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We obtain a class of transformations between Brans–Dicke (BD) scalar field conformal factor of the metric and the Klein–Gordon (KG) wave (its amplitude and phase), such that the BD action described by conformaly flat (CF) metrics is reduced to the KG action. We then present a modified theory as a causal Bohmian quantum gravity by using the quantum potential back reaction effects on the Minkowski background spacetime. We also derive Hamilton–Jacobi equations of the modified theory which is useful for obtaining its de Broglie pilot wave.  相似文献   

We consider to what extent the long-term dynamics of cyclic solar activity in the form of Grand Minima can be associated with random fluctuations of the parameters governing the solar dynamo. We consider fluctuations of the alpha coefficient in the conventional Parker migratory dynamo, and also in slightly more sophisticated dynamo models, and demonstrate that they can mimic the gross features of the phenomenon of the occurrence of Grand Minima over suitable parameter ranges. The temporal distribution of these Grand Minima appears chaotic, with a more or less exponential waiting time distribution, typical of Poisson processes. In contrast, however, the available reconstruction of Grand Minima statistics based on cosmogenic isotope data demonstrates substantial deviations from this exponential law. We were unable to reproduce the non-Poissonic tail of the waiting time distribution either in the framework of a simple alpha-quenched Parker model or in its straightforward generalization, nor in simple models with feedback on the differential rotation. We suggest that the disagreement may only be apparent and is plausibly related to the limited observational data, and that the observations and results of numerical modeling can be consistent and represent physically similar dynamo regimes.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that a simple solar dynamo model, in the form of a Parker migratory dynamo with random fluctuations of the dynamo governing parameters and algebraic saturation of dynamo action, can at least qualitatively reproduce all the basic features of solar Grand Minima as they are known from direct and indirect data. In particular, the model successfully reproduces such features as an abrupt transition into a Grand Minimum and the subsequent gradual recovery of solar activity, as well as mixed-parity butterfly diagrams during the epoch of the Grand Minimum. The model predicts that the cycle survives in some form during a Grand Minimum, as well as the relative stability of the cycle inside and outside of a Grand Minimum. The long-term statistics of simulated Grand Minima appears compatible with the phenomenology of the Grand Minima inferred from the cosmogenic isotope data. We demonstrate that such ability to reproduce the Grand Minima phenomenology is not a general feature of the dynamo models but requires some specific assumption, such as random fluctuations in dynamo governing parameters. In general, we conclude that a relatively simple and straightforward model is able to reproduce the Grand Minima phenomenology remarkably well, in principle providing us with a possibility of studying the physical nature of Grand Minima.  相似文献   

We carried out optical and Hα photometry of two contact binaries (V861 Herculis, EQ Tauri). The light curve modeling revealed stellar spots in both contact systems and strong Hα excess in the position of the observed stellar spots. A correlation was found between the VR and R−Hα colour indices of V861 Her.  相似文献   

We summarize evidence that neither dynamo theory nor the observational data give strong support to the idea that stellar magnetic fields must have dipolar rather than quadrupolar symmetry with respect to the stellar equator. We demonstrate that even the most basic model for magnetic stellar activity, i.e. the Parker migratory dynamo, provides many possibilities for the excitation of large-scale stellar magnetic fields of non-dipolar symmetry. We demonstrate the spontaneous transition of the dynamo-excited magnetic field from one symmetry type to another. We explore observational tests to distinguish between the two types of magnetic field symmetry, and thus detect the presence of quadrupolar magnetic symmetry in stars. Complete absence of quadrupolar symmetry would present a distinct challenge for contemporary stellar dynamo theory. We revisit some observations which, depending on further clarification, may already be revealing some properties of the quadrupolar component of the magnetic fields generated by stellar dynamos.  相似文献   

