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通过对小冰期研究文献进行综述,并对已发表的小冰期温度和降水数据进行综合对比分析,探讨小冰期时期中国气候特征的区域性.结果表明,小冰期在中国地区不同区域代用指标记录中均存在,但是小冰期的起讫及持续时间具有区域差异性,温湿配置也不尽相同.小冰期的起始时间主要呈现出由西向东推移的趋势,即青藏高原最早,华北地区次之而东部地区最晚.温湿配置的差异主要体现在东部季风区小冰期时期总体上是冷干的气候环境,而西部地区气候变化则呈现冷湿的气候特征.  相似文献   

东亚地区小冰期气候的模拟   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文使用ECHO-G全球气候模式对1550~1850年的小冰期气候进行了300个模式年的模拟,着重分析了东亚地区小冰期的温度变化特征,并与目前所得到的小冰期气候重建结果进行了对比。结果表明,在考虑了太阳辐射、火山活动、CO2和CH4等主要气候影响驱动因子的条件下,较好地模拟出了东亚地区的小冰期气候特征,并与其它手段的气候重建结果相吻合,显示太阳活动和火山活动是小冰期气候形成的主要原因。  相似文献   

 白垩纪是地质史上一个典型的温室气候时期,国际上围绕白垩纪气候成因开展了一系列模拟研究。在评述白垩纪古气候模拟的基础上,讨论了气候模式的应用和发展、古气候边界场设置和模拟试验,分析白垩纪温室气体、古地理、古海洋以及海陆生态系统对气候的作用和反馈。这些古气候模拟试验锁定在气候变化的关键时段和驱动因子、测试地球内外动力和地球各圈层反馈作用,可为认识温室气候的成因、探讨气候变化内在机制和预测未来气候提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

9000年前古气候的数值拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王会军  曾庆存 《大气科学》1992,16(3):313-321

搜集沈阳地区大量旱涝史料 ,经过处理后形成了 1470~2001年共 532a的完整旱涝序列。在此基础上 ,对旱涝进行了阶段性、周期性和年代际气候变率分析 ,对未来进行气候预测 ,认为沈阳地区在未来 10a将处于一个时间尺度为 10~20a的旱段中以及 100a尺度的干期内。  相似文献   

广州地区局地环流的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王雪梅 《高原气象》2003,22(2):197-201
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所的Eta模式和中-β气象预报模式,选择广州地区不同季节的47天,得到47例(包括夏季和冬季)24h环流的数值模拟结果,经过认真分析。得到影响广州地区的主要局地环流型有三种,即辐合气流型、辐散气流型、热岛环流型。从模拟的统计结果来看,辐合气流型、辐散气流型、热岛环流型分别为28%、26%、36%,为广州市空气污染数值预报提供了典型的气象场资料。  相似文献   

本文就大尺度气候数值模拟的一些情况作了简要介绍。内容包括气候数值模拟的重要性,用作气候数值模拟的两类数值模式,国内外近年来气候数值模拟的主要进展以及气候数值模拟中存在的若干主要问题等。  相似文献   

随着近年来计算机技术的飞快发展,中尺度数值模式作为中尺度气象的一种预报和研究工具,越来越显示其重要性。本文综述了MM5中尺度数值模式的发展现状,并以实例介绍其在中尺度气象研究、区域天气预报、区域气候预报、航空航海气象保障、军事训练和空气质量预测等方面的广泛应用。  相似文献   

钱正安  吕世华 《高原气象》1999,18(3):295-305
了从60年代中期以来,我所开了和模拟研究的三个主要发展阶段,即1964-1972年间的地转模式阶段;1973-1986年间的四个原始方程模式的发展阶段;以及1987年后至今的模式业务化及全所广泛开展数值模拟研究阶段。  相似文献   

