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The Chinese mainland is subject to complicated plate interactions that give rise to its complex structure and tectonics. While several seismic velocity models have been developed for the Chinese mainland, apparent discrepancies exist and, so far, little effort has been made to evaluate their reliability and consistency. Such evaluations are important not only for the application and interpretation of model results but also for future model improvement. To address this problem, here we compare five published shear-wave velocity models with a focus on model consistency. The five models were derived from different datasets and methods (i.e., body waves, surface waves from earthquakes, surface waves from noise interferometry, and full waves) and interpolated into uniform horizontal grids (0.5° × 0.5°) with vertical sampling points at 5 km, 10 km, and then 20 km intervals to a depth of 160 km below the surface, from which we constructed an averaged model (AM) as a common reference for comparative study. We compare both the absolute velocity values and perturbation patterns of these models. Our comparisons show that the models have large (> 4%) differences in absolute values, and these differences are independent of data coverage and model resolution. The perturbation patterns of the models also show large differences, although some of the models show a high degree of consistency within certain depth ranges. The observed inconsistencies may reflect limited model resolution but, more importantly, systematic differences in the datasets and methods employed. Thus, despite several seismic models being published for this region, there is significant room for improvement. In particular, the inconsistencies in both data and methodologies need to be resolved in future research. Finally, we constructed a merged model (ChinaM-S1.0) that incorporates the more robust features of the five published models. As the existing models are constrained by different datasets and methods, the merged model serves as a new type of reference model that incorporates the common features from the joint datasets and methods for the shear-wave velocity structure of the Chinese mainland lithosphere. 相似文献
In order to give a more reliable shallow crust model for the Chinese mainland, the present study collected many short-period surface wave data which are better sensitive to shallow earth structures. Different from traditional two-step surface wave tomography, we developed a new linearized surface wave dispersion inversion method to directly get a 3D S-wave velocity model in the second step instead of inverting for 1D S-velocity profile cell by cell. We convert all the regionalized dispersions into linear constraints for a 3D S-velocity model. Checkerboard tests show that this method can give reasonable results. The distribution of the middle-and upper-crust shear-wave velocity of the Chinese mainland in our model is strongly heterogeneous and related to different geotectonic terrains. Low-velocity anomalies delineated very well most of the major sedimentary basins of China. And the variation of velocities at different depths gives an indication of basement depth of the basins. The western Tethyan tectonic domain (on the west of the 95°E longitude) is characterized by low velocity, while the eastern Tethyan domain does not show obvious low velocity. Since petroleum resources often distribute in sedimentary basins where low-velocity anomaly appears, the low velocity anomalies in the western Tethyan domain may indicate a better petroleum prospect than in its eastern counterpart. Besides, low velocity anomaly in the western Tethyan domain and around the Xing’an orogenic belt may be partly caused by high crustal temperature. The weak low-velocity belt along ~105°E longitude corresponds to the N-S strong seismic belt of central China. 相似文献
对中国大陆具备相对完整资料的327次M≥5.0地震,分5个工作区进行了统一要求的地震条带图像扫描,发现96次中强震前存在条带图像,约占研究地震总数的29%.其中震前有条带地震与研究地震的比例分别为:华北地区30%,华东南区29%,川滇地区41%,青藏高原西北缘24%,新疆地区16 %.中强震前出现条带比例最低的是新疆,... 相似文献
地壳与上地幔各向异性研究在地球动力学领域有广泛的应用和重要的科学意义,其研究有助于许多地质和地球物理基本问题的解释.中国大陆的各向异性研究,在地壳与上地幔两个尺度上都有许多重要进展,并在基本理论和岩石实验研究中取得进步.文章认为,各向异性研究揭示的科学问题将会是广泛的和深远的. 相似文献
粒子群优化算法是近十年发展起来的一种基于群智能的非线性全局最优化新方法.本文详细介绍了粒子群优化算法的基本原理,并将其应用到子波提取与层速度反演中.通过模拟数值算例,从不同角度研究了粒子群优化算法的可行性及其效率问题.试算结果表明,粒子群优化算法在不同分辨率、不同信噪比、不同相位子波合成的地震记录反演中效果明显. 相似文献
The long-term earthquake prediction from 2021 to 2030 is carried out by researching the active tectonic block boundary zones in the Chinese mainland. Based on the strong earthquake recurrence model, the cumulative probability of each target fault in the next 10 years is given by the recurrence period and elapsed time of each fault, which are adopted from relevant studies such as seismological geology, geodesy, and historical earthquake records. Based on the long-term predictions of large earthquakes throughout the world, this paper proposes a comprehensive judgment scheme based on the fault segments with the seismic gap, motion strongly locked, sparse small-moderate earthquakes, and apparent Coulomb stress increase. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the relative risk for strong earthquakes that may occur in the coming 10 years on the major faults in the active tectonic block boundary zones in the Chinese mainland. The present loading rate of each fault is first constrained by geodetic observations; the cumulative displacement of each fault is then estimated by the elapsed time since the most recent strong earthquake. 相似文献
