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干旱区土壤有机碳含量与土壤理化性质相关分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
徐薇薇  乔木 《中国沙漠》2014,34(6):1558-1561
干旱区土壤碳库是全球碳库的重要组成部分,在全球碳循环中起着重要作用.本文根据干旱区土壤相关数据资料,分析土壤有机碳与土壤理化性质相关性,为干旱区碳循环提供理论依据.结果表明:土壤有机碳含量与土壤营养成分和交换性阳离子含量呈显著正相关,与土壤pH值和容重呈显著负相关.此外,干旱区土壤也存在相当比例的无机碳,土壤有机碳和无机碳含量呈显著负相关,二者间关系还需要结合母质、生物气候条件、人类活动影响进行进一步说明.  相似文献   

阜康典型荒漠C3植物稳定碳同位素值的环境分析   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
通过对阜康典型荒漠C3植物稳定碳同位素值的分析。叶片炭同位素值在-23‰和-29‰之间变化,其中主要在-27‰附近波动。这与前人报道的世界上其他地区荒漠植物碳同位素值的变化非常一致。降水可以改变叶片碳同位素值的大小,降水越多,叶片碳同位素值越负,它们的变化幅度有物种的依赖性。叶片碳同位素值也受植物生长形式或期望寿命的影响,木本植物或寿命长的植物叶片碳同位素值要高。分析表明,利用该区土壤或陆相沉积中有机质碳同位素值可以判断气候的干湿变化:土壤或陆相沉积中有机质碳同位素值越高,气候则越干燥。  相似文献   

为了加深对阿拉善荒漠土壤环境状况的了解,并为植被生态功能的评价以及植物群落的保育与恢复提供理论依据,基于16S rDNA高通量测序和相关统计分析方法,对5种荒漠建群灌木红砂(Reaumuria soongarica)、绵刺(Potaninia mongolica)、沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolic...  相似文献   

荒漠草原2种植物群落土壤微生物及土壤酶特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
测定和分析了甘肃省金昌市金川区荒漠草原土壤微生物数量、微生物生物量和土壤酶活性。结果表明:同层土壤3大类微生物(真菌、细菌和放线菌)数量、土壤微生物量碳和氮含量及4类土壤酶(蔗糖酶、脲酶、磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶)活性均表现为盐爪爪(Kalidium foliatum)群落大于骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)群落,而土壤微生物量磷含量相反;同一植物群落,不同层土壤微生物数量(除骆驼刺群落中的真菌亚表层最高外)、土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷含量及土壤酶活性(除骆驼刺群落中脲酶呈现高-低-高-低趋势外)均呈现随土层的加深而降低的趋势;金川区荒漠草原不同植物群落不同空间层次土壤微生物数量、微生物生物量和各种酶之间有不同程度的相关性。  相似文献   

新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区不同土壤类型无机碳分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土壤无机碳(SIC)是干旱区土壤碳库的重要组成部分,分析其特征和储量是开展干旱区荒漠生态系统碳循环研究的必要基础。基于新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区土壤剖面的实测数据,分析了不同土壤类型SIC分布特征及其差异性,估算了研究区SIC储量,并探讨SIC含量与分布、储量特点以及与土壤有机碳(SOC)和理化因子间关系。结果表明:各类型平均SIC含量为53.06~79.90 g·kg–1;类型间SIC含量有显著差异(p<0.05),50 cm以上各层SIC含量顺序为灰棕漠土>盐碱土>水成土>荒漠风沙土,50 cm以下则盐碱土和水成土逐渐占优势。SIC含量的垂直分布总体表现为低-高-低的特征(10 cm单位土壤深度),除灰棕漠土外,SIC含量在剖面上的变化较均匀。研究区无机碳密度平均为9.37 kg·m-2,SIC库储量为234.50 Tg。SIC含量与SOC及含水量呈显著的正相关,并随土壤深度增加有增加趋势;与土壤容重和表层pH值负相关,相关性较弱。  相似文献   

