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推荐系统是帮助互联网用户克服信息过剩的有效工具。在地学数据共享领域,较其他物品的内容属性,地学数据具有更加丰富的时空属性,这也给地学数据推荐带来挑战。针对地学数据的特点,为地学数据共享推荐服务开发了一种动态加权的混合过滤方法。该方法分别采用协同过滤和基于内容过滤算法预测用户对数据的兴趣度,再以训练模型计算最优加权权重,计算最终预测评分。在数据获取阶段,通过用户访问日志数据,采用Jenks Natural Break算法分析用户访问记录获取用户的数据兴趣度。在基于内容过滤部分,通过数据的空间、时间及内容属性计算数据相似度,并以用户历史行为为依据计算用户兴趣。在协同过滤和基于内容过滤中分别采用k-NN算法计算用户对未访问数据的预测评分,并进行加权求和。通过训练集,对理想权重值及用户的共同评价度(co-rating level)进行建模,拟合二者的关系。该模型被应用于混合过滤的权重调整,以获得最优的加权方程。测试结果显示,结合数据时空属性的混合过滤方法的准确度和召回率,较单一的协同过滤或基于内容过滤方法有显著提高。  相似文献   

In recent years, social media emerged as a potential resource to improve the management of crisis situations such as disasters triggered by natural hazards. Although there is a growing research body concerned with the analysis of the usage of social media during disasters, most previous work has concentrated on using social media as a stand-alone information source, whereas its combination with other information sources holds a still underexplored potential. This article presents an approach to enhance the identification of relevant messages from social media that relies upon the relations between georeferenced social media messages as Volunteered Geographic Information and geographic features of flood phenomena as derived from authoritative data (sensor data, hydrological data and digital elevation models). We apply this approach to examine the micro-blogging text messages of the Twitter platform (tweets) produced during the River Elbe Flood of June 2013 in Germany. This is performed by means of a statistical analysis aimed at identifying general spatial patterns in the occurrence of flood-related tweets that may be associated with proximity to and severity of flood events. The results show that messages near (up to 10 km) to severely flooded areas have a much higher probability of being related to floods. In this manner, we conclude that the geographic approach proposed here provides a reliable quantitative indicator of the usefulness of messages from social media by leveraging the existing knowledge about natural hazards such as floods, thus being valuable for disaster management in both crisis response and preventive monitoring.  相似文献   

There has been a resurgence of interest in time geography studies due to emerging spatiotemporal big data in urban environments. However, the rapid increase in the volume, diversity, and intensity of spatiotemporal data poses a significant challenge with respect to the representation and computation of time geographic entities and relations in road networks. To address this challenge, a spatiotemporal data model is proposed in this article. The proposed spatiotemporal data model is based on a compressed linear reference (CLR) technique to transform network time geographic entities in three-dimensional (3D) (x, y, t) space to two-dimensional (2D) CLR space. Using the proposed spatiotemporal data model, network time geographic entities can be stored and managed in classical spatial databases. Efficient spatial operations and index structures can be directly utilized to implement spatiotemporal operations and queries for network time geographic entities in CLR space. To validate the proposed spatiotemporal data model, a prototype system is developed using existing 2D GIS techniques. A case study is performed using large-scale datasets of space-time paths and prisms. The case study indicates that the proposed spatiotemporal data model is effective and efficient for storing, managing, and querying large-scale datasets of network time geographic entities.  相似文献   

Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has emerged as a large, up-to-date, and easily accessible data source. VGI can allow authoritative mapping agencies to undertake continuous improvement of their own data, adding a currency dimension previously unattainable due to high associated costs. VGI also benefits scientific and social research by facilitating quick and low-cost research data capture by the public. VGI, however, through its diversity of authorship, presents a quality assurance risk to the use of this data. This research presents a formulaic model that addresses VGI quality issues, by quantifying trust in VGI. Our ‘VGTrust’ model assesses information about a data author, and the spatial and temporal trust associated with the data they create, to produce an overall VGTrust rating metric. This metric is both easy to understand and interpret. A facilitated case study, ‘Building Our Footprints’ is presented which tests the feasibility of VGTrust model in a real-world data capture exercise run by Land Information New Zealand, New Zealand’s mapping organisation. By overcoming the trust issues in VGI, this research will allow the integration of VGI and authoritative data and potentially expand the application of VGI, thereby leveraging the power of the crowd for productive and innovative re-use.  相似文献   

