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长平断裂带上构造与成矿的关系主要表现为不同构造单元复合控矿和逐级控矿两方面。不同级别的断裂构造与成矿关系最为密切。该区容矿构造主要为次级小断裂、层间破碎带及节理裂隙等类型。区内矿床(点)矿体普遍具有小角度侧伏规律。  相似文献   

黔西地区位于上扬子地块西南缘,大地构造处于古特提斯构造域与太平洋构造域共同控制与影响的区域.该区广泛出露中上泥盆统-下三叠统(D2-T1)碳酸盐岩为主的沉积岩,下伏下泥盆统与志留系巨厚页岩和粉砂岩,构成了该区的底部滑脱层.在D2-T1碳酸盐岩为主的强硬岩层中夹有的页岩-粉砂岩、炭质页岩构成了次级滑脱层.在中生代,受上述两大构造域远程复合作用,黔西地区发生了多次构造活动与叠加变形.在挤压收缩过程中,强硬层与软弱层之间的滑脱作用形成了黔西地区复杂的构造格局.不同阶段不同规模的逆冲滑脱作用(顺层滑脱→切层滑脱→小型逆冲→大型逆冲)对铅锌富集起到了不同的控制作用.顺层滑脱形成了与层理一致的铅锌富集;切层滑动(小型逆冲)控制了稍陡于岩层的铅锌矿富集;小型平移或张性断层控制了陡倾铅锌矿的富集;而大型逆冲断层则控制了大型、超大型铅锌矿床的富集.因此,逆冲滑脱作用是控制黔西铅锌矿床富集的最重要因素.  相似文献   

通过对新疆乌恰地区萨热克铜矿床的构造岩相学实测剖面研究,认为萨热克巴依复式向斜构造有利于盆地流体大规模聚集成矿,且萨热克铜矿床受构造和盆地流体作用影响形成南、北两个矿带。北矿带储矿构造样式为褶皱群落+顺层断层+层间连通性复式断裂-裂隙带,后期具有强沥青化流体侵入特征;南矿带储矿构造样式为传播褶皱+侵入构造+穿层断裂-裂隙带。典型钻孔及坑道的构造岩相学相体解剖研究结果表明:上侏罗统库孜贡苏组二段旱地扇扇中亚相杂砾岩为矿质的初始富集岩性,矿体在膝折构造及沿断裂构造侵位的辉绿岩脉部位增厚;层间和切层断裂-裂隙发育最密集构造应力区为富烃类还原性成矿流体提供运移通道及储矿空间;总体显示萨热克铜矿具有构造与成矿流体叠加耦合作用特征。  相似文献   

文章对具有大理岩岩凸构造控矿特征的矽卡岩型矿床进行了分析,粗略划分了大理岩岩凸构造类别,探讨了其构造因素和控矿特征,并通过新疆西天山两个典型的矽卡岩型矿床实例加以证实.  相似文献   

文章通过对龙滩锑矿的构造特征及矿体赋存富集规律的分析研究,认为断裂构造的级次、形态分别控制着矿体的赋存富集和成矿的阶段性。  相似文献   

湘西北地区铅锌矿床成矿规律及找矿方向   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
湘西北地区以盛产层控型低温热卤水铅锌矿床著称。矿床赋存于早寒武世晚期至早奥陶世早期分别受台地边缘相、台前斜坡相和局限台地相控制的碳酸盐地层中。矿体主要呈层状、似层状且具多层性,局部可切层,少数呈脉状。其产出受岩石的原生孔隙和容矿层内构造如虚脱—滑动空间、破碎带及裂隙系统等多因素控制。深大断裂带为主要导矿构造。容矿层不是矿源层,铅锌矿不存在同生沉积特征或痕迹。铅同位素年龄晚于赋矿地层年龄。矿质主要来源于碳酸盐建造以下的一大套碎屑岩建造,部分来自深部和造山带。矿床无围岩蚀变则无铅锌矿化,矿化富集强度与多类型围岩蚀变强度及层内构造空间发育程度呈正相关关系。该地区成矿地质条件优越,在划分出的4个找矿远景区内,许多低工作程度区和找矿空白区里仍具有巨大的找矿潜力,可望找到新的矿床。  相似文献   