土壤碳氮是高寒植被响应多年冻土区生态环境变化的重要营养和能源物质,但对其调查仍以生长季的单次采样为主,缺乏对其他季节的研究,这对于准确把握多年冻土区土壤碳氮含量及储量评估存在明显局限性。为此,本研究以青藏高原东北缘祁连山西段疏勒河源多年冻土区高寒草甸为对象,对0—50 cm土层土壤有机碳(Soil Organic Carbon, SOC)、全氮(Total Nitrogen, TN)含量及其比值(C/N)的剖面分布和季节变化及其影响因素进行分析。结果表明:(1)SOC、TN剖面分布规律一致,0—10 cm土层均显著高于10—50 cm各层(P<0.05),0—50 cm深度仅秋季逐渐下降,而春夏冬季0—30 cm递减。(2)SOC、TN含量存在季节变化,SOC表现为夏季>冬季>春季>秋季,TN表现为春秋冬季含量一致,夏季略低。(3)C/N季节变化显著,夏季显著最高,秋季显著最低(P<0.05)。(4)土壤含水量和生物量是影响SOC、TN及C/N剖面分布和季节变化的关键因素。(5)夏季土壤碳氮密度均高于全年平均。可见,仅单一节点(生长季为主)调查以表征全年土壤碳氮储量存在高估趋势。  相似文献   

为了解亚热带泥炭地碳氮磷含量的空间分布模式及其影响因素,在神农架大九湖泥炭地采集147份表层泥炭样品进行总有机碳含量(TOC)、总磷含量(TP)和总氮含量(TN)测试和理化参数分析,探究表层泥炭碳氮磷的空间分布特征及其控制因素。结果表明:大九湖表层泥炭TOC含量变化范围为3.51%~37.93%,TP含量变化范围为0.37~2.75 mg/g,TN含量变化范围为0.59~1.6mg/g。相关性分析表明:TOC含量与含水率(r=0.45,P<0.01)和TP含量(r=0.27,P<0.05)呈显著正相关,TP含量与干容重呈显著正相关(r=0.32,P<0.05),TN含量与各种理化参数的相关性均不显著。通过对比亚热带、热带、北方泥炭地的碳氮磷含量,发现相对于热带和北方泥炭地,亚热带泥炭地的TOC含量和TN含量更低,而TP含量更高。本研究为亚热带泥炭地的生态保护提供了关键的基础数据和参考。  相似文献   

森林转换对不同土层土壤碳氮含量及储量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林转换是影响森林碳氮储量的重要因素。研究森林转换对土壤碳氮的影响,对明确生态系统碳氮循环动态具有重要意义。对由中亚热带常绿阔叶天然林转换而成的阔叶天然次生林(BL)与杉木人工林(CF)不同土层的有机碳(SOC)、氮(TN)含量以及储量进行研究,探讨森林转换对地下土壤碳氮储量的影响及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)相同土层,阔叶天然次生林的SOC含量、TN含量高于杉木人工林,分别在0~40 cm各土层与0~20 cm各土层之间均具有显著性,相同森林类型下SOC含量与TN含量垂直拟合关系均以幂函数拟合效果最好,R~2均达到0.9以上,可以为当地碳氮含量估算提供依据,土壤碳氮比(C/N)均随土层深度增加而下降。(2)森林转换后0~100 cm碳氮储量(SCM、SNM)阔叶天然次生林高于杉木人工林。土壤碳氮在2种林分的差异主要集中在0~10 cm,且阔叶天然次生林显著高于杉木人工林。(3)相关分析显示土壤SOC、 TN含量与土壤容重呈显著负相关,与C/N之间呈极显著正相关(P0.01)。研究表明:森林土壤碳氮储量主要集中在0~10 cm土层,天然林转换为杉木人工林后,土壤碳氮含量降低,不利于森林碳氮储量的积累,因此要加大对天然林的保护。  相似文献   

