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熊诚  艾三喜  谢祖军  熊熊 《地震学报》2019,41(3):302-313
基于我国台湾地区24个宽频带地震台记录到的长达18个月的三分量连续波形数据,采用交叉项互相关方法提取了瑞雷波的经验格林函数张量,进而反演获得了台湾地区6—22 s周期的瑞雷波相速度分布图像,较好地刻画了该地区的地壳速度结构。结果显示:短周期图像上的滨海平原、屏东平原等呈低速特征,西部丘陵、中央山脉和海岸山脉呈高速特征;低速区域随相速度周期的增大而逐渐东移;中长周期图像上,中央山脉南北部均呈低速且南侧的速度较北侧低,表明欧亚板块和菲律宾海板块碰撞后的物质从东北和西南两个方向被侧向挤出时南部可能较北部活跃;台中—南投地区在对应深度附近的高速异常,表明新生代时期的澎湖地台在南海北缘的拉张与碰撞演化过程中,保留了其相对稳定的性质。   相似文献   

为减小倾斜边坡中能量较强的近场体波对面波识别的干扰,确保多道面波分析方法接收到的瑞雷波分量具有较强的能量,本文通过分析地下震源在倾斜边坡产生的瑞雷波及其传播规律,基于几何地震学提出了在倾斜地表生成瑞雷波的最小偏移距的经验公式,建立了界面起伏的层状倾斜边坡模型,从而获得模拟共炮点记录,并将基于共炮点记录得到的地表质点运动...  相似文献   

反演高频率(≥2Hz)的瑞雷波的相速度可得到分层地球模型从地表到地下30m以内的剪切(S)波速度。如果已知S波速度VS、压缩(P)波速度VP和瑞雷波速度,通过反演瑞雷波衰减系数就可以获得分层地球模型的P波品质因子QP和S波品质因子QS。模拟结果证明,根据瑞雷波衰减系数反演品质因子QS是可行的。当VS/VP达到0.45时,不能忽略QP对瑞雷波衰减系数的贡献,这种情况在近地表构造中并非罕见。从某些地质构造中的瑞雷波衰减系数反演得到QP是可能的,这是一种不同于一般认为的观点,即相对于P波的品质因子QP,瑞雷波的衰减系数对S波的品质因子QS更为敏感。在亚利桑那沙漠,采集了60道的面波数据。对一个层厚度超过20m的10层模型,首先利用多道面波分析(MASW)方法反演数据得到S波速度,然后通过反演衰减系数确定品质因子。  相似文献   

高频面波方法的若干新进展   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
面波多道分析方法(MASW)通过分析高频瑞雷波确定浅地表剪切波速度.在过去的20年中, 由于该方法具有非侵入性、无损、高效及价格低的特点, 越来越受到浅地表地球物理和地质工程学界的重视, 视为未来最有希望的技术之一.这篇综述论文将介绍中国地质大学(武汉)浅地表地球物理团队近年来在研究高频面波的传播理论和应用中取得的部分成果.非几何波是一种仅存在于浅地表介质, 尤其是未固结的沉积物中的独特的地震波.它的存在对快速而准确地获得表层S波速度有一定价值.我们的研究表明非几何波是一种具有频散特性的泄漏波.泄漏波的存在可能导致将其误认为瑞雷波的基阶或高阶能量, 从而造成模式误判.这种模式误判会导致错误的反演结果.我们通过求取高基阶分离后的瑞雷波格林函数证明虚震源法瑞雷波勘探的可行性.这个结果将极大地降低野外瑞雷波勘探成本.勒夫波多道分析方法(MALW)中未知参数比瑞雷波的少, 这使得勒夫波的频散曲线比瑞雷波的简单.因此, 勒夫波反演更稳定, 非唯一性更低.勒夫波数据生成的能量图像通常比瑞雷波的清晰, 并具有更高的分辨率, 从而可以更容易地拾取精确的勒夫波的相速度.利用雅克比矩阵分析波长与探测深度的关系表明对相同波长的基阶模式而言, 瑞雷波的探测深度是勒夫波的1.3~1.4倍; 而两种波的相同波长的高阶模式波的探测深度相同.我们也尝试了时间域勒夫波反演.按照勒夫波分辨率将地球模型剖分成了不同尺寸的块体, 利用反卷积消除了地震子波对勒夫波波形的影响, 通过更新每个块体的S波速度来拟合勒夫波波形, 从而获得地下S波速度模型.该方法不基于水平层状模型假设, 适用于任意二维介质模型.  相似文献   

为克服面波谱分析法(SASW)提取频散曲线抗干扰能力差、不能得到多模式频散曲线等缺点,对拉东变换法进行了改进,不对原始记录进行数字处理,避免了数字处理效应的影响.通过对信号的频谱分析、结合场地的地质条件,选择频散分析的频率、速度范围,来达到规避高视速度的直达波、反射波.理论模型合成记录和实际资料的处理表明:研究的频散分析方法是有效的且适应性强,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

