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High-resolution deconvolution can mathematically be viewed as a regularized inverse problem. Besides, the result of the high-resolution deconvolution is generally accepted as reflectivity series of the layered media. On the other hand, lateral continuity is frequently poorer than vertical resolution on post-stack seismic section after application of any high-resolution deconvolution. However, because of the ill-posed inherent of the deconvolution problem, the Cauchy norm regularization term, a non-quadratic prior-information is widely used to provide the stability and uniqueness of the problem. But, it does not provide adequate quality of deconvolution if the noise in the data is strong. In this study, a stable and high-resolution deconvolution of post-stack seismic data was accomplished by an iterative inversion algorithm incorporating the Cauchy norm regularization with FX filter weighting. Cauchy norm regularization was utilized to force the solution to a spikiness structure, while the effective random noise reduction was performed by using the FX filter. Applications to synthetic and real post-stack data showed that the resolution in the vertical direction and continuity in the lateral direction are better improved. Thus, we think that this process makes seismic sections obtained especially from thin layered sedimentary basins more interpretable.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for restoring missing seismic traces by using the two-dimensional dip moveout (DMO) equation. A fundamentally new formulation of the initial-boundary-value problem based on the Goursat problem is proposed. A modified finite element method is used for numerical solution. The method is tested on model examples and actual seismic data.  相似文献   

Modeling of seismic hazard for Turkey using the recent neotectonic data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kamil Kayabali   《Engineering Geology》2002,63(3-4):221-232
Recent developments in the neotectonic framework of Turkey introduced new tectonic elements necessitating the reconstruction of Turkey's seismic hazard map. In this regard, 14 seismic source zones were delineated. Maximum earthquake magnitudes for each seismic zones were determined using the fault rupture length approximation. Regression coefficients of the earthquake magnitude–frequency relationships for the seismic zones were compiled mostly from earlier works. Along with these data, a strong ground motion attenuation relationship developed by Joyner and Boore [Joyner, W.B., Boore, D.M., 1988. Measurement, characterization, and prediction of strong ground motion. Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, 2. Recent Advances Ground Motion Evaluation, pp. 43–102.] was utilized to model the seismic hazard for Turkey using the probabilistic approach. For the modeling, the “earthquake location uncertainty” concept was employed. A grid of 5106 points with 0.2° intervals was constituted for the area encompassed by the 25–46°E longitudes and 35–43°N latitudes. For the return periods of 100 and 475 years, the peak horizontal ground acceleration (pga) in bedrock was computed for each grid point. Isoacceleration maps for the return periods of 100 and 475 years were constructed by contouring the pga values at each node.  相似文献   

We applied a type of depth migration for converted seismic phases to active and passive seismic data sets from the Campi Flegrei volcanic region in southern Italy. The migration method is based on the diffraction summation migration technique. Travel times to grid points in a volume were calculated in smooth P and S-velocity models and trace energy near the calculated converted phase time was stacked over multiple sources at one receiver. Weighting factors based on Snell's Law at an arbitrarily oriented local interface were applied to better focus trace energy. PP reflection images from the active data set provide increased detail to images of the caldera rim from other studies. The migrated images also show features near 2–3 km in depth beneath Pozzuoli City, which may be associated with an over-pressured gas volume, as suggested by other geophysical investigations. Possible deeper features near 4 km depth may be related to the presence of the carbonate basement or may image a previously undetected feature, such as a small body of strongly thermometamorphosed volcanic rock. The current passive earthquake data set from the 1984 ground uplift episode was not well suited to the converted phases analysis due to narrow P–S windows and high noise levels in the traces. However, two stations provide confirmation and extension of imaged features in the active data.  相似文献   

This study applied a geostatistical approach to integrate various geophysical results for the probabilistic evaluation of rock quality designation (RQD) in regions between boreholes. Two of the geophysical survey results, electrical resistivity and seismic velocity, were transformed into a probabilistic distribution with the directly observed RQD values at the boreholes using an indicator value method. The initial spatial distribution of RQD, inferred from indicator kriging of observations from the boreholes, was improved by support of the geophysical results based on the integration by a permanence ratio. The integration was good enough to produce results that compensated for the defection of each exploration method. Also, the probabilistic feature of the final product of the RQD distribution made it possible to assess a more quantitative rock quality evaluation and better decision making for safety design.  相似文献   

This study is based on the seismic data collected as a result of explosions carried out during the 1976 and 1978 Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) field operations in the Koyna region. These shots were exploded from twelve shot points by the National Geophysical Research Institute along the Guhagar-Chorochi and Kelsi-Loni profiles.Refraction studies of the records reveal a two-layered crust. The top layer consists 17 km of granite and the second layer 19 km of basalt, giving the average depth of the Moho as 36 km in the region. The velocities of the phases Pg, P* and Pn have been computed as 5.82 ± 0.01, 6.61 ± 0.05 and 8.23 ± 0.05 km/sec respectively and those of Sg, S* and Sn as 3.41 ± 0.00, 4.09 ± 0.07 and 4.60 ± 0.08 km/sec respectively. The shear wave velocity in the basement rock has been found to be lower in comparison with other regions of the peninsular India.In some cases reflections were recorded both from the Moho as well as from the intermediate layer. These reveal a crustal thickness of 39 km with 19 km of granitic and 20 km of basaltic layers.Coda signal durations from DSS explosions recorded by microearthquake seismographs indicate a lateral heterogeneity in the crust on either side of Karad in an east-west direction.  相似文献   

