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Previous studies of the wander of the rotation pole associated with the Late Pleistocene glacial cycles indicate that the predicted polar wander speed is sensitive to the density jump at the 670 km discontinuity, the thickness of the elastic lithosphere, and the lower mantle viscosity. In particular, the M1 mode related to the density jump at 670 km depth has been shown to contribute a dominant portion of predicted polar wander speed for sufficiently small lower mantle viscosities. In this study, we examine the sensitivity of polar wander to variations in the viscosity of the viscoelastic lithosphere using simplified compressible Maxwell viscoelastic earth models. Model calculations for earth models with a viscoelastic lithosphere of finite viscosity indicate that the contribution of the M1 mode is similar to those associated with the density discontinuity at the core–mantle boundary (C0 mode) and the lithosphere (L0 mode). We speculate that this is due to the interaction between the M1 mode and the transient mode associated with the viscoelastic lithosphere, which reduces the magnitude of polar wander rates. Therefore, the M1 mode does not contribute a dominant portion of the predicted polar wander speed for earth models with a viscoelastic lithosphere of finite viscosity. In this case, predictions of polar wander speed as a function of lower mantle viscosity exhibit the qualitative form of an 'inverted parabola', as predicted for the J ˙2 curve. We caution, however, that these results are obtained for simplified earth models, and the results for seismological earth models such as PREM may be complicated by the interaction between the M1 mode and the large set of transient modes.  相似文献   

The conductivity structure of the Earth's mantle was estimated using the induction method down to 2100  km depth for the Europe–Asia region. For this purpose, the responses obtained at seven geomagnetic observatories (IRT, KIV, MOS, NVS, HLP, WIT and NGK) were analysed, together with reliable published results for 11  yr variations. 1-D spherical modelling has shown that, beneath the mid-mantle conductive layer (600–800  km), the conductivity increases slowly from about 1  S  m−1 at 1000  km depth to 10  S  m−1 at 1900  km, while further down (1900–2100  km) this increase is faster. Published models of the lower mantle conductivity obtained using the secular, 30–60  yr variations were also considered, in order to estimate the conductivity at depths down to the core. The new regional model of the lower mantle conductivity does not contradict most modern geoelectrical sounding results. This model supports the idea that the mantle base, situated below 2100  km depth, has a very high conductivity.  相似文献   

The dynamical flattening of the Earth, as observed by geodetic techniques, is different by about 1 per cent from the value associated with the PREM density profile with hydrostatic equilibrium. In this paper, we compute a new dynamical flattening H induced by PREM mean density with hydrostatic equilibrium, to which we add lateral heterogeneities associated with (1) seismic velocity variations observed by tomography and (2) internal boundary topographies. First, we compute mantle circulation associated with the density anomalies derived from a tomography model. The flow-induced boundary deformations are then converted into additional mass anomalies which are added to the tomography model for computing the associated perturbation to the Earth's inertia tensor. Finally, we show that it is possible to obtain a dynamical flattening from the total inertia tensor (i.e. the sum of the PREM inertia tensor and of the perturbation) in agreement with that observed.  相似文献   

For two decades leading to the late 1980s, the prevailing view from studies of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) data was that the viscosity of the Earth's mantle increased moderately, if at all, from the base of the lithosphere to the core–mantle boundary. This view was first questioned by Nakada & Lambeck , who argued that differential sea-level (DSL) highstands between pairs of sites in the Australian region preferred an increase of approximately two orders of magnitude from the mean viscosity of the upper to the lower mantle, in accord with independent inferences from observables related to mantle convection. We use non-linear Bayesian inference to provide the first formal resolving power analysis of the Australian DSL data set. We identify three radial regions, two within the upper mantle (110–270 km and 320–570 km depth) and one in the lower mantle (1225–2265 km depth), over which the average of viscosity is well constrained by the data. We conclude that: (1) the DSL data provide a resolution in the inference of upper mantle viscosity that is better than implied by forward analyses based on isoviscous regions above and below the 670 km depth discontinuity and (2) the data do not strongly constrain viscosity at either the base or top of the lower mantle. Finally, our inversions also quantify the significant bias that may be introduced in inversions of the DSL highstands that do not simultaneously estimate the thickness of the elastic lithosphere.  相似文献   

