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马振骅 《大气科学》1984,8(1):96-105
在考虑到地球曲率、大气无线电折射率垂直梯度、地表反射系数和地面粗糙度等因素对无线电波传播影响的条件下,推演了计算雷达波束内能量分布和气象目标物回波功率的表达式.根据这些公式的计算结果表明,雨区回波功率与不考虑这些因素情况下的值相比较,可有-3至+6分贝的偏差,具体值取决于雷达离地高度、天线仰角、雷达波长、波束宽度、地表反射系数和粗糙度等.  相似文献   

A systematic procedure for calibrating system gain bias (so-called “calibration error”) of radar reflectivity measurements from the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) operational radar network is presented. First, the RJNI radar located at Jindo Island is calibrated by comparing with radar reflectivities simulated theoretically by a scattering algorithm using drop spectra collected by a disdrometer from June 19 to 29, 2009. Once the RJNI radar is calibrated, the reflectivity measurements from nearby radars are compared with the RJNI radar reflectivities to determine existing gain biases of nearby radars. This radar-radar calibration procedure was repeated with the other radars within the network. For isolating a system gain bias, echoes affected by partial beam blockage due to ground clutter and by attenuation due to precipitation were removed. The system gain biases of the RJNI and RPSN radars were ?3 and ?4.2 dB, respectively, during the experimental period. The RBRI and RDNH radars revealed relatively large biases, above ?8 dB. The other radars (RKSN, RGSN, RSSP, RKWK, RGDK, RIIA, and RMYN) revealed biases from ?6 to ?7 dB. Thus, the reflectivity measurements from all of the KMA radars were severely biased. New R-Z relations of R = 3.350 × 10?2Z0.624 (Z = 231.1R 1.6) for stratiform and R=1.546 × 10?2 Z 0.714 (Z = 342.4R 1.4) for convective precipitations were derived using disdrometer data. Using these R-Z relations, the radar-derived total rainfall amounts from the reflectivity measurements without calibration produced significant underestimations, compared to gauge measurements at about 80 sites, with a normalized bias of about ?56%. On the other hand, after calibrating the above system biases, the radar-derived rainfall amounts corresponded well with the gauge measurements, with a normalized bias of about ?3%. In conclusions, the radar reflectivity measurements from the KMA radar network are severely biased and the procedure presented in this study can be used to resolve the system gain biases.  相似文献   

地形暴雨的多普勒天气雷达观测分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为了进一步揭示地形对暴雨的影响,提高强降水的预报、监测和预警能力,针对三次落区于太行山东部迎风坡的暴雨天气,通过对多普勒天气雷达的观测分析发现:三次暴雨均为积层混合型絮状回波,受太行山地形的影响,无论回波移动方向如何,在偏东风作用下,较强回波均在太行山东侧迎风坡加强(或有新生)、合并、移速减慢,对应降水加强;三次过程径向速度场均为连续的大尺度风场特征,低层均有偏东风"牛眼"出现并伴有风速辐合,"牛眼"的形成、强弱、面积的大小和维持时间的长短以及风向的变化对三次暴雨的形成至关重要。低层偏东风"牛眼"结构急流的存在为太行山迎风坡暴雨形成的判据。  相似文献   

本文从湍流大气对声波散射方程出发,推导出静止大气和有水平运动两种情况下,有限接收面积上的平均准后向散射截面公式。从而分析了影响平均准后向散射截面的因子,同时还计算讨论了不同天线口径、风速和值的平均准后向散射截面。 计算结果表明:在一般情况下,边界层内用声雷达测得的温度结构系数[C_T~2(θ)]要比理论上纯后向温度结构系数[C_T~2(180°)]大些;C_T~2(θ)与C_T~2(180°)比值以及C_T~2(θ)随高度的变化都与天线口径、风速分布和m值等密切相关。因此对用不同声雷达在不同大气条件作对比测量,得到某些不一致的现象,可给予一定的解释。  相似文献   

