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The concept of anthropogenic impact is extremely important to be considered while analysing the ecology of coast and shelf zones. For centuries, these zones have been the epicentres for various human activities, including urbanisation, construction of sea ports and harbours, development of natural reservoirs (including oil production and fishing), marine aquaculture, shipping, recreation and many others. Many of the activities in progress on both sides of the shoreline provide 50% or more of the gross State/UT (Union Tertiary) product for surrounding states. The data shows that land-based and atmospheric sources account for about two-thirds of the total contamination found in the marine environment, constituting 44 and 33%, respectively. The greatest anthropogenic pollution pressure undoubtedly falls on the shelf zones and coastal areas. To prove this theory, a total of 25 bottom sediment samples were collected within the depth zone of 5 fathoms from the South Andaman coastal fringe for sediment geochemistry studies and foraminiferal analysis. The samples were further analysed for heavy metal pollutants like Co, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn. The study yielded 20 benthic foraminiferal species. Of these, five benthic species were living including Ammonia beccarii, Calcarine calcar, Elphidium crispum, Operculina complanata and Nonion deppresula. The presence of deformed specimens and the domination of Ammonia spp. are indications of a polluted environment. Sampled coral reefs had high abundances of Operculina spp. The highest counts of benthic microbiota were found in finer sediment. Species diversity is very limited along the coastal fringe of South Andaman Island in comparison with fauna from the coast of India. This first report of benthic foraminifera from South Andaman Island will allow us to assess future impacts of marine pollution because foraminiferal deformations are positively correlated to the concentrations of heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn).  相似文献   

Bed thickness data of two turbidite sections viz., Corbyn's Cove section, South Andaman and Kalipur section, North Andaman those belong to Oligocene Andaman Flysch Group, a forearc submarine fan system, were assessed for facies clustering employing Hurst statistics. Both the sections show Hurst phenomenon and reveal clustering in terms of thick and thin beds. Forcing behind event (bed) depositions in either of the studied sections was assessed statistically and inferred to be non-random and with cyclicities of irregular physical length. The inferred paleogeography through Hurst criteria though worked well for distal fan setting i.e., basin floor sheet sandstones of Corbyn's Cove section, its unequivocal application in proximal fan deposits remains to be tested. The mismatch in paleogeographic interpretation between Hurst test result (lobe-interlobe) and field observation (channel-levee) for the inner fan deposit is explained through differential facies stacking between fans grow in sea-level lowstand and highstand. Lower bed amalgamation, poor sand to mud ratio and subordinately present thick event deposits may be the result of active growth of Andaman Flysch fan in sea level highstand and expressed in lower Hurst K value for inner fan channel-levee association (Kalipur section) compared to many of the channel-levee deposits of lowstand fan systems observed world over.  相似文献   

Analysis of coral reef species enables characterization of the coral reefs and the degree to which human activities influence the reef composition. Geochemical characteristics, X-ray diffraction, and natural radionuclides analyses of four common coral reef species representing the branching and massive forms were conducted at the three areas under threat (Quseir Harbor, Safaga Harbor, and El-Esh area) along the Red Sea coast. Branching recorded higher carbonates and lower organic matter than the massive forms. Stylophora pistillata at Safaga Harbor and El-Esh area and Acropora humilis at Qusier Harbor recorded the highest carbonate percentages (96.88, 96.24, and 96.89%, respectively) meanwhile Platygyra daedalea at Safaga Harbor recorded the highest organic matter contents (5.07 and 4.91%). The highest Ca contents were observed in S. pistillata and Porites solida (65.87 and 64.87%), the highest Mg was in Acropora humilis and P. daedalea (1.06 and 0.88%) at Qusier Harbor, whilst the highest Sr was in S. pistillata and P. daedalea at Safaga Harbor. Then highest value of 226Ra recorded in A. humilis and P. solida (71 ± 3.5 Bq/kg and 63 ± 3.1 Bq/k) and 232Th in S. pistillata at El-Esh area may attribute to petroleum exploration activities. A. humilis and P. daedalea at Safaga Harbor recorded significant high 40K values (505 ± 30 and 472 ± 13 Bq/kg, respectively) relative to the other localities. The low Ca and High Sr as well as the highest averages of 232Th and 40K at Safaga Harbor indicated that the coral reef communities were highly affected by the terrestrial inputs from phosphate shipments.  相似文献   

