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祁连山青海云杉林土壤养分异质性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
 阐明土壤养分的变异特性对改变森林群落结构和加快生态系统进程有重要意义。该研究选择东西祁连山为主要调查区域,通过变异函数确定和比较变量因子的空间变异程度及空间变异尺度,采用Palintest土壤养分测试仪和实验室化学处理方法获取试验数据,对数据采用DPS7.5和EXCEL软件处理,利用变异函数对祁连山地区6种土壤养分的空间变异特征分析表明:均表现出明显的空间自相关格局,空间自相关范围差异明显;TN、TP、TK、NH+4-N、NO-3-N、有机质变异系数分别为37.6%、23.1%、4.6%、36.3%、109.9%、32.9%,其中,TK为弱变异,TN、TP、NH+4-N和有机质为中等变异,NO-3-N为强变异;NH+4-N、NO-3-N、有机质、TN在剖面上的变化呈递减对数,TP、TK呈递增对数;NH+4-N在海拔上呈多项式变化关系,NO-3-N呈线性变化关系,TN、TP、TK无明显变化,变化范围分别在0.19%~0.4%、 0.043%~0.056%、1.85%~2.014%之间。  相似文献   

祁连山东部地区苔藓青海云杉林降水截留研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据野外观测,运用统计建模的方法,研究了不同郁闭度条件下青海云杉林冠截留与降水的关系,确定了最佳降水截留模型。结果表明:在郁闭度为0.4的情况下,模拟模型为S曲线函数,相关系数(R2)可达0.698,在郁闭度为0.6和0.8的情况下,模拟模型为幂函数,相关系数(R2)分别为0.832和0.886,降水量较小时,模拟的精度较高,雨量较大时模型的误差很大。林冠对降水的再分配是干旱区水资源评估的一个重要方面,准确描述降水截留过程是干旱区生态水文过程研究的重要内容,因此考虑林冠特征和截留机制是未来降水截留研究的重点,以期精确定量评价该地区青海云杉林的生态水文效应。  相似文献   

Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) forests play an important role in regulating the regional water balance of the Qilian Mountains in northwestern China. The objective of this study was to estimate evapotranspiration (ET) of the Qinghai spruce forest in the middle section of the Qilian Mountains. A modified Penman-Monteith equation was used to simulate two sub-components of ET: canopy transpiration (Et) and soil evaporation (Es). The third sub-component of ET, canopy interception evaporation (Ei), was directly measured. The results show that the total ET of the Qinghai spruce forest was 313.6 mm during the 2008 growing season (from May 1 to September 30). Ei, Et, and Es were 100.9 mm, 160.8 mm and 51.9 mm, and accounted for 32.2%, 51.3% and 16.5% of the total ET, respectively. The total modeled ET during the 2008 growing season is acceptably consistent with the directly measured ET (298.2 mm) by eddy covariance system. The consistency implies that the modified Penman-Monteith equation is an effective method to estimate ET using conventional meteorological data with additional measurements of net radiation, and the method can thus be applied to similar situations where reliable direct measurements are not practical.  相似文献   

Tree-ring cores of thick leaf spruce (Picea crassifolia) taken from four sites at different elevations, in the middle of the Qilian Mountains, in the arid and semi-arid region of northwestern China, were used to develop four tree-ring width chronologies using standard dendrochronological methods. Results indicate that with increasing altitude the chronologies’ year-to-year variations decreased. Hence, the sensitivity of the tree-ring chronologies to climate decreases with altitude. Further analysis showed that the significant limiting factor on tree growth is spring precipitation. Measurements of stomata density and leaf dry weight suggest the species’ ecological adaptation strategy changes with elevation. At high elevation the metabolic rate of thick leaf spruce decreases, thus showing the effect of the climate.  相似文献   

