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菲律宾海板块(Philippine Sea Plate,PSP)与南海(South China Sea,SCS)处于欧亚板块、太平洋板块和澳大利亚板块的交汇区域,其构造演化对东南亚、西太平洋乃至全球板块构造重建具有重要意义.虽然PSP和SCS的构造演化模型已经分别建立,但二者之间的协同演化关系还不明确.本文综述了PSP和SCS的古地磁数据、海底磁异常条带资料,并结合地震层析成像以及其他地质结果的约束,对二者的演化关系进行了探讨.PSP四国盆地与SCS在渐新世开始时,受控于统一的地球动力学系统,两者具有地质意义上的亲缘性.早中新世,澳大利亚板块与东南亚地块碰撞,致使PSP发生旋转,四国盆地开始与SCS发生分离,并逐渐向北运动和顺时针旋转,直至演化至现今位置.本文最后提出了这种协同构造演化模式有待解决的问题以及未来的研究展望.


Toshihiro  Ike  Gregory F.  Moore  Shin'ichi  Kuramoto  Jin-Oh  Park  Yoshiyuki  Kaneda  Asahiko  Taira 《Island Arc》2008,17(3):342-357
Abstract   We documented regional and local variations in basement relief, sediment thickness, and sediment type in the Shikoku Basin, northern Philippine Sea Plate, which is subducting at the Nankai Trough. Seismic reflection data, tied with ocean drilling program drill cores, reveal that variations in the incoming sediment sequences are correlated with basement topography. We mapped the three-dimensional seismic facies distribution and measured representative seismic sequences and units. Trench-parallel seismic profiles show three regional provinces in the Shikoku Basin that are distinguished by the magnitude of basement relief and sediment thickness: Western (<200–400 m basement relief, >600 m sediment thickness), Central (>1500 m relief, ∼2000 m sediments), and Eastern (<600 m relief, ∼1200 m sediments) provinces. The total thickness of sediment in basement lows is as much as six times greater than that over basement highs. Turbidite sedimentation in the Shikoku Basin reflects basement control on deposition, leading to the local presence or absence of turbidite units deposited during the middle Oligocene to the middle Miocene. During the first phase of sedimentation, most basement lows were filled with turbidites, resulting in smooth seafloor morphology that does not reflect basement relief. A second phase of turbidite deposition in the Eastern Province was accompanied by significant amounts of hemipelagic sediments interbedded with turbidite layers compared to the other provinces because of its close proximity to the Izu–Bonin Island Arc. Both regional and local variations in basement topography and sediment thickness/type have caused lateral heterogeneities on the underthrusting plate that will, in turn, influence lateral fluid flow along the Nankai accretionary prism.  相似文献   

用菲律宾海板块上7个站ITRF2000的速度建立了菲律宾海板块的整体旋转线性应变模型. 结果认为菲律宾海板块的现今运动是顺时针方向旋转,与NNR_NUVEL_1A估计的旋转方向一致,但与NNR_NUVE_1A估计的旋转极位置和旋转角速度有较大差别. 本文模型与Sella等建立的刚体运动模型相比能更精确地描述菲律宾海板块的现今构造运动与板内形变. 菲律宾海板块内部存在强烈的形变-应变场. 在板块上存在一致的向东形变,形变速率在中央构造线附近小,东、西边界附近大,南、北两端小,中部大,在Mariana弧上向东的形变速率达到48.4 mm/a. 板块上南北方向的形变,东、西部存在明显差别,东部的南北向形变速率很小,西部在Manila海沟附近南北向形变速率较大,北端向北的形变速率为11.3 mm/a,南端向南的形变速率为29.3 mm/a. 板块的中央构造线把板块的主应变场分为东、西两个区. 东区存在非常强烈的张应变,压应变则很弱. 主张应变为近东西方向,从中央构造线向东主张与主压应变率逐渐增加,板块东南边界附近(148°E,15°N)主张应变率最大为8.58×10-8/a. 在西区,存在很强的主压应变而主张应变则较弱,主压应变为NW-SE方向,主压与主张应变率呈现从中央构造向西逐渐增加的特征,在板块西北边界(122°E,23°N)附近,主压应变率最大为5.71×10-8/a. 菲律宾海板块主应变场的空间变化与板块内部及周围的构造背景密切相关,是构造应力场的反映.  相似文献   

从阪神大震灾看地震保险   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
前言1995年1月17日发生的兵库县南部地震(阪神、淡路大震灾),神户等地记录的烈度为7度,死亡、下落不明者6427人,受伤者43772人,住宅全毁约11万栋,半毁约15万栋(截止1996年12月26日自治省消防厅的统计),是战后日本最大的地震灾害。...  相似文献   