Observations of ice movements across the British Isles and of sea-level changes around the shorelines during Late Devensian time (after about 25 000 yr BP) have been used to establish a high spatial and temporal resolution model for the rebound of Great Britain and associated sea-level change. The sea-level observations include sites within the margins of the former ice sheet as well as observations outside the glaciated regions such that it has been possible to separate unknown earth model parameters from some ice-sheet model parameters in the inversion of the glacio-hydro-isostatic equations. The mantle viscosity profile is approximated by a number of radially symmetric layers representing the lithosphere, the upper mantle as two layers from the base of the lithosphere to the phase transition boundary at 400 km, the transition zone down to 670 km depth, and the lower mantle. No evidence is found to support a strong layering in viscosity above 670 km other than the high-viscosity lithospheric layer. Models with a low-viscosity zone in the upper mantle or models with a marked higher viscosity in the transition zone are less satisfactory than models in which the viscosity is constant from the base of the lithosphere to the 670 km boundary. In contrast, a marked increase in viscosity is required across this latter boundary. The optimum effective parameters for the mantle beneath Great Britain are: a lithospheric thickness of about 65 km, a mantle viscosity above 670 km of about (4-5) 1020 Pa s, and a viscosity below 670 km greater than 4 × 1021 Pa s.  相似文献   

Long-period data of the Global Digital Seismograph Network (GDSN) recorded over the three-year period from 1984 to 1986 were studied for the occurrence of S-P and P-S conversions from the upper mantle transition zone that appear as precursors to teleseismic S arrivals. Conversions of this type were identified on a large number of single-station records. Simple stacking of many records enhanced the appearance of converted phases and demonstrated that no major lateral variations in the nature of the transition zone exist between various tectonic regions. S-P and P-S conversions from the 400 km discontinuity were best observed at distances between 70 and 85 while conversions from the 670 km discontinuity showed up best at distances beyond 87. The analysis of published source mechanisms and comparison with synthetic seismograms suggests that the appearance of converted phases is primarily governed by the earthquake radiation pattern. Phases that have undergone S-P conversions beneath the receiver are best observed from dip-slip events that radiate strong SV - and weak P -waves towards the station. P-S conversions beneath the source area, on the other hand, are frequently observed from events that radiate strong P and little SV energy towards the station, and also from some strike-slip events. Comparison of observed with synthetic seismograms suggests that the PREM model of Dziewonski & Anderson (1981) explains most of the observations. Observed S-P and P-S conversions from the 670 km discontinuity, however, often have larger amplitudes than in the synthetics. Constructive interference of converted waves with the P -wave coda, source radiation effects and a velocity contrast across the 670 km discontinuity which is higher than in PREM may all contribute to the discrepancy.  相似文献   

Inference of mantle viscosity from GRACE and relative sea level data   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite observations of secular changes in gravity near Hudson Bay, and geological measurements of relative sea level (RSL) changes over the last 10 000 yr in the same region, are used in a Monte Carlo inversion to infer-mantle viscosity structure. The GRACE secular change in gravity shows a significant positive anomaly over a broad region (>3000 km) near Hudson Bay with a maximum of ∼2.5 μGal yr−1 slightly west of Hudson Bay. The pattern of this anomaly is remarkably consistent with that predicted for postglacial rebound using the ICE-5G deglaciation history, strongly suggesting a postglacial rebound origin for the gravity change. We find that the GRACE and RSL data are insensitive to mantle viscosity below 1800 km depth, a conclusion similar to that from previous studies that used only RSL data. For a mantle with homogeneous viscosity, the GRACE and RSL data require a viscosity between  1.4 × 1021  and  2.3 × 1021  Pa s. An inversion for two mantle viscosity layers separated at a depth of 670 km, shows an ensemble of viscosity structures compatible with the data. While the lowest misfit occurs for upper- and lower-mantle viscosities of  5.3 × 1020  and  2.3 × 1021  Pa s, respectively, a weaker upper mantle may be compensated by a stronger lower mantle, such that there exist other models that also provide a reasonable fit to the data. We find that the GRACE and RSL data used in this study cannot resolve more than two layers in the upper 1800 km of the mantle.  相似文献   

