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以昆明井水位记录到的同震响应为研究对象,分析该井水位的记震能力。结果表明昆明井水位同震响应过程地震波起了主要作用,响应形态为震荡型,响应能力受震级和井震距的双重控制。具体表现为对井震距小于10 000 km、震级大于7.4的地震具有较强的记震能力。但同震响应振幅便不完全受井震距、震级的控制,推测其与井—含水系统以及区域应力变化有关。  相似文献   

统计范县井水位对远场大震的同震响应特征,并对其响应时间、响应幅度、响应形态这3种特征进行逐一分析,探讨同震响应机理,总结规律。结果表明:观测井映震能力良好,震级越高,映震能力越好。从响应幅度来看,对MS 6.5~7.5地震之间的同震响应具有明显优势,且大陆型地震响应表现要优于非大陆型地震;在一定条件下,震源深度对响应时间和响应幅度都有较大影响;响应形态有脉冲型、振荡型、振荡-脉冲型,非单一形态,且响应形态与震中距相关。  相似文献   

不同采样率水位同震响应能力及其特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析同种仪器不同采样率水位资料同震响应记录情况,发现存在很大差异,不但形态上明显不同,响应能力及响应幅度上也差别很大.在此基础上认为,秒采样率数据能更好记录同震响应.指出,为了记录到真实完整可靠的同震响应,观测仪器应在采样率、数据存储容量、GPS授时、触发阈值、时值及分钟值取值方式等方面作改进.最后指出,同震响应分析可能是今后地震分析预报有所突破的一个研究方向.  相似文献   

以2008—2017年腾冲地震台井水位记录的同震响应事件为研究对象,系统分析该井水位的同震响应特征,结合井孔地质背景条件,对同震响应机理进行初步探讨。结果表明:腾冲地震台井水位同震响应能力随着震级增大而逐渐增强;因井震距不同,同震响应主要表现为近震阶降—复原型和远震振荡型变化;同震响应幅度随震级增大而增大,随井震距增大而减小,且水位同震变化受震级与井震距的影响力基本相当;震级越大,同震响应持续时间越长;发生井水位同震响应的地震分布具有明显区位型特点。分析认为,振荡型同震响应机理与面波作用有关,阶降—复原型同震响应机理可能与腾冲地震台观测井所处地质构造有关。  相似文献   

获得地下含水层的水文参数对于适当评价地下水资源至关重要.除了实验室方法和现场测井实验,目前多利用水位对外部周期性载荷的响应函数进行含水层参数的反演.其中,基于似稳态孔弹性理论的方法有很多,但这些方法通常忽略多孔含水层中可能存在的频率依赖的固流耦合.本文提出基于动态孔弹性理论的水文同震响应模型,推演了频率依赖的含水层孔压和围压的关系,构建动态响应函数.根据云南省腾冲井观测到的近场同震水位响应并基于动态模型反演了井含水层渗透率的长期演化.计算结果显示动态孔弹性模型能很好地解释水位的同震响应并且适当反演含水层参数.近场地震会导致井含水层的短期渗透率大幅度增加并在不久后恢复,这可能与地震触发应力导致的瞬时固体形变、孔隙疏通和颗粒物的重分布有关.  相似文献   

为定量刻画地壳应力-应变改变、含水层孔压扰动及井孔水位变化之间的耦合过程,促进对近场地震水位同震响应机制的理解,利用多场耦合数值模拟方法,获得鲁甸地区(200×200)km2范围内,2014年鲁甸MS6.5地震造成的同震静态应变场分布、孔压演化规律及会泽井水位响应曲线,并以渗透系数、杨氏模量及孔隙度为变量,设计6组不同模拟情景对影响研究区孔压演化的参数进行分析。结果表明:(1)鲁甸地震造成的同震静态应变场沿断层两侧呈四象限分布,应变场极值点分布在断层北段两侧,远离断层体应变数值逐渐减小;(2)地震造成研究区含水层孔压扰动在50 d内恢复至震前稳定值,孔压的扩散时间受渗透系数及杨氏模量的影响;(3)模拟所得会泽井水位受地震影响瞬时上升0.45 m,并在震后50 d内恢复至震前水位,水位变化趋势为阶升之后缓慢恢复,模拟水位与实测水位变化趋势相近。  相似文献   

海南琼海加积井水位对远大震的同震响应特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文收集整理了2001~2010年海南琼海加积井水位对震中距小于8000km、Ms≥7.8的远大震的同震响应资料,统计了水位变化的形态,分析了同震响应水位变化的幅度与震级及井震距的关系,核实了出现水位变化时的地震波震相.结果表明,同震响应形态表现为以阶升为主,无振荡类型的变化;水位的变化幅度与井震距、震级有一定的关系;该井的同震响应表现出一定的方向性;引起同震响应的地震波大多为面波,有一部分为周期较长的S波.  相似文献   

