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The bane of conventional Thellier-type palaeointensity experiments is the thermal alteration of the samples during experimentation. However, high-frequency microwaves can be used to stimulate the magnetic minerals directly, thus eliminating the need for the bulk sample to be heated ( Walton et al . 1993 ). The microwave technique has been successfully applied to ceramics ( Shaw et al . 1996 , 1999 ), and here we present results for historic lavas from Mt Etna, Sicily. 20 samples were randomly selected from 10 different historic flows dating from 1843 to 1983. Hysteresis parameters were monitored as a check for alteration during experimentation and minimal alteration was found. Rock-magnetic analysis and AF plus microwave demagnetizations were carried out on all samples, and microwave intensity analysis was carried out on those samples that were stable to microwave demagnetization (16 in total). With one exception, all samples gave high-quality intensity results. Two or three subsamples from each sample were investigated and a weighted average calculated to give a single estimate of the field. When the intensity values were compared with the SV model based on direct observatory measurements ( Bloxham & Gubbins 1985 ), it was found that those samples that contained a high multidomain (MD) component gave intensity values around 20 per cent lower than expected. This can be explained by the cooling rate effect ( Dodson & McClelland-Brown 1980 ) and/or the presence of an MD component ( McClelland et al. 1996 ). Those samples with the lowest numbers of MD grains gave field values which, within error, were the same as those for the model, or slightly too high: this is compatible with the cooling rate effect.  相似文献   

Palaeo- and archaeointensity determinations of the geomagnetic field are limited by mineralogical alteration that may occur when samples are heated in the laboratory to produce a TRM ( Thellier & Thellier 1959 ; Shaw 1974 ). By using microwave excitation of the magnetic grains we have been able to create a TRM without significantly heating the bulk samples, thereby avoiding thermal alteration ( Walton et al . 1993 ; Shaw et al . 1996 ). When applied to Peruvian ceramics in a manner analogous to the standard Thellier method, the microwave technique was found to reduce the scatter dramatically in the archaeointensity results ( Shaw et al . 1996 ). In the present study we apply this microwave technique to a collection of Chinese ceramics covering the time interval 2700–7500  yr BP. These ceramics have already been investigated using adaptations of both Thellier's ( Coe 1967 ) and Shaw's ( Rolph & Shaw 1985 ) palaeointensity methods ( Yang et al . 1993a ). Although an acceptable agreement was found between those two methods, the equivalent virtual axial dipole moments (VADMs) were significantly lower than for the global model of McElhinny & Senanayake (1982 ). The present study, using the microwave technique with cooling-rate correction, has provided more consistent VADMs, and is much closer to the global model.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic results are presented from a volcanic sequence in Zhijin County, Guizhou Province, Southern China. The lavas and associated volcanic breccias comprising the sequence represent a southern extension of the Emeishan volcanic province. Biostratigraphic dating of interbedded limestone units and stratigraphic constraints indicate that the section formed during the late Permian (∼263–255  Ma), and is thus somewhat older than the Emei stratotype section in Sichuan Province, and close in age to reported estimates of the termination of the Permo-Carboniferous (Kiaman) reverse superchron. Rock magnetic analyses and reflected light microscopy indicate that the magnetic mineralogy of the lava units is dominated by fresh, primary magnetites containing a significant fraction of single-domain grains. Thermal demagnetization behaviour of the breccia units is poor, but most lava samples have one or two components of remanence above 250 °C. The normal polarity characteristic remanence held by the lavas implies a post-Kiaman age for this succession and suggests that the termination of the Kiaman occurred prior to 263  Ma, supporting recently published estimates. According to standard criteria, Thellier palaeointensity results from the lavas are of good quality and reveal that the dipole field strength was comparatively low shortly after the termination of the superchron. 80 per cent of samples record relative VDM values in the range 42–52 per cent of the present-day value, supporting recent studies of mid-Kiaman field intensity. This suggests that a low-energy dipole existed at least between 300 and 255  Ma and does not appear to have been confined to the stable reverse polarity interval.  相似文献   

In the pseudo-Thellier method for relative palaeointensity determinations (Tauxe et al. 1995) the slope of the NRM intensity left after AF demagnetization versus ARM intensity gained at the same peak field is used as a palaeointensity measure. We tested this method on a marine core from the Azores, spanning the last 276  kyr. We compared the pseudo-Thellier palaeointensity record with the conventional record obtained earlier by Lehman et al . (1996 ), who normalized NRM by SIRM. The two records show similar features: intensity lows with deviating palaeomagnetic directions at 40–45  ka and at 180–190  ka. The first interval is associated with the Laschamps excursion, while the 180–190  ka low represents the Iceland Basin excursion (Channell et al. 1997). The pseudo-Thellier method, in combination with a jackknife resampling scheme, provides error estimates on the palaeointensity.
  Spectral analysis of the rock magnetic parameters and the palaeointensity estimates shows orbitally forced periods, particularly 23  kyr for climatic precession. This suggests that palaeointensity is still slightly contaminated by climate. Fuzzy c -means cluster analysis of rock magnetic and geochemical parameters yields a seven-cluster model of predominantly calcareous clusters and detrital clusters. The clusters show a strong correlation with climate, for example samples from detrital clusters predominantly appear during rapid warming. Although both the pseudo-Thellier palaeointensity m a and fuzzy clusters show climatic influences, we have not been able to find an unambiguous connection between the clusters and m a .  相似文献   

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