探空观测是气象资料同化中最基本的常规观测资料,对同化分析和预报的有效改善具有重要作用。由于现有探空观测站的空间分辨率较低,分布不均匀,且每日仅有两次观测,数量偏少,限制了其分析场对中小尺度大气状态的准确再现能力。自我国L波段雷达-数字探空仪更新换代以来,探空观测具备了获取每日4次、垂直分辨为秒级和分钟级的大气廓线资料。本文利用WRF中尺度数值模式,通过06时(世界时,下同)加密探空资料和12时常规探空资料的有效同化,研究分析了时间加密探空观测资料对同化分析和预报质量的敏感性影响。结果表明:同化06时的时间加密探空资料的午后暴雨预报质量优于12时常规探空观测。具体而言,同化06时的时间加密探空资料预报的大雨和暴雨的预报技巧高于12时常规探空资料;位势高度、温度和风场等预报场的均方根误差在高层的改进效果更加明显;06时的时间加密探空资料的同化对高层的高空急流和低层的水汽通量散度的预报质量贡献更大。批量试验进一步证实了有效同化时间加密探空资料对分析和数值预报效果改进的积极意义。  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed numerical experiments undertaken by 10 climate models participating in PMIP3(Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project Phase 3) to examine the changes in interannual temperature variability and coefficient of variation(CV) of interannual precipitation in the warm period of the Medieval Climate Anomaly(MCA) and the cold period of the Little Ice Age(LIA). With respect to the past millennium period, the MCA temperature variability decreases by 2.0% on average over the globe, and most of the decreases occur in low latitudes. In the LIA, temperature variability increases by a global average of 0.6%, which occurs primarily in the high latitudes of Eurasia and the western Pacific. For the CV of interannual precipitation, regional-scale changes are more significant than changes at the global scale, with a pattern of increased(decreased) CV in the midlatitudes of Eurasia and the northwestern Pacific in the MCA(LIA). The CV change ranges from-7.0% to 4.3%(from -6.3% to 5.4%), with a global average of -0.5%(-0.07%) in the MCA(LIA).Also, the variability changes are considerably larger in December–January–February with respect to both temperature and precipitation.  相似文献   

A.T. Grove 《Climatic change》2001,48(1):121-136
Alpine glacier advances in the "Little Ice Age" took place in the decades around 1320, 1600, 1700 and 1810. They were the outcome of snowier winters and cooler summers than those of the twentieth century. Documentary records from Crete in particular, and also from Italy, southern France and southeast Spain point to a greater frequency in Mediterranean Europe's mountainous regions of severe floods, droughts and frosts at times of "Little Ice Age" Alpine glacier advances. Deluges, when more than 200 mm of rain fall within 24 hours, are most frequent on mountainous areas near the coast. An instance is given of the geomorphological consequences of a great deluge which struck the Tech valley in the eastern Pyrenees on 17 October 1940. An increased frequency of deluges, probably at times when Alpine glaciers were advancing in the "Little Ice Age" and earlier in the Holocene, in areas known to be tectonically unstable and underlain by soft sediments, could better explain the occurrence of fluvial terraces in Mediterranean Europe sometimes known as the "younger fill", than soil erosion resulting from deforestation.  相似文献   

The Initiation of the "Little Ice Age" in Regions Round the North Atlantic   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The "Little Ice Age" was the most recent period during which glaciers extended globally, their fronts oscillating about advanced positions. It is frequently taken as having started in the sixteenth or seventeenth century and ending somewhere between 1850 and 1890, but Porter (1981) pointed out that the "Little Ice Age" may 'have begun at least three centuries earlier in the North Atlantic region than is generally inferred'. The glacial fluctuations of the last millennium have been traced in the greatest detail in the Swiss Alps, where the "Little Ice Age" is now seen as starting with advances in the thirteenth century, and reaching an initial culmination in the fourteenth century. In the discussion here, evidence from Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Spitsbergen and Scandinavia is compared with that from Switzerland. Such comparisons have been facilitated by improved methods of calibrating radiocarbon dates to calendar dates and by increasing availability of evidence revealed during the current retreat phase. It is concluded that the "Little Ice Age" was initiated before the early fourteenth century in regions surrounding the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