On the density distribution within the Earth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of density as a function of position within the Earth is much less well constrained than the seismic velocities. The primary information comes from the mass and moment of inertia of the Earth and this information alone requires that there be a concentration of mass towards the centre of the globe. Additional information is to be found in the frequencies of the graver normal modes of the Earth which are sensitive to density through self-gravitation effects induced in deformation.
  The present generation of density models has been constructed using linearized inversion techniques from earlier models, which ultimately relate back to models developed by Bullen and based in large part on physical arguments. A number of experiments in non-linear inversion have been conducted using the PREM reference model, with fixed velocity and attenuation, but with the density model constrained to lie within fixed bounds on both density and density gradient. A set of models is constructed from a uniform probability density within the bound and slope constraints. Each of the resultant density models is tested against the mass and moment of inertia of the Earth, and for successful models a comparison is made with observed normal mode frequencies. From the misfit properties of the ensemble of models the robustness of the density profile in different portions of the Earth can be assessed, which can help with the design of parametrization for future reference models. In both the lower mantle and the outer core it would be desirable to allow a more flexible representation than the single cubic polynomial employed in PREM.  相似文献   

A 3-D density model was created for the Central Balkans area down to a depth of 670  km on the basis of seismic (both artificial sources and earthquakes) and gravity data. This model is based on density columns constructed for the main geological units of the study region. The densities for these columns were obtained using the density variation method. This method makes it possible to extrapolate the density distribution from the well-studied uppermost layers to the deeper levels of the Earth. The constructed 3-D density model was interpreted in relation to the available data on the heat flow and the seismicity of the region. The subdivision of the region by the Maritza fault into two parts—the southern part including the Rhodope massif and the northern part including the structures of Alpine activation of Srednogorie and the Balkanides—was confirmed. The upraised position of the 400  km boundary within the upper mantle, which was established from the density modelling, is assumed to be a sign of development of recent geodynamical processes over the Srednogorie block. From the viewpoint of seismicity prediction, a finding of mantle inhomogeneities orthogonal to the Maritza suture is of great importance.  相似文献   

We present a 3-D radially anisotropic S velocity model of the whole mantle (SAW642AN), obtained using a large three component surface and body waveform data set and an iterative inversion for structure and source parameters based on Non-linear Asymptotic Coupling Theory (NACT). The model is parametrized in level 4 spherical splines, which have a spacing of ∼ 8°. The model shows a link between mantle flow and anisotropy in a variety of depth ranges. In the uppermost mantle, we confirm observations of regions with   VSH > VSV   starting at ∼80 km under oceanic regions and ∼200 km under stable continental lithosphere, suggesting horizontal flow beneath the lithosphere. We also observe a   VSV > VSH   signature at ∼150–300 km depth beneath major ridge systems with amplitude correlated with spreading rate for fast-spreading segments. In the transition zone (400–700 km depth), regions of subducted slab material are associated with   VSV > VSH   , while the ridge signal decreases. While the mid-mantle has lower amplitude anisotropy (<1 per cent), we also confirm the observation of radially symmetric   VSH > VSV   in the lowermost 300 km, which appears to be a robust conclusion, despite an error in our previous paper which has been corrected here. The 3-D deviations from this signature are associated with the large-scale low-velocity superplumes under the central Pacific and Africa, suggesting that   VSH > VSV   is generated in the predominant horizontal flow of a mechanical boundary layer, with a change in signature related to transition to upwelling at the superplumes.  相似文献   