Tectonics of the ophiolite belt from Naga Hills and Andaman Islands,India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ophiolitic rocks of Naga Hills-Andaman belt occur as rootless slices, gently dipping over the Paleogene flyschoid sediments, the presence of blue-schists in ophiolite melange indicates an involvement of the subduction process. Subduction was initiated prior to mid-Eocene as proved by the contemporaneous lower age limit of ophiolite-derived cover sediment as against the accreted ophiolites and olistostromal trench sediment. During the late Oligocene terminal collision between the Indian and Sino-Burmese blocks, basement slivers from the Sino-Burmese block, accreted ophiolites and trench sediments from the subduction zone were thrust westward as nappe and emplaced over the down-going Indian plate. The geometry of the ophiolites and the presence of a narrow negative gravity anomaly flanking their map extent, run counter to the conventional view that the Naga-Andaman belt marks the location of the suture. The root-zone of the ophiolite nappe representing the suture is marked by a partially-exposed eastern ophiolite belt of the same age and gravity-high zone, passing through central Burma-Sumatra-Java. The ophiolites of the Andaman and Naga Hills are also conventionally linked with the subduction activity, west of Andaman islands. This activity began only in late Miocene, much later than onland emplacement of the ophiolites; it further developed west of the suture in its southern part. Post-collisional northward movement of the Indian plate subparallel to the suture, also developed leaky dextral transcurrent faults close to the suture and caused Neogene-Quatemary volcanism in central Burma and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Genus Ranikothalia Caudri is described for the first time from the Upper Palaeocene sediments of Middle Andaman Island. Three species R. sidensis, R. cf. nuttalli, R. cf. tobleri along with one species of Discocyclina are described here. The occurrence of Ranikothalia has great implication in understanding the stratigraphy of the island and in deciphering the palaeogeography of the area. This point to the extension of the Ranikot Sea at least up to Middle Andaman.  相似文献   

The utility of using fossil soils in addition to other sedimentologic evidence in reconstructing past environments is considered with a preliminary analysis of the character of pedogenic alteration of selected floodplain deposits which have yielded the hominoid primatesRamapithecus andDryopithecus in the vicinity of Haritalyangar, District Bilaspur, H. P., India. The alluvial paleosols studied reflect variance of properties which are related to original depositional fabric modified by secondary pedogenic processes. The Nagri aged paleosols of Haritalyangar are ferruginous tropical soils or low-grade oxisols developed on typical floodplain toposequences, all reflecting somewhat varied histories as a function of proximity to ancient active stream courses.
Zusammenfassung Es wird untersucht, inwieweit es für die Rekonstruktion des früheren Bildungsmilieus sinnvoll ist, in Verbindung mit anderen sedimentologischen Erscheinungen fossile Böden mit heranzuziehen, und zwar nach einer Analyse der Merkmale pedogenetischer Veränderungen in bestimmten Ablagerungen der Alluvialebenen in der Umgebung von Haritalyangar, Bilaspur, H. P., Indien, in denen die hominoiden PrimatenRamapithecus undDryopithecus gefunden worden sind. Die untersuchten alluvialen Paleoböden zeigen, verglichen mit der ursprünglichen Ablagerungsstruktur, Abweichungen in ihren Eigenschaften, die durch sekundäre pedogenetische Prozesse bestimmt sind.Die Paleoböden der Nagri-Stufe von Haritalyangar sind eisenreiche tropische Böden oder schwächere Oxiböden, die in den typischen Toposequenzen der Alluvialebenen entstanden sind und die aufgrund ihrer verschiedenen Entfernung zu alten Flußläufen alle eine etwas unterschiedliche Vergangenheit widerspiegeln.

