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To estimate the sublimation rate of snow during relocation by wind, sizes and concentration of ice crystal fragments were measured at 6 levels in the lowest 1 m, during ten 10-min runs, in a nocturnal blizzard. Power-law functions of height described the decrease in mean particle diameter and concentration. The vertical gradient of water vapor, measured with a thermocouple psychrometer, was approximately linear from 0.2 to 1.0m above the surface. Evaporation of blowing snow over 3 km of transport distance was estimated to be 39% of transport rate, under conditions of the experiment.  相似文献   

Routine surface wind speed data, vital for the study of drifting pack ice, are not available for the polar oceans. Over sea, it has been demonstrated by Hasse that estimates of surface wind speed may be obtained from the geostrophic wind speed using linear formulae. Comparing estimated with observed data for six sites in Canada, it is found that the formulae may also be applied to obtain estimates of surface wind speed over pack ice.  相似文献   

We have proposed in a previous study a non-stationary wind model to represent the typhoon record as a summation of a time-varying mean wind speed (TVM) and a stationary turbulence. This note further suggests a quantitative scheme, rather than the previous qualitative method, to find the best TVM for any given wind record. Trial TVMs are first extracted from the wind record by a data-processing technique named empirical mode decomposition. For each TVM, its corresponding turbulent component is computed by removing the TVM from the original wind record, and the degree of stationarity of the turbulence component is checked. The best TVM is taken as the one that leads to the maximum degree of stationarity. The degree of stationarity of turbulence is quantified by two indicators: ?? the ratio of horizontal wind variability and wind speed; and ?? the ratio of friction velocity at different Reynolds averaging periods. The applicability of the suggested scheme is validated with 550 typhoon and 3300 monsoon records of 10 minute duration and at different measurement heights. Threshold values for the two stationary indicators ?? and ?? are determined using field measurements and their sensitivities to the Reynolds averaging periods are discussed. Observations in this study demonstrate that the suggested scheme is proper for finding the TVM of a wind record. For a stationarity quantification of 10 minute duration record, the ?? indicator with 30 second Reynolds averaging period is recommended.  相似文献   

通过对热带风暴(TC)"黄蜂"登陆的一次边界层观测所得到风速资料的分析计算,取得不同时距下平均风速序列.比较不同时距选取时登陆TC的平均风速、风向和台风强度,发现1 min平均比10 min平均水平最大风速大25.30%,风向变化不大,TC强度指数1 min与10 min相差2%~4%.时距选取较小时,TC平均风速和强度变大,所测得风速区域也变大,而风向与时距的选取没有明显关系.只是在阵风变化比较大的情况下选取小的时距可以更好的表示这种特征.所以时距选取需要对所研究问题的需要进行分析,对不同的问题选取不同的时距以得到更好的结果.  相似文献   

Synthetic wind speed and air temperature profiles based on the sensible heat flux density and stress at the surface are averaged for the four possible ways in which the suface stress and heat flux density can vary maintaining the same average values. The analysis of the averaged wind and temperature profiles shows that, when the surface stress and/or heat flux density are time-variable, and wind speed and air temperature are averaged linearly, an erroneous estimate of surface roughness, surface stress, heat flux density and profile structure parameters will result.  相似文献   

湍流频散对边界层风廓线的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用包括湍流粘性和频散的新的Reynolds平均动量方程,分析了边界层的垂直风速廓线,发现包含湍流频散的地面层的风速廓线对经典的风廓线指数规律有一个对数规律的修改;而且在不稳定层结下比在稳定层结下,湍流的频散效应更为显;在中性条件下,指数规律退化为对数规律并且Karman常数被另外一个常数所代替,而这个新常数也可以通过相似理论来获得。  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics of snow ripples formed by drifting snow were investigated as functions of wind velocity in a cold wind tunnel at -15 °C. Wave-length, wave height and migration rate of snow ripples increased from 5 to 20 cm, 3 to 5 mm and 1 to 8 cm/min, respectively, with increasing wind velocity from 5 to 7 m/s. Measured size distributions of snow particles in snow ripples showed sorting of large particles in ridges, suggesting that the snow ripple migration is caused by creeping of large particles. The snow drift rate caused by creep, that is, by the ripple migration, was estimated to amount, at least, to 6% of the total snow drift rate.  相似文献   