Speculations on the Thermal and Tectonic History of the Earth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary. The connection between the Earth's thermal history and convection in the mantle is exploited to elucidate the early evolution of the Earth. It appears probable that convection extending over almost all of the mantle has dominated vertical heat transport throughout the whole of the Earth's history. Only in boundary layers at the surface and at a depth of 650–700 km is conduction likely to be important. The resulting evolution appears to be consistent with geological observations on early Precambrian rocks.
Various arguments are put forward in favour of two horizontal scales of convective flow in the mantle at depths less than 650 km. The large scale flow is related to the motion of major plates, and must be ordered over distances of more than 5000 km. Its evolution and energetics are discussed and there are no obvious problems in maintaining the proposed convective motions. Small scale flow with an extent of the order of 500 km appears necessary both to explain the heat flow through older parts of the Earth's surface and to reconcile the geophysical observations with the results of numerical experiments. Though the existence of the small scale flow is at present speculative, various tests of its presence are proposed.  相似文献   

The 2004 M = 9.2 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake profoundly altered the state of stress in a large volume surrounding the ∼1400 km long rupture. Induced mantle flow fields and coupled surface deformation are sensitive to the 3-D rheology structure. To predict the post-seismic motions from this earthquake, relaxation of a 3-D spherical viscoelastic earth model is simulated using the theory of coupled normal modes. The quasi-static deformation basis set and solution on the 3-D model is constructed using: a spherically stratified viscoelastic earth model with a linear stress–strain relation; an aspherical perturbation in viscoelastic structure; a 'static' mode basis set consisting of Earth's spheroidal and toroidal free oscillations; a "viscoelastic" mode basis set; and interaction kernels that describe the coupling among viscoelastic and static modes. Application to the 2004 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake illustrates the profound modification of the post-seismic flow field at depth by a slab structure and similarly large effects on the near-field post-seismic deformation field at Earth's surface. Comparison with post-seismic GPS observations illustrates the extent to which viscoelastic relaxation contributes to the regional post-seismic deformation.  相似文献   

Signature of remnant slabs in the North Pacific from P-wave tomography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 3-D ray-tracing technique was used in a global tomographic inversion in order to obtain tomographic images of the North Pacific. The data reported by the Geophysical Survey of Russia (1955–1997) were used together with the catalogues of the International Seismological Center (1964–1991) and the US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center (1991–1998), and the recompiled catalogue was reprocessed. The final data set, used for following the inversion, contained 523 430 summary ray paths. The whole of the Earth's mantle was parametrized by cells of 2° × 2° and 19 layers. The large and sparse system of observation equations was solved using an iterative LSQR algorithm.
A subhorizontal high-velocity anomaly is revealed just above the 660 km discontinuity beneath the Aleutian subduction zone. This high-velocity feature is observed at latitudes of up to ~70°N and is interpreted as a remnant of the subducted Kula plate, which disappeared through ridge subduction at about 48 Ma. A further positive velocity perturbation feature can be identified beneath the Chukotka peninsula and Okhotsk Sea, extending from ~300 to ~660 km depth and then either extending further down to ~800 km (Chukotka) or deflecting along the 660 km discontinuity (Okhotsk Sea). This high-velocity anomaly is interpreted as a remnant slab of the Okhotsk plate accreted to Siberia at ~55 Ma.  相似文献   

Summary. Eight different Earth models have been set up, all with the property that the density p varies continuously from just below the crust to the centre. The distributions of the pressure p , gravity g , incompressibility k and rigidity are also given; and values of a parameter equal to (k/p)dp/dp , indicate the deviations from (chemical) homogeneity in the lower mantle and outer core. The models are designed to provide a numerical background towards testing the view that there is no density jump between the Earth's mantle and core.
A discussion shows that this view is difficult to reconcile with a homogeneous core unless an implausibly low value is assumed for the density just below the crust.  相似文献   