Résumé On considère ici la possibilité d'utiliser des sols fossiles en plus d'autres évidences sedimentologiques pour reconstruire les environnements du passé. On présente aussi une analyse préliminaire des caractéristiques de modifications pédogéniques de certains sédiments de plaines alluviales, qui ont livré les primates hominoïdesRamapithecus etDryopithecus, au voisinage de Haritalyangar, district de Bilaspur, H. P., Inde. Les paléosols alluviaux étudiés révèlent diverses propriétés caractéristiques de dé pôts originaux, modifiés par des processus pédogéniques secondaires. Les vieux paléosols de Nagri, aux environs de Haritalyangar, sont des oxisols peu évolués, formés sur des séquence topographique typique de plaines alluviales. Tous reflètent quelque peu des stages divers selon leur proximité d'anciens cours fluviatiles actifs.

, , , , Haritalyangar'a, Bilaspur'a H.P., , . , , . Haritalyangar , , , , .

A complete dismembered sequence of ophiolite is well exposed in the south Andaman region that mainly comprises ultramafic cumulates, serpentinite mafic plutonic and dyke rocks, pillow lava, radiolarian chert, and plagiogranite. Pillow lavas of basaltic composition occupy a major part of the Andaman ophiolite suite (AOS). These basalts are well exposed all along the east coast of southern part of the south AOS. Although these basalts are altered due to low-grade metamorphism and late hydrothermal processes, their igneous textures are still preserved. These basalts are mostly either aphyric or phyric in nature. Aphyric type exhibits intersertal or variolitic textures, whereas phyric variety shows porphyritic or sub-ophitic textures. The content of alkalies and silica classify these basalts as sub-alkaline basalts and alkaline basalts. A few samples show basaltic andesite, trachy-basalt, or basanitic chemical composition. High-field strength element (HFSE) geochemistry suggests that studied basalt samples are probably derived from similar parental magmas. Al2O3/TiO2 and CaO/TiO2 ratios classify these basalts as high-Ti type basalt. On the basis of these ratios and many discriminant functions and diagrams, it is suggested that the studied basalts, associated with Andaman ophiolite suite, were derived from magma similar to N-MORB and emplaced in the mid-oceanic ridge tectonic setting.  相似文献   

Field studies supplemented by petrographic analyses clearly reveal complete preservation of ophiolite suite from Port Blair (11°39′N: 92°45′E) to Chiriyatapu (11°30′24″N: 92°42′30″E) stretch of South Andaman. The ophiolite suite reveals serpentinite at the base which is overlain unconformably by cumulate ultramafic-mafic members with discernible cumulus texture and igneous layering. Basaltic dykes are found to cut across the cumulate ultramafic-mafic members. The succession is capped by well exposed pillow basalts interlayered with arkosic sediments. Olivine from the basal serpentinite unit are highly magnesian (Fo80.1–86.2). All clinopyroxene analyses from cumulate pyroxenite, cumulate gabbro and basaltic dyke are discriminated to be ‘Quad’ and are uniformly restricted to the diopside field. Composition of plagioclase in different lithomembers is systematically varying from calcic to sodic endmembers progressively from cumulate pyroxenite to pillow basalt through cumulate gabbro and basaltic dyke. Plagioclase phenocrysts from basaltic dyke are found to be distinctly zoned (An60.7-An35.3) whereas groundmass plagioclase are relatively sodic (An33-An23.5). Deduced thermobarometric data from different lithomembers clearly correspond to the observed preservation of complete ophiolite suite.  相似文献   

Mageswaran  T.  Sachithanandam  V.  Sridhar  R.  Mahapatra  Manik  Purvaja  R.  Ramesh  R. 《Natural Hazards》2021,109(2):1717-1741
Natural Hazards - We report here a four decades of shoreline changes and possible sea level rise (SLR) impact on land use/land cover (LULC) in Little Andaman Island by using remote sensing (RS) and...  相似文献   

