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The stratigraphic and palaeogeomorphologic conditions of bauxite formation in the North Apuseni mountains are related to the geotectonic evolution of western Romania during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. Bauxitization, accumulation and preservation of the bauxites were directly associated with karst development in the area under study. The petrographic and mineralogic nature of the bauxite deposits reveal superimposed aliagenetic, catagenic and, locally, metamorphic features. A comparative analysis of the principal chemical components of the different bauxite-bearing zones of the North Apuseni mountains are used to show similar development.  相似文献   

This paper presents some initial implications of the changes brought about by recent economic transformations within the Romanian rural sector during the current transition period. As a case study of those trends, within the context of pluriactivity and constraints to rural development, it looks at some characteristics of agricultural production in the Subcarpathian region of the county of Valcea, an area where collectivisation, and thus its influences, had been partial and limited. The paper links micro and macro view points. At the micro level, it looks at the coping strategies, based on pluriactivity, adopted by rural households under changing economic conditions. At the macro level, the paper discusses some of the possible factors supporting as well as hindering rural welfare levels and agricultural development under current economic conditions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Rosia Poieni deposit is the largest porphyry copper deposit in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania. Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization are related to the Middle Miocene emplacement of a subvolcanic body, the Fundoaia microdiorite. Zonation of the alteration associated with the porphyry copper deposit is recognized from the deep and central part of the porphyritic intrusion towards shallower and outer portions. Four alteration types have been distinguished: potassic, phyllic, advanced argillic, and propylitic. Potassic alteration affects mainly the Fundoaia subvolcanic body. The andesitic host rocks are altered only in the immediate contact zone with the Fundoaia intrusion. Mg-biotite and K-feldspar are the main alteration minerals of the potassic assemblage, accompanied by ubiquitous quartz; chlorite, and anhydrite are also present. Magnetite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and minor bornite, are associated with this alteration. Phyllic alteration has overprinted the margin of the potassic zone, and formed peripheral to it. It is characterized by the replacement of almost all early minerals by abundant quartz, phengite, illite, variable amounts of illite-smectite mixed-layer minerals, minor smectite, and kaolinite. Pyrite is abundant and represents the main sulfide in this alteration zone. Advanced argillic alteration affects the upper part of the volcanic structure. The mineral assemblage comprises alunite, kaolinite, dickite, pyrophyllite, diaspore, aluminium-phosphate-sulphate minerals (woodhouseite-svanbergite series), zunyite, minamyite, pyrite, and enargite (luzonite). Alunite forms well-developed crystals. Veins with enargite (luzonite) and pyrite in a gangue of quartz, pyrophyllite and diaspore, are present within and around the subvolcanic intrusion. This alteration type is partially controlled by fractures. A zonal distribution of alteration minerals is observed from the centre of fractures outwards with: (1) vuggy quartz; (2) quartz + alunite; (3) quartz + kaolinite ± alunite and, in the deeper part of the argillic zone, quartz + pyrophyllite + diaspore; (4) illite + illite-smectite mixed-layer minerals ± kaolinite ± alunite, and e) chlorite + albite + epidote. Propylitic alteration is present distal to all other alteration types and consists of chlorite, epidote, albite, and carbonates. Mineral parageneses, mineral stability fields, and alteration mineral geothermometers indicate that the different alteration assemblages are the result of changes in both fluid composition and temperature of the system. The alteration minerals reflect cooling of the hydrothermal system from >400 °C (biotite), to 300–200 °C (chlorite and illite in veinlets) and to lower temperatures of kaolinite, illite-smectite mixed layers, and smectite crystallization. Hydrothermal alteration started with an extensive potassic zone in the central part of the system that passed laterally to the propylitic zone. It was followed by phyllic overprint of the early-altered rocks. Nearly barren advanced argillic alteration subsequently superimposed the upper levels of the porphyry copper alteration zones. The close spatial association between porphyry mineralization and advanced argillic alteration suggests that they are genetically part of the same magmatic-hydrothermal system that includes a porphyry intrusion at depth and an epithermal environment of the advanced argillic type near the surface.Editorial handling: B. Lehmann  相似文献   