为探究不同植被土壤碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量特征及其影响因素,以黄土丘陵区油松、刺槐、沙棘和草地4种典型退耕恢复植被0~100 cm土壤为研究对象,分析不同植被土壤有机碳(SOC)、全氮(STN)、全磷(STP)含量及其化学计量特征。结果表明:(1)不同恢复植被对土壤养分含量有显著影响,刺槐的SOC、STN最高,油松的SOC、STN最低,STP表现为草地>刺槐>油松>沙棘。(2)不同恢复植被土壤养分具有“表聚性”,随土层深度增加,SOC和STN含量呈下降趋势,而STP的变异性较弱。特别是刺槐的SOC和STN在60~100 cm呈增加趋势。(3)不同恢复植被土壤SOC:STN(C:N)、SOC:STP(C:P)差异不显著(P>0.05),刺槐的土壤STN:STP(N:P)显著高于其他植被类型(P<0.05),土壤C:N、C:P、N:P均低于全球及全国平均水平,研究区有机质的分解速率较快,P的有效性高,植被生长主要受N元素限制。(4)研究区土壤C:N、C:P和N:P主要受SOC和STN影响;土壤养分与土壤含水量(SWC)和土壤容重(BD)呈负相关,与...  相似文献   

为明晰荒漠草原优势植物的植物生物量与土壤养分关系,研究选取祁连山北麓肃北区域荒漠草原骆驼蓬(Peganum harmala)、狗尾草(Setaria viridis)、中华羊茅(Festuca sinensis)、碱茅(Puccinellia distans)和冰草(Agropyron cristatum)5种优势植物,测定该其生物量和根际土壤养分,探究其植物生物量分配及其与土壤养分间的关系。结果表明:(1)5种优势植物间总生物量和根冠比差异显著(P<0.05),骆驼蓬总生物量最高,碱茅最低。多年生的骆驼蓬、碱茅、中华羊茅和冰草植物生物量大部分集中在地下,一年生的狗尾草植物生物量大部分集中在地上,不同植物间根冠比大小为:碱茅>冰草>中华羊茅>骆驼蓬>狗尾草。(2)5种植物根际土壤有机碳、碱解氮、速效钾、全氮、全磷、全钾及其化学计量特征均存在显著差异(P<0.05),5种植物根际间土壤碳氮比大小为碱茅>狗尾草>冰草>骆驼蓬>中华羊茅。(3)不同植物生物量、根冠比及土壤养分变异性不一致,骆驼蓬、狗尾草和中华羊茅的根际土壤全钾与碱茅...  相似文献   

荒漠河岸林是干旱地区重要的生态系统之一,受间歇性河流补给的浅层地下水是河岸林植物生存的主要水分来源。基于额济纳荒漠河岸林地下水位观测断面具有高时空分辨率的地下水位数据,分析了荒漠河岸林浅层地下水的时空变化及分水事件中河水对地下水的补给特征。结果表明:额济纳绿洲河岸林地下水位在季节尺度上具有植物生长季下降,非生长季上升的变化特征;在植物生长季内,地下水位具有白天下降,夜间上升的日周期变化特征,且日波动幅度主要受不同植被类型及植物不同生长期地下水蒸散速率的影响。黑河下游河水的河道渗漏是沿岸浅层地下水的主要补给来源,在分水过程中,距河道不同距离的地下水位对河水补给的响应时间随距离增加而增大,分水结束时的地下水位上升幅度随距离增加而减小,分水总径流量、分水持续时间和日均径流量是影响地下水补给宽度的主要因素。河道径流渗漏水量的绝大部分都通过蒸散发过程损失,从2013—2015年6次分水事件结束后,地下水估算补给量占其与蒸散量总和的平均比例为23.6%。  相似文献   

To explore the optimal land-use for soil carbon(C) sequestration in Inner Mongolian grasslands,we investigated C and nitrogen(N) storage in soil and soil fractions in 8 floristically and topographically similar sites which subjected to different land-use types(free-grazing,grazing exclusion,mowing,winter grazing,and reclamation).Compared with free-grazing grasslands,C and N storage in the 0-50 cm layer increased by 18.3%(15.5 Mg C ha-1) and 9.3%(0.8 Mg N ha-1) after 10-yr of grazing exclusion,respectively,and 21.9%(18.5 Mg C ha-1) and 11.5%(0.9 Mg N ha-1) after 30-yr grazing exclusion,respectively.Similarly,soil C and N storage increased by 15.3%(12.9 Mg C ha-1) and 10.2%(0.8 Mg N ha-1) after 10-yr mowing,respectively,and 19.2%(16.2 Mg C ha-1) and 7.1%(0.6 Mg N ha-1) after 26-yr mowing,respectively.In contrast,soil C and N storage declined by 10.6%(9.0 Mg C ha-1) and 11.4%(0.9 Mg N ha-1) after 49-yr reclamation,respectively.Moreover,increases in C and N storage mainly occurred in sand and silt fractions in the 0-10 cm soil layer with grazing exclusion and mowing.Our findings provided evidence that Inner Mongolian grasslands have the capacity to sequester C and N in soil with improved management practices,which were in the order:grazing exclusion > mowing > winter grazing > reclamation.  相似文献   