The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in the Daihai Area, North China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rb/Sr ratio, CaCO3 content, organic carbon (Corg) concentration, magnetic suscep-tibility and clay mineralogy of 4.0 m sediments samples recovered from Daihai Lake, northern China, are presented in the paper. Weathering and paleoclimatic change history during the last 2300 years is reconstructed in terms of the variations of Rb/Sr ratios in the sediment sequence, including the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period. Our results suggest that the evolution processes of weathering and paleoclimate can be rebuilt in terms of the variations of Rb/Sr ratios in the lake sediment sequence, in combination with magnetic susceptibility, Corg, CaCO3 contents and clay mineralogy.  相似文献   

The large tsunami, which was generated by an earthquake on 26 December 2004, affected most of the countries around the Indian Ocean. A total of 48 tsunamigenic surface sediments and nine core samples have been collected from various coastal geomorphological features such as beaches, estuaries/creeks and mangrove areas in the Andaman Islands. These samples were analysed for textural analysis and geochemical studies to evaluate effects of the tsunami on sediment contamination. The studied sediments, deposited by the 26 December 2004 tsunami in Andaman group of islands, belong to poorly sorted, coarse to medium sands. Generally the concentration of heavy metals in the tsunamigenic surface sediments is mainly in the order of Cu > Mn > Fe > Zn > Pb during the post-tsunami (2005) and Cu > Fe > Mn > Zn > Pb during the post-monsoon (2008). The analysed core samples show that tsunami sediments have been preserved at certain depths from the sampling locations and indicate that they were derived from shallow littoral to neritic depths. The approximate width of deposits deposited by the 26 December 2004 Tsunami in Diglipur and Mayabandar areas (North Andaman) is ~10 cm, in Rangat and Baratang (Middle Andaman) the thickness of the deposits is ~15 cm. In Chidiyatapu, Junglighat, Rutland Islands and Havelock Island (South Andaman) the thickness of the deposits is ~30, ~8, ~25 and ~5 cm, respectively, and in Hut Bay (Little Andaman) the thickness of the deposits is about ~15 cm.  相似文献   

Geoelectrical resistivity investigation using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) technique was conducted at Port Blair, South Andaman Island, to locate the fractures in different formations and to decipher its groundwater potential. A total of 40 VES were carried out covering the entire study area using Schlumberger electrode configuration out of which 34 VES fall in Andaman Flysch formations and the remaining VES in Ophiolite formations. The interpreted resistivity results were integrated with nine borehole lithologs for the subsurface analysis. The combination of VES with borehole litholog data has provided a close correspondence on subsurface hydrogeological conditions. The interpreted VES data of various formations showed drastic variations in the resistivity ranging from higher in Ophiolite, moderate in Andaman Flysch and very low in valleys of Andaman Flysch formations. The study further revealed that the weathered and fractured volcanics of Ophiolite groups of rocks and sandstone that occur in the Andaman Flysch formations constitute the productive water bearing zones categorized as good groundwater potential zone. Based on the geoelectrical parameters, viz., thickness of layers and the layer resistivity values, a groundwater potential map was prepared, in which good, moderate, and poor groundwater zones were demarcated. Further, numerical, spatial and litho-geoelectric models of resistivity were analyzed in terms of groundwater potential and these models have thus enabled to prepare a comprehensive groundwater development and management plans proving its efficacy in this art of exploratory investigations.  相似文献   

In this paper, sediment texture, clay mineral composition, and δ 18O data on Globigerinoides ruber of a sediment core collected from a water depth of 250 m near Landfall Island, Bay of Bengal, is presented to understand paleoenvironmental shifts during the Mid–Late Holocene period. From the sediment core, five organic carbon-rich samples were radiocarbon dated and the reservoir-corrected ages range from 6,078 to 1,658 years BP. The marine sediment core is represented dominantly by clayey silt with incursions of coarser components that occur around 6,000, 5,400, and 3,400 years BP. The sedimentation of the coarser detritus is due to strengthened southwest monsoon (SWM) since 6,500 to 5,400 years BP. Clay minerals are represented by smectite, illite, kaolinite, and chlorite in varying amounts. High kaolinite content and K/C ratio indicate intense SWM and strong bedrock weathering from the hinterland (~6,500–5,400 years BP). Incidence of smectite (48.82 to 25.09 %) and chlorite/illite (C/I) ratio (0.56 to 0.28) indicate an overall weakened southwest monsoon since 6,000 to 2,000 years BP with a brief incursion of extremely reduced SWM around 4,400 to 4,200 years BP. This is corroborated with the oxygen isotope on G. ruber that reveals a significant shift in the isotopic values ~4,300 years BP (?3.39?‰), indicating weakening in SWM. Subsequently, fluctuations in the intensity of SWM are observed since 2,000 years to present.  相似文献   