七宝山矿集区发育了钓鱼台硫铁矿、金线头金铜矿、多金属矿3个大中型矿床,前人均进行了不同程度的研究,但控矿构造等涉猎较少,缺乏系统性。该文重点研究该区赋矿构造,探讨其构造型式,主要分为"X"共轭断裂构造型式、隐爆角砾岩筒构造型式、接触带层间破碎带构造型式、层间凝灰岩界面构造型式。矿床受控于沂沭断裂带及其次级构造,其成矿顺序为硫铁矿—层间凝灰岩式(多金属矿)—金铜矿—红石岗、杏山峪(蚀变岩型、"X"共轭断裂控矿式)—红石岗、杏山峪(脉型、"X"共轭断裂控矿式)、层间破碎带式,初步认为3个矿床为同一成矿系列,是不同成矿阶段和不同成矿温度的产物,都与区内喷出—浅成侵入相火山机构有关。矿床都向SE向侧伏、不同矿石类型的发育,是受沂沭断裂带左旋平移影响的产物。并通过矿集区矿化蚀变分带和航磁异常特征,指出了在矿区的东南部寻找中低温多金属矿,岩筒的深部寻找中高温金铜矿。  相似文献   

辽南地区从太古宙到显生宙先后经历了四次大的构造变动,从老到新可相对划分出鞍山旋回、辽河旋回、印支旋回和燕山旋回四个构造旋回。该区金矿控矿构造主要是中生代前的东西向基底构造与中生代的北东—北北东向断裂构造复合控矿,故其金矿成矿带表现为东西成带、北东成行的构造控矿格局。叠加构造控矿是该地区最主要的构造控矿型式。该区金矿形成与燕山早期同熔型花岗岩密切相关,基本上属于岩浆热液成因类型。矿体或矿化体多赋存在与成矿期构造有关的脆性破裂构造内。矿化类型主要为含金石英脉型和碎裂蚀变岩型。构造控矿型式主要有脆、韧性剪切带叠加控矿、层间破碎带控矿、构造复合控矿和脆-韧性剪切带构造控矿四种型式。  相似文献   

本文通过对其区域成矿规律和控矿因素进行研究,总结分析了区内金矿的成矿时代、空间分布规律、矿化垂向分带规律、矿床共生组合规律等,根据沉积作用、构造活动和岩浆活动等对金矿成矿就位机制及成矿作用影响分析控矿因素。研究成果提高了该区成矿地质条件和成矿规律等方面研究的深度和广度,为今后该区进一步的矿床研究和区域找矿工作提供依据,进一步拓宽成矿预测的思路。  相似文献   

招-平断裂带位于胶西北隆起区东南缘,是我国最重要的金成矿区之一,其中段发育有大尹格庄断裂带、后仓断裂带、南周家断裂带、栾家河断裂带等,这几条断裂带对招-平断裂带均有明显的错断现象,对还原金矿床有良好的指导作用。通过对几条构造的研究,结合成矿地质背景、矿床成因的研究,对该区的成矿规律、构造控矿规律进行探讨,指出了招-平断裂带中段深部找矿远景。  相似文献   

Erdaohezi lead-zinc deposit belongs to the Derbugan metallogenic belt lying on the northwestern Hailaer-Genhe Mesozoic volcanic basin,located on the western slope of the Da Hinggan Mountains. The deposit is considered as one of the hypabyssal low-temprature hydrothermal lead-zinc deposits associated with volcanism. In order to lay the foundation on studying its diagenesis and mineralization ages,the detailed studies were carried out by dating the host rocks( i. e. rhyolitic lithic-crystal tuffs) using zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb method.The dating results show three groups of ages. The first group is the captured zircons( the weighted mean ~(206)Pb /~(238) U age as 175. 6 ± 2. 3 Ma,MSWD = 0. 70,n = 3). The second group can be regarded as the rockforming age( the weighted mean ~(206)Pb /~(238) U age as 165. 3 ± 1. 9 Ma,MSWD = 2. 40,n = 14). The third group should represent the late stage of the magmatic evolution( the weighted mean ~(206)Pb /~(238) U age as 161. 0 ± 3. 1Ma,MSWD = 0. 86,n = 4). According to the ages and the crystal form or CL image characteristics of zircons,it is determined that the diagenesis occurred in the late Middle Jurassic. Based on the regional geology and geochronological research,the acidic pyroclastic rocks are space accompaniment and time connection with the Tamulangou Formation intermediate-mafic volcanic rocks. Both of them constitute the host rocks of the deposit together. The rock combination also provides favorable conditions for large-scale silver,lead and zinc mineralization in this area.  相似文献   