本文以"中国大陆地壳应力环境基础数据库"为基础,补充了迄今为止查阅到的中国大陆水压致裂法与应力解除法的实测地应力数据,在1474个测点上得到3586条数据,研究区经度范围75°E-130°E,纬度范围18°N-47°N,深度范围0~4000 m,基本覆盖了中国大陆的各活动地块与南北地震带各段等研究区.本文采用等深度段分组归纳的方法解决了实测地应力数据样本数量沿深度分布的不均匀问题,给出了中国大陆与各研究区地壳浅层测量深度范围内应力量值、方位特征.结果显示:(1)中国大陆地壳浅层最大水平应力、最小水平应力、垂直应力随深度呈线性增加;(2)中国大陆地区侧压系数随深度的变化特征为:浅部离散,随着深度增加而集中,并趋向0.68,D=465 m是水平作用为主导向垂直作用为主导的转换深度,Kav=1;(3)中国大陆水平差应力在地表为3 MPa左右,随深度增加以5.8 MPa/km的梯度增大;(4)在测量深度范围内,中国大陆各研究区最大水平应力中间值(深度为2000 m时的统计回归值)从大到小的顺序是:青藏地块63.6 MPa、南北带北段57.3 MPa、华南地块51.4 MPa、华北地块50.5 MPa、南北带中段47.9 MPa、西域地块47.5 MPa、南北带南段45.4 MPa、东北地块44.8 MPa,总体表现为"西强东弱"的基本特征,反映了印度板块与欧亚板块的强烈碰撞是中国大陆构造应力场强度总体特征的主要来源;(5)与其他研究区相比较,青藏地块地壳在从南向北的挤压作用下呈现出明显的"浅弱深强"特点;(6)最大水平应力方向的总体特征,基本以青藏高原为中心,呈辐射状展布,由西向东,从近N-S方向逐步顺时针旋转至NNE-SSW、NE-SW、NEE-SWW、NW-SE方向,与深部的震源机制解研究结果有一致性. 相似文献
Introduction The three-dimensional S wave velocity of Chinese mainland and its neighboring region in-verted by surface wave dispersion data plays an important role in studying the lateral variation of lithosphere and geodynamic process, and understanding the forming and evolution of Chinese mainland and the relationship between shallow and deep structures. The three-dimensional veloc-ity structures of China and its major tectonic blocks were respectively studied by SONG, et al (1993), ZHOU… 相似文献
A seismic variant of the distorted Born iterative inversion method, which is commonly used in electromagnetic and acoustic (medical) imaging, has been recently developed on the basis of the T‐matrix approach of multiple scattering theory. The distorted Born iterative method is consistent with the Gauss–Newton method, but its implementation is different, and there are potentially significant computational advantages of using the T‐matrix approach in this context. It has been shown that the computational cost associated with the updating of the background medium Green functions after each iteration can be reduced via the use of various linearisation or quasi‐linearisation techniques. However, these techniques for reducing the computational cost may not work well in the presence of strong contrasts. To deal with this, we have now developed a domain decomposition method, which allows one to decompose the seismic velocity model into an arbitrary number of heterogeneous domains that can be treated separately and in parallel. The new domain decomposition method is based on the concept of a scattering‐path matrix, which is well known in solid‐state physics. If the seismic model consists of different domains that are well separated (e.g., different reservoirs within a sedimentary basin), then the scattering‐path matrix formulation can be used to derive approximations that are sufficiently accurate but far more speedy and much less memory demanding because they ignore the interaction between different domains. However, we show here that one can also use the scattering‐path matrix formulation to calculate the overall T‐matrix for a large model exactly without any approximations at a computational cost that is significantly smaller than the cost associated with an exact formal matrix inversion solution. This is because we have derived exact analytical results for the special case of two interacting domains and combined them with Strassen's formulas for fast recursive matrix inversion. To illustrate the fact that we have accelerated the T‐matrix approach to full‐waveform inversion by domain decomposition, we perform a series of numerical experiments based on synthetic data associated with a complex salt model and a simpler two‐dimensional model that can be naturally decomposed into separate upper and lower domains. If the domain decomposition method is combined with an additional layer of multi‐scale regularisation (based on spatial smoothing of the sensitivity matrix and the data residual vector along the receiver line) beyond standard sequential frequency inversion, then one apparently can also obtain stable inversion results in the absence of ultra‐low frequencies and reduced computation times. 相似文献
The Chinese mainland is regarded as the best area for studying the continental crustal movement and dynamics. In the past,
based on the ground surface observation, it was very difficult to study the movement of the intraplate blocks within a range
of larger space and a time scale of several years quantitatively. In this paper, a method of calculating the Euler vectors
of present-time motion among blocks by using Cardan angles has been given completely based on two periods of GPS repetition
measurement data of the National Ascending Plan of China (NAPC) — the study and application of current crustal movement and
geodynamics in 1994 and 1996. A present-time blocks movement model on the Chinese mainland (PBMC-1), which describes the motion
of seven blocks—Tibet, Chuan-Dian, Gan-Qing, Xinjiang, South China, North China and Heilongjiang block, is established preliminarily.