Black sands rich in chromian spinel commonly occur in pockets along the eastern shoreline of Andaman Island where various types of peridotites and volcanics belonging to the Andaman ophiolite suite are exposed in close vicinity. The chemistry of these detrital chromian spinels has been extensively used here in identifying the source rocks vis-à-vis deciphering the source characteristics. The composition of the chromian spinels (Cr#: 0.20–0.88, Mg#: 0.26–0.77, Al 2 O 3: 5.04–48.21 wt.%, TiO 2: up to 1.39 wt.% and Fe 2+/Fe 3+: 1.73–9.12) varies widely signifying multiple sources, of which mantle peridotites and volcanic rocks are relevant in an ophiolitic terrain. The volcanic chromian spinels are relatively fresh, commonly euhedral, sometimes with compositional variations, and contain inclusions in contrast to the mantle peridotitic chromian spinels which are rounded, extensively fractured, and altered. We used a number of geochemical bivariate plots in order to know the provenance protoliths. The volcanic chromian spinels show geochemical characters of MORB, related to spreading centers (either MOR or back-arc) and also boninites/arc-tholeiites, related to active subduction. On the other hand, the peridotitic spinels indicate partially depleted lherzolite and depleted harzburgite source of the ophiolite suite.  相似文献   

Waterlogging is a complex phenomenon, the severity of which depends on a number of natural as well as anthropogenic factors. The present study pertains to the evaluation of control exerted by various factors, viz geomorphology, relief, groundwater fluctuation, rainfall, catchment area and canal–road network density, on waterlogging in the north Bihar region of Gangetic Plains. Satellite images IRS P6 LISS III acquired in the years 2005 and 2006 were used to map temporal variability in surface waterlogging which revealed a reduction of 52 % in the waterlogging area during the pre-monsoon. The seasonal groundwater fluctuation was examined using 2005–2006 pre- and post-monsoon water level data. It clearly indicated that a large portion of the area was also under highly critical groundwater level occurring at a depth of less than 1 m belowground surface during the post-monsoon periods. The percentage of waterlogged area per square kilometer in each geomorphological unit clearly depicts that the Kosi megafan (Lower), because of a high density of paleochannels, comprises the highest post-monsoon waterlogged area. The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data were analyzed for the period 1998–2009 to examine the spatial variability of rainfall over the entire catchment during the monsoon period. The high incidence of post-monsoon surface waterlogging delineated through satellite data and high average rainfall (>1,100 mm) in the same area indicates a positive relationship between rainfall and surface waterlogging. Waterlogging is more prominent in the lower relief zones, but anomalous relative rise in waterlogging within 40–50 m of relief zone was attributed to anthropogenic factors primarily related to the development of canal network.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the origin of high fluoride in a regional alluvial aquifer system under water stress in the North Gujarat-Cambay (NGC) region in western India. This region is severely affected by endemic fluorosis due to ingestion of groundwater containing excessive fluoride. With an objective to understand factors controlling high fluoride concentration in groundwater of this region, 225 groundwater samples have been analysed for various chemical parameters. Samples were collected from different depth zones tapping shallow dug wells, geothermal springs, hand-pumps and tubewells, including free flowing artesian wells up to 450 m depth from the aquifers in the Quaternary alluvial formation covering most of the study area. No relation was found between fluoride concentration and depth of sampled groundwater. However, certain sub-aquifer zones have been identified within the Cambay Basin where groundwater contains relatively high fluoride concentration. In general, areas of high fluoride overlap areas with high electrical conductivity (EC). On the west flank of the Cambay Basin in the low lying belt linking Little Rann of Kachchh-Nalsarovar-Gulf of Khambhat (LRK-NS-GK), high fluoride and EC in shallow aquifers originate from evaporative enrichment. On the east flank of Cambay Basin, some high fluoride pockets are observed which are probably due to preferential dissolution of high fluoride bearing minerals. On this flank high fluoride is also associated with thermal springs. Within the Cambay Basin, alternating belts of low and high fluoride concentrations are ascribed to groundwater recharge during the past wet and arid climatic phases, respectively. This is based on groundwater radiocarbon age contours of ~20 ka overlapping the high fluoride belt.