青海省柴达木盆地北缘锡铁山铅锌矿是我国大型的喷流沉积型(SEDEX)矿床,赋矿围岩主要是大理岩和片岩,浅部主要为大理岩型矿体,深部主要为片岩型矿体。系统描述了不同矿石类型中铅锌矿体与黄铁矿的空间共生关系、矿体空间形态三维变化规律;利用局部奇异性分析方法、相关性分析方法对矿区Pb、Zn、Ag、Au等成矿元素物质场结构特征及变化趋势进行了系统分析,2种分析方法均可表现元素物质场不同的结构特征,即:Pb、Zn、Au元素整体上沿着矿体的侧伏方向仍然有明显的向深部富集的趋势,且不受大理岩的影响,在片岩中物质场所反映的元素富集程度依然很强;Ag元素整体上从浅部到深部在矿化空间内均有明显的不连续富集特征。锡铁山铅锌矿水平方向上元素分带由远至近(由西向东)依次为Mn-Fe-S-Ag-Pb-Zn-S-Au,垂向上元素分带由上到下依次为Mn-S-Ag-Pb-Zn-S-Au,同时系统研究了成矿元素物质场中元素富集结构的变化规律,分析讨论了锡铁山深部找矿潜力。   相似文献   

The Xiaohongshilazi mineral deposit in Jilin Province,China,is located in the accretion zone in the northern margin of the North China Block. The deposit contains two types of ore bodies: layered Pb-Zn ore bodies in volcanic rock and vein-hosted Pb-Zn ore bodies controlled by fractures. The vein Pb-Zn ore bodies are strictly controlled by tectonic fracture zones trending in S-N direction,which comprise sulfide veins or sulfidebearing quartz veins distributed along faults or structural fissures. The ores mainly appear mesh-vein and vein structures,and also show solid-solution separation and metasomatic textures. The metal minerals are mainly sphalerite,galena,and pyrite,etc. Wall-rock alteration includes mainly sericitization,chloritization,silicification and carbonatization,etc. Microscope observations and Raman spectroscopy analyses indicate that the oreforming fluid of the vein Pb-Zn ore bodies was mainly magmatic water with low temperature,low salinity,and a shallow depth of metallogenesis( ~ 1.5 km). Sulfur and lead isotope analyses indicate that the sulfide source is mainly formation sulfur or biogenic sulfur,which is similar to the sulfur source of hydrothermal deposit( negative( δ~(34) S values),while the main Pb source was the upper crust with some mantle input. This article argues that the vein Pb-Zn ore body of the Xiaohongshilazi deposit is a low-to medium-temperature hydrothermal vein type related to the formation of a shallow magma chamber.  相似文献   

The economies of China-Japan-Korea(CJK) are complementary, with their proximity resulting in the three countries having a high degree of interdependence with respect to trade. Currently, trade among these countries relies mainly on port-centered shipping. The development of the shipping network is integral for in-depth integration of CJK trade. This paper analyzes the overall characteristics, centrality, spatial structure, and vulnerability of the CJK shipping network using the methods of complex network analysis, blocking flow theory, and interruption and deletion of hub ports. The main findings are as follows: 1) The CJK shipping network has a small average path length and clustering coefficient, and its degree distribution follows a power-law distribution, which make the network present obvious characteristics of a Barabási-Albert scale-free. 2) The characteristics of the multi-center point of the CJK shipping network can alleviate traffic pressure. At the same time, the network shows a clear hierarchy in the port transportation system, with cargo transport relying mainly on the ‘hub port-hub port' connection. 3) The CJK shipping network is relatively stable. Compared with ports in Japan and Korea, the main hub ports in China have a greater impact on the stability of the shipping network, in particular those ports of the central coastal region, including Shanghai, Ningbo, and Lianyungang.  相似文献   

川西坳陷孝泉—丰谷构造带变形特征及成因机制模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对三叠系不同组段顶面构造图分析和主干地震剖面解释,认为川西坳陷孝泉—丰谷构造带具有走向分带、垂向分层变形特征。该构造带走向上可划分为孝泉、新场、合兴场、丰谷等4排北东东向雁列式滑脱褶皱带,与合兴场—石泉场近南北向背斜构造带近直交;垂向上以雷口坡组内膏盐层为界分上、下两个构造层,上部构造层发育滑脱断层及其相关的褶皱构造,下部构造层产状平缓,断层、褶皱构造不发育。多组平面、剖面模拟实验结果表明:孝泉—丰谷北东东向滑脱褶皱带可能是在龙门山褶皱隆升产生的北西向挤压应力和秦巴山系褶皱隆升产生的近南北向挤压应力联合作用下形成的;合兴场—石泉场近南北向构造带可能是在北西方向的应力单独挤压作用下形成的;雷口坡组内膏盐层在空间上不均衡分布是产生走向分带、垂向分层变形的主控物质因素。  相似文献   

