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We present a model for pore spaces that consists of two parts related by duality: (1) a decomposition of an open polyhedral pore space into open contractible pore bodies separated by relatively open interfaces and (2) a pore network that is homotopy equivalent to the pore space. The dual model is unique and free of parameters, but it relies on regularity conditions for the pore space. We show how to approximate any pore space by the interior of a polyhedral complex such that the regularity conditions are fulfilled. Thus, we are able to calculate the dual model from synthetic porous media and images of real porous media. The pore bodies are unions of relatively open Delaunay cells with respect to the corners of the pore boundary, and the pore network consists of certain at most two-dimensional (2D) Voronoi cells with respect to the corners of the pore boundary. The pore network describes the neighborhood relations between the pore bodies. In particular, any relatively open 2D Delaunay face f separating two pore bodies has a unique (relatively open) dual network edge. In our model, f is a pore throat only if it is hit by its dual network edge. Thus, as opposed to widespread intuition, any pore throat is convex, and adjacent pore bodies are not necessarily separated by pore throats. Due to the duality between the pore network and the decomposition of the pore space into pore bodies it is straightforward to store the geometrical properties of the pore bodies [pore throats] as attributes of the dual network vertices [edges]. Such an attributed network is used to perform 2D drainage simulations. The results agree very well with those from a pore-morphology based modeling approach performed directly on the digital image of a porous medium. Contractibility of the pore bodies and homotopy equivalence of the pore space and the pore network is proven using discrete Morse theory and the nerve theorem from combinatorial topology. 相似文献
Closed basin seiches have been studied in Port Kembla, Australia, a compound harbour comprising two basins linked by a narrow channel. Despite the irregular geometry, there are well defined closed basin resonances which may be excited by long waves incident on the harbour entrance. The March 2011 Japanese tsunami excited open-basin modes, but did not significantly excite closed-basin modes. This is attributed to the very low incident wave energy at those frequencies. While the direct forcing of a closed basin mode has been extensively studied, the indirect forcing via an independent open-basin mode found here has not been extensively studied. It was found that single basin modes are more readily excited than the higher dual basin harmonics and the role of the irregular geometry in inhibiting some modes is discussed. The non-linear generation of a higher frequency mode unrelated to the forcing mode is demonstrated. 相似文献
李保昆 《地震地磁观测与研究》2010,31(6):126-130
简介国际地震中心(ISC)的发展历史、主要任务、人员组成和出版物。对ISC出版的地震观测报告《Bulletin of the International Seismological Centre》,详细阐述其数据汇总和分析流程。 相似文献
The positive and negative difference of deep and shallow resisitivity in formation without invasion is caused mainly by the fixed two tool constants from numerical simulations. A dynamic calibration method for tool constants is proposed based on the effects of the mud and formation resisitivity ratio on the two constants calculated using the finite element method (FEM). Finally, four specific examples are given to validate the dynamic calibration method. It is an automatic borehole correction method and can give more accurate formation resistivity. The method is useful for dual laterolog logging. 相似文献
Dugin Kaown Orfan Shouakar‐Stash Jaeha Yang Yunjung Hyun Kang‐Kun Lee 《Ground water》2014,52(6):875-885
Chlorinated solvents are one of the most commonly detected groundwater contaminants in industrial areas. Identification of polluters and allocation of contaminant sources are important concerns in the evaluation of complex subsurface contamination with multiple sources. In recent years, compound‐specific isotope analyses (CSIA) have been employed to discriminate among different contaminant sources and to better understand the fate of contaminants in field‐site studies. In this study, the usefulness of dual isotopes (carbon and chlorine) was shown in assessments of groundwater contamination at an industrial complex in Wonju, Korea, where groundwater contamination with chlorinated solvents such as trichloroethene (TCE) and carbon tetrachloride (CT) was observed. In November 2009, the detected TCE concentrations at the study site ranged between nondetected and 10,066 µg/L, and the CT concentrations ranged between nondetected and 985 µg/L. In the upgradient area, TCE and CT metabolites were detected, whereas only TCE metabolites were detected in the downgradient area. The study revealed the presence of separate small but concentrated TCE pockets in the downgradient area, suggesting the possibility of multiple contaminant sources that created multiple comingling plumes. Furthermore, the variation of the isotopic (δ13C and δ37Cl) TCE values between the upgradient and downgradient areas lends support to the idea of multiple contamination sources even in the presence of detectable biodegradation. This case study found it useful to apply a spatial distribution of contaminants coupled with their dual isotopic values for evaluation of the contaminated sites and identification of the presence of multiple sources in the study area. 相似文献
M. F. Cao G. H. Huang Y. Sun Y. Xu Y. Yao 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》2010,24(8):1163-1174
This study develops a dual inexact fuzzy chance-constrained programming (DIFCCP) method for planning municipal solid waste
