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We report on the metal distribution in the intracluster medium around the radio galaxy 4C+55.16     observed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory . The radial metallicity profile shows a dramatic change at 10 arcsec (∼50 kpc) in radius from half solar to twice solar at inner radii. Also found was a plume-like feature located at ∼3 arcsec to the south-west of the centre of the galaxy, which is mostly accounted for by a strong enhancement of iron L emission. The X-ray spectrum of the plume is characterized by the metal abundance pattern of Type Ia supernovae (SNeIa), i.e. large ratios of Fe to α elements, with the iron metallicity being unusually high at     solar (90 per cent error). How the plume has been formed is not entirely clear. The inhomogeneous iron distribution suggested in this cluster provides important clues to understanding the metal enrichment process of the cluster medium.  相似文献   

We examine the K shell emission lines produced by isothermal and simple multiphase models of the hot gas in elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters to determine the most effective means for constraining the width of the differential emission measure, ( T  ), in these systems which we characterize by a dimensionless parameter, . Comparison of line ratios of two-temperature  ( <1)  and cooling flow  ( 1)  models is presented in detail. We find that a two-temperature model can approximate very accurately a cooling flow spectrum over 0.510 keV.
We re-analyse the ASCA spectra of three of the brightest galaxy clusters to assess the evidence for multiphase gas in their cores: M87 (Virgo), the Centaurus cluster and the Perseus cluster. K emission-line blends of Si, S, Ar, Ca and Fe are detected in each system, as is significant Fe K emission. The Fe K /K ratios are consistent with optically thin plasma models and do not suggest resonance scattering in these systems. Consideration of both the ratios of H-like to He-like K lines and the local continuum temperatures clearly rules out isothermal gas in each case. To obtain more detailed constraints, we fitted plasma models over 1.69 keV where the emission is dominated by these K shell lines and by continuum. In each case the ASCA spectra cannot determine whether the gas emits at only two temperatures or over a continuous range of temperatures as expected for a cooling flow. The metal abundances are near-solar for all of the multiphase models. We discuss the implications of these results and examine the prospects for determining the temperature structure in these systems with upcoming X-ray missions.  相似文献   

We use models of the rates of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and core-collapsed supernovae, built in such a way that both are consistent with recent observational constraints at   z ≲ 1.6  and can reproduce the measured cosmic star formation rate, to recover the history of metal accumulation in the intracluster medium. We show that these SN rates, in unit of SN number per comoving volume and rest-frame year, provide on average a total amount of iron that is marginally consistent with the value measured in galaxy clusters in the redshift range 0–1, and a relative evolution with redshift that is in agreement with the observational constraints up to   z ≈ 1.2  . Moreover, we verify that the predicted metals-to-iron ratios reproduce the measurements obtained in nearby clusters through X-ray analysis, implying that (1) about half of the iron mass and ≳75 per cent of the nickel mass observed locally are produced by SN Ia ejecta, (2) the SN Ia contribution to the metal budget decreases steeply with redshift and by   z ≈ 1  is already less than half of the local amount, and (3) a transition in the abundance ratios relative to iron is present between redshifts ∼0.5 and 1.4, with core-collapsed SN products becoming dominant at higher redshifts.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the effect of Coulomb collisions on the temperature profiles of the intracluster medium in clusters of galaxies, motivated by recent reports of negative temperature gradients in some clusters by Markevitch et al. The time-scale for electrons and protons to reach temperature equilibrium can exceed a few × 109 years beyond radii of a megaparsec, if the intracluster gas is assumed to be at the usual cluster virial temperature. If a cluster merger has occurred within that time causing the protons, but not the electrons, to be rapidly heated then a small negative temperature gradient can result. This gradient is larger in clusters with higher temperatures and steeper density profiles.   Applying these considerations to the cluster of galaxies A2163, we conclude that, more plausibly, the observed gradient is due to a lack of hydrostatic equilibrium following a merger.  相似文献   

We investigate the hypothesis that quasars formed together with the stellar populations of early-type galaxies. This hypothesis – in conjunction with the stellar ages of early-type galaxies from population synthesis models, the relation of black hole mass to bulge velocity dispersion, and the velocity dispersion distribution of spheroids from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey – completely determines the cosmic accretion history of supermassive black holes and the redshift evolution of the characteristic luminosity. On the other hand, the precise shape of the luminosity function of quasars depends on the light curve of quasars and – in the optical, but not so much in X-rays – on the covering factor of the dust surrounding the active nucleus. We find a plausible set of assumptions for which the coeval formation of supermassive black holes and elliptical galaxies is in good agreement with the observed B -band and X-ray luminosity functions of quasars.  相似文献   

We present kinematic parameters and absorption line strengths for three brightest cluster galaxies, NGC 6166, 6173 and 6086. We find that NGC 6166 has a velocity dispersion profile which rises beyond 20 arcsec from the nucleus, with a halo velocity dispersion in excess of 400 km s−1. All three galaxies show a positive and constant h 4 Hermite moment. The rising velocity dispersion profile in NGC 6166 thus indicates an increasing mass-to-light ratio. Rotation is low in all three galaxies, and NGC 6173 and 6086 show possible kinematically decoupled cores. All three galaxies have Mg2 gradients similar to those found in normal bright ellipticals, which are not steep enough to support simple dissipative collapse models, but these could be accompanied by dissipationless mergers which would tend to dilute the abundance gradients. The [Mg/Fe] ratios in NGC 6166 and 6086 are higher than that found in NGC 6173, and if NGC 6173 is typical of normal bright ellipticals, this suggests that cDs cannot form from late mergers of normal galaxies.  相似文献   

The group of galaxies RXJ1340.6+4018 has approximately the same bolometric X-ray luminosity as other bright galaxy groups and poor clusters such as the Virgo cluster. However, 70 per cent of the optical luminosity of the group comes from a dominant giant elliptical galaxy, compared with 5 per cent from M87 in Virgo.The second brightest galaxy in RXJ1340.6+4018 is a factor of 10 fainter (Δ m 12=2.5 mag) than the dominant elliptical, and the galaxy luminosity function has a gap at about L *.
We interpret the properties of the system as a result of galaxy merging within a galaxy group. We find that the central galaxy lies on the Fundamental Plane of ellipticals, has an undisturbed, non-cD morphology, and has no spectral features indicative of recent star formation, suggesting that the last major merger occurred ≳4 Gyr ago. The deviation of the system from the cluster L X− T relation in the opposite sense to most groups may be caused by an early epoch of formation of the group or a strong cooling flow.
The unusual elongation of the X-ray isophotes and the similarity between the X-ray and optical ellipticities at large radii (∼230 kpc) suggest that both the X-ray gas and the outermost stars of the dominant galaxy are responding to an elongated dark matter distribution. RXJ1340.6+4018 may be part of a filamentary structure related to infall in the outskirts of the cluster A1774.  相似文献   

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