The photometric light modulation of ζ Andromedae originates from the distorted geometry of the primary, and additionally, from spots of which parameters (temperature, size, location) are variable in time. We present spot modelling results for six two-colour light curves which show that spots preferably appear on the stellar surface towards the companion star and opposite to it, where the distortion also causes dimming. Therefore, simple fitting of the measured data for the ellipticity effect does not yield correct result. Instead, ellipticity calculated from exact stellar parameters should be removed from the data to get reliable spotted light curves.  相似文献   

Measuring eigenfrequencies and identifying eigenmodes provide the observational basis for a significant improvement in our understanding of stellar evolution and structure.Development throughout the last few years show that we may be at the dawn of a `Golden Age'for Asteroseismology. For this to become a reality we only need two things:Better data and better models. In this paper I describe some aspectsof how one detects stellar oscillations.  相似文献   

We present Doppler images and surface differential rotation measurements for the primary of the RS CVn binary IM Pegasi, the guide star for the Gravity Probe B experiment. The data used is a subset of that taken during optical support of the mission and was obtained almost nightly over a near three year period from the Automatic Spectroscopic Telescope operated by Tennessee State University. Using the technique of least-squares deconvolution to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the data, we have reconstructed 31 maximum entropy Doppler images of the star. The images show that the spot features are relatively stable for over a year (and possibly longer) with both a polar spot and lower latitude features. The most intense features are located on the side facing the secondary. In addition, we have incorporated a solar-like differential rotation law into the imaging process to determine the level of surface differential rotation for IM Peg for 22 epochs. A weighted least-squares average of the measurements gives a surface shear of 0.0142 ± 0.0007 rad/d, meaning that the equator takes ∼440 ± 20 days to lap the poles. Although the level of surface differential rotation was shown to vary over the period of the observations, this may indicate an underestimate in the errors of the method rather than any temporal evolution in the differential rotation. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Doppler images are presented for the RS CVn-type binary ζ And. Our upgraded Doppler imaging code TempMapε takes into account the distorted geometry of the primary giant component. On the maps several low latitude spots are restored with a temperature contrast of about 1000 K. Some weak polar features are also found. Cross-correlation of the consecutive Doppler-maps suggests solar-like differential surface rotation.  相似文献   

New data acquired on the active, cool binary CC Eri ranged across the spectrum from Chandra X-ray to broadband photometry and microwave observations using the VLA and ATCA. Also, high-dispersion spectropolarimetry using the AAT enabled Zeeman-Doppler imaging to be performed. Our interpretations infer strong localised concentrations of the stellar magnetic field, manifested by surface activity and related large coronal plasma structures. Comprehensive matching of the modelling parameters awaits more detailed investigation.This brief interim review includes consideration of the ATCA data. Microwave radio emission is usually low level (‘quiescent’), but occasionally flares of several mJy peak intensity are observed. We associate the emission, generally, with wave-like mechanisms, expanding through the outer atmosphere. Related characteristics of this emission are discussed.  相似文献   

In this work we use an already-published method to infer a variation profile for the solar meridional circulation over the last 250 years. We feed this variation profile into a numerical dynamo code, and we reconstruct a sunspot time series that acts as a proxy for solar cycle activity. We perform three simulations with slightly different parameters, and the results are compared with the observational data. The medium and large correlation coefficients between reconstructed and observational time series seem to indicate that variations in meridional circulation play an important role in the modulation of solar activity.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet spectra of FK Comae and V1794 Cygni observed with the Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (HST COS) and the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellites were analyzed for the period 1981–2011. Temporal variations of line fluxes of the O I 1306 Å, C II 1336 Å, C IV 1550 Å, He II 1640 Å and Mg II k & h 2800 Å, produced in the transition regions and chromospheres of these stars, imply variations in density and temperature changes in the line emitting regions as a result of the rapid rotation and magnetic fields responsible for stellar activity. Results are consistent with the models of Ramsey et al. (1981), Oliveira and Foing (1999), and Korhonen et al. (2000).  相似文献   