(MSW) management systems. The concept of random boundary interval (RBI) is introduced to address the high uncertain parameters
in the studied system. Fuzzy flexible programming and chance-constrained programming are also introduced to take into account
the uncertainties of RBIs and various uncertainties in MSW management system. Compared with the existing methods, the developed
method could deal with the uncertainty without simplification and thus is more robust. Moreover, the potential system-failure
risks in MSW management system due to the existing uncertainties could be quantified by means of violation levels and satisfaction
levels in DIFCCP. The developed method then is applied to a MSW management system. The obtained solutions could be used for
generating efficient management schemes. The values of violation and satisfaction levels could help decision makers understand
the tradeoffs between system cost and system-failure risk, and identify desired strategy according to the practical economic
and environmental situation. 相似文献
2003年,《华北地震科学》迎来了20岁的生日。在河北省地震局领导的大力支持下,于11月20日召开了纪念会。前来祝贺的来宾有中国地震局数据信息中心期刊负责人冯树文;中国地震局地震数据信息中心期刊专业委员会秘书长赵萍;天津市地震局局长赵国敏;天津市地震局办公室主任王树义;山西省地震局原副局长齐书勤;河北省科技厅政策法规处处长李蔷薇。30多位历届主编、副主编、现任编委参加了纪念会。会上,杨国宝副局长代表局领导作了祝词,主编罗兰格对《华北地震科学》创刊20周年进行了回顾,20年来,《华北地震科学》可谓硕果满枝,经过几代编辑人员的… 相似文献
J. W. MacDougall D. A. Andre G. J. Sofko C.-S. Huang A. V. Koustov 《Annales Geophysicae》2001,18(12):1550-1559
Based on modeling of the perturbations in power and elevation angle produced by travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs), and observed by the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network, procedures for determining the TID properties are suggested. These procedures are shown to produce reasonable agreement with those properties of the TIDs that can be measured from simultaneous ionosonde measurements. The modeling shows that measurements of angle-of-elevation perturbations by SuperDARN allows for better determination of the TID properties than using only the perturbations of power as is commonly done.On sabbatical from Department Electrical Engineering, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada 相似文献
《Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation》2001,21(2):71-88
Volume reduction and lowering of capillary pressure within a large DNAPL pool are utilized as objectives in the design of a large-scale dual phase recovery system at a chemical manufacturing facility in the United States. By reducing DNAPL pool height through mass removal, capillary pressure is lowered, resulting in a reduced potential for future vertical and horizontal mobilization of the chlorinated solvent DNAPL pool. The DNAPL pool extends over an approximately 200 m by 275 m area in low permeability fill deposits overlying a clay aquitard. A three-dimensional multiphase flow model was employed to arrive at a final design incorporating nine horizontal drains (total length 664 m) and a pulsed pumping system. The numerical model was calibrated to the results of a 42-day field pilot-test involving the removal of approximately 25,000 L of DNAPL from a single, 55 m long horizontal drain. Numerical simulation revealed that gravity drainage, as opposed to hydraulic gradients in the water phase, is the dominant recovery mechanism at this site. This stems from the relatively high density and the viscosity of the DNAPL, and the relatively low permeability of the formation deposits. The use of pulsed pumping is shown to reduce the volume of contaminated ground water recovered from the 9-drain system, without significant reduction of the total volume of DNAPL recovered. 相似文献
Higher order ionospheric effects are increasingly relevant as precision requirements on GPS data and products increase. The
refractive index of the ionosphere is affected by its electron content and the magnetic field of the Earth, so the carrier
phase of the GPS L1 and L2 signals is advanced and the modulated code delayed. Due to system design the polarisation is unaffected.
Most of the effect is removed by expanding the refractive index as a series and eliminating the first term with a linear combination
of the two signals. However, the higher order terms remain. Furthermore, transiting gradients in refractive index at a non-perpendicular
angle causes signal bending. In addition to the initial geometric bending term, another term allows for the difference that
the curvature makes in electron content along each signal. Varying approximations have been made for practical implementation,
mainly to avoid the need for a vertical profile of electron density. The magnetic field may be modelled as a tilted co-centric
dipole, or using more realistic models such as the International Geomagnetic Reference Field. The largest effect is from the
second term in the expansion of the refractive index. Up to several cm on L2, it particularly affects z-translation, and satellite orbits and clocks in a global network of GPS stations. The third term is at the level of the errors
in modelling the second order term, while the bending terms appear to be absorbed by tropospheric parameters. Modelling improvements
are possible, and three frequency transmissions will allow new possibilities. 相似文献
《Advances in water resources》2005,28(2):135-147