Wilfried Heller 《GeoJournal》2000,50(2-3):151-155
There is no standard model of transformation for post- socialist countries and each country encounters specific problems rooted in the geographical characteristics of the areas concerned. The human resources are of the greatest importance because it really matters how people (especially the decision-makers) perceive system change and continually reformulate their expectations and strategies; so investigations into the views of people caught up in the transformation can provide a deeper understanding of the background to structural change. Working the national, regional level and local levels in Romania, experts were asked to consider the advantages and disadvantages arising out of the transformation, the most important problems and constraints for future rural development and the policies needed. The paper examines the responses on demographic and social issues. It emerges the most detailed responses were supplied by local-level representatives while respondents at the regional level steered a middle course between the need to address local problems and the prime importance of stimulating the Romanian economy so as to generate resources for welfare programmes (with the latter issue the overriding concern of interviewees at national level). There was general agreement on the importance of foreign investment and European integration for economic development, with local actors taking only small steps in line with the existing opportunities. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A new argyrodite occurrence has been discovered in the Ro?ia Montan? ore deposit located in the South Apuseni Mountains, Romania. Argyrodite is associated with common base metal sulfides and sulfosalts (galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite ± alabandite, pyrite, and marcasite), tellurides (hessite, altaite, sylvanite) and rare electrum grains in the Ag-rich Cârnicel vein hosted by an extracraterial phreatomagmatic breccia within the Cârnic massif. SEM and EPMA analyses revealed that this argyrodite is Te-rich and a mean Ag8.04Ge0.9Te2.07S3.77 formula was calculated. This phase could be the germaniferous equivalent of the previously-described Te-rich canfieldite. To cite this article: L. Bailly et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

 Two karst areas within Permian and Triassic carbonate rocks of the Codru Moma Mountains in the northwestern part of Romania yield thermal waters. Major karst springs occur where groundwater flow is intercepted by hydraulic barriers, which also results in the movement of water from deeper levels. At Moneasa, thermal groundwater rises along faults and fractures associated with a thrust, and at Vascau Town, water rises along faults marginal to the Beius Basin. Geochemistry suggests that the thermal component of the Moneasa groundwaters is derived from dolomites and that at least a proportion of the Vascau thermal waters originates from deeply buried Permian sandstones. Received, August 1999 / Revised, March 2000 / Accepted, March 2000  相似文献   

This paper analyses the ‘Dorferneuerung’ or village renewal scheme - a key policy for rural development in the new ‘Länder’ of Germany which has been transferred from the old Länder. The contribution that Dorferneuerung can make to rural development is considered, with particular reference to the experience of participating villages in Sachsen-Anhalt. It concludes that Dorferneuerung has contributed much to improving the built environment but little to new job creation. It is indicative of the advantages and disadvantages of reunification for rural development in the new Länder.  相似文献   