刘艳  顾春艳 《地理研究》2012,31(1):187-194
航空情报资料是空中交通地理活动所必需或所产生的航空地理数据,在信息化管理过程中面临着多源异构数据的集中管理、统一维护和分布使用等需求。GML作为开放的空间数据模型标准,为航空地理数据的交换和共享提供了要素编码方法和数据交换规范。针对航空信息化系统建设中对规范的航空地理数据的应用需求,在研究航空地理数据特点的基础上,通过分析航空地理数据与GML模型之间的映射关系,以航线管理系统中基础航空情报数据库的建设为例,基于GML规范设计了航空地理数据模型,阐明了数据处理流程,为建立标准化的航空信息数据仓库进行了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

With recent advances in remote sensing, location-based services and other related technologies, the production of geospatial information has exponentially increased in the last decades. Furthermore, to facilitate discovery and efficient access to such information, spatial data infrastructures were promoted and standardized, with a consideration that metadata are essential to describing data and services. Standardization bodies such as the International Organization for Standardization have defined well-known metadata models such as ISO 19115. However, current metadata assets exhibit heterogeneous quality levels because they are created by different producers with different perspectives. To address quality-related concerns, several initiatives attempted to define a common framework and test the suitability of metadata through automatic controls. Nevertheless, these controls are focused on interoperability by testing the format of metadata and a set of controlled elements. In this paper, we propose a methodology of testing the quality of metadata by considering aspects other than interoperability. The proposal adapts ISO 19157 to the metadata case and has been applied to a corpus of the Spanish Spatial Data Infrastructure. The results demonstrate that our quality check helps determine different types of errors for all metadata elements and can be almost completely automated to enhance the significance of metadata.  相似文献   

杜云艳  易嘉伟  薛存金  千家乐  裴韬 《地理学报》2021,76(11):2853-2866
地理事件作为描述地理过程的基本单元,逐渐成为地理信息科学(GIS)核心研究内容。由于受人类活动数据获取限制,GIS对地理事件的建模和分析主要关注事件所引起的地理空间要素变化及要素之间的相互影响与作用机制。然而,近年来随着基于位置服务数据(LBS)爆炸式的增长和人类活动大数据定量刻画手段的快速发展,地理事件对人类活动的影响以及公众对地理事件的网络参与度都引起了多个领域的广泛关注,对地理事件的时空认知、建模方法和分析框架提出了巨大的挑战。对此,本文首先深入分析了大数据时代地理事件的概念与分类体系;其次,基于地理事件的时空语义给出了基于图模型的事件数据建模,建立了事件本体及其次生或级联事件的“节点—边”表达结构,开展了事件自身时空演化及其前“因”后“果”的形式化描述;第三,从时空数据分析与挖掘的角度,给出了大数据时代地理事件建模与分析的整体框架,拟突破传统“地理实体空间”事件探测与分析方法的局限性,融合“虚拟空间”事件发现与传播模拟思路,实现多源地理大数据支撑下的面向地理事件的人类活动多尺度时空响应与区域差异分析;最后,本文以城市暴雨事件为例诠释了本文所提出的地理事件建模与分析方法,从城市和城市内部两个尺度进行了暴雨事件与人类活动的一致性响应及区域差异分析,得到了明确的结论,验证了前文分析框架的可行性与实用性。  相似文献   

Several studies show the impacts of (geo)social media and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) during crisis events, and have found intrinsic value for rescue teams, relief workers and humanitarian assistance coordinators, as well as the affected population. The main challenge is how emergency management and the public can capitalize on the abundance of this new source of information by reducing the volume to credible and relevant content.In this paper, we present the GeoCONAVI (Geographic CONtext Analysis for Volunteered Information) approach and a prototype system, designed to retrieve, process, analyze and evaluate social media content on forest fires, producing relevant, credible and actionable VGI usable for crisis events. The novelty of the approach lies in the enrichment of the content with additional geographic context information, and use of spatio-temporal clustering to support scoring and validation. Thus, the system is focusing on integrating authoritative data sources with VGI. Evaluation in case studies shows that the prototype system can handle large amounts of data with common-off-the-shelf hardware, produces valuable results, and is adaptable to other types of crisis events.  相似文献   

基于水文模型的蒸散发数据同化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文系统综述了基于水文模型的蒸散发数据同化研究,阐述了蒸散发作为非状态变量构建数据同化演算关系的难点和瓶颈,并系统分析了利用当前各种通用水文模型进行蒸散发同化的可行性.基于此,尝试提出了一种易于操作且具有水循环物理机制的蒸散发同化新方案,该方案利用具有蒸散发—土壤湿度非线性时间响应关系的分布式时变增益模型(DTVGM),并进一步完善DTVGM蒸散发机理,构建基于DTVGM水文模型的蒸散发数据同化系统.该新方案将为区域蒸散发精确模拟提供新的思路和借鉴.  相似文献   