The velocity field of the relative motion among the intraplate blocks and boundary motion in the Chinese mainland are firstly
given within several years time scale. It is shown by the results calculated with the model that the velocity-rate of each
block is reduced gradually from the south to north and from the west to east, and the motion direction changes gradually from
NNE to E, even SEE or SE. The collision of Indian plate plays a leading role in the movement of the intraplate blocks in the
Chinese mainland, while the motion manner and velocity-rate of block boundary zone (fracture zone) depend on the motion of
every block again. The present-time motion of a time scale of several years computed with the model is not only largely consistent
with the average motion of a time scale of several million years derived from geology, but also very coincident with the results
of geophysical and astronomic observation. It is shown preliminarily that the observed results of space geodesy techniques
such as GPS etc. are capable of discovering the crustal movement at present.
This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC), National Ascending Plan of China (NAPC)
and Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (CJSSF). 相似文献
Introduction It is well known that China locates in the southeastern part of Eurasian Plate, which subjects to the action of westward subducting of Pacific Plate and Philippine Sea Plate, and northward col- lision of Indian Plate. So China is a country with strong seismicity. There are two kinds of earth-quake activities in China. In the Chinese mainland most of the earthquakes belong to the intraplate ones, and in Taiwan of China belong to interplate ones. According to the statistics 9… 相似文献
瑞利面波垂直-水平振幅比(或ZH振幅比)是一个随频率变化的函数,对于台站下方浅层地壳结构非常敏感,且具有和频散资料不同的深度敏感核,是传统频散反演方法的一个很好的补充,从而可以将基阶瑞利面波的ZH振幅比和面波频散数据联合起来更好地反演获得观测台站下方的速度结构.本文提出了基于邻域算法的面波频散曲线与ZH振幅比联合反演方法,我们进行了基于理论模型的模拟测试,证明了联合反演是一种更为可靠的反演方法,且能更好地约束浅层地壳结构.相比于频散曲线单独反演,联合反演不仅可以精确反演获得地壳的Vs结构,对分层地壳的Vp/Vs也能很好地约束.然后我们将联合反演算法应用于实际测量数据,获得了中国西南昆明台(KMI)下方更为准确的地壳横波速度结构及Vp/Vs模型. 相似文献
基于传播矩阵理论开发砂泥岩薄互层地震合成记录算法,与褶积算法、基于界面模型的Zoeppritz方法以及波动方程等方法相比,该方法更适用于具有复杂结构的薄互层模型,能够在充分考虑地震反射波动力学因素的同时不受网格间距的限制.基于正演算法开发了基于波形对比的砂泥岩薄互层地震反演技术,由地震反射波形特征的变化反演薄地层单元中砂体含量与空间位置等参数,进而确定薄互层段砂泥岩组合结构以及砂体的空间展布.理论模型验证了反演方法的有效性.通过测井分析建立薄互层地震地质模型,并将该技术应用于研究区实际地震数据,反演的砂体空间分布与测井资料进行对比分析,验证了反演方法的实用性. 相似文献
A method for simultaneous determination of mixed model parameters,which have different physical dimensions or different responses to data,is presented.Mixed parameter estimation from observed data within a single model space shows instabilities and trade-offs of the solutions. We separate the model space into N-subspaces based on their physical properties or computational convenience and solve the N-subspaces systems by damped least-squares and singular-value decomposition. Since the condition number of each subsystem is smaller than that of the single global system,the approach can greatly increase the stability of the inversion. We also introduce different damping factors into the subsystems to reduce the tradeoffs between the different parameters. The damping factors depend on the conditioning of the subsystems and may be adequately chosen in a range from 0.1 % to 10 % of the largest singular value. We illustrate the method with an example of simultaneous determination of source history,source geometry,and hypocentral location from regional seismograms,although it is applicable to any geophysical inversion. 相似文献