Land use and cover change(LUCC) is an important indicator of the human-earth system under climate/environmental change,which also serves as a key impact factor of carbon balance,and a major source/sink of soil carbon cycles.The Heihe River Basin(HRB) is known as a typical ecologically fragile area in the arid/semi-arid regions of northwestern China,which makes it more sensitive to the LUCC.However,its sensitivity varies in a broad range of controlling factors,such as soil layers,LUCCs and calculation methods(e.g.the fixed depth method,FD,and the equivalent mass method,ESM).In this study,we performed a meta-analysis to assess the response of soil organic carbon(SOC) and total nitrogen(TN) storage to the LUCC as well as method bias based on 383 sets of SOC data and 148 sets of TN data from the HRB.We first evaluated the calculation methods and found that based on the FD method,the LUCC caused SOC and TN storage to decrease by 17.39% and 14.27%,respectively;while the losses estimated using the ESM method were 19.31% and 18.52%,respectively.The deviations between two methods were mainly due to the fact that the FD method ignores the heterogeneity of soil bulk density(BD),which may underestimate the results subsequently.We then analyzed the response of SOC and TN storage to various types of the LUCC.In particular,when woodland and grassland were converted into cultivated land or other land types,SOC and TN suffered from heavy losses,while other LUCCs had minor influences.Finally,we showed that increasing the depth of the soil layers would reduce the losses of SOC and TN storage.In summary,we identified a series of controlling factors(e.g.soil layer,the LUCC and calculation method) to evaluate the impact of the LUCC on SOC and TN storage in the HRB,which should be considered in future research.  相似文献   

Tong  Jinhui  Hu  Jinhua  Lu  Zheng  Sun  Haoran  Yang  Xiaofan 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(9):1578-1594
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Land use and cover change (LUCC) is an important indicator of the human-earth system under climate/environmental change, which also serves as a key impact factor...  相似文献   

Seasonal and microhabitat variations of chemical constituents of foliar organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), total phosphorus (P), and total potassium (K), in Populus euphratica growing in desert riparian forests in northwestern China and their correlations were studied. Results show that ranges of C, N, P and K contents in the leaves of P. euphratica were 39.08%?46.16%, 0.28%?2.81%, 0.05%?0.18% and 0.35%?2.03%, with means of 43.51%, 1.49%, 0.102% and 1.17%, respectively. The ratio of C/N, C/P and N/P changed from 16.26 to 146.61, from 258.08 to 908.67 and from 2.89 to 26.67; the mean was 37.24, 466.27 and 15.14, respectively. The mean N content was significantly lower than of deciduous trees in China, but the mean P content was nearly equivalent. The ratio of C/N was remarkably higher than of global land plants. The ratio of N/P indicated that growth of P. euphratica was jointly limited by N and P nutrient deficiency. During the growth season, total trends of leaf C, N, P and K contents decreased. The maximum appeared in May, and the minimum in September. Among microhabitats, C, N and K contents gradually increased from riparian lowland, flatland, sandpile, Gobi and dune, but C/N ratio was opposite, and P content was not apparent. Foliar C content was extremely, significantly and positively correlated with N and K contents, respectively. The relationships of N-K and P-K were both significantly positive.  相似文献   