会泽铅锌矿床成矿作用受构造控制明显,主要与压扭性断裂作用有关.H、O、C、S、Pb同位素和包裹体资料、断裂构造地球化学和矿床地球化学分析表明,矿床形成于持续开放体系条件,并且持续开放体系下的(断裂)构造作用控制了矿床成矿元素的活化迁移与含矿流体的形成、流体的迁移汇聚及矿液的沉淀与矿床的定位.持续开放体系下的构造(断裂)作用对矿床的形成起了决定性作用.  相似文献   

四川盆地东南缘富页岩气构造类型丰富、保存主控因素复杂。分析川东南地区富页岩气构造结构、变形特征及分布规律,构建垂向断层封闭和横向页理封闭三维模式,研究富页岩气构造保存主控因素。结果表明:川东南地区发育正向构造、负向构造及断层遮挡斜坡等富页岩气构造,自盆外、盆缘内侧至盆内呈现紧闭向斜、宽缓向斜、正向构造、断层遮挡斜坡、低幅隐伏背斜的变化规律。箱状背斜页岩气保存主控因素为断层封闭性;圆弧状背斜保存主控因素为背斜曲率;非倒转向斜页岩气保存主控因素为目的层埋深和岩层倾角;倒转向斜、断层改造向斜和断层遮挡斜坡三类富页岩气构造类型的保存主控因素为断层封闭性、目的层埋深和岩层倾角。川东南地区盆缘内侧正向构造为有利富页岩气构造类型。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONIn the 1980s and 1990s, there was widespread belief a-mong environmentalists that uncontrolled population growth would be responsible for environment degrada-tion of all types. This neo-Malthusian belief originally surfaced in the publication of ThePopulationBombin the late 1960s. In ensuing years this belief, combined with work on environment carrying capacity and a growing environmental movement, led to the seeming-ly commonsense conclusion that high population growth and …  相似文献   

黔西南和黔东南是贵州的两个主要产金地区,大部分金矿都产于浊积岩中。但黔西南的金矿主要是含金蚀变岩型(或称卡林型、微细浸染型),以不可见金为主;黔东南的金矿却是含金石英脉型,以明金为主。这两种金矿都产在造山带,赋矿围岩是浊积岩,区内岩浆侵入作用不显著,成矿受背斜与断裂控制,成矿温度不高,矿石物质成分基本一致。研究表明,产生不同类型矿化的原因主要在于:黔东南地区的容矿岩石是浅变质的硅质碎屑岩,碳酸盐矿物很少;而黔西南地区是未变质的富钙硅质碎屑岩,碳酸盐矿物多。前者形成石英脉型金矿床,后者形成蚀变岩型金矿床。  相似文献   

Human activities significantly alter ecosystems and their services; however, quantifying the impact of human activities on ecosystems has been a great challenge in ecosystem management. We used the Universal Soil Loss Equation and county-level socioeconomic data to assess the changes in the ecosystem service of soil conservation between 2000 and 2010, and to analyze its spatial characteristics and driving factors in the southwestern China. The results showed that cropland in the southwestern China decreased by 3.74%, while urban land, forest, and grassland areas increased by 46.78%, 0.86%, and 1.12%, respectively. The soil conservation increased by 1.88 × 10~(11) kg, with deterioration only in some local areas. The improved and the degraded areas accounted for 6.41% and 2.44% of the total land area, respectively. Implementation of the Sloping Land Conversion Program and urbanization explained 57.80% and 23.90% of the variation in the soil conservation change, respectively, and were found to be the main factors enhancing soil conservation. The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake was one of the factors that led to the degradation of soil conservation. Furthermore, industrial adjustment, by increasing shares of Industry and Service and reducing those of Agriculture, has also promoted soil conservation. Our results quantitatively showed and emphasized the contributions to soil conservation improvement made by implementing ecological restoration programs and promoting urbanization. Consequently, these results provide basic information to improve our understanding of the effects of ecological restoration programs, and help guide future sustainable urban development and regional industrial restructuring.  相似文献   

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