小波变换得到河北无极井水位震前异常明显,异常一般出现在震前3个月内,对2011—2018年河北无极井数字水位分钟值数据及全球M≥5.0地震资料进行分析,结果表明:无极井对全球M≥7.0地震具有较好的同震响应能力,对不同地震的响应形态均表现为震荡型的水震波;井-含水层观测系统、地震震级、井震距是影响水震波记录效果的重要因...  相似文献   

利用永安井秒采样水位仪记录到的地震波形数据,与CMG-3ESPC-60地震计比较,对井水位同震响应特征、响应能力、地震波加载响应等方面进行分析。结果表明:秒采样水位仪也可记录到地震体波(P波、S波)和面波R,面波频散现象清晰,较好反映地震波作用过程及震源破裂过程中能量的释放;井水位对近场地震和远场地震响应程度存在差异,其同震响应能力与震级、震中距无必然联系;同CMG-3ESPC-60地震计相比,二者都存在明显周期信号,面波频段波幅变化最大,为主要中心频率,与CMG-3ESPC-60地震计速度值积分振幅谱谱形态一致,也具有较宽频带,但低于CMG-3ESPC-60地震计。  相似文献   

Water level fluctuations induced by tidal strains can be analyzed to estimate the elastic properties, porosity, and transmissivity of the surrounding aquifer material. We review underutilized methods for estimating aquifer properties from the confined response to earth tides. The earth tide analyses are applied to an open well penetrating a confined carbonate aquifer. The resulting range of elastic and hydraulic aquifer properties are in general agreement with that determined by other investigators for the area of the well. The analyses indicate that passive monitoring data from wells completed in sufficiently stiff, low porosity formations can provide useful information on the properties of the surrounding formation.  相似文献   

Field-based experiments were designed to investigate the release of naturally occurring, low to moderate (< 50 microg/L) arsenic concentrations to well water in a confined sandstone aquifer in northeastern Wisconsin. Geologic, geochemical, and hydrogeologic data collected from a 115 m2 site demonstrate that arsenic concentrations in ground water are heterogeneous at the scale of the field site, and that the distribution of arsenic in ground water correlates to solid-phase arsenic in aquifer materials. Arsenic concentrations in a test well varied from 1.8 to 22 microg/L during experiments conducted under no, low, and high pumping rates. The quality of ground water consumed from wells under typical domestic water use patterns differs from that of ground water in the aquifer because of reactions that occur within the well. Redox conditions in the well can change rapidly in response to ground water withdrawals. The well borehole is an environment conducive to microbiological growth, and biogeochemical reactions also affect borehole chemistry. While oxidation of sulfide minerals appears to release arsenic to ground water in zones within the aquifer, reduction of arsenic-bearing iron (hydr)oxides is a likely mechanism of arsenic release to water having a long residence time in the well borehole.  相似文献   

尼泊尔MS8.1地震引起中国大陆大量地震观测井水位和水温的同震响应. 从宏观结果看, 在54个同时存在水位和水温同震效应的观测井中, 有51口观测井的变化类型为水位上升-水温上升、 水位下降-水温下降、 水位振荡-水温上升或下降(以下降为主), 井水位与井水温同震效应表现出良好的相关性, 这可能与地下水动力学作用有关; 有3口观测井的水位变化与水温变化方向相反, 且水温变化均为震后效应. 另外, 有1口观测井水位无变化而水温同震效应明显. 这些不同类型的同震变化与井孔条件、 水温梯度、 传感器位置及水位埋深等多种因素有关. 从微观结果看, 井水位同震效应出现的时间及变化幅度与井水温同震效应出现的时间及变化幅度之间的关联性比较复杂, 这与井孔条件和温度梯度等因素有关.   相似文献   

The determination of anisotropy in a phreatic aquifer by means of a pumping test can be carried out, under given conditions, with common analysis methods. This paper develops and applies an amended method based on a technique proposed by Boulton (1970). This new method enables a quick, simple determination of vertical hydraulic conductivity, given drawdown data from a pumping well and at least one observation well, that is applicable to confined phreatic aquifers.  相似文献   