Most previous earth models used to calculate viscoelastic relaxation after the removal of the Late Pleistocene ice loads implicitly assume that there is no exchange of mass across the mantle density discontinuities on periods of tens of thousands of years (the material boundary formulation). In the present study, simple incompressible models are used to determine the Earth's behaviour in the case where the density discontinuity remains at a constant pressure rather than deforming with the material (the isobaric boundary formulation). The calculation of the movement of the boundary is more rigorous than in earlier studies and uses the local incremental pressure calculated at the depth of the boundary and allows for the vertical deformation caused by the change in volume as material changes phase. It is shown that the buoyancy modes associated with the density discontinuities decrease in strength and increase in relaxation time analogous to what results when the density contrast is reduced. Also, two viscoelastic modes arise from an isobaric boundary, which is also predicted when there is a contrast in rigidity or viscosity across a material boundary. The difference in predicted radial deformation between the isobaric boundary model and the material boundary model is largest for long-wavelength loads for which the material incremental pressure at depth is largest. If the isobaric boundary model is appropriate for the treatment of the mineral phase changes in the mantle on glacial rebound timescales, then previous inferences of the deep-mantle to shallow-mantle viscosity ratio based on large-scale deformation (spherical harmonic degree < 10) of the Earth and including data from the early part of the glacio-isostatic uplift are too small.  相似文献   

The Canary Islands swell: a coherence analysis of bathymetry and gravity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Canary Archipelago is an intraplate volcanic chain, located near the West African continental margin, emplaced on old oceanic lithosphere of Jurassic age, with an extended volcanic activity since Middle Miocene. The adjacent seafloor does not show the broad oceanic swell usually observed in hotspot-generated oceanic islands. However, the observation of a noticeable depth anomaly in the basement west of the Canaries might indicate that the swell is masked by a thick sedimentary cover and the influence of the Canarian volcanism. We use a spectral approach, based on coherence analysis, to determine the swell and its compensation mechanism. The coherence between gravity and topography indicates that the swell is caused by a subsurface load correlated with the surface volcanic load. The residual gravity/geoid anomaly indicates that the subsurface load extends 600 km SSW and 800 km N and NNE of the islands. We used computed depth anomalies from available deep seismic profiles to constrain the extent and amplitude of the basement uplift caused by a relatively low-density anomaly within the lithospheric mantle, and coherence analysis to constrain the elastic thickness of the lithosphere ( Te ) and the compensation depth of the swell. Depth anomalies and coherence are well simulated with Te =28–36 km, compensation depth of 40–65 km, and a negative density contrast within the lithosphere of ∼33 kg m−3. The density contrast corresponds to a temperature increment of ∼325°C, which we interpret to be partially maintained by a low-viscosity convective layer in the lowermost lithosphere, and which probably involves the shallower parts of the asthenosphere. This interpretation does not require a significant rejuvenation of the mechanical properties of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

The C -response connects the magnetic vertical component and the horizontal gradient of the horizontal components of electromagnetic variations and forms the basis for deriving the conductivitydepth profile of the Earth. Time-series of daily mean values at 42 observatories typically with 50 years of data are used to estimate C -responses for periods between 1 month and 1  yr. The Z : Y method is applied, which means that the vertical component is taken locally whereas the horizontal components are used globally by expansion in a series of spherical harmonics.
In combination with results from previous analyses, the method yields consistent results for European observatories in the entire period range from a few hours to 1  yr, corresponding to penetration depths between 300 and 1800  km.
1-D conductivity models derived from these results show an increase in conductivity with depth z to about 2  S  m-1 at z =800  km, and almost constant conductivity between z =800 and z =2000  km with values of 310  S  m-1, in good agreement with laboratory measurements of mantle material. Below 2000  km the conductivity is poorly resolved. However, the best-fitting models indicate a further increase in conductivity to values between 50 and 150  S  m-1.  相似文献   