Resumen Este artículo reporta sobre el origen de altas concentraciones de flúor en un sistema regional de acuíferos bajo presión hídrica en la región del norte de Gujarat-Cambay (NGC) del occidente de India. Esta región está afectada severamente por fluorosis endémica debido a la ingestión de agua subterránea que contiene exceso de flúor. Se tomaron 225 muestras de agua subterránea las cuales fueron analizadas por varios parámetros químicos con el objetivo de entender los factores que controlan las elevadas concentraciones de flúor en esta región. Las muestras se colectaron a diferentes profundidades en pozos someros, manantiales geotermales, pozos con bombas de mano, y pozos entubados incluyendo pozos artesianos de flujo libre de hasta 450 m de profundidad emplazados en los acuíferos de la formación aluvial Cuaternaria que cubre la mayor parte del área de estudio. No se encontró ninguna relación entre la concentración de flúor y la profundidad de las muestras de agua subterránea. Sin embargo, se identificaron dentro de la cuenca Cambay algunas zonas sub-acuíferas donde el agua subterránea contiene concentraciones relativamente altas de flúor. En general, las áreas con elevada concentración de flúor están sobrepuestas a áreas de alta conductividad eléctrica (CE). Sobre el flanco occidental de la cuenca Cambay, en la faja baja que une Little Rann con Kachchh-Nalsarovar-Golfo de Khamhat (LRK-NS-GK), las altas concentraciones de flúor y altas CE en acuíferos someros se derivan de enriquecimiento por evaporitas. Sobre el flanco oriental de la cuenca Cambay se observaron algunos cuerpos con alta concentración de flúor los cuales se deben probablemente a la disolución preferencial de minerales con alto contenido de flúor. En este flanco el alto contenido de flúor también se asocia con manantiales termales. Dentro de la cuenca Cambay existen fajas alternantes, con concentraciones altas y bajas de flúor, las cuales se atribuyen a recarga de agua subterránea durante las fases climáticas pasadas, húmedas y áridas, respectivamente. Este planteamiento se basa en contornos de edades de ~20 ka de radiocarbono que están sobrepuestos a la faja alta en flúor.

Résumé Cet article étudie lorigine des teneurs élevées en Fluorure dans un système aquifère alluvial régional, soumis à un stress hydrique dans le Nord Gujarat–région Cambay (NGC) à lOuest de lInde. Cette région est sévèrement affectée par une fluorose endémique, due à lingestion deau souterraine très riche en fluor. Avec pour objectif de comprendre les paramètres contrôlant les fortes teneurs en fluor, 225 échantillons deau souterraine ont été analysés sur différents paramètres. Les échantillons ont été pris à différentes profondeurs : puits de surface, sources géothermiques, pompes à main, forages artésiens jaillissant dont la profondeur avoisine les 450 m dans les formations alluviales quaternaire recouvrant la plus grande partie de la région étudiée. Il ny a pas de relation entre la profondeur et les teneurs en fluorure. Néanmoins, certaines zones sub-aquifères ont été identifiées dans le Basin de Cambay où leau souterraine présentait des concentrations relativement élevées en fluorure. En général les zones de hautes concentrations en fluorure recouvrent les zones à fortes conductivité électrique (abréviation en anglais: EC). Sur le flanc Ouest du bassin de Cambay dans le mince lit reliant Little Ran de Kachchh-Nalsarovar au golfe de Khambhat (LRK-NS-GK), les fortes teneurs en fluorure et les EC dans la nappe phréatique proviennent de lenrichissement par les évaporites. Sur le flanc Est du bassin, des poches de teneurs élevées en fluorures ont été observées, probablement dues à des dissolutions préférentielles de minéraux fluorés. Sur ce flanc des teneurs sont également associées à la présence de sources géothermales. Dans le bassin de Cambay, les alternances de couches lits à fortes teneurs et de lits à faibles teneurs sont expliquées par la recharge durant les périodes climatiques humides et les périodes climatiques plus sèches. Ceci est corroboré par les datations au radiocarbone (environ 20.000 an) au dessus du lit riche en fluorure.