Hydrologic models are twofold: models for understanding physical processes and models for prediction. This study addresses the latter, which modelers use to predict, for example, streamflow at some future time given knowledge of the current state of the system and model parameters. In this respect, good estimates of the parameters and state variables are needed to enable the model to generate accurate forecasts. In this paper, a dual state–parameter estimation approach is presented based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) for sequential estimation of both parameters and state variables of a hydrologic model. A systematic approach for identification of the perturbation factors used for ensemble generation and for selection of ensemble size is discussed. The dual EnKF methodology introduces a number of novel features: (1) both model states and parameters can be estimated simultaneously; (2) the algorithm is recursive and therefore does not require storage of all past information, as is the case in the batch calibration procedures; and (3) the various sources of uncertainties can be properly addressed, including input, output, and parameter uncertainties. The applicability and usefulness of the dual EnKF approach for ensemble streamflow forecasting is demonstrated using a conceptual rainfall-runoff model. 相似文献
In this study, two conceptual models, the classic reservoir (CR) model and exchange reservoirs model embedded by dual porosity approach (DPR) are developed for simulation of karst aquifer functioning drained by multiple outlets. The performances of two developed models are demonstrated at a less developed karstic aquifer with three spring outlets located in Zagros Mountain in the south‐west of Iran using 22‐years of daily data. During the surface recharge, a production function based on water mass balance is implemented for computing the time series of surface recharge to the karst formations. The efficiency of both models has been assessed for simulation of daily spring discharge during the recession and also surface recharge periods. Results indicate that both CR and DPR models are capable of simulating the ordinates of spring hydrographs which drainage less developed karstic aquifer. However, the goodness of fit criteria indicates outperformance of DPR model for simulation of total hydrograph ordinates. In addition, the DPR model is capable of quantifying hydraulic properties of two hydrologically connected overlapping continua conduits network and fissure matrix which lays important foundations for the mining operation and water resource management whereas homogeneous model representations of the karstic subsurface (e.g., the CR) do not work accurately in the karstic environment. 相似文献
本文针对基于图像分割的双能CT不完备数据重建算法,提出了图像分割过程和方程组求解环节是优化算法的两个关键点,同时给出了初步优化方法。初步实验结果表明这两方面因素选取的优劣将直接影响重建图像质量。因此,根据实际应用需求,如能改善这两方面因素,基于图像分割的双能CT不完备数据重建算法的重建性能将会进一步提高。 相似文献
双能CT的基本原理、应用和未来展望(英文) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
断层影像(CT)的图像对比度与扫描所用的X光源能谱分布有很大关系。传统CT使用具有能谱分布的一个光源进行成像,有时会出现信息模糊致使两种不同材料在CT图像上完全相同。双能CT使用两个不同分布的能谱对物体进行成像,能够消除单能谱情况下的信息模糊。虽然双能CT的基本概念由来已久,但最近商业系统的出现使双能CT迅速成为一个热点。我们首先概述了双能CT的基本物理原理和双能信号处理方法,包括促使双能CT进入现代医学成像的关键技术。其次,双能CT的应用已非常广泛,本文从其在临床应用角度进行了详细介绍使读者有所了解。最后,我们简要探讨了当前的两个技术发展领域:光子技术探测器和技术合成CT。 相似文献
To estimate the spatial distribution of groundwater discharge from the bottom of a small lake of Kumamoto in Japan, we applied continuous radon measurements with a dual loop system and verified the results obtained using the radon method by visual diving surveys. Time‐shifting correction in the dual‐loop system is reasonable to obtain the true radon activity in water. Distributions of radon activity and water temperature in the study area reveal the effects on groundwater discharge and mixing situation of lake water. The estimated discharge zone ascertained using the radon method agrees with the groundwater discharge distribution observed through diving surveys. Although the data resolution of the radon method is much greater than the width of observed discharge zones, the general distribution of groundwater discharge is recognizable. The dual loop system of radon measurement is useful for smaller areas. 相似文献
Dual state-parameter estimation of root zone soil moisture by optimal parameter estimation and extended Kalman filter data assimilation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Haishen Lü Zhongbo Yu Yonghua ZhuSam Drake Zhenchun HaoEdward A. Sudicky 《Advances in water resources》2011,34(3):395-406
With well-determined hydraulic parameters in a hydrologic model, a traditional data assimilation method (such as the Kalman filter and its extensions) can be used to retrieve root zone soil moisture under uncertain initial state variables (e.g., initial soil moisture content) and good simulated results can be achieved. However, when the key soil hydraulic parameters are incorrect, the error is non-Gaussian, as the Kalman filter will produce a persistent bias in its predictions. In this paper, we propose a method coupling optimal parameters and extended Kalman filter data assimilation (OP-EKF) by combining optimal parameter estimation, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) assimilation method, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, and Richards’ equation. We examine the accuracy of estimating root zone soil moisture through the optimal parameters and extended Kalman filter data assimilation method by using observed in situ data at the Meiling experimental station, China. Results indicate that merely using EKF for assimilating surface soil moisture content to obtain soil moisture content in the root zone will produce a persistent bias between simulated and observed values. Using the OP-EKF assimilation method, estimates were clearly improved. If the soil profile is heterogeneous, soil moisture retrieval is accurate in the 0-50 cm soil profile and is inaccurate at 100 cm depth. Results indicate that the method is useful for retrieving root zone soil moisture over large areas and long timescales even when available soil moisture data are limited to the surface layer, and soil moisture content are uncertain and soil hydraulic parameters are incorrect. 相似文献