Geospatial data matching is an important prerequisite for data integration, change detection and data updating. At present, crowdsourcing geospatial data are attracting considerable attention with its significant potential for timely and cost-effective updating of geospatial data and Geographical Information Science (GIS) applications. To integrate the available and up-to-date information of multi-source geospatial data, this article proposes a heuristic probabilistic relaxation road network matching method. The proposed method starts with an initial probabilistic matrix according to the dissimilarities in the shapes and then integrates the relative compatibility coefficient of neighbouring candidate pairs to iteratively update the initial probabilistic matrix until the probabilistic matrix is globally consistent. Finally, the initial 1:1 matching pairs are selected on the basis of probabilities that are calculated and refined on the basis of the structural similarity of the selected matching pairs. A process of matching is then implemented to find M:N matching pairs. Matching between OpenStreetMap network data and professional road network data shows that our method is independent of matching direction, successfully matches 1:0 (Null), 1:1 and M:N pairs, and achieves a robust matching precision of above 95%.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET), especially at the regional scale, is an extensively investigated topic in the field of water science. The ability to obtain a continuous time series of highly precise ET values is necessary for improving our knowledge of fundamental hydrological processes and for addressing various problems regarding the use of water. This objective can be achieved by means of ET data assimilation based on hydrological modeling. In this paper, a comprehensive review of ET data assimilation based on hydrological modeling is provided. The difficulties and bottlenecks of using ET, being a non-state variable, to construct data assimilation relationships are elaborated upon, with a discussion and analysis of the feasibility of assimilating ET into various hydrological models. Based on this, a new easy-to-operate ET assimilation scheme that includes a water circulation physical mechanism is proposed. The scheme was developed with an improved data assimilation system that uses a distributed time-variant gain model (DTVGM), and the ET-soil humidity nonlinear time response relationship of this model. Moreover, the ET mechanism in the DTVGM was improved to perfect the ET data assimilation system. The new scheme may provide the best spatial and temporal characteristics for hydrological states, and may be referenced for accurate estimation of regional evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

Matching road networks is an essential step for data enrichment and data quality assessment, among other processes. Conventionally, road networks from two datasets are matched using a line-based approach that checks for the similarity of properties of line segments. In this article, a polygon-based approach is proposed to match the OpenStreetMap road network with authority data. The algorithm first extracts urban blocks that are central elements of urban planning and are represented by polygons surrounded by their surrounding streets, and it then assigns road lines to edges of urban blocks by checking their topologies. In the matching process, polygons of urban blocks are matched in the first step by checking for overlapping areas. In the second step, edges of a matched urban block pair are further matched with each other. Road lines that are assigned to the same matched pair of urban block edges are then matched with each other. The computational cost is substantially reduced because the proposed approach matches polygons instead of road lines, and thus, the process of matching is accelerated. Experiments on Heidelberg and Shanghai datasets show that the proposed approach achieves good and robust matching results, with a precision higher than 96% and a F1-score better than 90%.  相似文献   


Triangulated irregular networks (TINs) are increasingly popular for their efficiency in data storage and their ability to accommodate irregularly spaced elevation points for many applications of geographical information systems. This paper reviews and evaluates various methods for extracting TINs from dense digital elevation models (DEMs) on a sample DEM. Both structural and statistical comparisons show that the methods perform with different rates of success in different settings. Users of DEM to TIN conversion methods should be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the methods in addition to their own purposes before conducting the conversion.  相似文献   

One difficulty in integrating geospatial data sets from different sources is variation in feature classification and semantic content of the data. One step towards achieving beneficial semantic interoperability is to assess the semantic similarity among objects that are categorised within data sets. This article focuses on measuring semantic and structural similarities between categories of formal data, such as Ordnance Survey (OS) cartographic data, and volunteered geographic information (VGI), such as that sourced from OpenStreetMap (OSM), with the intention of assessing possible integration. The model involves ‘tokenisation’ to search for common roots of words, and the feature classifications have been modelled as an XML schema labelled rooted tree for hierarchical analysis. The semantic similarity was measured using the WordNet::Similarity package, while the structural similarities between sub-trees of the source and target schemas have also been considered. Along with dictionary and structural matching, the data type of the category itself is a comparison variable. The overall similarity is based on a weighted combination of these three measures. The results reveal that the use of a generic similarity matching system leads to poor agreement between the semantics of OS and OSM data sets. It is concluded that a more rigorous peer-to-peer assessment of VGI data, increasing numbers and transparency of contributors, the initiation of more programs of quality testing and the development of more directed ontologies can improve spatial data integration.  相似文献   


