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分布式水文模型软件系统研究综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
分布式水文模型软件系统作为分布式水文模型的技术外壳,是模型应用的重要技术保障。当前分布式水文模型应用呈现出多过程综合模拟、用户群范围广和计算量大的特点,对分布式水文模型软件系统的灵活性、易用性和高效性提出了更高的要求。本文首先分析了分布式水文模型应用的主要流程,之后从应用视角对现有分布式水文模型软件系统的特点进行了归纳,主要结论为:①软件系统按照模型结构灵活性的高低分为以下3种类型:不支持子过程选择和算法设置,不支持子过程选择、但支持算法设置,同时支持子过程选择和算法设置;②根据用户操作数据预处理软件方式的不同,参数提取方式分为菜单/命令行式和向导式;③按照模型的程序实现方法分为串行和并行方式,按照模型运行环境分为本地和网络模式。现有软件系统在灵活性、易用性和高效性方面存在如下问题:一是尚未解决模型结构灵活性和对用户知识依赖性之间的矛盾;二是现有菜单/命令行式和向导式的参数提取方式步骤繁琐,难以实现参数的自动提取;三是模型大多为串行方式和本地模式,容易遇到计算瓶颈问题。最后从模块化、智能化、网络化及移动化、并行化和虚拟仿真等方面探讨了分布式水文模型软件系统的发展趋势和研究方向。  相似文献   

Visualizations of flood maps from simulation models are widely used for assessing the likelihood of flood hazards in spatial planning. The choice of a suitable type of visualization as well as efficient color maps is critical to avoid errors or bias when interpreting the data. Based on a review of previous flood uncertainty visualization techniques, this paper identifies areas of improvements and suggests criteria for the design of a task-specific color scale in flood map visualization. We contribute a novel color map design for visualizing probabilities and uncertainties from flood simulation ensembles. A user study encompassing 83 participants was carried out to evaluate the effects of this new color map on user’s decisions in a spatial planning task. We found that the type of visualization makes a difference when it comes to identification of non-hazardous sites in the flood risk map and when accepting risks in more uncertain areas. In comparison with two other existing visualization techniques, we observed that the new design was superior both in terms of task compliance and efficiency. In regions with uncertain flood statuses, users were biased toward accepting less risky locations with our new color map design.  相似文献   

成超男  胡杨  赵鸣 《地理科学进展》2020,39(10):1770-1782
科学合理的城市绿色空间格局是城市可持续发展的物质空间保障,对其时空演变和影响因素进行研究,可揭示城市绿色空间在城市化进程中各要素与演变过程的复杂关系,以确保城市生态系统服务功能的正常发挥。在生态文明建设背景下,城市绿色空间将在多尺度国土空间规划中发挥积极作用,然而城市绿色空间规划与国土空间规划如何衔接却有待商榷。因此,论文在梳理城市绿色空间概念界定和发展历程的基础上,一方面讨论城市绿色空间格局的时空评价、驱动因子、情景模拟及优化策略的研究进展;另一方面总结生态系统服务在城市绿色空间格局评价中的应用进展。通过归纳以上研究内容,提出国土空间规划体系中有关城市绿色空间格局的评价及优化框架,以期为新时代背景下的城市绿色空间规划提供参考。  相似文献   