瑞雷面波在填海造地强夯检测工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以漳州后石电厂填海造地的强夯效果检测为例,给出瑞雷面波检测方法在强夯效果检测应用的技术途径、技术方案,并对检测效果进行分析。  相似文献   

一、方法及所用資料本文根据三十九个地震,利用基型面波羣速度的方法,确定了我国东半部、浅海区及西藏高原东部的地壳厚度。所用資料包括我国十个基本地震台上基式地震仪的記录,选用地震的震級均为5級以上,除个別地震外均为浅源地震。  相似文献   

面波多道分析方法(MASW)是获取垂向剪切波速度剖面的一种有效方法。频散曲线反演是MASW中关键的一步。由于瑞雷波频散曲线反演具有非线性、多参数和多极值的特征,这对于常规的局部线性化反演方法是极大的挑战。为此,本文采取确定性的全局优化算法,广义模式识别算法(GPS)对瑞雷波频散曲线进行反演。其原理可以简述为:算法首先通过模式以确定性的方式对目标函数进行采样来搜索一个点序列;然后使序列中每一个点到下一个点的目标函数值逐渐减少,从而使点序列逐渐逼近全局最优解,最后的解便为待求的最优模型参数。为验证GPS的有效性,首先利用设计的3种典型的6层地质模型通过快速矢量传递算法正演模拟产生基模式频散曲线(频率范围为5~101Hz,频率间隔为2Hz,频点数为49),并对理论频散曲线进行反演。反演结果表明,模型的真实值已经被高度精确地重建。说明GPS可以用于实际勘探中的基模式频散曲线反演。为进一步验证GPS的有效性,在吉林大学校园采集瑞雷波实测数据,并提取基模式频散曲线,应用GPS进行反演。反演重建的横波速度剖面与先验的地质信息吻合得很好。理论模型和真实数据的反演结果表明,GPS可以应用在瑞雷波频散曲线非线性反演中。  相似文献   

为快速准确的反演得到近地表地层结构,将一种新颖而强大的非线性算法——蚁群算法引入到瑞雷波频散曲线领域,并对其进行相应的改进,改进蚁群算法的优点是运算效率快、精度高、算法简单、灵活易于实现,需要调节控制参数也较少。文中分别在无噪声\,含噪声以及实测数据进行反演测试,通过模型数据和实测数据表明,应用于瑞雷波反演中的改进蚁群算法在收敛速度与收敛精度之间能达到良好的平衡,所得解具有较高可信度。而且算法为促进所得解快速收敛到全局最优,在搜索中分全局搜索与局部搜索两个方式进行,能够有效地避免局部最优解产生。借助人工合成的瑞雷波数据以及真实观测数据,验证了改进蚁群算法在反演近地表剪切波速度时的有效性和通用性。此外,文中与遗传算法进行比较,得出改进蚁群算法具有高效性和高精度性的优点。  相似文献   

用瑞雷和乐夫面波羣速度确定我国地壳厚度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
一、方法及所用資料本文根据三十九个地震,利用基型面波羣速度的方法,确定了我国东半部、浅海区及西藏高原东部的地壳厚度。所用資料包括我国十个基本地震台上基式地震仪的記录,选用地震的震級均为5級以上,除个別地震外均为浅源地震。  相似文献   

The Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) is an increasingly used technique for recognition of a shallow geological structure and estimation of geotechnical parameters, e.g., S-wave velocity, layer density, layer thickness, shear modulus, estimated P-wave velocity, and estimated Poisson ratio. MASW surveys were carried out in two limestone quarries in the southern part of Poland. The experimental areas are characterised by a simple geological structure: consolidated Triassic limestone. Measurement profiles were arranged as a shapely six-pointed star. For each survey line, 12 geophones with 2-meter (Deposit 1) and 3-meter (Deposit 2) spacing were applied. The research allowed to compare P- and S-wave velocity changes with the main crack systems in the studied rock masses.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONManyChineseandforeignseismologistsandengineeringseismologistshavestudiedthelargecasualtiesandpropertydamagescausedbytheMexicanMS8 1earthquakeonSeptember1 9,1 985andtheHanshinMS7 4earthquakeinJapan ,onJanuary 1 7,1 995andfoundthatsurfacesoftsoilcovercansignificantlyamplifyseismicgroundmotion .Thisphenomenoncanresultinlargerfailureofbuildingswithvibrationfrequencysimilartotheamplifiedgroundmotionfrequencythanthatcausedbyearthquakesthatoccuratbedrocksiteswheretherearenoamplifi…  相似文献   

