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The irregularity velocity patterns observed by the SABRE coherent radar at substorm expansion phase onset, which is identified by magnetometer observations of Pi2 pulsations, are occasionally highly structured. In all the examples of structured velocity patterns examined, the SABRE viewing area is located at longitudes within the inferred substorm current wedge. Three types of structured velocity regime are apparent depending on the level of magnetic activity and the position of the radar viewing area relative to the substorm enhanced currents and the Pi2 pulsation generation region. Firstly, vortex-like velocity patterns are observed and these may be caused by the field-aligned currents associated with the substorm current wedge. Secondly, regions of equatorward velocity are also observed at times of substorm expansion phase onset moving longitudinally across the SABRE viewing area. The longitudinal movement is usually westward although an example of eastward motion has been observed. The phase velocity of these regions of equatorward flow is typically 1–3 km s?1. The observed equatorward velocities occur at the poleward edge or poleward of the background convection velocities observed by SABRE. These equatorward velocities may be related to the westward travelling surge and to the expansion (eastwards as well as westwards) of the brightening arc region at substorm onset. Thirdly, the flow rotates equatorward within the field of view but does not then appear to move longitudinally. These equatorward velocities may relate to the earthward surge of plasma from the magnetotail at substorm onset.  相似文献   

The dawn and dusk electrojet response to substorm onset   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have investigated the time delay between substorm onset and related reactions in the dawn and dusk ionospheric electrojets, clearly separated from the nightside located substorm current wedge by several hours in MLT. We looked for substorm onsets occurring over Greenland, where the onset was identified by a LANL satellite and DMI magnetometers located on Greenland. With this setup the MARIA magnetometer network was located at dusk, monitoring the eastward electrojet, and the IMAGE chain at dawn, for the westward jet. In the first few minutes following substorm onset, sudden enhancements of the electrojets were identified by looking for rapid changes in magnetograms. These results show that the speed of information transfer between the region of onset and the dawn and dusk ionosphere is very high. A number of events where the reaction seemed to preceed the onset were explained by either unfavorable instrument locations, preventing proper onset timing, or by the inner magnetospheres reaction to the Earthward fast flows from the near-Earth neutral line model. Case studies with ionospheric coherent (SuperDARN) and incoherent (EISCAT) radars have been performed to see whether a convection-induced electric field or enhanced conductivity is the main agent for the reactions in the electrojets. The results indicate an imposed electric field enhancement.  相似文献   

准确界定亚暴起始时刻是理解亚暴相关问题的关键.已有研究主要集中在两方面:一是从极光图像中人工挑选亚暴事件进行案例分析或统计分析来研究亚暴发生机制及亚暴期间的地磁环境;二是基于一些空间物理参数,如AE指数、SME(SuperMAG electrojet)指数、Pi2、正弯扰等,采用人眼判断或是模式识别的方法从中找出亚暴起始时刻.本文尝试采用模式识别的方法从紫外极光图像中自动地检测出亚暴膨胀期起始时刻.首先,将紫外极光图像通过网格化处理转换到磁地方时-地磁纬度(MLT-MLAT)直角坐标下,然后通过模糊c均值聚类方法提取亮斑,再考察亮斑强度是否增强、面积是否极向膨胀来判断是不是亚暴事件.本文方法在1996年12月—1997年2月这三个月的Polar卫星紫外极光图像上进行了实验验证.我们将检测到的亚暴起始时刻与Liou(J. Geophys. Res., 2010, 115: A12219)的人工标记进行了对比,并详细分析了与标记不一致的多检和漏检事件.本文提出的自动检测方法可以快速地从海量紫外极光图像中完成亚暴事件的初步筛选,方便研究人员进一步深入研究极光亚暴.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the causal relationship between magnetic storms and substorms, variations of the mid-latitude geomagnetic indices, ASY (asymmetric part) and SYM (symmetric part), at substorm onsets are examined. Substorm onsets are defined by three different phenomena; (1) a rapid increase in the mid-latitude asymmetric-disturbance indices, ASY-D and ASY-H, with a shape of so-called ‘mid-latitude positive bay’; (2) a sharp decrease in the AL index; (3) an onset of Pi2 geomagnetic pulsation. The positive bays are selected using eye inspection and a pattern-matching technique. The 1-min-resolution SYM-H index, which is essentially the same as the hourly Dst index except in terms of the time resolution, does not show any statistically significant development after the onset of substorms; it tends to decay after the onset rather than to develop. It is suggested by a simple model calculation that the decay of the magnetospheric tail current after substorm onset is responsible for the decay of the Dst field. The relation between the IMF southward turning and the development of the Dst field is reexamined. The results support the idea that the geomagnetic storms and substorms are independent processes; that is, the ring-current development is not the result of the frequent occurrence of substorms, but that of enhanced convection caused by the large southward IMF. A substorm is the process of energy dissipation in the magnetosphere, and its contribution to the storm-time ring-current formation seems to be negligible. The decay of the Dst field after a substorm onset is explained by a magnetospheric energy theorem.  相似文献   