The Apuseni Mountains constitute one of the most interesting parts of the Carpathians in terms of landscape, biodiversity and culture. Yet dislocations are now severe and there are development threats which also require a significant response. On the one hand there are some severe pollution problems associated with mining areas developed in the communist period which require remedial action and the cases of Roşia Montana and Zlatna are discussed. On the other hand, there are forest and pasture zones – especially the Padiş Plateau – which are coming under heavy pressure from farmers seeking to enhance their incomes following the decline of mining and manufacturing which has left many households without salaries. At the same time, tourist pressure is growing. Actions are already being taken to limit pollution damage and develop sustainable landuse practices. There is a national park project linked with nature reserves comprising picturesque landscapes, a rare flora and fauna and distinct geological and palaeotological formations (including fossil ice). There are major tourist attractions and with proper management they could become part of a development programme of the countryside. However it is essential that all stakeholders adopt sustainable practices and this means that official programmes – including the future national park authority administration's work in environment protection and tourism management – are backed up by Environmental Non-Governmental Organisations (ENGOs). The paper reviews their diverse activities and concludes that they are making a very substantial contribution in ensuring that the potentials of isolated regions can be utilised in a manner consistent with nature conservation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Wilfried Heller 《GeoJournal》1998,46(3):199-205
This study evaluates some aspects of the socio-economic transformation of rural Romania with reference to the views of representative organisations (at national, regional and local levels) and other experts. Interviews conducted in ten communes of nine Romanian counties (‘judete’) focus attention on the advantages and disadvantages of system change experienced since 1989; the most important problems and constraints for future socio-economic change; and appropriate policies and perspectives for development in the immediate future. Wherever appropriate the claims of interviewees are substantiated through reference to statistics, drawn in many cases from Chambers of Commerce & Industry (CCI). Local level representatives presented much more negative views on recent change than their national and regional level counterparts, but all agreed on the crucial problem of capital shortage. Thus while specific programmes to assist rural areas are justified, they cannot fully succeed until the national economy is able to grow more rapidly and attract greater foreign investment. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Macrofossil, pollen, lithostratigraphy, mineral magnetic measurements (SIRM and magnetic susceptibility), loss‐on‐ignition, and AMS radiocarbon dating on sediments from two former crater lakes, situated at moderate altitudes in the Gutaiului Mountains of northwest Romania, allow reconstruction of Late Quaternary climate and environment. Shrubs and herbs with steppe and montane affinities along with stands of Betula and Pinus, colonised the surroundings of the sites prior to 14 700 cal. yr BP and the inferred climatic conditions were cold and dry. The gradual transition to open PinusBetula forests, slightly higher lake water temperatures, and higher lake productivity, indicate more stable environmental conditions between 14 700 and 14 100 cal. yr BP. This development was interrupted by cooler and drier climatic conditions between 14 100 and 13 800 cal. yr BP, as inferred from a reduction of open forests to patches, or stands, of Pinus, Betula, Larix, Salix and Populus. The expansion of a denser boreal forest, dominated by Picea, but including Pinus, Larix, Betula, Salix, and Ulmus started at 13 800 cal. yr BP, although the forest density seems to have been reduced between 13 400 and 13 200 cal. yr BP. Air temperature and moisture availability gradually increased, but a change towards drier conditions is seen at 13 400 cal. yr BP. A distinct decrease in temperature and humidity between 12 900 and 11 500 cal. yr BP led to a return of open vegetation, with patches of Betula, Larix, Salix, Pinus and Alnus and individuals of Picea. Macrofossils and pollen of aquatic plants indicate rising lake water temperatures and increased aquatic productivity already by ca. 11 800 cal. yr BP, 300 years earlier than documented by the terrestrial plant communities. At the onset of the Holocene, 11 500 cal. yr BP, forests dominated by Betula, Pinus and Larix expanded and were followed by dense Ulmus forests with Picea, Betula and Pinus at 11 250 cal. yr BP. Larix pollen was not found, but macrofossil evidence indicates that Larix was an important forest constituent at the onset of the Holocene. Moister conditions were followed by a dry period starting about 10 600 cal. yr BP, which was more pronounced between 8600 and 8200 cal. yr BP, as inferred from aquatic macrofossils. The maximum expansion of Tilia, Quercus, Fraxinus and Acer between 10 700 and 8600 cal. yr BP may reflect a more continental climate. A drier and/or cooler climate could have been responsible for the late expansion (10 300 cal. yr BP) and late maximum (9300 cal. yr BP) of Corylus. Increased water stress, and possibly cooler conditions around 8600 cal. yr BP, may have caused a reduction of Ulmus, Tilia, Quercus and Fraxinus. After 8200 cal. yr BP moisture increased and the forests included Picea, Tilia, Quercus and Fraxinus. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Fenes Nappe belongs to the stack of tectonic units cropping out in the southern Apuseni Mts (Romania). It is characterised by a structural history consisting of two folding phases that developed during the time spanning from Early Aptian to Late Maastrichtian. The D1 phase produced west-northwest-verging, isoclinal to very tight folds, associated to a slaty cleavage. The main metamorphic imprint of the Fenes Nappe is linked to this deformation phase; illite and chlorite ‘crystallinity’ values indicate metamorphic conditions of the late diagenesis, close to the diagenetic zone/anchizone boundary. The subsequent D2 phase produced north-northwest-verging, parallel folds, not associated with synkinematic recrystallisation. These phases are interpreted as developed during a structural path, which includes burial at a depth of 8–10 km, followed by exhumation at shallower structural levels. To cite this article: A. Ellero et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 347–354.  相似文献   

九华山地质公园位于长江中下游南岸安徽省池州市,是一个以中生代复式花岗岩山岳型地貌为主兼有石灰岩溶洞型地貌的地质公园.公园内蕴丰富的地质遗迹资源,必须经过合理开发利用和严格保护,对促进九华山和池州地区经济的快速发展将起到积极作用.  相似文献   