针对滩海油田具有完钻井少,以地震资料为主的特点,采用井震结合的方法进行地质建模。复杂断块油藏具有许多内部断层,充分利用地震解释层位和断层成果建立合理的构造模型。采用“多步建模”的思路,选用序贯高斯同位协同模拟算法建立储层参数模型。以测井资料为硬数据,地震反演数据为软数据,先后建立自然伽玛模型、泥质含量模型和砂泥岩相模型,然后以砂泥岩相模型为约束,建立储层参数模型。经研究表明,综合使用地震解释成果和三维地震数据体,有助于建立准确、合理的构造模型;而采用“多步建模”的思路,利用序贯高斯同位协同模拟算法,并综合测井资料、地震资料建立储层参数模型,有助于从地质的角度对储层参数模拟进行约束,提高储层随机建模精度,保证储层参数模型的准确和可靠性。  相似文献   

The problems of poor data quality and statics in seismic surveys have been attributed to lack of proper understanding of the low velocity layer characteristics of the area from which such data was acquired. Downhole seismic refraction survey was therefore conducted at twenty (20) borehole locations within parts of Niger Delta, Nigeria to determine the low velocity layer characteristics of the area using the Geometrics Stratavisor NZ11 instrument. The data was processed using Udysys software with spatial representation of the results presented. Static corrections were carried out on reflection seismic data acquired from the study area using Geoscribe II software to determine the effects of the low velocity layer on reflection seismic data in the area. Results of the study revealed that the velocity of the low velocity layer ranged between 144 and 996m/s with a regional average of 407m/s. The thickness of the low velocity layer varied between 3.0 and 9.6m with a mean value of 5.0m. Similarly, the velocity of the consolidated layer ranged between 1449 and 1812m/s with a mean value of 1738m/s. Results of the static correction carried out on the seismic reflection data revealed a substantial improvement in the resolution of the data after static correction. Based on these findings, it is therefore, recommended that shots for reflection seismic survey should be located at a minimum depth of 9.6m in the area to eliminate the effects associated with the low velocity layer.  相似文献   

基于小波变换的阈值降噪方法在地震资料处理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
这里主要讨论了小波变换阈值降噪方法的基本原理,并且将广泛使用的通用阈值方法与Birge-Massart阈值方法进行了比较,展现了Birge-Massart阈值选取方法的优越性。通过对模拟数据和实际地震资料的处理结果表明,基于小波变换的Birge-Massart阈值降噪方法对地震信号降噪具有很好的效果。  相似文献   

We present a series of high-resolution seismic reflection lines across the Yizre'el valley, which is the largest active depression in Israel, off the main trend of the Dead Sea rift. The new seismic reflection data is of excellent quality and shows that the valley is dissected into numerous small blocks, separated by active faults. The Yizre'el valley is found to consist of a series of half grabens, rather than a single half graben, or a symmetrical graben. The faults are generally vertical and appear to have a dominant strike-slip component, but some dip-slip is also evident. A marked zone of compression near Megido is associated with the intersection of the two largest faults in the valley, the Carmel fault and the Gideon fault. Variable trend of the faults reflects the complexity of the local geology along the boundary between the wide NW–SE trending Farah–Carmel fault zone and the E–W trending basins and ranges in the Lower Galilee. This tectonic complexity is likely to result from a highly variable stress pattern, modified by the structures inside it. Normal faulting in the valley occurred at an early stage of its development as a tectonic depression. However, strike-slip motion on the Carmel fault, and possibly also on some of the other faults, appears to have started together with the onset of normal faulting. Earthquake hazard in the area appears to be uniform as faults are distributed throughout the Yizre'el valley.  相似文献   