Interhemispheric contrasts in the ionospheric convection response to variations of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and substorm activity are examined, for an interval observed by the Polar Anglo-American Conjugate Experiment (PACE) radar system between 1600 and 2100 MLT on 4 March 1992. Representations of the ionospheric convection pattern associated with different orientations and magnitudes of the IMF and nightside driven enhancements of the auroral electrojet are employed to illustrate a possible explanation for the contrast in convection flow response observed in radar data at nominally conjugate points. Ion drift measurements from the Defence Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) confirm these ionospheric convection flows to be representative for the prevailing IMF orientation and magnitude. The location of the fields of view of the PACE radars with respect to these patterns suggest that the radar backscatter observed in each hemisphere is critically influenced by the position of the ionospheric convection reversal boundary (CRB) within the radar field of view and the influence it has on the generation of the irregularities required as scattering targets by high-frequency coherent radar systems. The position of the CRB in each hemisphere is strongly controlled by the relative magnitudes of the IMF Bz and By components, and hence so is the interhemispheric contrast in the radar observations.  相似文献   

We have used the global numerical model of the coupled ionosphere-thermosphere-protonosphere system to simulate the electric-field, ion- and electron-temperature and -concentration variations observed by EISCAT during the substorm event of 25 March 1987. In our previous studies we adopted the model input data for field-aligned currents and precipitating electron fluxes to obtain an agreement between observed and modelled ionospheric variations. Now, we have calculated the field-aligned currents needful to simulate the substrom variations of the electric field and other parameters observed by EISCAT. The calculations of the field-aligned currents have been performed by means of numerical integration of the time-dependent continuity equation for the cold mag-netospheric electrons. This equation was added to the system of the modelling equations including the equation for the electric-field potential to be solved jointly. In this case the inputs of the model are the spatial and time variations of the electric-field potential at the polar-cap boundaries and those of the cold magnetospheric electron concentration which have been adopted to obtain the agreement between the observed and modelled ionospheric variations for the substorm event of 25 March 1987. By this means it has been found that during the active phase of the substorm the current wedge is formed. It is connected with the region of the decreased cold magnetospheric electron content travelling westwards with a velocity of about 1 km s–1 at ionospheric levels.  相似文献   

We report multi-instrument observations during an isolated substorm on 17 October 1989. The EISCAT radar operated in the SP-UK-POLI mode measuring ionospheric convection at latitudes 71°-78°. SAMNET and the EISCAT Magnetometer Cross provide information on the timing of substorm expansion phase onset and subsequent intensifications, as well as the location of the field aligned and ionospheric currents associated with the substorm current wedge. IMP-8 magnetic field data are also included. Evidence of a substorm growth phase is provided by the equatorward motion of a flow reversal boundary across the EISCAT radar field of view at 2130 MLT, following a southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). We infer that the polar cap expanded as a result of the addition of open magnetic flux to the tail lobes during this interval. The flow reversal boundary, which is a lower limit to the polar cap boundary, reached an invariant latitude equatorward of 71° by the time of the expansion phase onset. A westward electrojet, centred at 65.4°, occurred at the onset of the expansion phase. This electrojet subsequently moved poleward to a maximum of 68.1° at 2000 UT and also widened. During the expansion phase, there is evidence of bursts of plasma flow which are spatially localised at longitudes within the substorm current wedge and which occurred well poleward of the westward electrojet. We conclude that the substorm onset region in the ionosphere, defined by the westward electrojet, mapped to a part of the tail radially earthward of the boundary between open and closed magnetic flux, the “distant” neutral line. Thus the substorm was not initiated at the distant neutral line, although there is evidence that it remained active during the expansion phase. It is not obvious whether the electrojet mapped to a near-Earth neutral line, but at its most poleward, the expanded electrojet does not reach the estimated latitude of the polar cap boundary.  相似文献   