Effective wildfire management is an essential part of forest firefighting strategies to minimize damage to land resources and loss of human lives. Wildfire management tools often require a large number of computing resources at a specific time. Such computing resources are not affordable to local fire agencies because of the extreme upfront costs on hardware and software. The emerging cloud computing technology can be a cost- and result-effective alternative. The purpose of this paper is to present the development and the implementation of a state-of-the-art application running in cloud computing, composed of a wildfire risk and a wildfire spread simulation service. The two above applications are delivered within a web-based interactive platform to the fire management agencies as Software as a Service (SaaS). The wildfire risk service calculates and provides daily to the end-user maps of the hourly forecasted fire risk for the next 112 hours in high spatiotemporal resolution, based on forecasted meteorological data. In addition, actual fire risk is calculated hourly, based on meteorological conditions provided by remote automatic weather stations. Regarding the wildfire behavior simulation service, end users can simulate the fire spread by simply providing the ignition point and the projected duration of the fire, based on the HFire algorithm. The efficiency of the proposed solution is based on the flexibility to scale up or down the number of computing nodes needed for the requested processing. In this context, end users will be charged only for their consumed processing time and only during the actual wildfire confrontation period. The system utilizes both commercial and open source cloud resources. The current prototype is applied in the study area of Lesvos Island, Greece, but its flexibility enables expansion in different geographical areas.  相似文献   

传统分布式水文模型采用串行计算模式,其计算能力无法满足大规模水文精细化、多要素、多过程耦合模拟的需求,亟需并行计算的支持。进入21世纪后,计算机技术的飞速发展和并行环境的逐步完善,为分布式水文模型并行计算提供了软硬件支撑。论文从并行环境、并行算法2个方面对已有研究进行总结概括,分析了不同并行环境和并行算法的优势与不足,并提出提高模型并行效率的手段,即合理分配进程/线程数缩减通信开销,采用混合并行环境增强模型可扩展性,空间或时空离散化提高模型的可并行性及动态分配计算任务、平衡工作负载等。最后,论文对高性能并行分布式模型的未来研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

时空大数据背景下并行数据处理分析挖掘的进展及趋势   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
关雪峰  曾宇媚 《地理科学进展》2018,37(10):1314-1327
随着互联网、物联网和云计算的高速发展,与时间、空间相关的数据呈现出“爆炸式”增长的趋势,时空大数据时代已经来临。时空大数据除具备大数据典型的“4V”特性外,还具备丰富的语义特征和时空动态关联特性,已经成为地理学者分析自然地理环境、感知人类社会活动规律的重要资源。然而在具体研究应用中,传统数据处理和分析方法已无法满足时空大数据高效存取、实时处理、智能挖掘的性能需求。因此,时空大数据与高性能计算/云计算融合是必然的发展趋势。在此背景下,本文首先从大数据的起源出发,回顾了大数据概念的发展历程,以及时空大数据的特有特征;然后分析了时空大数据研究应用产生的性能需求,总结了底层平台软硬件的发展现状;进而重点从时空大数据的存储管理、时空分析和领域挖掘3个角度对并行化现状进行了总结,阐述了其中存在的问题;最后指出了时空大数据研究发展趋势。  相似文献   

李鲁奇  孔翔 《地理科学》2021,41(5):797-803
智能体模型用于自下而上模拟城市系统.当前综述性研究多关注其原理和缺陷等,而对研究内容演化的梳理尚不够细致.故运用主路径和冲积图分析,基于文献引用网络和关键词共现网络,梳理了国外城市系统智能体模型的研究脉络.结果 表明,土地利用是核心研究领域,居住隔离、城市增长和交通等亦是重要应用主题;元胞自动机、网络分析等方法在200...  相似文献   

按照地理学科发展趋势,对城镇化与生态环境耦合的研究将由定量描述转入动态模拟。目前,城镇化与生态环境耦合动态模拟模型呈现多元化。论文系统梳理了其中4类常见的动态模拟模型,包括城镇化与生态环境耦合系统动力学模型、基于人工智能算法的城镇化与生态环境耦合动态模拟模型、基于土地利用变化的城镇化与生态环境耦合动态模拟模型以及基于多模型集成的城镇化与生态环境耦合复合模型。主要结论如下:系统动力学模型被广泛应用于城市复杂系统、城市转型和可持续发展以及城镇化与生态环境单要素耦合的动态模拟之中,但存在空间解释不足以及忽视系统自适应性等问题;人工智能算法(ANN和BN)在自学习、自组织、自适应系统或不确定性系统模拟中具有显著优势,并被应用于城市扩张、环境变化、资源需求以及生态脆弱性的识别之中,但应用面相对狭窄且限制条件偏多;土地利用变化模型(CLUE/CLUE-S、CA和MAS)局限于从土地城镇化视角模拟城镇化与生态环境耦合;基于多模型集成的复合模型实现了各模型之间的优势互补,已成为城镇化与生态环境耦合动态模拟模型的发展趋势。今后,应从技术和理论2个层面实现城镇化与生态环境耦合动态模拟模型的进一步发展,并加强对微观过程的模拟。  相似文献   