River water composition (major ion and 87Sr/86Sr ratio) was monitored on a monthly basis over a period of three years from a mountainous river (Nethravati River) of southwestern India. The total dissolved solid (TDS) concentration is relatively low (46 mg L−1) with silica being the dominant contributor. The basin is characterised by lower dissolved Sr concentration (avg. 150 nmol L−1), with radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios (avg. 0.72041 at outlet). The composition of Sr and 87Sr/86Sr and their correlation with silicate derived cations in the river basin reveal that their dominant source is from the radiogenic silicate rock minerals. Their composition in the stream is controlled by a combination of physical and chemical weathering occurring in the basin. The molar ratio of SiO2/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio show strong seasonal variation in the river water, i.e., low SiO2/Ca ratio with radiogenic isotopes during non-monsoon and higher SiO2/Ca with less radiogenic isotopes during monsoon season. Whereas, the seasonal variation of Rb/Sr ratio in the stream water is not significant suggesting that change in the mineral phase being involved in the weathering reaction could be unlikely for the observed molar SiO2/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr isotope variation in river water. Therefore, the shift in the stream water chemical composition could be attributed to contribution of ground water which is in contact with the bedrock (weathering front) during non-monsoon and weathering of secondary soil minerals in the regolith layer during monsoon. The secondary soil mineral weathering leads to limited silicate cation and enhanced silica fluxes in the Nethravati river basin.  相似文献   

The 20 October 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake killed over a thousand people and caused extensive damage to property in the Garhwal Himalaya region. The body wave magnitude of the earthquake was 6.6, and the fault plane solution indicates reverse faulting. The hypocenrre was located at a focal depth of about 12 km between the Chail and Jutogh Thrusts, but movement propagated southward along the Jamak–Gangori Fault (JGF) and Dunda fault (DF) which are developed as blind faults related to the growing Uttarkashi antiform.  相似文献   


百年尺度冷、暖背景下不同区域年代际干湿变化的关系是历史气候变化领域的重大问题之一。本研究利用基于历史文献重建的中国华北干湿指数(Dry-wet index)和基于树轮年表重建的北美西南部帕默尔干旱指数(PDSI), 采用100年窗口的滑动相关分析, 计算了两地年代际干湿变化的相关关系, 对比了中世纪气候异常期(MCA)和小冰期(LIA)两地相关关系的差异, 并利用PMIP3和PMIP4共11个模式的过去千年气候变化模拟数据, 诊断了其成因。研究发现: 1)代用资料展示出MCA期间中国华北与北美西南部年代际干湿变化为正相关(r=0.32, p < 0.05), LIA期间则为负相关(r=-0.27, p < 0.05); 2)GISS-E2-R模式基本再现了代用资料揭示的工业革命前两地干湿变化相关关系的变化特征, 尤其是MCA和LIA的差异; 3)MCA期间, 中国华北与北美西南部年代际干湿变化正相关主要是因两地水汽条件同时匮乏所致, 这可能是源于负位相太平洋-北美(PNA)遥相关的影响; LIA期间, 中国华北与北美西南部年代际干湿变化负相关主要是因中国华北水汽匮乏, 而北美西南部水汽充沛所致, 这可能是源于负位相北太平洋涛动(NPO)遥相关的影响。上述结果为深入辨识百年尺度冷、暖背景下中国华北与北美西南部年代际干湿变化之间的关系提供了新证据, 为预估未来全球升温情景下中国或北美年代际干湿特征提供预警信号。


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