On August 21st 1998, a sharp southward turning of the IMF, following on from a 20 h period of northward directed magnetic field, resulted in an isolated substorm over northern Scandinavia and Svalbard. A combination of high time resolution and large spatial scale measurements from an array of coherent scatter and incoherent scatter ionospheric radars, ground magnetometers and the Polar UVI imager has allowed the electrodynamics of the impulsive substorm electrojet region during its first few minutes of evolution at the expansion phase onset to be studied in great detail. At the expansion phase onset the substorm onset region is characterised by a strong enhancement of the electron temperature and UV aurora. This poleward expanding auroral structure moves initially at 0.9 km s-1 poleward, finally reaching a latitude of 72.5°. The optical signature expands rapidly westwards at ~6 km s-1, whilst the eastward edge also expands eastward at ~0.6 km s-1. Typical flows of 600 m s-1 and conductances of 2 S were measured before the auroral activation, which rapidly changed to ~100 m s-1 and 10–20 S respectively at activation. The initial flow response to the substorm expansion phase onset is a flow suppression, observed up to some 300 km poleward of the initial region of auroral luminosity, imposed over a time scale of less than 10 s. The high conductivity region of the electrojet acts as an obstacle to the flow, resulting in a region of low-electric field, but also low conductivity poleward of the high-conductivity region. Rapid flows are observed at the edge of the high-conductivity region, and subsequently the high flow region develops, flowing around the expanding auroral feature in a direction determined by the flow pattern prevailing before the substorm intensification. The enhanced electron temperatures associated with the substorm-disturbed region extended some 2° further poleward than the UV auroral signature associated with it.  相似文献   

On 17 March 1991, five clear substorm onsets/intensifications took place within a three hour interval. During this interval ground-based data from the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar, a digital CCD all sky camera, and an extensive array of magnetometers were available, in addition to data from the CRRES and DMSP spacecraft, whose footprints passed over Scandinavia very close to most of the ground-based instrumentation. This interval of substorm activity has been interpreted as being in support of a near-Earth current disruption model of substorm onset. In the present study the ionospheric convection response, observed some four hours to the west in MLT by the Halley HF radar in Antarctica, is related to the growth, expansion and recovery phases of two of the substorm onsets/expansions observed in the Northern Hemisphere. Bursts of ionospheric flow and motion of the convection reversal boundary (CRB) are observed at Halley in response to the substorm activity and changes in the IMF. The delay between the substorm expansion phase onset and the response in the CRB location is dependent on the local time separation from, and latitude of, the initial substorm onset region. These results are interpreted in terms of a synthesis of the very near-Earth current disruption model and the near-Earth neutral line model of substorm onset.  相似文献   

