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We present spectra for 34 accretion-powers X-ray pulsars and one millisecond pulsar that were within the field of view of the INTEGRAL observatory over two years (December 2002–January 2005) of its in-orbit operation and that were detected by its instruments at a statistically significant level (> 8σ in the energy range 18–60 keV). There are seven recently discovered objects of this class among the pulsars studied: 2RXP J130159.6-635806, IGR/AX J16320-4751, IGR J16358-4726, AX J163904-4642, IGR J16465-4507, SAX/IGR J18027-2017, and AX J1841.0-0535. We have also obtained hard X-ray (>20 keV) spectra for the accretion-powered pulsars RX J0146.9+6121, AX J1820.5-1434, and AX J1841.0-0535 for the first time. We analyze the evolution of spectral parameters as a function of the intensity of the sources and compare these with the results of previous studies.  相似文献   

We discuss the correlations between the luminosities of radio pulsars in various frequency ranges and the magnetic fields on the light cylinder. These correlations suggest that the observed emission is generated in outer layers of the pulsar magnetospheres by the synchrotron mechanism. To calculate the distribution functions of the relativistic particles in the generation region, we use a model of quasilinear interactions between the waves excited by cyclotron instability and particles of the primary beam and the secondary electron—positron plasma. We derive a formula for calculating the X-ray luminosity L x of radio pulsars. A strong correlation was found between L x and the parameter \(\dot P_{ - 15} /P^{3.5}\), where P is the neutron-star rotation period, in close agreement with this formula. The latter makes it possible to predict the detection of X-ray emission from more than a hundred (114) known radio pulsars. We show that the Lorentz factors of the secondary particles are small (γ p = 1.5–8.5), implying that the magnetic field near the neutron-star surface in these objects is multipolar. It follows from our model that almost all of the millisecond pulsars must emit X-ray synchrotron radiation. This conclusion differs from predictions of other models and can be used to test the theory under consideration. The list of potential X-ray radiators presented here can be used to search for X-ray sources with existing instruments.  相似文献   

We analyze the observations of the X-ray pulsar LMCX-4 performed by the INTEGRAL observatory and the All-Sky Monitor (ASM) of the RXTE observatory over a wide energy range. The observed hard X-ray flux from the source is shown to change by more than a factor of 50 (from ~70 mCrab in the high state to ~1.3 mCrab in the low state) on the time scale of the accretion-disk precession period, whose mean value for 1996–2004 was determined with a high accuracy, Pprec = 30.275 ± 0.004 days. In the low state, a flare about 10 h in duration was detected from the source; the flux from the source increased by more than a factor of 4 during this flare. The shape of the pulsar’s broadband spectrum is essentially invariable with its intensity; no statistically significant features associated with the possible resonance cyclotron absorption line were found in the spectrum of the source.  相似文献   

We analyze the observations of the X-ray pulsar KS 1947+300 performed by the INTEGRAL and RXTE observatories over a wide (3–100 keV) X-ray energy range. The shape of the pulse profile was found to depend on the luminosity of the source. Based on the model of a magnetized neutron star, we study the characteristics of the pulsar using the change in its spin-up rate. We estimated the magnetic field strength of the pulsar and the distance to the binary.  相似文献   

We study the concept of radius-to-frequency mapping using a geometrical method for the estimation of pulsar emission altitudes. The semi-empirical relationship proposed by Kijak &38; Gil is examined over three decades of radio frequency. It is argued that the emission region in a millisecond pulsar occupies the magnetosphere over a distance of up to about 30 per cent of the light-cylinder radius, and that in a normal pulsar occupies up to approximately 10 per cent of the light-cylinder radius.  相似文献   

We study the statistical distribution of extinct radio pulsars at the stage of an ejector. An important element that distinguishes our study from other works is a consistent allowance for the evolution of the angle of inclination of the magnetic axis to the spin axis. We determined the distribution of extinct radio pulsars in spin period for two models: the model with hindered particle escape from the neutron-star surface and the model with free particle escape. The total number of extinct radio pulsars is shown to be much smaller than that in the model in which the evolution of the angle of axial inclination is disregarded. This is because when the evolution of the angle of axial inclination is taken into account, the transition to the stage of a propeller occurs at much shorter neutron-star spin periods (P ~ 5–10 s) than assumed previously.  相似文献   

We present the preliminary results of our analysis of the observations of the X-ray pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545 by the INTEGRAL Observatory in December 2002. We mapped this region of the sky in a wide energy range, from 3 to 200 keV. The detection of the source is shown to be significant up to energies of ~100 keV. The hard X-ray flux in the energy range 15–100 keV is variable and presumably depends on the orbital phase. We show that the shape of the pulsar spectrum and its parameters derived from 18–150-keV IBIS data are compatible with the RXTE observations of the source.  相似文献   