A magnetic torque associated with the magnetic field linking a giant, gaseous protoplanet to its host pre-main-sequence star can halt inward protoplanet migration. This torque results from a toroidal magnetic field generated from the star’s poloidal (dipole) field by the twisting differential motion between the star’s rotation and the protoplanet’s revolution. Outside the corotation radius, where a protoplanet orbits slower than its host star spins, this torque transfers angular momentum from the star to the protoplanet, halting inward migration. Necessary conditions for angular momentum transfer include the requirement that the Alfvén speed v A in the region magnetically linking a protoplanet to its host star exceeds the protoplanet’s orbital speed v K . In addition, the timescale for Ohmic dissipation τ D must exceed the protoplanet’s orbital period P to ensure that the protoplanet is magnetically coupled to its host star. For a Jupiter-mass protoplanet orbiting a solar-mass pre-main-sequence star, v A >v K and τ D >P only when the migrating protoplanet approaches within about 0.1 AU of its host star, primarily because of the rapid drop in the strength of the magnetic field with increasing distance from the central star. Because of this restricted reach, inwardly migrating gaseous protoplanets can be expected to “pile up” very close to their central stars, as is indeed observed for extrasolar planets. The characteristic timescale required for a magnetic torque to transfer angular momentum outward from a more rapidly spinning central star to a magnetically coupled protoplanet is found to be comparable to planet-forming disk lifetimes and protoplanet migration timescales.  相似文献   

Evolutionary model calculations of 44 Tau, a δ-Scuti star, have been carried out. The star in question is a slow rotator (vsini = 6.8 kms-1).However small it may be, the effect of rotation on the oscillation properties of the star was thought to be worth of studying. Models were evolved with uniform rotation. Radial and non-radial adiabatic oscillation frequencies were calculated. In determining oscillation frequencies rotation has been treated as a perturbation. First order effect has been considered. The possible rotational splittings, due to two rotation speeds, have been calculated. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss a set of three consecutive VLBI observations of the binary system UX Arietis. The most interesting result is the variation with time of the source structure. The usual interpretation in terms of gyrosynchrotron emission from relativistic electrons trapped in a magnetic loop and undergoing collisional and radiative losses is not able, alone, to explain the observed variations. By using optical, radio and X-ray information we have produced a model of two giant loops anchored on a rotating star. As the star rotates, the loops change their relative position and orientation with respect to the line of sight, causing the observed variation of the source structure. The qualitative agreement found is consistent with our hypothesis and makes these observations a sort of a pilot experiment for a new way of using VLBI to observe radio-stars. In order to quantitatively test our model of evolving electrons confined in loops anchored on a rotating star, we plan in the near future a set of several phase-reference VLBI observations fully covering the 6.4 day rotational period.  相似文献   

We study the pattern and behavior of a rotating sunspot in Active Region 10930. The rotational angular speed has been extracted from the apparent motions of the sunspot determined by applying a new optical technique – called non-linear affine velocity estimator (NAVE) – to high-resolution G-band images taken by the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) onboard the Hinode satellite. The structure and dynamics of coronal loops in this active region have been examined using the images obtained by the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) and the spectral data taken by the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS), both also onboard Hinode. Our results are summarized as follows: i) The small sunspot of positive polarity rotated counterclockwise about its center by 540° during the period of five days. ii) Its angular velocity varied with the azimuth angle as well as the radial distance, being affected by the asymmetric shape of the umbra. iii) The angular velocity increased up to 8° h−1 until 13 December as the sunspot grew, and then decreased rapidly down to 3° h−1 on the next day as the sunspot decayed. iv) The coronal loops that connected the two sunspots became sigmoidal in shape. v) The coronal emissions from the regions around the rotating sunspot were blueshifted, which may indicate the expansion of the coronal loops. Our results suggest that the rotation of the sunspot may be closely related to the dynamic development of emerging twisted magnetic fields.  相似文献   