—Tectonic studies of the great 1964 Alaska earthquake have underappreciated the nature of the subducted plate in influencing seismicity. We compare seismological observations in the Prince William and Kodiak areas that ruptured during this earthquake with the corresponding morphology and structure of the subducting plate. The upper plate geology (Prince William Terrane) and velocity structure are the same in both areas. In the Prince William area where the Yakutat Terrane subducted, the energy released and coupling were stronger than above the Kodiak subduction zone where thick trench sediment subducts. The conjecture that lower plate character or the amount of subducted sediment affects coupling helps explain variability in seismology, geodetic inversions and the horizontal velocity of GPS stations.  相似文献   

Abstract   Hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts are widespread on the floor of the northwestern Pacific Ocean, south and east of the Japanese Islands, despite vigorous tectonic activity, such as subduction and back-arc spreading, since at least the Mid-Paleogene over the Philippine Sea Plate region and nearby. The crusts occur mainly at water depths shallower than 3000 m, but also at greater depths of up to 6000 m. Fine-scale 10Be/9Be dating was undertaken on several 5–10 cm thick hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts sampled from different geological environments, including inactive submarine volcanoes, tectonic escarpments and abandoned rifts. The results indicate that the crusts have grown at relatively constant rates of 4–7 mm/my without any significant time breaks. These uniform and constant growth rates suggest that the basins have been exposed constantly to oxygenated bottom waters since their formation in the Middle Miocene ( ca 15 Ma) or earlier. Local geological or oceanographic environmental changes might have slowed or increased some of the growth rates resulting in correlation of some internal structures. The Philippine Sea Plate region could have economic potential in areas of thick hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts over a wide range of water depths.  相似文献   

—The 1994 great Kuril earthquake generated an unusual tsunami that was observed at five tide gauges on the Hokkaido coast of the Okhotsk Sea. The tsunami arrived at tide gauges considerably earlier than the expected time, calculated on the assumption that the tsunami source area coincides with the aftershock area. Numerical simulation of the tsunami shows that the first wave of the tsunami in the Okhotsk Sea was generated by the significant subsidence north of the Kuril Islands. It is assumed that this subsidence is due to the earthquake. The coseismic deformation area of the ocean bottom extended over a vastly larger area than the aftershock area or the rupture area for the Kuril earthquake. The numerical simulation also shows that the tsunami observed at Utoro during the first hour after the origin time of the earthquake was mainly generated by the horizontal movement of the sloping ocean bottom near the Shiretoko Peninsula.  相似文献   

使用纵波震相及同台同源纵波和横波震相的走时资料及层析成像反演方法,分别给出了菲律宾海板块(PHP)和南海地区的纵波速度Vpf及同台同源的纵波和横波速度Vp和Vs结构. 结果表明,(1) PHP与欧亚板块(EUAP)的俯冲接触关系随地段而异,在琉球海沟,PHP向EUAP之下俯冲深达400 km;在台湾岛,EUAP先近陡直地俯冲到深度400 km,然后折向PHP之下达到660 km左右;在马尼拉海沟北段,俯冲板片几乎垂直达到660 km附近;在菲律宾海沟,PHP向EUAP之下的俯冲深度超过660 km.(2)南海地区之下是一个深达300~400 km的宽阔低速区,并且大致在莺琼海盆与700 km深处另一低速区曲折相通;在该宽阔低速区内部,有两个小而明显的低速区分别在海口火山和珠江口盆地下方.(3)对Vp和Vs及据其算出的容声速度Vb作分析发现,Vs和Vb的平均扰动量对深度的变化在一些深度范围内是反向的;年龄较大的太平洋板块俯冲体的Vs相对扰动量的平均值大于Vb的,而在较年轻的PHP俯冲体中则正好相反.  相似文献   

根据美国西北大学地质科学系Seth Stein和Emile Okal最近在全球地震联合会(IRIS)网站公布的计算结果,2004年12月26日印度尼西亚苏门达腊地震震级为Mw9.3,使该地震成为有地震仪器观测史以来的排列第2的大地震(排列第一的是1960年智利MW9.5地震)。  相似文献   

