectroscopy (LRS) was used to analyze chemistry of individual fluid inclusion in which the maximal hydrocarbon gas content is 91.6% compared with little inorganic composition. Isotope analysis results of calcite veins show that they were deposited in fresh water, in which the δ 13CPDB of calcite veins is from −5.75‰ to 15.23‰ and δ 18OSMOW of calcite veins is from 21.33‰ to 21.67‰. Isotope results show that δ 13C1 PDB of natural gas fluid inclusion is from −21.36‰ to −29.06‰ and δDSMOW of that is from −70.89‰ to −111.03‰. It indicates that the gas of fluid inclusion formed from coal source rocks and it is the same as that of natural gas of Mizhi gas reservoir. Results of TL dating show that time of calcite vein is (32.4±3.42)×104 a, which is thought to be formation time of gas inclusion. It indicated that natural gas inclusion contained in calcite veins recorded natural gas leakage from Mizhi gas reservoir through the Central Fault Belt due to Himalayan tectonic movement.


The spontaneous expansion and mobilization of discontinuous gas above dense non-aqueous-phase liquid (DNAPL) pools can affect the aqueous-phase concentrations of the DNAPL constituents above the pool. The results of an intermediate-scale, two-dimensional flow cell experiment showed that the discontinuous gas flow produced by spontaneous expansion, driven by the partitioning of 1,1,1-TCA from the surface of a DNAPL pool, resulted in detectable aqueous-phase concentrations of 1,1,1-TCA well above the pool surface. In comparison to a conventional model for DNAPL pool dissolution in the absence of a discontinuous gas phase, these concentrations were greater than expected, and were present at greater than expected elevations. Additionally, this study showed that the discontinuous gas flow produced transient behavior in the aqueous-phase concentrations, where the elevated concentrations occurred as short-term, pulse-like events. These results suggest that the spontaneous expansion and mobilization of discontinuous gas in DNAPL source zones could lead to the misdiagnosis of source zone architecture using aqueous concentration data, and that the transient nature of the elevated concentrations could further complicate the difficult task of source zone characterization.  相似文献   

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