下击暴流的雷达预警量化指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
下击暴流是一种局地灾害性天气现象,对航空飞行安全有极大危害,也会对地面物体造成严重损害。依据下击暴流发生前母体雷暴(下文简称雷暴)反射率因子核迅速下降的特征,基于雷达体扫数据,定义了判断下击暴流发生、发展的“单位面积等效势能”概念,并结合下击暴流期间雷暴速度场中层辐合的事实,设计得到了下击暴流出流强度公式。结果表明:(1)单位面积等效势能值的变化准确反映了雷暴强中心高度变化。(2)相邻体扫的单位面积等效势能差,反映了雷暴能量的释放量,下击暴流发生前1—2个体扫的单位面积等效势能差达到最大,这反映了下击暴流的爆发;可通过设置单位面积等效势能的释放量为30%,预警下击暴流的发生。(3)单位面积等效势能的释放能够提前6—12 min预警出下击暴流的发生,并通过出流强度公式量化由下击暴流产生的地面大风值。预警风速的误差由雷暴距雷达的距离决定,距离越近风速误差越小,反之亦然。(4)对6次下击暴流预警结果表明,该指标能够准确预警下击暴流的发生,而出流强度受雷暴识别参数的影响较大,远距离误差较大。  相似文献   

雨量计与星载测雨雷达资料结合的降水估算方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
邵颖  史岚  张狄  陈慧  张祝 《气象科学》2014,34(4):390-396
利用华东地区97个气象站点,1998—2012年逐月降水资料和TRMM卫星降水产品,基于卫星结合雨量计降水估算方法,并考虑海拔高度对降水的影响,对华东地区的降水进行估算,得到研究区域降水的时空分布情况。通过误差验证,发现估算值与站点实测值之间具有较好的一致性,并且1、4、10月的估算值要好于7月的估算值。总体而言,该方法能够对华东地区进行较好的降水估算,并且能够反映研究区域的降水空间分布情况。  相似文献   

The problem of the reflection of incident surface water waves by undulations on the seabed is treated on the basis of linear perturbation theory. The flow is assumed to be two-dimensional, uniplanar and nonseparating, and the undulations are assumed to be of limited horizontal extent, enabling results for the reflected and transmitted waves to be obtained by Fourier transform methods. A steady state formulation of the problem is adopted, and this provides general results which are applied to the case of a patch of sinusoidal undulations on the bed. The principal conclusions are that the reflection coefficient is both oscillatory in the ratio of the length of the patch to the surface wavelength and also, as expected, critically dependent on the ratio of the surface to bed wavelengths. In addition, the transmitted wave may experience a small phase shift, even in cases of zero reflection. Examples are presented which indicate that relatively few bottom undulations, with wavenumber equal to approximately twice the surface wavenumber, may give rise to a very substantial reflected wave. A possible consequence of this is a coupling between ripple growth and wave reflection, which may be important in problems of coastal protection.  相似文献   

雷达定量估测降水的亮带自动消除改进方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
层状云降水中,0 ℃层融化效应会引起雷达反射率因子局部增大,若不进行订正,则会高估雷达估测的降水.本文提出一种基于新一代天气雷达反射率因子垂直廓线的0 ℃层亮带自动识别与订正算法,以减小因亮带造成的降水高估.本研究首先对降水类型进行分类,在SHY95的基础上增加了垂直方向的反射率因子三维特征,避免亮带的反射率因子高值区被误识别为对流云区;其次,在层状云区识别出一个可能的亮带影响区,在其中查找亮带,采用旋转坐标系法精确的识别亮带的顶、底高度;最后,利用最小二乘法拟合亮带上、下层的斜率,平滑垂直廓线(VPR,Vertical Profile of Reflectivity)的显著突出部分.将该方法应用于北京地区2010—2011年10次包含亮带的降水过程,得到的亮带订正后的均方根误差ERMS、平均绝对误差ERMA、平均相对误差BRM值较初值均有显著减小(分别减小1.538 mm,0.417和0.468).结果表明,该方法能够有效地识别与订正亮带,使得定量测量降水精度有所提高.  相似文献   