"Little Ice Age" Research: A Perspective from Iceland   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The development during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries of the sciences of meteorology and climatology and their subdisciplines has made possible an ever-increasing understanding of the climate of the past. In particular, the refinement of palaeoclimatic proxy data has meant that the climate of the past thousand years has begun to be extensively studied. In the context of this research, it has often been suggested that a warm epoch occurred in much of northern Europe, the north Atlantic, and other parts of the world, from around the ninth through the fourteenth centuries, and that this was followed by a decline in temperatures culminating in a "Little Ice Age" from about 1550 to 1850 (see e.g. Lamb, 1965, 1977; Flohn, 1978). The appelations "Medieval Warm Period" and "Little Ice Age" have entered the literature and are frequently used without clear definition. More recently, however, these terms have come under closer scrutiny (see, e.g. Ogilvie, 1991, 1992; Bradley and Jones, 1992; Mikami, 1992; Briffa and Jones, 1993; Bradley and Jones, 1993; Hughes and Diaz, 1994; Jones et al., 1998; Mann et al., 1999; Crowley and Lowery, 2000). As research continues into climatic fluctuations over the last 1000 to 2000 years, a pattern is emerging which suggests a far more complex picture than early research into the history of climate suggested. In this paper, the origins of the term "Little Ice Age" are considered. Because of the emphasis on the North Atlantic in this volume, the prime focus is on research that has been undertaken in this region, with a perspective on the historiography of historical climatology in Iceland as well as on the twentieth-century climate of Iceland. The phrase "Little Ice Age" has become part of the scientific and popular thinking on the climate of the past thousand years. However, as knowledge of the climate of the Holocene continues to grow, the term now seems to cloud rather than clarify thinking on the climate of the past thousand years. It is hoped that the discussion here will encourage future researchers to focus their thinking on exactly and precisely what is meant when the term "Little Ice Age" is used.  相似文献   

The Gulf Stream, one of the strongest currents in the world, transports approximately 31 Sv of water (Kelly and Gille, 1990, Baringer and Larsen, 2001, Leaman et al., 1995) and 1.3 × 1015 W (Larsen, 1992) of heat into the Atlantic Ocean, and warms the vast European continent. Thus any change of the Gulf Stream could lead to the climate change in the European continent, and even worldwide (Bryden et al., 2005). Past studies have revealed a diminished Gulf Stream and oceanic heat transport that was possibly associated with a southward migration of intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and may have contributed to Little Ice Age (AD ∼1200 to 1850) in the North Atlantic (Lund et al., 2006). However, the causations of the Gulf Stream weakening due to the southward migration of the ITCZ remain uncertain. Here we use satellite observation data and employ a model (oceanic general circulation model – OGCM) to demonstrate that the Brazilian promontory in the east coast of South America may have played a crucial role in allocating the equatorial currents, while the mean position of the equatorial currents migrates between northern and southern hemisphere in the Atlantic Ocean. Northward migrations of the equatorial currents in the Atlantic Ocean have little influence on the Gulf Stream. Nevertheless, southward migrations, especially abrupt large southward migrations of the equatorial currents, can lead to the increase of the Brazil Current and the significant decrease of the North Brazil Current, in turn the weakening of the Gulf Stream. The results from the model simulations suggest the mean position of the equatorial currents in the Atlantic Ocean shifted at least 180–260 km southwards of its present-day position during the Little Ice Age based on the calculations of simple linear equations and the OGCM simulations.  相似文献   