The Vrancea zone of Romania constitutes one of the most active seismic zones in Europe, where intermediate-depth (70–200 km) earthquakes of magnitude in excess of Mw = 7.0 occur with relative frequency in a geographically restricted area within the 110° bend region of the southeastern Carpathian orogen. Geologically, the Vrancea zone is characterized by (a) a laterally restricted, steeply NW-dipping seismogenic volume (30 × 70 × 200 km), situated beneath (b) thickened continental crust within the highly arcuate bend region of the Carpathian orocline, and (c) miscorrelation of hypocenters with the position of known or inferred suture zones in the Carpathian orogenic system. Geologic data from petroleum exploration in the Eastern Carpathians, published palinspastic reconstructions, and reprocessing of industry seismic data from the Carpathian foreland indicate that (1) crust of continental affinity extends significantly westward beneath the external thrust nappes (Sub-Carpathian, Marginal Folds, and Tarcau) of the Eastern Carpathians, (2) Cretaceous to Miocene strata of continental affinity can be reconstructed westward to a position now occupied by the Transylvanian basin, and (3) geologic structure in the Carpathian foreland (including the Moho) is sub-horizontal directly to the east and above the Vrancea seismogenic zone. Taken together, these geologic relationships imply that the Vrancea zone occupies a region overlain by continental crust and upper mantle, and does not appear to originate from a subducted oceanic slab along the length of the Carpathian orogen. Accordingly, the Vrancea zone appears to potentially be an important place to establish evidence for active lithospheric delamination.  相似文献   

Mäntyniemi  P.  Mârza  V.  Kijko  A.  Retief  P. 《Natural Hazards》2003,29(3):371-385
In this paper we apply a probabilistic methodology to map specific seismic hazard induced by the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone, which represents the uttermost earthquake danger to Romania as well as its surroundings. The procedure is especially suitable for the estimation of seismic hazard at an individual site, and seismic hazard maps can be created by applying it repeatedly to grid points covering larger areas. It allows the use of earthquake catalogues with incompletely reported historical and complete instrumental parts. When applying themethodology, special attention was given to the effect of hypocentral depth and the variation of attenuation according to azimuth. Hazard maps specifying a 10% chance of exceedance of the given peak ground acceleration value for an exposure time of 50 years were prepared for three different characteristic depths of earthquakes in the Vrancea area. These maps represent a new realistic contribution to the mitigation of the earthquake risk caused by the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone in terms of: (1) input data (consistent, reliable, and the most complete earthquake catalogue), (2) appropriate and specific attenuation relationships (considering both azimuthal and depth effects); and (3) a new and versatile methodology.  相似文献   

闵婕  杨庆媛 《中国岩溶》2014,33(1):99-109
为探索岩溶山区乡村聚落空间格局的特征,以位于重庆东北部岩溶广布的巫山县为研究对象,运用空间分布测度模型、空间规模测度模型和空间形态测度模型,定量分析了巫山乡村聚落的空间格局特征,并进一步划分了地域类型。分析结果表明,总体上,巫山县的乡村聚落有一定的空间集聚特征,但存在明显的区域差异;乡村聚落的规模普遍偏小,具有低值集聚的特征,空间上呈现县城西北、西南大规模农村聚落集中,东北、东南小规模零散分布的“西热东冷”的格局;在空间形态上,巫山县西部区域连接性好,但形状不规则,复杂程度高,东部区域连接性差,复杂程度不及西部区域。整体而言,巫山县的乡村聚落形状规则性差,缺乏规划与引导。通过构建乡村聚落空间测度指标体系,采用系统聚类的方法,将巫山县乡村聚落划分为6种类型:低密度散点型、低密度小团块型、低密度不规则团块状、中密度不规则条带型、高密度宽带型、高密度散点型。未来的县域乡村聚落重构需要根据不同类型的特点加以引导。   相似文献   

At present, the research on the layout of rural residential areas in the mountainous environment under the threat of earthquake disasters and frequent geological disasters is still rare. Taking Yinchanggou watershed in Longmenshan Town of Pengzhou City as an example, based on the summary of the geological hazard development characteristics in this area, the authors carried out the hazard risk zoning through 8 indexes. Then the geological hazard risk zoning was used as the primary factor to evaluate the suitability of rural residential areas. Besides, combined with the topographical conditions, socio-economic situation and ecological environment, a suitable evaluation index system for rural residential land under the threat of geological disasters was constructed, with the restrictive conditions of extremely high-risk areas, single geological hazards, slopes ≥25° and basic farmland protection areas. Finally, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was used to evaluate the suitability of residential land in Yinchanggou watershed of Pengzhou City. The results show that high suitability areas account for 4.2% of the total area of the study area, moderate suitability areas 11.4%, low suitability areas 10.5%, and unsuitable areas 73.8%. The “suitable” areas for rural residential land are mainly distributed along the highway, and some are multiple “blocky” concentrated distribution areas. The terrain is flat and the traffic condition is convenient, which can provide some guidance for the selection of new rural residential locations.  相似文献   