利用布设在秦皇岛市抚宁地区的OTT Parsivel激光雨滴谱仪和卢龙地区S波段天气雷达,对2017—2019年4—9月共23次降水过程进行了观测,并分析了基于雨滴谱参数(滴谱粒子数N(D)和粒子直径大小D0)计算的雷达反射率因子ZD和雷达探测的雷达反射率因子ZR的差异ZC。结果表明,N(D)主要集中在130~530个范围内,ZC标准差随着N(D)的增大而逐渐减少;D0主要集中在0.8~1.6 mm范围内,ZC标准值在D0<1.2 mm范围内随着D0的增大而逐渐减少,D0在1.2~1.6 mm范围内趋于稳定;ZD主要集中在15~40 dBZ范围内,ZC标准差在15~35 dBZ范围内随着ZD值增大而减小。  相似文献   

Results are presented of aircraft investigations of microphysical properties of an Arctic nimbostratus cloud (Ns). The data are obtained over the Beaufort Sea using the C-130 instrumented aircraft of National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) of the USA. One of the most modern instrument set designed to study microphysical cloud structure is used. The particle size spectra and averaged microphysical cloud characteristics are obtained. Inhomogeneity of cloud structure is analyzed. The radar measurements of the cloud parameters are compared against the aircraft in-situ measurements.  相似文献   

不同校准方法检验雷达定量估测降水的效果对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用雷达低仰角基本反射率资料和地面加密自动站降水量资料,采用最优化方法,根据天津地区降水特点和不同降水类型,建立适用本地的雷达Z-I关系。经实际应用检验,积混降水类型Z-I关系具实用性。在天津本地化Z-I关系基础上,通过了对比分析6种不同校准方法在天津夏季降水估测中的检验效果。结果表明:Z-I关系校准法和最大集成法对降水的估测偏高,误差较大;最优插值法的估测精度最高,平均绝对误差和均方根误差最小;但计算不同校准方法与实况相关性表明,变分校准法的估测效果与雨量计降水量的相关性最好。同时,所有估测校准法对小雨量级的降水均出现了不同程度的偏高估测。  相似文献   

本文利用第三次青藏高原大气科学试验的Ka波段云雷达资料,结合微波辐射计和探空资料,提出了以模糊逻辑算法为框架的相态识别方法,并利用那曲两个典型对流云个例对方法效果进行了分析。通过与前人方法的对比和对不同相态粒子回波强度谱的统计,进一步验证了本文方法的可靠性。结果表明:利用雷达功率谱资料反演下落末速度并代替径向速度作为相态识别的参量之一,可提升对流云内粒子相态分类结果的合理性。零度层亮带和抬升凝结高度参量的使用,能够进一步优化相态识别的初步结果。固态云粒子的下落末速度远低于相同反射率因子的降水粒子,多模态/多谱峰的谱形态特征能够帮助识别混合相态粒子。  相似文献   




RBF神经网络在雷达定量估测降水中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
傅德胜  肖晨  谭畅  喻宝龙  许波 《气象科学》2015,35(2):199-203
利用重庆气象局CINRAD/SA气象雷达降水回波资料和相应地区的地面雨量站资料,基于径向基函数神经网络,建立雷达定量估测降水模型,将其用于地面降水估测。作为比较,同时以变分法得到的Z-R关系式估测所得降水。经二者对比试验结果表明:建立的雷达定量估测降水模型的估测精度和稳定性要明显优于Z-R关系式,能较好地反映降雨的真实情况。  相似文献   

VHF雷达探测对流层风廓线的数值模拟实验研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
马振骅  陈大任  周彪 《大气科学》1985,9(2):113-118
根据北京上空气象资料计算出的大气湍流结构常数(C_n~2)及风速矢量廓线,构成了VHF雷达的模拟回波信号.在技术要求适当的VHF雷达设计参数条件下,对模拟回波信号进行了相干积分和谱分析处理.结果表明,具备所给设计参数的VHF雷达,无论冬天或夏天,都可探测到上界达20公里以上的风速廓线.  相似文献   