Summary. The segregation of melt from a partially molten source region requires a corresponding deformation of the unmelted residue ('matrix'). The role of matrix deformation during melt segregation is examined using simple one-dimensional models, for which the deformation consists only of bulk compression or 'compaction'. In model I, a volume fraction φ0 of ascending mantle material undergoes pressure-release melting at a depth z = 0 (localized melting). Compaction of the matrix occurs in a boundary layer whose thickness (reduced compaction length δR) is proportional to the square root of the matrix viscosity. In the Earth's mantle, δR∼ 10–100 m, indicating that compaction cannot be important over large distances. Model II examines the case in which melting occurs over a depth range of order h (distributed melting). In the limit h ≪δR, the solution is the same as for the case of localized melting, except in a 'melting layer' of thickness ∼ h near z = 0. In the more realistic limit h ≫δR, compaction makes a negligible contribution to the balance of forces associated with melt segregation. This result is also valid for the more general case of two-dimensional flow. Compaction is therefore likely to be of negligible importance in the Earth's mantle, with the consequence that melt segregation can be accurately described by Darcy's law.  相似文献   

Joint inversion of receiver function and surface wave dispersion observations   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
We implement a method to invert jointly teleseismic P wave receiver functions and surface wave group and phase velocities for a mutually consistent estimate of earth structure. Receiver functions are primarily sensitive to shear wave velocity contrasts and vertical traveltimes, and surface wave dispersion measurements are sensitive to vertical shear wave velocity averages. Their combination may bridge resolution gaps associated with each individual data set. We formulate a linearized shear velocity inversion that is solved using a damped leastsquares scheme that incorporates a priori smoothness constraints for velocities in adjacent layers. The data sets are equalized for the number of data points and physical units in the inversion process. The combination of information produces a relatively simple model with a minimal number of sharp velocity contrasts. We illustrate the approach using noisefree and realistic noise simulations and conclude with an inversion of observations from the Saudi Arabian Shield. Inversion results for station SODA, located in the Arabian Shield, include a crust with a sharp gradient near the surface (shear velocity changing from 1.8 to 3.5 km s1 in 3 km) underlain by a 5kmthick layer with a shear velocity of 3.5 km s1 and a 27kmthick layer with a shear velocity of 3.8 km s1, and an upper mantle with an average shear velocity of 4.7 km s1. The crustmantle transition has a significant gradient, with velocity values varying from 3.8 to 4.7 km s1 between 35 and 40 km depth. Our results are compatible with independent inversions for crustal structure using refraction data.  相似文献   

A 3-D P -velocity map of the crust and upper mantle beneath the southeastern part of India has been reconstructed through the inversion of teleseismic traveltimes. Salient geological features in the study region include the Archean Dharwar Craton and Eastern Ghat metamorphic belt (EGMB), and the Proterozoic Cuddapah and Godavari basins. The Krishna–Godavari basin, on the eastern coastal margin, evolved in response to the Indo–Antarctica breakup. A 24-station temporary network provided 1161 traveltimes, which were used to model 3-D P -velocity variation. The velocity model accounts of 80 per cent of the observed data variance. The velocity picture to a depth of 120 km shows two patterns: a high velocity beneath the interior domain (Dharwar craton and Cuddapah basin), and a lower velocity beneath the eastern margin region (EGMB and coastal basin). Across the array velocity variations of 7–10 per cent in the crust (0–40 km) and 3–5 per cent in the uppermost mantle (40–120 km) are observed. At deeper levels (120–210 km) the upper-mantle velocity differences are insignificant among different geological units. The presence of such a low velocity along the eastern margin suggests significantly thin lithosphere (<100 km) beneath it compared to a thick lithosphere (>200 km) beneath the eastern Dharwar craton. Such lithospheric thinning could be a consequence of Indo–Antarctica break-up.  相似文献   

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