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测井解释煤层甲烷含量与煤层结构的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
煤层甲烷含量和渗透率是评价煤层甲烷地面抽放的重要技术指标。通过对南,淮北部分井田测井曲线,煤层甲烷含量和煤结构的研究,认为测井曲线解释煤层甲烷含量和煤结构是可行的。  相似文献   

微藻应用于煤炭烟气减排的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长久以来,我国因煤炭燃烧产生的大量CO2、SO2、NOx、烟尘等对生态环境造成了严重危害,煤炭烟气的减排也愈来愈受到重视,利用微藻进行烟气减排正逐渐成为研究热点。主要介绍了微藻固碳和减排生理机制等相关理论基础,阐述了微藻藻种筛选驯化、光生物反应器等减排关键技术研究进展,阐述了国内外微藻煤炭烟气减排应用现状,探讨了微藻烟...  相似文献   

根据全国性煤炭矿产资源潜力数据库的建设要求, 设计了系统的功能模型; 并在充分考虑其他矿种的前提下, 建立了基于Oracle Spatial和Geodatabase的煤炭空间数据模型, 使用SDO-GEOMETRY 类型字段保存GIS的空间数据, 采用面向对象程序设计语言C#和ArcObjects组件的二次开发实现了该系统。应用结果表明, 本系统不但达到了预期目标, 并能为可供性分析等系统提供有效的数据支持。  相似文献   

中国可供性煤炭资源潜力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以全国第三次煤田预测数据为基础,通过对查明煤炭资源量和未查明煤炭资源量的分布、埋藏深度和煤类的系统分析,指出中国查明尚未占用的煤炭储量2282.97亿t,经济可采储量仅684.89亿t。未查明的预测煤炭资源量45521.04亿t,潜力巨大,但在近期可供找煤普查的埋深小于1000m的预测可靠级煤炭资源量只有9169.10亿t。因此,必须科学地、客观地再认识中国煤炭资源优势,合理地制定国家能源政策,以确保中国能源安全。  相似文献   

中国煤层气资源潜力巨大,以华北和西北聚煤大区为主要煤层气富集区。通过总结国内外煤层气开发经验,指出目前用于提高煤层气的主要增产技术,即丛式井与定向羽状水平井、水力压裂改造技术和注气驱替技术,这也是目前国内外煤层气开发单位集中力量重点研究的增产技术;最后对我国煤层气的勘探开发前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

煤炭是湖南省主要的能源矿产,随着国民经济持续快速发展,供求矛盾愈发突出,煤炭及煤层气资源的勘探开发研究迫在眉睫。针对湖南省煤炭和煤层气资源的赋存特点,建议目前其勘查开发研究应主要集中在以下方面:一是弄清楚石炭一二叠纪含煤岩系深部优质煤炭资源的分布规律;二是找出煤层气高渗富集区;三是针对煤层气大多具有“低渗透”、“低饱和”和“低压”等特点,加强煤层气储层的物性特征研究。  相似文献   

依据绿水洞矿井地质构造和煤层构造变形特征,对该矿煤层(成)气赋存运移规律进行了系统的分析,就该矿生产中煤层(成)气涌出及可能产生的动力现象进行了地质评价,认为在矿井深部仍存在沿岩层裂隙和溶洞发生煤层(成)气涌出的可能,田湾向斜东翼为全井田煤层(成)气突出危险程度最高的区域。   相似文献   

中国炼焦煤资源具有以下特点:煤炭资源丰富,但炼焦煤资源所占的比例并不高;煤炭资源分布广泛,全国29个省(自治区)都赋有炼焦煤,可是炼焦煤资源主要集中分布在为数不多的地区;炼焦煤种品种齐全,但分布不均匀,其中气煤和1/3焦煤在炼焦煤查明资源储量中占较大比例,焦煤与肥煤是炼焦的主力煤种,但占比例较小;目前华北聚煤区东缘的几个大煤田正以每年约15m的速度向800m延伸,个别煤矿的开采深度已到1 000m,勘查深度也达1 200m,因此,研究深部煤的变质作用意义深远。根据煤的深成变质作用理论,我国华北东缘诸多煤田的深部煤质有可能变好,有可能赋存大量的肥煤、焦煤和瘦煤等稀缺资源,该预测结论若获得验证,将有利于解决我国主要焦煤资源紧缺瓶颈,为未来我国经济建设提供可靠的资源保障。  相似文献   