利用中尺度模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting Model)及其资料同化系统3DVAR,将国内多普勒天气雷达(CINRAD)反射率因子及径向风资料直接用于中尺度数值模拟;对安徽梅雨期一次暴雨过程进行模拟试验,经过质量控制后,分析同时同化安徽省内六部多普勒天气雷达观测资料对模拟结果的影响。结果表明:(1)经过质量控制后,同化雷达径向风和反射率因子对初始场的风场和湿度场均有较为明显的改善,说明用该雷达资料质量控制方案同化雷达资料是可行的;(2)同化多部雷达径向速度资料能使风场气旋性增强,同化反射率资料能调整初始水汽场,使对流层中下层水汽含量增加;(3)同化多部雷达径向风和反射率因子资料,能提前模拟出强降水回波结构,且其中尺度特征更清晰,降水落区和强度预报更接近实况,同化雷达资料对降水预报能持续影响到12 h,并提高了12 h降水预报准确率。  相似文献   

以中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室的车载C波段双线偏振多普勒雷达2011年在云南洱源的外场观测资料为例,通过雷达质量指数算法将影响雷达资料质量的主要因子——波束展宽、波束遮挡、地物杂波污染、电磁波衰减等,以距离库为单元按0-1的取值范围量化处理,以此对雷达资料质量进行定量评估。其中,质量指数越接近0就表示雷达资料受各因子影响越大,质量越差;质量指数越接近于1,表示雷达资料受各因子影响越小,质量越好。根据该定量评估结果可以直观地了解资料质量受各因子的影响程度及其整体情况,并方便根据不同的应用需要来筛选数据。  相似文献   

The technology ofthe method of joint probabilities ofthe tidal and residual (de-tided) components developed to estimate the possible sea level fluctuations [1, 10] and modified to calculate rare extreme total sea current velocities [8], is applied to compute ice drift velocity on the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin Island. The initial data are the hourly series of the drift velocity vector obtained from radar observations at Odoptu coastal station (1986-1996, during the whole ice season) and at the Molikpaq drilling platform (in May in 1999, 2000, 2003, 2005, and 2006). The distribution of the tidal component was determined by the prediction of the corresponding series for 19 years that is possible due to the stability of characteristics of the tidal drift. The distribution of the residual component was estimated by combining all de-tided series for the entire time period. The obtained estimates of total ice drift velocities of rare occurrence are in good agreement with those presented in [8] and can be used for designing facilities for the extraction and transportation of hydrocarbons on the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin Island.  相似文献   

马振骅  刘国胜  刘炜 《大气科学》1983,7(4):419-426
推导了调频脉冲雷达和调频连续波霍达的雨回波功率计算公式.结果指出,如果选择中心波长在1.1—1.2厘米间的大频率跨度调频脉冲波或连续波,可以使回波平均功率唯一确定地、线性地正比于降雨率,而不论雨滴谱的形式如何.这样,就为精确遥感降雨率提供了一种方法.  相似文献   

Summary The atmosphere and the ocean are greatly distinct in two aspects that determine their fundamental qualitative difference of the sound scattering. (1) A sharp distinction between the state equations in both media. This leads to a great difference in mechanisms of the volume scattering which is mainly caused by directional (dipole and quadruple) and omnidirectional contributors, respectively, in the atmosphere and in the ocean. (2) Atmospheric kinetic coefficients (thermoconductivity, diffusion and viscosity) are close to each other and substantially exceed any of those of the seawater; besides, the latter very differ between each other. These features, with account of commonly employed sound wavelengths and intensities of the turbulence in both media, essentially eliminates an existence of sound specular scattering (reflection) in the atmosphere, however, makes it quite possible in the ocean. Reflective properties of the thin layers in the seawater strongly depend on which type of stratification dominates. At initial stage the temperature layer excels the salinity one in reflectivity by factor 4.7; however, the lifetime of the latter is longer in dozens of times. Theoretically derived amplitude and evolution features of the scattering from the salt layer have been confirmed in laboratory experiment. One more experimental series has been carried out to distinguish the scattering from the reflective layer and microstructure, both co-existing in the wake past a cylinder. An employment of bistatic sounding configuration allows separating both the reflection and diffuse scattering effects, the former is stronger by factor 50. The volume scattering cross-sections, obtained both by an acoustic way and derived by processing of the optical image spectra, are in agreement and follow the function k–7 of the wave number k.  相似文献   

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