Surface wave methods are becoming increasingly popular in many geotechnical applications and in earthquake seismology due to their noninvasive characteristics.Inverse surface wave dispersion curves are a crucial step in most surface wave methods.Many inversion methods have been applied to surface wave dispersion curve inversion,including linearized inversion and nonlinearized inversion methods.In this study,a hybrid inversion method of Damped Least Squares(DLS) with Very Fast Simulated Annealing(VFSA) is developed for multi-mode Rayleigh wave dispersion curve inversion.Both synthetic and in situ fi eld data were used to verify the validity of the proposed method.The results show that the proposed method is superior to the conventional VFSA method in aiming at global minimum,especially when parameter searching space is adjacent to real values of the parameters.The advantage of the new method is that it retains both the merits of VFSA for global search and DLS for local search.At high temperatures,the global search dominates the runs,while at a low temperatures,the local search dominates the runs.Thus,at low temperatures,the proposed method can almost directly approach the actual model. 相似文献
A method for simultaneous determination of mixed model parameters, which have different physical dimensions or different responses to data, is presented. Mixed parameter estimation from observed data within a single model space shows instabilities and trade-offs of the solutions. We separate the model space into N-subspaces based on their physical properties or computational convenience and solve the N-subspaces systems by damped least-squares and singular-value decomposition. Since the condition number of each subsystem is smaller than that of the single global system, the approach can greatly increase the stability of the inversion. We also introduce different damping factors into the subsystems to reduce the trade-offs between the different parameters. The damping factors depend on the conditioning of the subsystems and may be adequately chosen in a range from 0.1 % to 10 % of the largest singular value. We illustrate the method with an example of simultaneous determination of source history, source geometry, and hypocentral location from regional seismograms, although it is applicable to any geophysical inversion. 相似文献
为了检验广义极性振幅技术(GPAT)的实用性,我们利用GPAT反演确定了49次实际地震的震源机制、矩震级和震源深度.为了检验GPAT对地方地震、区域地震以及远震的实用性,我们选用了震级范围约为ML0.2~MS7.0之间的地震与震中距范围约在5~8000km之间的观测资料.对反演结果的分析表明,利用GPAT获取的震源机制结果在合理误差范围内是正确的,利用GPAT获取的矩震级结果是可靠的,而利用GPAT获取的震源深度总体上似乎比常规定位深度深约0.6km.总体而言,GPAT在震源机制、矩震级和震源深度的反演方面表现出良好的实用性. 相似文献
Based on Generalized Seismic Ray Theory (Helmberger, 1968), a new quickly linear inversion method from the data of seismic
waveform to seismic moment tensor and source mechanism for domestic earthquake is studied in this paper. Six moderately strong
earthquakes which occurred in Chinese mainland in the past few years are studied. The seismic source parameters of these earthquakes,
seismic moment tensors, scalar seismic moments, fault plane solutions and source time functions etc, are obtained.
The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition of Acta Seismologica Sinica, 15, 261–268, 1993. 相似文献
通过对南北地震带北段区域所布设的676个流动地震台站观测资料进行处理,联合反演面波频散与接收函数数据,获得了研究区内地壳厚度、沉积层厚度的分布情况以及地壳上地幔高分辨率S波速度结构成像结果.反演结果显示研究区地壳厚度从青藏高原东北缘向外总体逐渐变薄,秦岭造山带地壳厚度较同属青藏高原东北缘的北祁连块体明显减薄;鄂尔多斯盆地及河套盆地分布有非常厚的沉积层,阿拉善块体部分区域也有一定沉积层分布,沉积层与研究区内盆地位置较为一致;松潘—甘孜块体、北祁连造山带等青藏高原东北缘总体表现为S波低速异常;在中下地壳,松潘—甘孜块体下方的低速体比北祁连造山带下方的低速体S波速度值更小、分布深度更浅,更有可能对应于部分熔融的地壳;鄂尔多斯盆地在中下地壳以及上地幔内有着较大范围的高速异常一直延伸到120 km以下,而河套盆地地幔只在80 km以上部分有着高速异常的分布,此深度可能代表了河套盆地的岩石圈厚度,来自深部地幔的热物质上涌造成了该区域的岩石圈减薄;阿拉善块体在地壳和上地幔都表现出高低速共存的分布特征,暗示阿拉善块体西部岩石圈可能受青藏高原东北缘的挤压作用发生改造. 相似文献
本文针对中国大陆、大华北和云南,利用过去积累的30多年地震资料,经过多种方案试算、评分检验,明确了平静指标和预测规则,找到了合适的研究平静预测的震级下限M0、预测震级M1、平静异常时间T1与预测时间T2等最佳参数组合,可以取得高于置信水平为97.5%的区别随机瞎报的阈值R0的R评分值。 相似文献