正《中国煤炭地质》,原名《中国煤田地质》,创刊于1989年,是由中国煤炭地质总局主办的以煤炭地质科技为主的综合类学术性期刊,是中国科技核心期刊。本刊主要栏目有:煤田地质、煤层气、岩页气、矿井地质、矿井安全、水文地质、工程地质、环境地质、物探、钻探等,征稿要求如下。1来稿要求理论、技术有创新,论点明确,资料数据可靠,文字简练通顺。要附有200~300字的中(英)文摘要及3~8个关键词。2来稿必须提供作者姓名、单位、详细通讯地址、邮编、联系电话及电子信箱。另外,作者简介(第一作者)应包括作者姓名、出生年、性别、籍贯、毕业院校、专业、技术职称、研究方向或从事的工作。  相似文献   

在大力发展低碳经济的当今,煤炭地下气化是关系到调整经济结构、提高能源利用效益、发展新兴产业、建设生态文明的一项具有长远意义的战略措施。中国矿业联合会研究员张以诚同志长期从事地矿新闻、地矿史和矿业城市研究,较早地关注煤炭地下气化问题,除做过许多调查研究外,还遍访专家和一些企事业单位领导,主持召开过专门的座谈会,所提"打一场能源结构调整的‘新淮海战役’——试谈进一步加强煤炭地下气化"以及"把淮海经济区建成国家级煤炭地下气化试验区"的建议,言之有物,值得有关部门和领导参考。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地煤层气资源及开发潜力分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
鄂尔多斯盆地含石炭—二叠纪和侏罗纪两套含煤岩系,煤层发育,厚度大。石炭—二叠纪煤层煤级高,为气煤—无烟煤,含气量高,为2.46~23.25m3/t;侏罗纪煤层煤级低,以长焰煤为主,含气量低,为0.01~6.29m3/t。全盆地煤层气总资源量为107235.7×108m3,占全国煤层气总资源量的1/3,煤层气勘探开发潜力巨大。煤层气开发最有利区块包括鄂尔多斯东缘的河东煤田和陕北石炭—二叠纪煤田、鄂尔多斯南缘的渭北煤田,有利区块包括鄂尔多斯南部黄陇煤田、鄂尔多斯西部庆阳含煤区和灵武-盐池-韦州含煤区。可见煤层气最有利和有利区块主要沿盆缘分布。鄂尔多斯盆地东缘、渭北煤田、黄陇煤田是目前煤层气勘探的热点地区,勘探成果预示出良好的开发前景。  相似文献   

<正>As a kind of natural energy from the earth’s interior,geothermal energy is characterized by large reserve, wide distribution, good stability, high utilization coefficient, and positive effects of energy-saving and emission-reduction. It is of great significance for promoting green and low-carbon energy transition, reducing greenhouse gas emission, and achieving global climate goals and sustainable economic development. Hence, it has been highly recognized and valued by lots of countries...  相似文献   

<正>Carbonate rocks, as soluble rocks, will dissolve and experience karstification driven by flowing water. This process consumes CO2 from the air and converts atmospheric CO2 and CO32-of rocks into HCO3-, resulting in the transfer of carbon from the atmosphere to the hydrosphere. Part of those dissolved HCO3- in the groundwater and surface water will degrade as CO2 and return to the atmospher...  相似文献   

Mud volcanism is an abundant, global phenomenon whereby fluid-rich, low-density sediments extrude both on land and offshore. Methane, which generally exceeds 90 vol% of the gas phase, is emitted at high rates during and after emplacement of the mud domes and is known for its high global warming potential (GWP). This comprehensive estimate of the annual contribution of mud volcano degassing assesses the significance of mud volcanism for the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. A first-order estimate for the earlier, pre-anthropogenic volume of methane released through mud volcanoes further supports their profound effect on the Earth's climate since at least the Paleozoic (570 Ma).  相似文献   