In this study, seasonal variation characteristics of surface soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and soil microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) of an artificial vegetation area located in Shapotou for different time periods were studied using the chloroform fumigation method, and the results were compared with those of near-natural vegetation areas and mobile dunes. Results showed that the MBC and MBN levels in the 0-5 cm soil layer were higher in autumn than in summer and spring. As the prolongation of vegetation restoration raised the MBC and MBN levels in summer and autumn, no clear variation was found in spring. However, the MBC and MBN in 5-20 cm had no obvious seasonal variation. During summer and autumn, the variation trend of MBC and MBN in the vertical direction was shown to be 0-5 〉 5-10 〉 10-20 cm in the vegetation area, while for mobile dunes, the MBC and MBN levels increased as the depth increased. The natural vegetation area was shown to possess the highest MBC and MBN levels, and yet mobile dunes have the lowest MBC and MBN levels. MBC and MBN levels in artificial sand-binding vegetation increased with the prolongation of vegetation restoration, indicating that the succession of sand-binding vegetation will result in the ac- cumulation of soil carbon and nitrogen, as well as the restoration of soil fertility.  相似文献   

干旱荒漠区土地利用方式快速转变对土壤入渗性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究不同土地利用类型下土壤入渗及其影响因素,有助于城市土地利用管理及径流调节。以快速城市化的兰州新区6种土地利用类型为例,利用圆盘入渗仪,对土壤水分入渗过程进行了实地测量,并利用主成分分析对影响因素进行研究。结果表明:城市化过程中土地利用变化使土壤砂粒和容重增加,总孔隙度和饱和含水量降低;待建地和人工林地的土壤入渗参数值均低于其他土地利用类型。土壤入渗率与有机质含量、总孔隙度、饱和含水量、粉粒含量正相关,与容重和砂粒、黏粒含量负相关。城市化过程中土地利用类型向待建地的转变改变了土壤理化性质及土壤水分入渗能力。  相似文献   

Severe erosion, initiated by climatic changes during the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene period and resultant declines in dust deposition, causes the formation of waterfalls during the winter floods in many wadi systems in the central Negev desert of Israel. In some areas, erosion of the original loess substrate has been complete, so that the underlying rock has been exposed. We examined the effects of this erosion in four wadis in the central Negev desert on soil nutrients, plant community structure and plant quality. We predicted that erosion has caused reductions in soil nutrients. Reductions in soil nutrients should result in reductions in plant cover. Furthermore, reduced soil nutrient availability should cause reductions in the nutrient status and quality of the plants growing there. In addition to the loss of biodiversity that may result, this erosion may result in economic hardship for the Bedouin peoples whose herds depend on these resources. In this study, there were significant negative effects of erosion on soil organic carbon, nitrate nitrogen and water-holding capacity, but not on soil phosphorus, conductivity or pH. Furthermore, there was a negative effect of soil erosion on an overall measure of soil quality derived from a principal components analysis in three of the four wadis we studied. Erosion resulted in an increase in plant species richness and significantly altered plant community structure in eroded areas of wadis. Increased plant species richness in eroded sites is consistent with the intermediate disturbance hypothesis of plant community structure. Plants growing in eroded areas did not differ in two quality indices (nitrogen content and digestibility), although plants typical of eroded areas had significantly lower levels of common digestion inhibitors (total polyphenols) and toxins (alkaloids) than plants from undisturbed sites. These last-mentioned results are contrary to our prediction and are consistent with the notion that plants growing in disturbed (e.g. eroded) sites maximize growth at the expense of investments in defense.  相似文献   

为探讨干旱区作物灌溉对盐碱土无机碳传输的影响,通过选择不同含盐量的土壤,即耕地土(F)、混合土(C)和原生荒漠土(D),分别种植水稻(R)和棉花(C),进行了一个生长季的淋溶实验,并定期收取且分析土壤淋溶液中的可溶性无机碳(DIC)含量。结果表明:(1)水稻处理无机碳的淋溶主要集中在秧苗分蘖期和幼穗发育期,而棉花处理则集中在花铃期和吐絮期;(2)不同含盐量土壤在同一灌溉量下,土壤含盐量越高,其淋溶过程得到的无机碳总量越大,最高约为8.4 g·m-2·a-1,最低仅约0.7 g·m-2·a-1;(3)同种土壤不同灌溉量,其水稻高于棉花,高出值范围为2.9~4.1 g·m-2·a-1;种植作物处理得到的无机碳总量均大于其相应对照处理的量(p<0.05)。研究结果表明,土壤的盐含量及作物灌溉量对土壤无机碳淋溶有重要影响。  相似文献   

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