Measurements of the small-, intermediate-, and large-ion concentrations and the air–earth current density along with simultaneous measurements of the concentration and size distribution of aerosol particles in the size ranges 4.4–163 nm and 0.5–20 μm diameter are reported for a drifting snow period after the occurrence of a blizzard at a coastal station, Maitri, Antarctica. Ion concentrations of all categories and the air–earth current simultaneously decrease by approximately an order of magnitude as the wind speed increases from 5 to 10 ms− 1. The rate of decrease is the highest for large ions, lowest for small ions and in-between the two for intermediate ions. Total aerosol number concentration decreases in the 4.4–163 nm size range but increases in the 0.5–20 μm size range with wind speed. The size distribution of the nanometer particles shows a dominant maximum at ~ 30 nm diameter throughout the period of observations and the height of the maximum decreases with wind speed. However, larger particles show a maximum at ~ 0.7 μm diameter but the height of the maximum increases with increasing wind speed. The results are explained in terms of scavenging of atmospheric ions and aerosols by the drifting snow particles.  相似文献   

为了较好地开展风能资源的详查与综合评价工作,对新疆风区有自记风记录的4个参照站2min与10min时距的风速统计序列在参考测站“元数据”直接进行迁站前后一致性订正、时次一致性检验与订正、高度一致性订正以及观测、测量系统一致性订正基础上,采用SNTH、POTTER、CUSUM等手段进行了客观的非均一性检验与均一化订正。结果表明:(1)对于达坂城与阿拉山口站而言,EL型感应仪使用期,2min与10min时距年平均风速序列并未因风的观测与记录系统由EN型测风处理仪替代而间断。EN型测风处理仪使用期,10min时距平均风速序列也并未因感应仪的变更而间断。(2)达坂城、哈巴河、托克逊站2min时距统计序列均在1980s年代存在间断现象;(3)阿拉山口、达坂城、哈巴河站2min时距统计序列在2005年观测系统改变前后的间断具有一定不确定性;(4)EL-J电接式自记仪使用期,哈巴河气象站10min时距平均风速统计序列在1992年前后出现了有别于2min时距统计序列的间断现象;(5)阿拉山口、哈巴河、托克逊参照气象站的年平均风速序列经客观均一化订正后,仍然存在显著的减小趋势。  相似文献   

An estimate of roughness length is required by some atmospheric models and is also used in the logarithmic profile to determine the increase of wind speed with height under neutral conditions. The choice of technique for determining roughness lengths is generally constrained by the available input data. Here, we compare sets of roughness lengths derived by different methods for the same site and evaluate their impact on the prediction of the vertical wind speed profile.Wind speed and direction data have been collected at four heights over a three-year period at the North Norfolk Wind Monitoring Site. Wind speed profiles were used to generate sector roughness lengths based on the logarithmic profile formula. This is the only direct way of determining roughness lengths. The simplest and cheapest method is to use maps with published tables giving roughness length estimates for different terrain types. Alternatively Wieringa (1976, 1986) and Beljaars (1987) give formulae for determining roughness lengths from wind speed gusts or standard deviations.The four sets of estimated roughness lengths vary considerably. They were used to estimate 34 m wind speeds from 12.7 m observations. The profile-derived roughnesses are used simply as a check on the prediction of the wind speed profiles. The terrain-derived roughness lengths give reasonable results. Gust-derived and standard deviation roughnesses both predict wind speeds which are lower than the observed ones. The error is greater in the case of standard deviation roughnesses. If stability corrections are applied in the prediction of the vertical wind speed profile, the results are considerably improved.  相似文献   

使用系留气艇探空系统在常州、苏州、南京市区对边界层风速、温度、湿度廓线进行了观测,原始数据表明探测结果存在明显的系统误差。本文主要讨论风速订正问题,分析发现风速误差与高度和风速有关,据此提出了依据高度和依据风速的两种订正方案。对比结果表明:两种方案都能有效修正系留气艇测量风速的系统误差,高度订正方案表现更好。本文还用订正后的系留气艇探测结果与苏州市气象局的风廓线雷达资料进行对比,结果显示风廓线雷达探测结果在500 m以下系统偏小。  相似文献   

The horizontal and vertical wind velocity fluctuations were measured using two sonic anemometers at a height of 135 cm above a snow surface under a transverse snow wave-forming condition. A snow-wave was formed when the wind at a height of 1 m blew at a speed of more than 7 m s–1 after an approximate accumulation of from 10 to 20 cm of new snow on a snowfield. For example, when a snow-wave had a wavelength of 10 m and a wave height of 15 to 20 cm, the measured horizontal and vertical velocity components showed that they had a frequency peak of 0.7 Hz in coherence and co-spectrum corresponding to this wavelength. The results suggest that wind turbulence and snow-wave formation interact with each other.  相似文献   