The existence of gas-hydrates in marine sediments increases the seismic velocity, whereas even a small amount of underlying free-gas reduces the velocity considerably. The change in velocities against the background (without gas-hydrates and free-gas) velocity can be used for identification and assessment of gas-hydrates. Traveltime inversion of identifiable reflections from large offset multi channel seismic (MCS) experiment is an effective method to derive the 2-D velocity structure in an area. We apply this method along a seismic line in the Kerala-Konkan (KK) offshore basin for delineating the gas-hydrates and free-gas bearing sediments across a bottom simulating reflector (BSR). The result reveals a four layer 2-D shallow velocity model with the topmost sedimentary layer having velocity of 1,680–1,740 m/s and thickness of 140–190 m. The velocity of the second layer of uniform thickness (110 m) varies from 1,890 to 1,950 m/s. The third layer, exhibiting higher velocity of 2,100–2,180 m/s, is interpreted as the gas-hydrates bearing sediment, the thickness of which is estimated as 100 to 150 m. The underlying sedimentary layer shows a reduction in seismic velocity between 1,620 to 1,720 m/s. This low-velocity layer with 160–200 m thickness may be due to the presence of free-gas below the gas-hydrates layer.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to find the order and coefficients of non-low-phase causal filters for ARMA (auto regressive moving average) filter model, using the Kurtosis minimization criterion. This method is based on the Kurtosis calculation of the treated sample at the input level and its identification at the output of the ARMA model. For this purpose, the order and coefficients of the AR (auto regressive) part are identified using the Yule-Walker algorithm at order two and then extended to order four. To obtain the MA (moving average) part, the AR components are calculated at first from the ARMA filter by deconvolution. Then, spectrally equivalent and minimum phase (SEMP) MA filter is identified using the Durbin algorithm at second and fourth order. Finally, the correct filter is found when the Kurtosis value of the output ARMA filter reconstituted is the closest to the Kurtosis of introduced signal. The proposed method is then tested on simulated processes and applied to real seismic data to perform blind deconvolution and obtain the reflectivity coefficients of subsoil studied.  相似文献   

井间地震资料中蕴含丰富的地下储层岩性和物性信息,利用井间地震直达波初至信息,通过层析反演可以得到两井之间的速度剖面。通过对井间地震直达波振幅衰减信息的处理,可以实现井间的吸收衰减层析成像。基于井间地震直达波射线路径的一致性,提出了井间地震时域直达波走时层析反演和频域质心频率衰减层析同步反演方法,增加了约束条件,增强了抗干扰能力。对模型和实际资料的处理结果表明,速度和吸收衰减同步反演方法,提高了速度层析反演精度,得到了对油气更为敏感的衰减属性,增强了井间地震在储层描述和油气预测中的应用能力。  相似文献   

Hartmut Kern 《地学学报》1990,2(6):617-628
This contribution reports data and evidence from laboratory measurements of compressional and shear-wave velocities and mineralogical, microstructural and chemical analyses in crustal rocks that may provide an aid to understanding and interpreting geophysical data. It is shown that the correlation of laboratory seismic data with stratigraphic field data can provide the necessary data base for constructing a seismic model of the Earth's crust in a particular geological area.  相似文献   

Models are presented which illustrate the various methods used for the determination of the thickness and nature of deep seismic boundaries according to the observed amplitude and frequency of subcritical reflected waves. From this study it becomes clear that the model which most nearly satisfies the observational requirements is one in which the boundaries are represented by a zone of thin diverse lamellae which produce localized velocity inversion.  相似文献   

It is found that the best results, in terms of the efficiency of detecting regional seismic phases from blast sources, are achieved by using the method of waveform cross correlation applied to the data from a small-aperture array of three-component sensors  相似文献   

We performed joint analysis of the seismic noises recorded at the Japanese Ogasawara station located on Titijima Island in the Philippine Sea using the STS–2 seismograph at the OSW station in the winter period of January 1–15, 2015, over the background of a velocity gravity model. The graphs prove the existence of a cause-and-effect relation between the seismic noise and gravity and allow us to consider it as a desired signal.  相似文献   

This paper presents an inversion method for the interpretation of 2D magnetic anomaly data, in which uses the enhanced local wavenumber function to estimate the depth and the nature (structural index) of an isolated magnetic source. However, the method is sensitive to noise. In order to lower the effect of noise, I applied upward continuation technique to smooth the anomaly. Tests on synthetic noise-free and noise-corrupted magnetic data show that the method can successfully estimate the depth and the nature of the causative source. The practical application of the technique is applied to measured magnetic anomaly data from Shavaz Iron Ore, center of Iran, and the inversion results are in agreement with the inversion results from Euler deconvolution of the analytic signal and exploratory drilling.  相似文献   

In 1976, the Institute of Physics of the Earth and the Institute of Oceanology, the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, carried out deep seismic soundings in the Barents Sea along a profile 700 km long northeast of Murmansk. A system of reversed and overlapping traveltime curves from 200 to 400 km long has been obtained. The wave correlation was effected by several independent approaches, which identified on the records the refracted and reflected waves from boundaries in the Earth's crust and the upper mantle. Different methods were applied for the solution of the inverse problem: the isochrone method, the intercept-time method, and the iteration method.The use of these different methods gives an indication of the general applicability of the interpretation and of the most reliable elements in the seismic model.All the interpretations and representations of the section positively establish an essentially horizontal inhomogeneity of the Earth's crust in the Barents Sea. On the whole the structure is similar to that of deep sedimentary basins of the East European platform. The thickness of the sedimentary layer varies from 8 to 17 km, the average crustal thickness is about 35–40 km; the velocities in the upper part of the consolidated crust are 5.8–6.4 km/s; in the lower crust they are 6.8–7.0 km/s and higher.  相似文献   

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