针对平面波耦合作用下饱和半空间中浅埋隧道二维动力响应的典型问题的解答进行探讨。首先基于Biot饱和孔隙介质理论建立饱和土场方程,并通过中间势函数的代入推导得到饱和土体中的快纵波、慢纵波及横波的Helmholtz势函数方程,随后引入柱坐标系下饱和土体和弹性衬砌的势函数通解,并代入边界条件中,建立以第n组参数为变量的多元一次齐次线性方程组。采用本文的推导思路,可以解决饱和土体中的浅埋隧道在地震作用时P波和S波耦合作用下的响应问题。  相似文献   

Array measurements of microtremors were carried out at thirty sites in Damascus city, Syria to estimate S-wave velocity structures of shallow soil formations for site effect analysis. The microtremor data were recorded by 6 vertical-component seismometers distributed along the circumferences of two circles as well as a 3-component seismometer deployed in the center. The phase velocities were estimated at each site from the vertical components of recorded microtremor data by using the Spatial Autocorrelation method. Then, Genetic Simulated Annealing Algorithm technique was applied for inversion of the phase velocities to estimate 1-D S-wave velocity structures beneath the sites. The inverted Vs profiles are not uniform in Damascus city and the results show that a shallow soft layer (∼200 m/s) appears in the eastern part of the city as well as the central part along Barada River. This layer controls the amplification distribution in the city with a high amplification mainly observed at the locations having this layer. The inversion results also show that the depth to the engineering bedrock (∼750 m/s) is very shallow along the foothills of Mt. Qasyoun in the north-west. Then the depth increases towards the east and the south. The maximum depth to the engineering bedrock (∼80 m) was observed in the southern part of Damascus. To validate the results of the inversions, the spectral ratios between the horizontal and vertical components (H/V) of the recorded microtremor data at the central seismometer were compared with the computed ellipticities of the fundamental-mode Rayleigh-waves based on the respective Vs structure. The results show a good agreement in a period range of 0.05 s to 0.5 s. In this period range, the dominant peaks of the H/V ratios are due to the overall effect of the velocity contrasts between the shallow layers representing the subsurface S-wave velocity structure. Moreover, the average S-wave velocity for the top 10 m of soils (VS10) shows a better correlation with the averaged site amplification in a period range of 0.05 s to 0.5 s than VS30 which indicates that VS10 can be a better proxy for high-frequency site amplification in the case of Damascus city.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the link between land surface/soil properties and shallow groundwater quality. To that end, soil properties and near‐water‐table groundwater chemistry of a shallow, unconfined aquifer were measured on a 100‐m grid on a 64‐ha irrigated field in southeastern North Dakota. Soil properties and hydrochemistry were compared via multivariate analysis that included product‐moment correlations and factor analysis/principal component analysis. Topographic low areas where the water table was in close proximity to the soil surface generally had higher apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) and higher percent silt and clay than higher positions on the landscape. The majority of the groundwater was characterized by Ca‐ and Mg‐HCO3 type water and was associated with topographic high areas with lower ECa and net groundwater recharge. Small topographic depressions were areas of higher ECa (net groundwater discharge) where salts that precipitated via evapotranspiration and evaporative discharge dissolved and leached to the groundwater during short‐term depression‐focused recharge events. At this site, groundwater quality and soil ECa were related to surface topography. High‐resolution topography and ECa measurements are necessary to characterize the land surface/soil properties and surficial groundwater quality at the field‐scale and to delineate areas where the shallow groundwater is most susceptible to contamination.  相似文献   

—Northeastern Venezuela has been studied in terms of coda wave attenuation using seismograms from local earthquakes recorded by a temporary short-period seismic network. The studied area has been separated into two subregions in order to investigate lateral variations in the attenuation parameters. Coda-Q ?1 (Q c ?1) has been obtained using the single-scattering theory. The contribution of the intrinsic absorption (Q i ?1) and scattering (Q s ?1) to total attenuation (Q t ?1) has been estimated by means of a multiple lapse time window method, based on the hypothesis of multiple isotropic scattering with uniform distribution of scatterers. Results show significant spatial variations of attenuation the estimates for intermediate depth events and for shallow events present major differences. This fact may be related to different tectonic characteristics that may be due to the presence of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone, because the intermediate depth seismic zone may be coincident with the southern continuation of the subducting slab under the arc.  相似文献   

— Godunov's method, a numerical method for solving conservation laws, is applied to nonlinear and inelastic wave propagation in soil. The solution is restricted to the one-dimensional case. An approximate Riemann solver for Godunov's method is presented. The capability of the numerical method is shown by a comparison with the analytical solution of a linear inelastic wave propagation. Finally the behaviour of the nonlinear inelastic soil is described by a hypoplastic constitutive law.  相似文献   

The Turning Factor in the Estimation of Stream-Aquifer Seepage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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