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Spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is a complex system for which huge investments are being made worldwide. These large-scale investments in the development of SDIs incontrovertibly require reliable design and planning that guarantee a successful outcome. One approach to deal with such an expectation is to model the development process of the SDI system over time. If the model can be translated into the computer-based environment to be used as a virtual world, then the real situation can also be simulated. Such a simulation will enable the SDI coordinators/managers to gain knowledge about the behavior of the system under different decisions and situations and eventually help them to better develop the SDI through the informed decision making. However, a limited number of tools and techniques are currently available in the SDI modeling history in terms of the modeling and simulation of such a complex system. The system dynamics technique based on systems theory is a method for modeling and managing the feedback systems that are complex, dynamic and nonlinear over time. This article addresses the applicability of the system dynamics technique for modeling and simulating the development process of SDIs. It is argued that the system dynamics technique is capable of modeling the interactions among the factors affecting the SDI, the feedback loops and the delays. It is also highlighted that an SDI model based on the system dynamics technique enables the SDI coordinators/managers to simulate the effect of different factors or decisions on various aspects of SDI and evaluate alternative decisions and/or policies prior to making any commitment.  相似文献   

Much of the information stored on the web contains geographical context, but current search engines treat such context in the same way as all other content. In this paper we describe the design, implementation and evaluation of a spatially aware search engine which is capable of handling queries in the form of the triplet of ?theme??spatial relationship??location?. The process of identifying geographic references in documents and assigning appropriate footprints to documents, to be stored together with document terms in an appropriate indexing structure allowing real‐time search, is described. Methods allowing users to query and explore results which have been relevance‐ranked in terms of both thematic and spatial relevance have been implanted and a usability study indicates that users are happy with the range of spatial relationships available and intuitively understand how to use such a search engine. Normalised precision for 38 queries, containing four types of spatial relationships, is significantly higher (p<0.001) for searches exploiting spatial information than pure text search.  相似文献   

One difficulty in integrating geospatial data sets from different sources is variation in feature classification and semantic content of the data. One step towards achieving beneficial semantic interoperability is to assess the semantic similarity among objects that are categorised within data sets. This article focuses on measuring semantic and structural similarities between categories of formal data, such as Ordnance Survey (OS) cartographic data, and volunteered geographic information (VGI), such as that sourced from OpenStreetMap (OSM), with the intention of assessing possible integration. The model involves ‘tokenisation’ to search for common roots of words, and the feature classifications have been modelled as an XML schema labelled rooted tree for hierarchical analysis. The semantic similarity was measured using the WordNet::Similarity package, while the structural similarities between sub-trees of the source and target schemas have also been considered. Along with dictionary and structural matching, the data type of the category itself is a comparison variable. The overall similarity is based on a weighted combination of these three measures. The results reveal that the use of a generic similarity matching system leads to poor agreement between the semantics of OS and OSM data sets. It is concluded that a more rigorous peer-to-peer assessment of VGI data, increasing numbers and transparency of contributors, the initiation of more programs of quality testing and the development of more directed ontologies can improve spatial data integration.  相似文献   

It is challenging to find relevant data for research and development purposes in the geospatial big data era. One long-standing problem in data discovery is locating, assimilating and utilizing the semantic context for a given query. Most research in the geospatial domain has approached this problem in one of two ways: building a domain-specific ontology manually or discovering automatically, semantic relationships using metadata and machine learning techniques. The former relies on rich expert knowledge but is static, costly and labor intensive, whereas the second is automatic and prone to noise. An emerging trend in information science takes advantage of large-scale user search histories, which are dynamic but subject to user- and crawler-generated noise. Leveraging the benefits of these three approaches and avoiding their weaknesses, a novel methodology is proposed to (1) discover vocabulary-based semantic relationships from user search histories and clickstreams, (2) refine the similarity calculation methods from existing ontologies and (3) integrate the results of ontology, metadata, user search history and clickstream analysis to better determine their semantic relationships. An accuracy assessment by domain experts for the similarity values indicates an 83% overall accuracy for the top 10 related terms over randomly selected sample queries. This research functions as an example for building vocabulary-based semantic relationships for different geographical domains to improve various aspects of data discovery, including the accuracy of the vocabulary relationships of commonly used search terms.  相似文献   

Landmarks provide the most predominant navigation cue for pedestrian navigation. Very few navigation data models in the geographical information science and transportation communities support modeling of landmarks and use of landmark-based route instructions for pedestrian navigation services. This article proposes a landmark-based pedestrian navigation data model to fill this gap. This data model can model landmarks in several pedestrian navigation scenarios (buildings, open spaces, multimodal transportation systems, and urban streets). This article implements the proposed model in the ArcGIS software environment and demonstrates two typical pedestrian navigation scenarios: (1) a multimodal pedestrian navigation environment involving bus lines, parks, and indoor spaces and (2) a subway system in a metropolitan environment. These two scenarios illustrate the feasibility of the proposed data model in real-world environments. Further improvements of this model could lead to more intuitive and user-friendly landmark-based pedestrian navigation services than the functions supported by current map-based navigation systems.  相似文献   

Multi-resolution spatial data always contain the inconsistencies of topological, directional, and metric relations due to measurement methods, data acquisition approaches, and map generalization algorithms. Therefore, checking these inconsistencies is critical for maintaining the integrity of multi-resolution or multi-source spatial data. To date, research has focused on the topological consistency, while the directional consistency at different resolutions has been largely overlooked. In this study we developed computation methods to derive the direction relations between coarse spatial objects from the relations between detailed objects. Then, the consistency of direction relations at different resolutions can be evaluated by checking whether the derived relations are compatible with the relations computed from the coarse objects in multi-resolution spatial data. The methods in this study modeled explicitly the scale effects of direction relations induced by the map generalization operator – merging, thus they are efficient for evaluating consistency. The directional consistency is an essential complement to topological and object-based consistencies.  相似文献   

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