We investigated the optical, X-ray, and gamma-ray variability of the pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545. Our timing and spectral analyses of the X-ray and gamma-ray emissions from the source using RXTE and INTEGRAL data show that the shape of its spectrum in the energy range 3–100 keV is virtually independent of its intensity and the orbital phase. Based on XMM-Newton data, we accurately (5″) localized the object and determined the optical counterpart in the binary. We placed upper limits on the variability of the latter in the Hα line on time scales of the orbital and pulse periods, respectively.  相似文献   

The variability of the X-ray flux from the pulsar GX 301-2 is analyzed by using data from the ART-P telescope of the GRANAT Observatory. The intensity variations with time scales of several thousand seconds are studied at various orbital phases. The high-state flux from the source exceeds its low-state flux by as much as a factor of 10. The hardness and spectrum of the source are shown to change greatly with its intensity. These intensity variations are most likely caused by substantial inhomogeneities in the stellar wind from the companion star.  相似文献   

We present the observations of the pulsar SMC X-1 with the ART-P telescope onboard the Granat observatory. We investigate the variability of the flux from the source on time scales of several tens of days. The intensity variation of the pulsar are shown to be consistent with the presence of a periodicity in the system with a characteristic time scale of ~61 days. The precession of an inclined accretion disk, as indirectly confirmed by the absence of low-state pulsations, may be responsible for the observed variability. The spectrum of the source is well described by a power-law energy dependence of the photon flux density with a slope of ~1.5 and an exponential cutoff at energies above ~14–18 keV. We estimated the inclinations between the planes of the orbit and the accretion disk and the magnetic field of the neutron star.  相似文献   

Observations of the X-ray pulsar Vela X-1 with the ART-P telescope onboard the Granat Observatory are presented. Variability on a time scale of several thousand seconds was detected; intensity variations are shown to be accompanied by changes in the source’s spectrum. The hardness was also found to be highly variable on a scale of one pulsation period. The source’s spectrum exhibits an absorption feature at energy ~7 keV, which is apparently attributable to cyclotron scattering/absorption in the neutron-star magnetic field. Weak persistent emission was detected during an X-ray eclipse, which probably resulted from the scattering of pulsar emission in the stellar wind from an optical star.  相似文献   

We determined the features of pulsars that were disregarded in standard amplitude-calibration procedures for VLBI observations. We suggest additional amplitude-calibration methods. These methods were used to process the VLBI observations of the pulsar PSR B0329+54 carried out with the HALCA ground—space interferometer. Data from the space radio telescope are corrected for a nonuniform reception band. We estimated the diameter of the scattering disk for this pulsar at a frequency of 1600 MHz: \( < 1\mathop .\limits^{''} 8 \times 10^{ - 3}\).  相似文献   

We present the results of our comparative timing and spectral analysis of the high and low (off) states in the X-ray pulsar Her X-1 based on data from the ART-P telescope onboard the Granat observatory. A statistically significant (several mCrab) persistent flux with a simple power-law spectrum was detected during the low state. The spectral slope changed from observation to observation by almost a factor of 2. Pulsations were detected only during the high state of the source, when its flux was a factor of ~25 larger than the low-state flux. The spectral shape of Her X-1 in its high state was complex, with the parameters depending on pulse phase.  相似文献   

Young, rapidly rotating neutron stars could accelerate ions from their surfaces to energies of ∼1 PeV. If protons reach such energies, they will produce pions (with low probability) through resonant scattering with X-rays from the stellar surface. The pions subsequently decay to produce muon neutrinos. Here, we calculate the energy spectrum of muon neutrinos, and estimate the event rates at Earth. The spectrum consists of a sharp rise at ∼50 TeV, corresponding to the onset of the resonance, above which the flux drops with neutrino energy as  ε−2ν  up to an upper energy cut-off that is determined by either kinematics or the maximum energy to which protons are accelerated. We estimate event rates as high as 10–100 km−2 yr−1 from some candidates, a flux that would be easily detected by IceCube. Lack of detection would allow constraints on the energetics of the poorly understood pulsar magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the partially screened inner acceleration region the relationship between the X-ray luminosity and the circulational periodicity of drifting subpulses is derived. This relationship is quite well satisfied in pulsars for which an appropriate radio and X-ray measurements exist. A special case of PSR B0943+10 is presented and discussed. The problem of formation of a partially screened inner acceleration region for all pulsars with drifting subpulses is also considered. It is argued that an efficient inner acceleration region just above the polar cap can be formed in a very strong and curved non-dipolar surface magnetic field. We acknowledge the support of the Polish State Committee for scientific research under Grant P03D 029 26. G.M. was partially supported by Georgian NSF grant ST06/4-096.  相似文献   

Several new features of X-ray binary pulsars are revealed from recent observations with ASCA, RXTE, BeppoSAX and other X-ray observatories. Among these, I will review in this paper some recent progress in spectroscopic studies of accreting X-ray pulsars in binary systems (XBPs). First, I will discuss soft excess features observed in the energy spectra of XBPs and propose that it is a common feature for various subclasses of XBPs. Next I will present some recent results of high resolution spectroscopy with ASCA and Chandra.  相似文献   

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