针对安徽省天长和宿松气象站建站至2010年逐年平均风速资料,分别利用直接检验方法和3种间接检验方法:标准正态均一检验(the standard normalhomogeneity test,SNHT)、惩罚最大t检验(the penalized maximal t test,PMTT)和惩罚最大F检验(the penalized maximal Ftest,PMFT),对这两个气象站逐年平均风速序列进行了均一性检验,并对不同检验方法的效果进行了对比分析。研究结果表明:1)站址迁移、观测场环境变化、仪器变更以及测风手段变化等均能对年平均风速序列的均一性产生影响,其中测风手段变化的影响最为明显。2)由于以气象台站观测记录为依据,直接检验得到的结果最为真实可信;此外SNHT、PMTT和PMFF方法对年平均风速序列的间断点均有一定的检验能力,但遗漏间断点的情况也比较明显。因而在年平均风速序列的均一性检验中,若气象台站观测记录相对较齐全,首先考虑采用直接检验,然后再考虑补充采用其他间接检验手段。  相似文献   

QuikSCAT卫星散射计矢量风检验及南海月平均风场特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用中国科学院南海海洋研究所2008年建设的,西沙海洋观测研究站上的自动气象站实测数据,对亚太数据研究中心提供的近实时QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料(2008年4月6日—12月31日)进行了检验和统计特征分析,得出:这两者风速的相关系数为0.86,平均偏差为-1.50 m/s,均方根误差为1.71 m/s,表明QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料在南海具有很高的适用性。在此基础上,利用QuikSCAT卫星遥感的月平均风场资料分析了南海月平均风场特征。结果表明:(1)南海季风10月到次年3月盛行东北风,6—8月盛行西南风,4、5、9月为季风转换季节;(2)存在两个平均风速大值中心,一个位于南海南部(10°N,108°E)附近,另一个位于台湾海峡附近,其位置和强度会随着季节变化而变动。  相似文献   

A mathematical model is developed to estimate rain-induced errors in cup anemometer readings. Based upon a two-cup hemispheric model, the indicated wind speed is calculated for a given true wind speed, fall velocities of the drops, and a general drop-size distribution.The results of these computations show that the effect of rainfall is small as expected. The influence on derived profiles of mean wind speed is rather a displacement of the profile to lower velocities than a change in the slope of the profile.The magnitude of these errors is a few percent or less even for heavy rainfall.Now Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, F.R.G.  相似文献   

风电场风速数值预报的误差分析及订正   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
余江  江志红  俞卫  吴息  张强 《气象科学》2015,35(5):587-592
使用WRF模式对内蒙古某风电场区域内的2011年1-6月,50m高度的风速进行了模拟,并结合实测风速对模拟结果进行了评估。在此基础上再利用自回归模型(AR模型)和持续法对WRF模式模拟结果进行了订正预报,订正结果表明:AR模型和持续法都能有效地减小WRF模式风速的模拟误差,AR模型订正效果优于持续法。为能对订正预报时效进行延长,提出了"假设观测值"概念。在AR模型的基础上建立一种新的订正模型称之为New AR模型。其订正预报结果表明:新模型能在12h时效内,改善WRF模式风速模拟精度,其中6h的改进效果较好。  相似文献   

本文利用ECMWF的1979-2012年空间分辨率为0.75°×0.75°的REA每日4个时次的多层10 min平均风速格点资料,提取了研究区域(18°-26.25°N,108.75°-118.5°E)内的年最大风速序列,并对其年际变化特征和空间分布特征进行了分析。在分析空间分布特征的基础上,分类选择代表格点,建立最大风速序列,分别利用第Ⅰ型极值分布和皮尔逊Ⅲ型分布方法估算了各个代表格点不同高度层在不同重现水平下的最大风速极值,并比较两种方法估算结果的异同。在东南沿海年最大风速从近海到沿海岸线地带,再到内陆山地丘陵依次递减。在最大风速估算中发现两种估算方法所得结果相近,都可用于最大风速估算。估算结果与实际最大风速序列极大值相比较偏小,在实际应用中可按适线原则通过调整参数获得更准确的估算结果。通过分析估算方法和估算结果,为确定工程设计最大风速提供了新的思路和方法,有利于提高气象部门的专业气象服务质量水平。  相似文献   

In order to estimate the return values ofthe time series ofwind speed and wind wave height, it is proposed to use the extrapolation of polynomial approximation constructed for the small part of the tail of probability function of the series considered. The method is based on the optimization of the accuracy of polynomial approximation implemented by varying the length and shift of the used part of probability function and the polynomial exponent. Optimization includes control over quality criteria for approximation that are aimed at increasing approximation accuracy. On the example of wind reanalysis data and the results of numerical simulation of wind waves in the Indian Ocean for the period of 1980-2010, the proposed method is applied to obtain the return value estimates of the mentioned parameters at several fixed points in the ocean.  相似文献   

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