华南地区崩岗侵蚀灾害及其防治   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据区域调查和定位研究资料,介绍了华南地区崩岗侵蚀及其灾害特点,概述了崩岗的形成、发育规律及其演变过程,分析了崩岗侵蚀及其灾害的影响因素.提出进行崩岗灾害防治时,应在水土保持传统方法基础上,整合水文地质学和工程地质学及其它相关学科理论,应用GIS技术对崩岗侵蚀进行科学监测和管理,为坡地利用和环境整治以及灾害防治提供依据.  相似文献   

China is a top world producer of coal resources with numerous coal-rich basins country-wide that also contain coalbed methane(CBM), an unconventional natural gas resource. Recent exploration of coal and CBM resources has also led to the discovery of rare, precious, and scattered metal minerals, including sandstone-type U and Ga–Ge–Li. High-grade and industrial-value deposits have been discovered in the Ordos, Junggar, and other basins across China during exploration for coal resources. Application of coordinated exploration theories and techniques in multiple energy and coal-associated ore deposits, such as coal and unconventional natural gas in coal, achieves efficient and practical exploration of natural resources. Based on the systematic study of accumulation and occurrence of coal and coal-associated mineral resources in coal basins, the basic idea of coordinated exploration for coal and coal-associated deposits is proposed, and multi-targets and multi-methods based on a coordinated exploration model of coal-associated deposits is developed. Coordinated exploration expands the main exploration objective from coal seams to coal-associated series, extending the exploration target from targeting coal only to coal-associated deposits. Entrance times for exploration are decreased to realize coordinated exploration for coal, unconventional natural gas and syngenetic/associated mineral resources in coal by implementing a 'one-time approach' ―one time in and out of a coal seam to minimize disturbance and time needed for extraction. According to the differences of geological background in China's coal basins, four coordinated exploration model types, including co-exploration of coal and coal-associated unconventional natural gas, coal and solid minerals, coal and metal minerals, and coal with water resources are established. Other models discussed include a multi-target coordinated exploration model for the combination of coal, coal-associated gas, solid minerals, and metal minerals accordingly. The exploration techniques of coal and coal-associated resources include regional geological investigation and research and synthetic application of other techniques including seismic surveys, drilling, logging, and geochemical exploration. Particularly, applying the 'multi-purpose drill hole' or reworking coalfield drill holes into parameter wells, adding sample testing and logging wells, determining gas-bearing layers by logging and gas content measurement, jointly measuring multiple logging parameters, sampling, and testing of coal-strata help in the exploration and evaluation of coal resources, coal-associated unconventional natural gas resources, and coal-associated element minerals. Accordingly, a system of integrated Space–Air–Ground exploration techniques for coordinated exploration of coal and coal-associated minerals is established. This includes high-resolution, hyperspectral remote-sensing technique, high-precision geophysical exploration and fast, precise drilling, testing of experimental samples, as well as coordinated exploration and determination methods of multi-target factors, multi-exploration means, multi-parameter configuration and optimization, big data fusions and interpretation techniques. In recent years, the application of this integrated system has brought significant breakthroughs in coal exploration in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other provinces, discovering several large, ten-billionton coalfields, such as the Eastern Junggar and Tuha basins, and also in exploration and development of CBM from lowrank coals in Fukang, Xinjiang, discovery the Daying U Deposit in Inner Mongolia, the Junggar Ultralarge Ga Deposit, Lincang, Yunnan, and the Wulantuga, Inner Mongolia, Ge-bearing coal deposits, and the Pingshuo Ultralarge Li–Ge Deposit.  相似文献   

Results of data analysis, based on measurement of atmospheric concentrations of methane in the shallow part of the East Siberian shelf (ESS) are presented in this work. It was shown that methane emission in the atmosphere is determined not only by natural factors, but is also sensitive to anthropogenic influences, like the engine mode of a ship. It was determined that the hydraulic impact, which occurs when starting a ship’s engine after drifting through a shallow, can induce a great methane outbreak in the atmosphere. The power of these “short-lived” sources can exceed the power of any one deep-water mud volcano. In the shallow parts of the ESS, the anthropogenic factor can be one of the important factors effecting methane outbreaks in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

华北地区三大成煤期煤系基底皆存在古风化壳及其再沉积粘土岩,文中历数了这些规律后,分析了它们伴生的机制。  相似文献   

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