We follow the electron precipitation characteristics on and nearby a preonset arc using the high resolution Freja TESP instrument. Our data coverage extends from about 10 min before onset up to 1 min before onset. The arc is the most equatorward one (around MLAT 62°) of a system of growth phase arcs, and it was close to the radiation belt precipitation. Within the preonset arc, inverted-V type precipitation dominates. Poleward of the arc we also find some precipitation regions, and here there is systematically a cold electron population superposed with a warm population. Using single and double Maxwellian fits to the measured electron spectra we find the ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling parameters (field-aligned conductance K and the parallel potential drop V) as well as the effective source plasma properties (density and temperature) during the event. Compared to typical expansion phase features, the preonset parallel potential drop is smaller by a factor of ten, the electron temperature is smaller by a factor of at least five, and the field-aligned conductance is about the same or larger. The fact that there are two isotropic superposed electron populations on the poleward side of the preonset arc suggests that the distance between warm trapped electrons on dipolar field lines and colder electrons on open field lines has become so small near the onset that mixing e.g. due to finite electron Larmor radius effects can take place.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the response of azimuthal component of the ionospheric electric field to auroral arc activity. We have chosen for analysis three intervals of coordinated EISCAT and TV observations on 18 February, 1993. These intervals include three kinds of arc activity: the appearance of a new auroral arc, the gradual brightening of the existing arc and variations of the arc luminosity. The arcs were mostly east-west aligned. In all cases, the enhancement of arc luminosity is accompanied by a decrease in the westward component of the ionospheric electric field. In contrast, an increase of that component seems to be connected with arc fading. The observed response is assumed to have the same nature as the short circuit of an external electric field by the conductor. The possible consequence of this phenomenon is discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the relation of auroral substorm onset to the sharp decrease in the local AL index (IL) during substorms. With a database of over 4200 onsets determined from auroral images, we have statistically examined the timing between the auroral substorm onset and the sharp decrease in the IL index, as determined with data from the IMAGE magnetometer network. From the database of onsets, 54 substorms were determined to be within 6° of the central meridian of the IMAGE ground array. Our superposed epoch median curve shows that the IL index begins to sharply decrease 3 min before the auroral onset, which is twice the 2 min resolution of the auroral imager. However, the mean difference determined by measuring the time between the start of the IL decrease and the auroral substorm onset is about 1.1±0.6 min. An analysis of the superposed epoch median curves of the SOPA particle data for the LANL spacecraft closest to the auroral onset meridian indicates that both the electron and proton injections begin about 3 min before the auroral onset. However, the mean time of the difference between the minimum of the particle dispersionless injection and the auroral onset is simultaneous within the uncertainty of the auroral onset and the error of the mean for the injection. The location of the electron injection relative to the IMAGE ground array seems to be 01–04 MLT, while the proton injection appears to be in the 22–01 MLT sector. These statistical results support the idea that the field aligned and ionospheric currents of the substorm current wedge begin to flow before the auroral onset.  相似文献   

HF radar data during equinoctial, small IMF By conditions have enabled the ionospheric convection during the substorm growth phase and substorm pseudobreakup to be studied in both hemispheres. This has revealed both conjugate and non-conjugate convection behaviour during the substorm growth phase before and after the pseudobreakup onset. The nightside convection pattern is found to respond promptly to the southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) which impacts on the dusk flank of the magnetosphere due to an inclined phase front in the IMF in the case study presented. The subsequent interhemispheric observations of nightside convection are controlled by the IMF By polarity. The time scale for the response to changes in the IMF By component is found to be a little longer than for Bz, and the full impact of the IMF By is not apparent in the nightside convection until after substorm pseudobreakup has occurred. The pseudobreakup itself is found to result in a transitory suppression in the ionospheric electric field in both hemispheres. This flow suppression is very similar to that observed in HF radar observations of full substorm onset, with the exception of a lack of subsequent poleward expansion.  相似文献   

In this work we examine simultaneous observations from the two geosynchronous satellites GOES-5 and GOES-6 located at 282°E and 265°E respectively, and from middle and low latitude ground observatories located within 250°E and 294°E geographic longitude, during isolated substorms of moderate activity. The spatial distribution of our observation points allows us to make a detailed study of the azimuthal expansion of the substorm current wedge. The data analysis shows evidence that the substorm initiation and development mechanism include the cross-tail current diversion/disruption, the substorm current wedge formation and the azimuthal expansion of the inner plasma sheet. The triggering mechanism is initially confined in a longitudinally narrow sector, estimated to be less than 15° and located very close to local midnight to the east or to the west. The current disruption region expands both eastward and westward in the magnetotail, so that the location of major field-aligned currents flowing into the ionosphere shifts successively eastward, and the location of the currents flowing out of the ionosphere shifts successively westward. Evidence was found that the perturbation travels toward the west with velocities greater than those expanding the wedge eastward. The drastic decrease of the velocity with the azimuthal distance from the location of the disturbance initiation, i.e., the onset sector, indicates that the energy release is a very localized phenomenon. Finally, the transient D perturbation observed by the geosynchronous satellites suggests that the field-aligned currents forming the wedge have a longitudunally limited extent.  相似文献   