社区生活圈的新时间地理学研究框架   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
柴彦威  李春江  张艳 《地理科学进展》2020,39(12):1961-1971
社区生活圈从居民日常活动及行为视角考察城市社区,是城市地理学和城市相关学科的研究前沿,也是中国国土空间规划体系创新的重要组成部分,以及中国城市社会可持续发展的重要抓手。伴随着流动性和信息化的不断深入,社区生活圈的主体日益多元化、社区活动和居民时空行为日益多样化、社区空间的功能与意义日益丰富化,亟需城市地理学的研究创新与实践引导。时间地理学是理解人与环境关系的社会—技术—生态综合方法,为早期基于时空行为与生活空间的社区生活圈研究提供了重要基础。新时间地理学重视家庭及其他组织企划的交互与时空组合,可为社区生活圈内个体—家庭—社区之间的复杂互动关系研究、时空行为的社会文化制约与多情境分析及模拟提供重要支撑。论文基于新时间地理学方法,从理论、方法和实证3个维度提出社区生活圈的新时间地理学研究框架,具体包括构建社区生活圈的时空行为理论,揭示社区生活圈的时空间结构;创新社区生活圈的时空行为分析和模拟方法;从社区生活圈时空行为优化、社区交往生活圈、社区安全生活圈等方面创新中国城市规划与管理等研究内容。  相似文献   

洪水演进三维模拟仿真系统可视化研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
洪水演进仿真系统的研制,是实施“数字流域”工程的重要组成部分;结合洪水演进可视化目标的分析,基于Visual C 系统开发平台,融GIS技术和Opengl开发技术,采用三角形逼近、光滑处理和加入法向量以控制光照的方式,实现了流域地形及河床的三维可视化仿真;应用广度优先搜索算法确定了运动水体与流域河床形态的自适应与自相依的关系,使流域洪水演进模拟具有真实自然的可视化效果。所研制的系统雏形,可有效的模拟流域洪水的三维演进过程;  相似文献   

体绘制技术在地学3D GIS 可视化中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体绘制技术是目前科学计算可视化研究的一个重要组成部分,对地质体内部属性分布的可视化有重要意义。该文针对地学研究中几何建模和属性建模同样重要的特点,基于一种矢栅一体化的混合数据模型,对地质体表面采用三角面片描述几何形状,对地质体内部采用基于八叉树的自适应网格剖分技术描述内部属性特征。对网格剖分后的体数据,采用体元投射的体绘制技术进行地质体内部属性可视化,显示出很好的效果,具有实际应用意义。  相似文献   

一种空间建模环境及其在生态经济系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
空间建模和模拟已成为生态系统研究的重要手段,其中SME(SpatialModelingEnvironment)是一个有广泛应用前景的空间建模环境之一。本文首先对SME的结构和功能及其在生态经济系统中应用的两个典型实例进行了介绍,然后介绍了在甘肃省高性能网格计算中心的曙光TC1700高性能计算系统上已建立的SME空间建模环境及其运行验证情况,最后就SME在黑河流域生态系统研究中的应用作了简要展望。  相似文献   