The meanders of a baroclinic coastal current in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea have already been reported in the literature. These meanders can be surrounded by vortices. Such vortices have been observed in the western part of the Gulf of Lions but the location and the mechanism of their formation are poorly documented. In this paper, we use the current measurements of a one-year experiment, which was conducted in the eastern part of the Gulf of Lions to detect and characterize the vortex activity. A vortex detection algorithm based on few velocity data was developed. Current measurements were available at the sea surface (HF radars) and in the water column from 50 to 140 m depth (four current meter moorings). SST images and hydrologic data were also used. Results focus on observations that are coherent 50 m and at the surface. Vortices are anticyclonic, of submesoscale size and present maximal velocities of 30–50 cm/s. The drift speed of the vortices is comparable to but less than the velocity of the Northern Current. These observations enable to estimate the minimum vortex occurrence in this area. The presence of vortex structures is strongly correlated with a specific sequence of wind patterns.  相似文献   

统计分析了1962~2016年菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块挤压带俯冲带强地震活动与地球自转角加速度变化间的关系。结果显示,研究时段菲律宾海板块西边缘带的25次强地震活动(MS≥7.5)有21次都发生在地球自转角加速度上升期,表明该地区强地震活动与地球自转角加速度之间存在相关性,最后讨论了这种相关性可能的力学机理。  相似文献   

1998年9月3日16时55分 20多分前刚完结的由網张温泉至石市街的水准路线的测量结果表明,距上次7月末测量不到40天的时间里,岩手山相对于石市街隆起了约10 mm,与预想的一样,观测到了伴随火山活动的山体膨胀.  相似文献   

We investigated the upper mantle anelastic structure beneath the northern Philippine Sea region, including the Izu-Bonin subduction zone and the Shikoku Basin. We used regional waveform data from 69 events in the Pacific and the Philippine Sea slabs, recorded on F-net and J-array network broadband stations in western Japan. Using the S–P phase pair method, we obtained differential attenuation factors, δt*, which represent the relative whole path Q. We conducted a tomographic inversion using 978 δt* values to invert for a fine-scale (50–100 km) three-dimensional anelastic structure.

The results shows two high-Q regions (QP>1000) which are consistent with the locations of the Pacific and the Philippine Sea slabs. Also there is a low-Q (QP110) area extending to the deeper parts (350–400 km) of the model just beneath the old spreading center and the Kinan Seamount Chain in the Shikoku Basin. A small depth dependence of the laterally averaged QP was found, with values of 266 (0–250 km), 301 (250–400 km), and 413 (400–500 km).  相似文献   

We investigate the seismic structure of the western Philippine Sea using two sets of seismological observations: ScS reverberations, which provide the layering framework for a regional upper mantle model, and observations of frequency-dependent phase delays for direct S waves, surface-reflected phases (sS, SS, sSS), and surface waves (R1, G1), which constrain the velocity and anisotropy structure within the layers. The combined data set, comprising 17 discontinuity amplitudes and layer travel times from the ScS-reverberation stack and more than 1000 frequency-dependent phase delays, was inverted for a path-averaged, radially anisotropic model. Mineralogical estimates of the bulk sound velocity and density are incorporated as complementary constraints. The final model, PHB3, is characterized by a 11.5-km thick crust, an anisotropic lid bounded by a sharp negative G discontinuity at 89 km, an anisotropic low-velocity layer extending to 166 km, a subjacent high-gradient region, and transition-zone discontinuities at depths of 408 km, 520 km and 664 km. The lid is slower than in a comparable model for the Tonga–Hawaii corridor (PA5), but also significantly thicker, requiring a compositional variation between the two regions. We explore the hypothesis that the thickness of the oceanic lid is controlled by the melting depth at the spreading centers during crust formation, and that the thicker crust and lid in the Philippine Sea results from deeper melting owing to a higher potential temperature and perhaps a higher water content in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Euler vectors of 12 plates, including Philippine Sea plate (PH), relative to a randomly fixed Pacific plate(PA) were determined by inverting the 1122 data from NUVEL-1 global plate motion model, earthquake slip vectors along Philippine Sea plate boundary, and GPS observed velocities. Euler vectors of Philippine Sea plate relative to adjacent plates are also gained. Our results are well consistent with observed data and can satisfy the geological and geophysical constraints along the Caroline(CR)-PH and PA-CR boundaries. Deformation of Philippine Sea plate is also discussed by using the plate motion Euler parameters.  相似文献   