The notion of context continues to be both an enduring rationale and empirical problem for addressing human agency for geographers. Despite its centrality to geographic scholarship, context has largely been an abstraction in geography with relatively little effort to either clarify what it means or how to formally operationalize it for research purposes. When context has been formally addressed, it has primarily emphasized either impacts on agency at a specific scale through a reliance on a place-based interpretation. This paper takes up the issue of context by developing a multi-scalar theoretical framework that is suited for use with social network-based statistical models called exponential random graph models or ERGMs. The theory of context emphasizes the importance for both geographic and social contexts for agency while also recognizing place specific and larger scale influences. Using network data about World War I, a series of ERGMs are developed to demonstrate the importance of multiple types of contexts to the observed outcomes. The approach used in this paper reinforces the old truism that context matters by demonstrating it empirically. Most importantly, this paper illustrates the value of continued engagement with a wider spectrum of the theories of how and why context matters.  相似文献   

The proliferation of digital cameras and the growing practice of online photo sharing using social media sites such as Flickr have resulted in huge volumes of geotagged photos available on the Web. Based on users' traveling preferences elicited from their travel experiences exposed on social media sites by sharing geotagged photos, we propose a new method for recommending tourist locations that are relevant to users (i.e., personalization) in the given context (i.e., context awareness). We obtain user-specific travel preferences from his/her travel history in one city and use these to recommend tourist locations in another city. Our technique is illustrated on a sample of publicly available Flickr dataset containing photos taken in various cities of China. Results show that our context-aware personalized method is able to predict tourists' preferences in a new or unknown city more precisely and generate better recommendations compared to other state-of-the-art landmark recommendation methods.  相似文献   

Many scholars have demonstrated growing interest in GIScience in recent years, including use of open data portals, shared code and options for open access publication. These practices have made both research and data more transparent and accessible for a broad audience. This research may be open only in a limited sense for populations without expertise in the technology and methods undergirding these data. Based on two case studies using RStudio’s Shiny web platform, we argue that a process-based approach focusing on how analysis is opened throughout the research process provides a supplementary way to define and reflect upon public facing geographic research. Reflecting upon decisions we made at key points in each case study project, we identify four key tensions inherent to work in open GIScience: standardized vs. flexible tools, expert vs. community-led design, single vs. multiple audiences and established vs. emerging metrics.  相似文献   

This research compares the geographic information retrieval (GIR) performance of a set of logistic regression models with those of five non‐probabilistic methods that compute a spatial similarity score for a query–document pair. All methods are applied to a test collection of queries and documents indexed spatially by two convex conservative geometric approximations: the minimum bounding box (MBB) and the convex hull. In the comparison, the tested logistic regression models outperform, in terms of standard information retrieval recall and precision measures, all of the non‐probabilistic methods. The retrieval performance achieved by the logistic regression models on MBB approximations is similar to that achieved by the use of the non‐probabilistic methods on convex hulls. Although these results are valid only for the test collection used in this study, they suggest that a logistic regression approach to GIR provides an alternative to the use of higher‐quality geometric representations that are more difficult to obtain, implement, and process. Additionally, this research demonstrates the ability of a probabilistic approach to effectively incorporate information about geographic context in the spatial ranking process.  相似文献   

Landmarks provide the most predominant navigation cue for pedestrian navigation. Very few navigation data models in the geographical information science and transportation communities support modeling of landmarks and use of landmark-based route instructions for pedestrian navigation services. This article proposes a landmark-based pedestrian navigation data model to fill this gap. This data model can model landmarks in several pedestrian navigation scenarios (buildings, open spaces, multimodal transportation systems, and urban streets). This article implements the proposed model in the ArcGIS software environment and demonstrates two typical pedestrian navigation scenarios: (1) a multimodal pedestrian navigation environment involving bus lines, parks, and indoor spaces and (2) a subway system in a metropolitan environment. These two scenarios illustrate the feasibility of the proposed data model in real-world environments. Further improvements of this model could lead to more intuitive and user-friendly landmark-based pedestrian navigation services than the functions supported by current map-based navigation systems.  相似文献   

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