The azimuthal propagation of luminosity inhomogeneities (of the bead type) within auroral arcs extended from east (E) to west (W) during the substorm growth phase is studied with high-precision groundbased optical observations at PGI observatories and THEMIS Canadian ground stations. The propagation velocities and directions are compared with the predictions of the known theories that were proposed in order to interpret this phenomenon. It is concluded that there is no unified theory capable of explaining the disturbance propagation peculiarities observed in different events.  相似文献   

For the first time, a substorm event with double onsets is shown observationally under northward IMF condition in this study. Magnetic field data from ground stations and from geosynchronous satellite, and aurora data from IMAGE satellite are examined to study the substorm activity. The results show that the intensity and the spatial extent of the event are as large as those of typical substorms. Another interesting finding is that two expansion onsets seem to occur during the event. A possible mechanism for the two onsets was proposed. The energy source for the event was also discussed.  相似文献   

A magnetospheric substorm is an episode of energy transport and dissipation in the Earth|s ionosphere and mag- netosphere which takes place in response to a time limited increase in energy input from the solar wind to the magnetosphere. For the past few decades, scientists have tried to understand the physical processes which take place that are responsible for the substorm disturbances of the geospace environment. In this paper, The development of the substorm concept is reviewed from its origins at the beginning of the 20th century to the present time. The theoretical framework in which substorm physics is normally presented is then discussed, and an outline is given of how that framework has changed in recent times. This paper concludes by posing two questions which need to be answered if further progress is to be made in solving the substorm problem.  相似文献   

Specific variations in the critical frequency of the ionospheric F 2 layer during magnetospheric substorms have been found based on the data of vertical sounding stations in Europe and North America. Maximal attention has been paid to the positive peaks of ΔfoF2 with a duration of 6–8 h before the beginning of the substorm expansion phase (T 0). The possible physical mechanisms by which these peaks are formed (related to the impact of fast particles in the foreshock region of the solar wind on the Earth’s magnetosphere and different for middle and high latitudes) have been considered. The positive peaks of ΔfoF2 can be used in a short-term prediction of the ionospheric disturbance onset and space weather on the whole.  相似文献   

Field data and two linear layered models were used to examine the baroclinic response to wind in a small elongated two-basin lake, Amisk Lake (Alberta, Canada). For the first vertical baroclinic mode, wind-forced horizontal modes were simulated using a dynamic two-layer variable cross-section (TVC) model. The first horizontal mode, H1, was found to dominate the exchange between the two basins of Amisk Lake. The highest velocities associated with H1 occurred in the constricted channel connecting the two basins. This high velocity led to strong damping which brought H1 in near-resonance with the diurnal wind despite a difference in periods. Along with H1, the second horizontal mode, H2, was detected at a thermistor mooring. The TVC showed that H2 resulted from the coupling between along-thalweg wind distribution and the bathymetry of Amisk Lake. The damping for H2 was found to be weaker than for H1, likely because of weaker bottom drag in the connecting channel. The evolution of vertical H1 modes were simulated using a multi-layered box model. In response to wind pulses, the first vertical mode V1H1 initially dominated over higher vertical modes causing two-layer exchange. Following the faster decay of V1H1, higher vertical modes shifted the exchange to three and more layers. Our study shows the importance of the coupling between wind stress distribution and lake bathymetry in exciting horizontal modes, reveals the effect of damping on resonance with wind, and explains the evolution of exchange associated with vertical modes.  相似文献   

Enhancements in the auroral electrojets associated with magnetospheric substorms result from those in either the electric field or the ionospheric conductivities, or both. Their relative importance varies significantly, even during a single substorm, depending on the location as well as on the substorm phases. It is predicted that different parts of the electrojets tend to respond in different ways to substorm activity. The unprecedented, unique opportunity for CLUSTER spacecraft observations of electric/magnetic fields and precipitating particles, combined with radar measurements of ionospheric quantities and with ground magnetometers, will provide us with crucial information regarding the physical nature of the separation between the “electric field-dominant” and “conductivity-dominant” auroral electrojets. This study also discusses the implications of these two auroral-electrojet components in terms of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions.  相似文献   

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