The Parece Vela Basin is a back-arc basin. It is approximately 5000 m deep and is divided into two topographic provinces by the north-trending Parece Vela Rift. The western province is thinly sedimented and topographically rough. The eastern province is blanketed by a thick apron of volcaniclastic sediments which were derived from the West Mariana Ridge. The Parece Vela Rift is composed of a series of discrete deeps and troughs with depths commonly of 6 km and locally exceeding 7 km.Petrologic and seismic refraction data indicate that the Parece Vela Basin is of oceanic character.Low-amplitude, nort-trending, lineated magnetic anomalies are present in the basin and appear symmetric about a line near the Parece Vela Rift. In the central latitudes of the basin seafloor spreading anomalies 10 (30 m.y. B.P.) to 5E or 5D (18 or 17 m.y. B.P.) can be identified. The uncertainty in identifying the youngest anomaly may be due to ridge jumps near the end of spreading. Spreading may have started slightly later in the northern end of the basin. Anomalies in the eastern province are disrupted and are difficult to correlate. DSDP results indicate post-spreading volcanism on the eastern side of the basin and this may have degraded the anomalies. The age obtained in the western province of the basin at DSDP Site 449 (~25m.y. B.P.) is in close agreement with that obtained from the magnetic data (~26m.y. B.P.).It is hypothesized that subduction was occurring at a west-dipping subduction zone east of the Palau-Kyushu Ridge in the Early Oligocene. This volcanic arc split about 31 or 32 m.y. ago and interarc spreading was initiated between the Palau-Kyushu Ridge (which then became a remnant arc) and the West Mariana Ridge. The Parece Vela Basin formed between the ridges by two-limb seafloor spreading. Spreading stopped about 17 or 18 m.y. ago.Like certain other marginal basins, the Parece Vela Basin is deeper than predicted from depth vs. age curves. The average heat flow for the Parece Vela Basin is in agreement with that predicted from heat flow vs. age curves.The origin of the Parece Vela Rift is unclear. It may represent the extinct spreading center or may be a postspreading feature.  相似文献   

主要使用了USGS全球地震查寻结果,对比研究了本世纪至今印尼苏门答腊地震的构造背景、巨大地震及其余震的活动特征,其主要结果如下:①巨大板块地震很少在原地重复发生.有迁移性和明显的填空特征;2000年之前的四次巨大地震具有明显向北迁移的特征,2000年之后三次巨大地震具有明显向南迁移和填空的特征;②2000年8.3级地震余震区南段存在约170 km的5级空段;③2004年9.0级地震余震填充了在巽他海沟东侧长约1 000 km的8级空段,其余震区南段存在约200 km的5级空段,沿板块边界形成的余震带具有明显向北迁移的特征;④2005年8.7级地震发生在2004年9.0级地震的200 km的余震空段上,余震分布不但填充了2000年8.3级地震170 km余震区5级空段,而且其余震区南段还存在约200 km和300 km的2个5级空段;⑤2007年8.5级地震发生在2005年8.7级地震约300 km余震空段的最南端,其7.9级最大余震发生在2005年8.7级地震约300km余震空段的最北端,使约300km余震空段的能量得到了充分释放;⑥2005年8.7级地震约200km余震区5级空段内的能量有可能还未得到释放,该地区是否还会发生一次巨大地震,还有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

1980年以来,青藏块体东北缘多数中强地震前存在小震增强现象,但是,利用此现象对未来中强地震的预测较难,对此,结合青藏块体东北缘小震活动特征,尝试提出根据小震活动空间格局的改变统计小震频度的新方法,研究中强地震前的小震频度异常,并且进行了初步应用.  相似文献   

A preliminary report on the Great Wenchuan Earthquake   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
The May 12, 2008 Great Wenchuan Earthquake has resulted in more than 68,858 deaths and losses in the hundreds of billions RMB as of May 30, 2008, and these numbers will undoubtedly increase as more information becomes available on the extent of the event. Immediately after the earthquake, the China Earthquake Administration (CEA) responded quickly by sending teams of experts to the affected region, eventually including over 60 staff members from the Institute of Engineering Mechanics (IEM). This paper reports preliminary information that has been gathered in the first 18 days after the event, covering seismicity, search and rescue efforts, observed ground motions, and damage and loss estimates. The extensive field investigation has revealed a number of valuable findings that could be useful in improving research in earthquake engineering in the future. Once again, this earthquake has shown that the vertical component of ground motion is as significant as horizontal ground motions in the near-source area. Finally, note that as more information is gathered, the numbers reported in this paper will need to be adjusted accordingly.  相似文献   

地震发生的极限时间   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
刘正荣 《地震研究》2002,25(2):95-99
指出了成组出现的地震一般所遵从的规律,并以实例形式计算了中国历史上几次巨大地震,1996-1976年间各大地震间所满足的关系,并以越南来州地震为例说明了以较小地震报大震的方法。  相似文献   

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