Despite its popularity, agent-based modeling is limited by serious barriers that constrain its usefulness as an exploratory tool. In particular, there is a paucity of systematic approaches for extracting coarse-grained, system-level information as it emerges in direct simulation. This is particularly problematic for agent-based models (ABMs) of complex urban systems in which macroscopic phenomena, such as sprawl, may manifest themselves coarsely from bottom-up dynamics among diverse agent-actors interacting across scales. Often these connections are not known, but treating them is nevertheless crucial in enabling prediction, in supporting decisions, and in facilitating the design, control, and optimization of urban systems. In this article, we describe and implement a metasimulation scheme for extracting macroscopic information from local dynamics of agent-based simulation, which allows acceleration of coarse-scale computing and which may also serve as a precursor to handle emergence in complex urban simulation. We compare direct ABM simulation, population-level equation solutions, and coarse projective integration. We apply the scheme to the simulation of urban sprawl from local drivers of urbanization, urban growth, and population dynamics. Numerical examples of the three approaches are provided to compare their accuracy and efficiency. We find that our metasimulation scheme can significantly accelerate complex urban simulations while maintaining faithful representation of the original model.  相似文献   

支持地图自适应可视化的用户模型设计及试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对网络电子地图的自适应可视化机制进行了研究,建立了自适应地图可视化系统的自适应用户模型、自适应的数据组织和自适应结构.试验系统主要根据"用图目的"对用户进行划分,建立用户模型;利用地图瓦片技术和背景与热点集成技术,实现了地图瓦片的自适应数据组织以及用户模型支持下的地图自适应可视化等基本功能.  相似文献   

Geographic information service (GIService) has become popular in the last decade to develop applications for addressing global challenges. Performance is one of the most important criteria to help users select distributed online GIService for developing geospatial applications including natural hazards and emergency responses. However, performance accuracy is limited by the single-location-based evaluation mechanism while service performance is dynamic in space and time between end-users and services. We propose a spatiotemporal performance evaluation mechanism to improve the accuracy. Specially, a cloud and volunteer computing mechanism is proposed to collect performance information of globally distributed GIServices. A global spatiotemporal performance model is designed to integrate spatiotemporal dynamics for better performance evaluation for users from different regions at different times. This model is tested to support GIService selection in global spatial data infrastructures (SDIs). The experiment confirms that the proposed model provides more accurate evaluations for global users and better supports geospatial resource utilizations in SDIs than previous mechanisms. The methodology can be adopted to improve the services of other regional and global distributed operational systems.  相似文献   

杜云艳  易嘉伟  薛存金  千家乐  裴韬 《地理学报》2021,76(11):2853-2866
地理事件作为描述地理过程的基本单元,逐渐成为地理信息科学(GIS)核心研究内容。由于受人类活动数据获取限制,GIS对地理事件的建模和分析主要关注事件所引起的地理空间要素变化及要素之间的相互影响与作用机制。然而,近年来随着基于位置服务数据(LBS)爆炸式的增长和人类活动大数据定量刻画手段的快速发展,地理事件对人类活动的影响以及公众对地理事件的网络参与度都引起了多个领域的广泛关注,对地理事件的时空认知、建模方法和分析框架提出了巨大的挑战。对此,本文首先深入分析了大数据时代地理事件的概念与分类体系;其次,基于地理事件的时空语义给出了基于图模型的事件数据建模,建立了事件本体及其次生或级联事件的“节点—边”表达结构,开展了事件自身时空演化及其前“因”后“果”的形式化描述;第三,从时空数据分析与挖掘的角度,给出了大数据时代地理事件建模与分析的整体框架,拟突破传统“地理实体空间”事件探测与分析方法的局限性,融合“虚拟空间”事件发现与传播模拟思路,实现多源地理大数据支撑下的面向地理事件的人类活动多尺度时空响应与区域差异分析;最后,本文以城市暴雨事件为例诠释了本文所提出的地理事件建模与分析方法,从城市和城市内部两个尺度进行了暴雨事件与人类活动的一致性响应及区域差异分析,得到了明确的结论,验证了前文分析框架的可行性与实用性。  相似文献   