Kelan River is a branch of the Ertix River, originating in the Altay Mountains in Xinjiang, northwestern China. The upper streams of the Kelan River are located on the southern slope of the Altay Mountains; they arise from small glacial lakes at an elevation of more than 2,500 m. The total water-collection area of the studied basin, from 988 to 3,480 m, is about 1,655 km2. Almost 95 percent of the basin area is covered with snow in winter. The westerly air masses deplete nearly all the moisture that comes in the form of snow during the winter months in the upper and middle reaches of the basin. That annual flow from the basin is about 382 mm, about 45 percent of which is contributed by snowmelt. The mean annual precipitation in the basin is about 620 mm, which is primarily concentrated in the upper and middle basin. The Kelan River system could be vulnerable to climate change because of substantial contribution from snowmelt runoff. The hydrological system could be altered significantly because of a warming of the climate. The impact of climate change on the hydrological cycle and events would pose an additional threat to the Altay region. The Kelan River, a typical snow-dominated watershed, has more area at higher elevations and accumulates snow during the winter. The peak flow occurs as a result of snow-melting during the late spring or early summer. Stream flow varies strongly throughout the year because of seasonal cycles of precipitation, snowpack, temperature, and groundwater. Changes in the temperature and precipitation affect the timing and volume of stream-flow. The stream-flow consists of contributions from meltwater of snow and ice and from runoff of rainfall. Therefore, it has low flow in winter, high flow during the spring and early summer as the snowpack melts, and less flows during the late summer. Because of the warming of the current climate change, hydrology processes of the Kelan River have undergone marked changes, as evidenced by the shift of the maximum flood peak discharge from May to June  相似文献   

Climate constitutes the main limiting factor for tree-ring growth in high-elevation forests, and the relationship between tree-ring growth and climate is complex. Based on tree-ring chronology and meteorological data, the influence of precipitation, mean temperature and mean minimum temperature at yearly, seasonal and monthly scales on the tree-ring growth of Picea crossifolia was studied at treeline ecotones in the Qilian Mountains, northwestern China. The results show that growing season temperatures of previous and current years are important limiting factors on tree-ring growth, particularly June mean temperature and mean minimum temperature of current year. The precipitations in the previous winter and current spring have a positive correlation, and in the current fall has a negative correlation with tree-ring growth, but these correlations are not significant. Our results suggest that temperature controls tree-ring growth more strongly than precipitation at treeline ecotones in the Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   

气候变暖的适应行为与黑龙江省夏季低温冷害的变化   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
方修琦  王媛  朱晓禧 《地理研究》2005,24(5):664-672
与气候变暖相联系的极端天气、气候事件及其影响的研究正日益受到重视,极端事件与气候变化直接相关,而极端事件的影响还与人类的适应行为密切相关。本文以农业对温度变化最敏感的黑龙江省为例,分析了变暖对夏季低温冷害事件的影响。结果显示,变暖后夏季出现低温冷害临界气温的概率减小;但由于人们追求更高经济效益的适应行为,在变暖的情况下种植更适应较暖气候条件的农作物,低温冷害的发生的频率和强度并不一定随变暖而减少,但作物单产期望值还是会增加。  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 level in the atmosphere is expected to improve the tree growth rates and intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE). Although current results inferring from tree rings found the tree growth decline in water-limited area, it is still unclear whether spruce trees in humid southwestern China benefit from the increasing CO2. In this study, tree-ring width data were used to investigate the tree radial growth rate of Chuanxi spruce (Picea likiangensis var. balfouriana). Moreover, combining with the tree-ring carbon isotope date, we analyzed the physiological responses of Chuanxi spruce to rising CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere (Ca) associated with climatic change in southwestern China. From 1851 to 2009, iWUE of Chuanxi spruce rose by approximately 30.4%, and the ratio of atmospheric CO2 to leaf intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci/Ca) showed no significant trend in the study area. The result suggested that Chuanxi spruce used an active response strategy when Ca was significantly increased. iWUE showed a significant increasing trend in parallel with tree radial growth, indicating that the increasing iWUE resulted in an increase in radial growth. These results suggest that spruce forests in southwestern China have not shown declining trends under increasing Ca and climate change scenarios, in contrast to trees growing in water-limited areas. Therefore, spruce forests benefit from the increasing CO2 in the atmosphere in the humid areas of southwestern China.  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议对于引领经济全球化进程、深化改革开放、实现全面转型有重大意义。西部地区及其城市政府据此制定了相关的政策,不同程度地推动了地方经济转型及其开放度。以西北五省51个地级市(含自治州、地区)为研究对象,运用城市职能分类法等方法,对其响应“一带一路”倡议的地方政策进行分析。研究表明:1)2013~2017年,城市政府的平均政策响应累计得分持续增加,应答率由3.92%增加至100%。进行政策响应的产业种类逐年增多,且产业政策重心有多极化趋势。2)2017年,综合性、过渡性、单一性产业政策地级市分别为38个、6个、7个。突出产业政策主要分布在陕、甘两省,以第二、第三产业为主。产业政策类型可详细划分为6类,具有突出产业政策的综合性地级市数目最多,为25个,占比49.02%。  相似文献   

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