昌黎井含水层系统的水位水温动态关系与地震活动   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
研究深层含水系统水位,水温动态,目前多以变化形态的描述和年动态特征的分析为主,本文根据水位,水温的变化关系,研究了两者线性相关系数r值的稳定和回归系数b值随时间的变化,发现地震活动平静时间段的r值和b值相对稳定,而在地城活动频敏,强度较高时间段为r值和b 值变化较大,文章对1989年10月19日大同6.1级地震和1995年以来地震活动性及1998年1月10日张北6.2级地震前后r值和b值的变化进行了讨论,显示了比单一分析水位或水温动态能够获得更多的信息,从对深层地下水动态与水温关系的分析认为,水位动态是深层含水系统热动平衡状态的反应,研究水位动态必须同时研究地下水热动态。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the management study of an aquifer-well system located in the industrial area of Ptolemais, Greece. An analytical solution for the steady state problem is obtained and parametric calibration of the mathematical model simulating the aquifer-well system follows. Calculated numerical results are compared with existing field data. An optimization model is introduced and the maximum possible discharge of the aquifer under continuously increasing pumping rates is calculated. A sensitivity analysis for the maximum discharge conditions follows and the basic assumptions of the mathematical model are checked. Furthermore an analytical relationship is obtained which describes qualitatively the development of the aquifer under pumping rate conditions. A discussion concludes the paper.  相似文献   

The study on the hydraulic properties of coastal aquifers has significant implications both in hydrological sciences and environmental engineering. Although many analytical solutions are available, most of them are based on the same basic assumption that assumes aquifers extend landward semi‐infinitely, which does not necessarily reflect the reality. In this study, the general solutions for a leaky confined coastal aquifer have been developed that consider both finitely landward constant‐head and no‐flow boundaries. The newly developed solutions were then used to examine theoretically the joint effects of leakage and aquifer length on hydraulic head fluctuations within the leaky confined aquifer, and the validity of using the simplified solution, which assumes the aquifer is semi‐infinite. The results illustrated that the use of the simplified solution may cause significant errors, depending on joint effects of leakage and aquifer length. A dimensionless characteristic parameter was then proposed as an index for judging the applicability of the simplified solution. In addition, practical application of the general solution for the constant‐head inland boundary was used to characterize the hydraulic properties of a leaky confined aquifer using the data collected from a field site at the Seine River estuary, France, and the versatility of the general solution was further justified.  相似文献   

Relative little is known about the interaction between climate change and groundwater. Analysis of aquifer response to climatic variability could improve the knowledge related to groundwater resource variations and therefore provides guidance on water resource management. In this work, seasonal and annual variations of groundwater levels in Kumamoto plain (Japan) and their possible interactions with climatic indices and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) were analyzed statistically. Results show the following: (1) The water level in the recharge area mainly fluctuates at 1‐ and 2‐year periods, whereas the significant periodicity for water level oscillation in the coastal aquifer is 0.5 year. (2) The aquifer water levels are possibly influenced by variability in precipitation, air temperature, barometric pressure, humidity variances and ENSO. Relative high correlations and large proportions of similarities in wavelet power patterns were found between these variables and water levels. (3) Aquifer response to climatic variances was evaluated using cross wavelet transform and wavelet coherence. In recharging aquifers, the ENSO‐induced annual variations in precipitation, air temperature, humidity and barometric pressure affect aquifer water levels. The precipitation, air temperature and humidity respond to ENSO with a 4‐, 6‐ and 8‐month time lag, respectively, whereas the ENSO imparts weak influence on the barometric pressure. Significant biennial variation of water levels during 1991–1995 is caused primarily by precipitation and humidity variations. In the coastal aquifer, the 0.5‐year variability in ENSO is transferred by precipitation, barometric pressure and humidity to aquifer water levels, and the precipitation/humidity influence is more significant comparing with the barometric pressure. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The coastal confined aquifer in the Gulf of Urabá (Colombia) is an important water source for the banana agro‐industry as well as for urban and rural communities. However, the main processes controlling recharge and mixing in the aquifer are still poorly understood. Hydrochemical analyses and stable isotope monitoring were conducted to (a) determine groundwater recharge origin, mean groundwater age, and the main processes governing groundwater chemistry and the potential mixing of marine water and the influence of diffusive processes from the two surrounding aquitard layers. Hydrochemical data indicate that the main processes affecting the dissolved chemical composition include cation exchange, dissolution of carbonated and CO2, and silicate weathering. δ18O and δ2H compositions combined with 14C data highlight the differences in climatic conditions between the recharge zone and the confined section of the aquifer, which is close to the Atlantic Ocean. Groundwater samples with 14C ages from recent to 28,300 years BP show a depleted isotopic trend ranging from ?6.43‰ to ?9.14‰ in δ18O and from ?43.2‰ to ?65.7‰ in δ2H. The most depleted δ18O and δ2H compositions suggest a cooler recharge climate than the current conditions (corresponding to the last glacial period of the late Pleistocene). Depleted δ13C values in the total dissolved inorganic carbon indicate the existence of organic material oxidation processes within the geologic formation. These results can be used or transferred to enhance groundwater modelling efforts in other confined coastal aquifers of South America where scarcity of long‐term monitoring data limits water resources planification under a changing climate.  相似文献   

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