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大数据时代的空间交互分析方法和应用再论   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
空间交互是理解地表人文过程的重要基础,与空间依赖一起共同体现了地理空间的独特性、关联性以及对嵌入该空间的地理分布格局的影响,具有鲜明的时空属性,因此对于地理学研究具有重要意义。大数据为空间交互研究带来了新的机遇,能够使我们在不同时空尺度感知和观察空间交互模式并对其动态演化特征进行模拟和预测,从而为揭示人类活动规律及区域空间结构提供有力支持。本文在探讨空间交互与地理空间模式关系的基础上,描述了利用地理大数据感知空间交互的方式和定量模型,介绍了空间交互分析方法的研究进展及其在空间规划与交通、公共卫生、旅游等领域的应用情况,并就一些基本问题进行了讨论,以期为大数据支持下空间交互相关研究提供指导。  相似文献   

Urban land use information plays an important role in urban management, government policy-making, and population activity monitoring. However, the accurate classification of urban functional zones is challenging due to the complexity of urban systems. Many studies have focused on urban land use classification by considering features that are extracted from either high spatial resolution (HSR) remote sensing images or social media data, but few studies consider both features due to the lack of available models. In our study, we propose a novel scene classification framework to identify dominant urban land use type at the level of traffic analysis zone by integrating probabilistic topic models and support vector machine. A land use word dictionary inside the framework was built by fusing natural–physical features from HSR images and socioeconomic semantic features from multisource social media data. In addition to comparing with manual interpretation data, we designed several experiments to test the land use classification accuracy of our proposed model with different combinations of previously acquired semantic features. The classification results (overall accuracy = 0.865, Kappa = 0.828) demonstrate the effectiveness of our strategy that blends features extracted from multisource geospatial data as semantic features to train the classification model. This method can be applied to help urban planners analyze fine urban structures and monitor urban land use changes, and additional data from multiple sources will be blended into this proposed framework in the future.  相似文献   

The population distribution grid at fine scales better reflects the distribution of residents and plays an important role in investigating urban systems. The recent years have witnessed a growing trend of applying the nighttime light data to the estimation of population at micro levels. However, using the nighttime light data alone to estimate population may cause the overestimation problem due to excessively high light radiance in specific types of areas such as commercial zones and transportation hubs. In dealing with this issue, this study used taxi trajectory data that delineate people’s movements, and explored the utility of integrating the nighttime light and taxi trajectory data in the estimation of population in Shanghai at the spatial resolution of 500 m. First, the initial population distribution grid was generated based on the NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data. Then, a calibration grid was created with taxi trajectory data, whereby the initial population grid was optimized. The accuracy of the resultant population grid was assessed by comparing it with the refined survey data. The result indicates that the final population distribution grid performed better than the initial population grid, which reflects the effectiveness of the proposed calibration process.  相似文献   

There has been a resurgence of interest in time geography studies due to emerging spatiotemporal big data in urban environments. However, the rapid increase in the volume, diversity, and intensity of spatiotemporal data poses a significant challenge with respect to the representation and computation of time geographic entities and relations in road networks. To address this challenge, a spatiotemporal data model is proposed in this article. The proposed spatiotemporal data model is based on a compressed linear reference (CLR) technique to transform network time geographic entities in three-dimensional (3D) (x, y, t) space to two-dimensional (2D) CLR space. Using the proposed spatiotemporal data model, network time geographic entities can be stored and managed in classical spatial databases. Efficient spatial operations and index structures can be directly utilized to implement spatiotemporal operations and queries for network time geographic entities in CLR space. To validate the proposed spatiotemporal data model, a prototype system is developed using existing 2D GIS techniques. A case study is performed using large-scale datasets of space-time paths and prisms. The case study indicates that the proposed spatiotemporal data model is effective and efficient for storing, managing, and querying large-scale datasets of network time geographic entities.  相似文献   

杜云艳  易嘉伟  薛存金  千家乐  裴韬 《地理学报》2021,76(11):2853-2866
地理事件作为描述地理过程的基本单元,逐渐成为地理信息科学(GIS)核心研究内容。由于受人类活动数据获取限制,GIS对地理事件的建模和分析主要关注事件所引起的地理空间要素变化及要素之间的相互影响与作用机制。然而,近年来随着基于位置服务数据(LBS)爆炸式的增长和人类活动大数据定量刻画手段的快速发展,地理事件对人类活动的影响以及公众对地理事件的网络参与度都引起了多个领域的广泛关注,对地理事件的时空认知、建模方法和分析框架提出了巨大的挑战。对此,本文首先深入分析了大数据时代地理事件的概念与分类体系;其次,基于地理事件的时空语义给出了基于图模型的事件数据建模,建立了事件本体及其次生或级联事件的“节点—边”表达结构,开展了事件自身时空演化及其前“因”后“果”的形式化描述;第三,从时空数据分析与挖掘的角度,给出了大数据时代地理事件建模与分析的整体框架,拟突破传统“地理实体空间”事件探测与分析方法的局限性,融合“虚拟空间”事件发现与传播模拟思路,实现多源地理大数据支撑下的面向地理事件的人类活动多尺度时空响应与区域差异分析;最后,本文以城市暴雨事件为例诠释了本文所提出的地理事件建模与分析方法,从城市和城市内部两个尺度进行了暴雨事件与人类活动的一致性响应及区域差异分析,得到了明确的结论,验证了前文分析框架的可行性与实用性。  相似文献   

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