目前针对受震灾威胁、地质灾害频发的山地环境下的农村居民点布局研究尚不多见。该文以彭州市龙门山镇银厂沟流域为例,首先在总结分析区内地质灾害发育特征的基础上,基于8项指标进行地质灾害危险性分区; 然后,将地质灾害危险性区划结果作为影响农村居民点用地适宜性评价的首要因素,再结合地形条件、社会经济和生态环境等方面,以地质灾害极高危险区、单体地质灾害危害范围、坡度≥25°和基本农田保护区为限制性条件,构建地质灾害威胁下的农村居民点用地适宜性评价指标体系; 最后,采用模糊综合评价法对彭州市银厂沟流域内居民点用地适宜性进行评价分级。研究结果表明: 高度适宜区占研究区总面积的4.2%,中度适宜区占11.4%,低度适宜区占10.5%,不适宜区占73.8%; 农村居民点用地“适宜”区域主要沿公路分布,并存在多个“块状”集中分布区,这些地区地形平坦,交通条件便利,可为新农村住宅位置的选择提供指导意见。  相似文献   

Natural resources, especially the forest provide a means of livelihood to rural communities in most developing countries. Unfortunately these resources are under the threat of disappearing because of high population growth rates and poverty that characterise these communities. Any attempt by development agencies at conserving these resources is tantamount to depriving these rural areas of their survival base. Yet due to its strategic socio-economic and cultural importance, the forest ecosystem needs to be sustained for future generations. This paper examines the various challenges faced by the State and other conservation agencies in natural resource management and the possible options which can be employed in an effort to ensure a sustainable exploitation of the forest in Anglophone Cameroon. It discusses the efforts of these actors, within the framework of the emerging concept of community forestry, local community strengthening and integrated rural development. While highlighting some of the achievements of international NGOs like Bird Life International and World Wide Fund for Nature in the region, the study concludes that the future of sustainable management of forest resources relies on a holistic poverty alleviation approach that takes into consideration the empowerment of these communities. This will ensure that they participate and benefit from the exploitation of the resources in the form of local development. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

陈兆棉 《地质通报》2000,19(2):210-217
北京市房山区中西部约有 90 0km2 覆盖着碳酸盐岩 ,岩溶景观发育 ,可以划分出“十渡岩溶峡谷风景区”、“石经山—上方山佛教名胜区”、“周口店古人类社会风情名胜区”、“石花洞—银狐洞岩溶洞穴风景区”、“圣米石塘—万顷园岩溶峡谷风景区”5个景区。以这 5个景区为基础 ,提出建立“北京岩溶国家公园”的构思。建园要与保护环境、发展山区、治理地质灾害同步进行。  相似文献   

The Abrud–Arieş river system, western Romania, is subject to ongoing mining activity associated with Cu, Pb and Zn ore extraction. The catchment contains what is believed to be Europe's largest unutilized Au deposit at Roşia Montană that is planned to be exploited by open-cast mining techniques. The magnitude and environmental significance of metal (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) concentrations in surface water and river channel sediment have been investigated along a 140 km reach of the Rivers Abrud and Arieş and 9 tributaries affected by mining. The speciation of sediment-bound metals was established using a 4-stage sequential extraction procedure (SEP) that identified four chemical phases: (1) exchangeable, (2) Fe/Mn oxides, (3) organic matter/sulphides and (4) residual. Peak solute and sediment-bound metal concentrations were found to occur in the River Abrud downstream of the EM Bucium mine and in mining-affected tributaries, with up to 71% of sites containing sediment metal concentrations in excess of Dutch intervention values. The River Arieş was found to be much less polluted than the River Abrud, with only Cu showing concentrations above guideline values, as a consequence of porphyry Cu mineralization in the catchment. The magnitude and spatial extent of metal pollution is influenced by local physico-chemical conditions and hydrological linkages between mining and local river systems. Sediment-bound Cd and Zn were found to be predominantly associated with the exchangeable phase of the sediment (9–74% and 6–65%, respectively), whilst Fe/Mn oxides (5–76%) and organic matter/sulphides (1–45%) generally accounted for a majority of Pb and Cu partitioning, respectively. Sites of environmentally significant sediment-metal pollution were identified in the Rivers Abrud and Arieş where exchangeable metal concentrations exceeded Dutch intervention values. The implications of metal contamination in the Arieş river basin to the proposed mining development at Roşia Montana are discussed in relation to other contaminated Romanian catchments and with the EU Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

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