As an important spatiotemporal simulation approach and an effective tool for developing and examining spatial optimization strategies (e.g., land allocation and planning), geospatial cellular automata (CA) models often require multiple data layers and consist of complicated algorithms in order to deal with the complex dynamic processes of interest and the intricate relationships and interactions between the processes and their driving factors. Also, massive amount of data may be used in CA simulations as high-resolution geospatial and non-spatial data are widely available. Thus, geospatial CA models can be both computationally intensive and data intensive, demanding extensive length of computing time and vast memory space. Based on a hybrid parallelism that combines processes with discrete memory and threads with global memory, we developed a parallel geospatial CA model for urban growth simulation over the heterogeneous computer architecture composed of multiple central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs). Experiments with the datasets of California showed that the overall computing time for a 50-year simulation dropped from 13,647 seconds on a single CPU to 32 seconds using 64 GPU/CPU nodes. We conclude that the hybrid parallelism of geospatial CA over the emerging heterogeneous computer architectures provides scalable solutions to enabling complex simulations and optimizations with massive amount of data that were previously infeasible, sometimes impossible, using individual computing approaches.  相似文献   

Along with the advances in computer sciences in recent years, visualization has been developed to embrace new functions. The electronic map in a spatial information visualization system is an electronic tool of human spatial cognition and has more advantages in supporting human spatial cognition than a printed map. Investigations on the ability of human spatial cognition are increasingly drawing attention of cartographers. In this background, map spatial cognition research is attached importance to cartographers again. Cognition-based visualization systems are intelligent systems that serve human spatial cognition efficiently. Developing adaptive multi-perspective visualization systems of spatial information as one kind of these systems is a main goal of our research. This paper discusses the necessity and the characteristics of map spatial cognition research. The cognitive issues involved in spatial information visualization and major contents of cognitive research in the design of adaptive visualization system are presented. Finally, the experimental methods of electronic map visual cognition are introduced.  相似文献   

城镇化与生态环境耦合动态模拟理论及方法的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
城镇化与生态环境耦合是当前研究热点,而其动态模拟将是未来的重要方向。基于系统科学与跨尺度耦合理论揭示城镇化与生态环境耦合系统的本质,即一个非线性的、具有高低阶多重反馈的开放的复杂巨系统。通过综述城镇化与生态环境耦合动态模拟的理论、方法与应用的研究进展,可知:① 动态模拟成为趋势,相关理论与机理解析不断完善;② 动态模拟技术趋向多元化、精细化、智能化和集成化;③ 应用研究基于多类型案例区、多要素以及近远程与跨区域3个方面。当前研究不足包括:① 理论发展与整合不足;② 方法集成与数据共享力度滞后;③ 耦合关系链条和主控要素的动态特征未被完整揭示,远程耦合模拟缺乏定量表达、系统性整合以及与区域联动层面的应用衔接。今后,应以理论为根基,推动多科学交叉融合;以方法为支撑,推动动态模拟技术整合与数据共享;以应用为导向,揭示城市群等重点地区的近远程关系链条与主控要素的动态演化模式,为区域可持续城镇化提供决策支持。  相似文献   

Chapinghe Barrier Lake was the largest among the barrier lakes formed in the aftermath of the magnitude 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake. A rapid quantitative method for the evaluation of potential risk to lives and properties downstream was of the utmost importance for disaster management. The proposed method is based on spatiotemporal simulation using different dam-break scenarios and downstream hazard distribution analyses. This article adopts a cellular automata (CA) model to synthetically integrate multiple sets of geographic layers, including those containing the models needed for routine computation of flood hazards and those needed for vulnerability analysis of the people living downstream. A CA-based simulation and analysis method integrating hydrologic/hydraulic mechanisms is herein introduced, and relevant techniques are investigated. Our prototype experiment demonstrates that the proposed CA-based flood-hazard model can be conveniently integrated into a digital earth system and can further provide real-time simulation analyses of dam-break flood risks.  相似文献   

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