Three different reconstructed wind-stress fields which take into account variations of the North Atlantic Oscillation, one general circulation model wind-stress field, and three radiative forcings (volcanic activity, insolation changes and greenhouse gas changes) are used with the UVic Earth System Climate Model to simulate the surface air temperature, the sea-ice cover, and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) since 1500, a period which includes the Little Ice Age (LIA). The simulated Northern Hemisphere surface air temperature, used for model validation, agrees well with several temperature reconstructions. The simulated sea-ice cover in each hemisphere responds quite differently to the forcings. In the Northern Hemisphere, the simulated sea-ice area and volume during the LIA are larger than the present-day area and volume. The wind-driven changes in sea-ice area are about twice as large as those due to thermodynamic (i.e., radiative) forcing. For the sea-ice volume, changes due to wind forcing and thermodynamics are of similar magnitude. Before 1850, the simulations suggest that volcanic activity was mainly responsible for the thermodynamically produced area and volume changes, while after 1900 the slow greenhouse gas increase was the main driver of the sea-ice changes. Changes in insolation have a small effect on the sea ice throughout the integration period. The export of the thicker sea ice during the LIA has no significant effect on the maximum strength of the AMOC. A more important process in altering the maximum strength of the AMOC and the sea-ice thickness is the wind-driven northward ocean heat transport. In the Southern Hemisphere, there are no visible long-term trends in the simulated sea-ice area or volume since 1500. The wind-driven changes are roughly four times larger than those due to radiative forcing. Prior to 1800, all the radiative forcings could have contributed to the thermodynamically driven changes in area and volume. In the 1800s the volcanic forcing was dominant, and during the first part of the 1900s both the insolation changes and the greenhouse gas forcing are responsible for thermodynamically produced changes. Finally, in the latter part of the 1900s the greenhouse gas forcing is the dominant factor in determining the sea-ice changes in the Southern Hemisphere.
Jan SedláčekEmail:

The Earth System Climate Model from the University of Victoria is used to investigate changes in ocean properties such as heat content, temperature, salinity, density and circulation during 1500 to 2000, the time period which includes the Little Ice Age (LIA) (1500–1850) and the industrial era (1850–2000). We force the model with two different wind-stress fields which take into account the North Atlantic Oscillation. Furthermore, temporally varying radiative forcings due to volcanic activity, insolation changes and greenhouse gas changes are also implemented. We find that changes in the upper ocean (0–300 m) heat content are mainly driven by changes in radiative forcing, except in the polar regions where the varying wind-stress induces changes in ocean heat content. In the full ocean (0–3,000 m) the wind-driven effects tend to reduce, prior to 1700, the downward trend in the ocean heat content caused by the radiative forcing. Afterwards no dynamical effect is visible. The colder ocean temperatures in the top 600 m during the LIA are caused by changes in radiative forcing, while the cooling at the bottom is wind-driven. The changes in salinity are small except in the Arctic Ocean. The reduced salinity content in the subsurface Arctic Ocean during the LIA is a result from reduced wind-driven inflow of saline water from the North Atlantic. At the surface of the Arctic Ocean the changes in salinity are caused by changes in sea–ice thickness. The changes in density are a composite picture of the temperature and salinity changes. Furthermore, changes in the meridional overturning circulation (MOC) are caused mainly by a varying wind-stress forcing; the additional buoyancy driven changes due to the radiative forcings are small. The simulated MOC is reduced during the LIA as compared to the industrial era. On the other hand, the ventilation rate in the Southern Ocean is increased during the LIA.  相似文献   

一个气候系统模式对小冰期外强迫变化的平衡态响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
满文敏  周天军  张洁 《大气科学》2010,34(5):914-924
本文利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室发展的气候系统模式FGOALS_gl, 通过设定小冰期的太阳辐射变化, 模拟了小冰期的气候平衡态, 讨论了小冰期气候变化的机理。数值试验结果表明, 由太阳辐照度变化和火山活动共同作用造成的太阳辐射减少是小冰期气候的重要成因, 模拟的小冰期表层气温变化分布与重建资料在全球大多数地区较为一致。就全球平均情况而言, 小冰期的年平均气温较之1860年偏冷0.15℃, 较之20世纪平均情况偏冷0.6℃左右。小冰期温度变化存在显著的地域和季节特征, 表现为北半球降温幅度大于南半球, 高纬地区降温幅度大于低纬地区, 夏季的降温幅度大于冬季。东亚地区小冰期温度较之1860年和20世纪分别偏冷0.3℃和0.6℃。小冰期的降水异常中心位于低纬地区, 主要表现为赤道中东太平洋降水负异常和赤道中西太平洋降水正异常, 以及位于热带印度洋的降水偶极子型。除欧洲和北美外, 全球其他地区陆地降水均减少。东亚地区小冰期夏季降水的变化最为显著, 较之1860年, 华北、 东北地区降水增加, 而长江流域以南降水则减少; 较之20世纪, 东部降水异常表现出华北地区偏多、长江流域偏少、华南地区偏多的“三极型” 分布特征。  相似文献   

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