D. Passos  I. Lopes 《Solar physics》2008,250(2):403-410
We present the results of a statistical study of the solar cycle based on the analysis of the superficial toroidal magnetic field component phase space. The magnetic field component used to create the embedded phase space was constructed from monthly sunspot number observations since 1750. The phase space was split into 32 sections (or time instants) and the average values of the orbits on this phase space were calculated (giving the most probable cycle). In this phase space it is shown that the magnetic field on the Sun’s surface evolves through a set of orbits that go around a mean orbit (i.e., the most probable magnetic cycle that we interpret as the equilibrium solution). It follows that the most probable cycle is well represented by a van der Pol oscillator limit curve (equilibrium solution), as can be derived from mean-field dynamo theory. This analysis also retrieves the empirical Gnevyshev – Ohl’s rule between the first and second parts of the solar magnetic cycle. The sunspot number evolution corresponding to the most probable cycle (in phase space) is presented.  相似文献   

We present first observations of Mira stars obtained at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) at 2 microns, equipped with the VINCI instrument, using different baselines with both the test siderostats and the 8.2 m unit telescopes. These observations, collected in the course of the VLTI commissining program, have targeted so far about sixty cool giant stars. In this talk, we list and describe the measurements obtained for 14 Mira stars, many of them representing first-time determinations of the visibility. In particular, we devote special attention to a study of Mira itself, for which very accurate determinations of the visibility at several baseline lenghts and orientations could be obtained. We find that a two-component model is more consistent with the data than a single stellar disc. Further observations are needed for a better understanding of this source. The VLTI will constitute an ideal instrument for such studies in the future. In particular it will permit detailed investigations of southern AGB stars, such as accurate measurements of surface structureparameters (diameters, diameter variations, asymmetries, center-to-limbvariations, special features like hot spots) and of circumstellar envelopes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present the first diffraction-limited K-band image of the Red Rectangle with 76 mas resolution, an H-band image with 75 mas resolution, and an RG 715 filter image ( 800 nm wavelength) with 78 mas resolution (corresponding to 25 AU for a distance of 330 pc). The H and K images were reconstructed from 6 m telescope speckle data and the RG 715 image from 2.2 m telescope data using the speckle masking bispectrum method. At all wavelengths the images show a compact, highly symmetric bipolar nebula, suggesting a toroidal density distribution of the circumstellar material. No direct light from the central binary can be seen as it is obscured by a dust disk or circumbinary torus. Our first high-resolution HK color image of the nebula shows a broad red plateau of HK≈ 2m in the bright inner regions.The optical and near-infrared images and the available photometric continuum observations in a wide range of ultraviolet to centimeter wavelengths enabled us to model the Red Rectangle in detail using a two-dimensional radiative transfer code. Our model matches both the high-resolution images and the spectral energy distribution of this object very well, making the following picture much more certain. The central close binary system with a total luminosity of 3000 L is embedded in a very dense, compact circumbinary torus which has an average number density nH ≈5×1012 cm−3, an outer radius of the dense inner region of R≈30 AU (91 mas), and a ρ∝r−2 density distribution. The full opening angle of the bipolar outflow cavities in our model is 70°. By comparing the observed and theoretical images, we derived an inclination angle of the torus to the line of sight of 7°±1°.The radiative transfer calculations show that the dust properties in the Red Rectangle are spatially inhomogeneous. The modeling confirms that the idea of large grains in the long-lived disk around the Red Rectangle (Jura et al., 1997 [ApJ, 474, 741]) is quantitatively consistent with the observations. In our models, unusually large, approximately millimeter-sized grains dominate the emission of the compact, massive torus. Models with smaller average grain sizes can possibly be found in future studies, for instance, if it turns out that the radio spectrum is not mainly caused by continuum dust emission. Therefore, the large grains suggested by our models require further confirmation by both new observations and radiative transfer calculations. Assuming a dust-to-gas ratio ρdg of 0.005, the dense torus mass is 0.25 M. The model gives a lower limit of 0.0018 M, for the mass of the large particles, which produce a gray extinction of A≈ 28m, towards the center. A much smaller mass of submicron-sized dust grains is presumably located in the polar outflow cavities, their conical surface layers, and in the outer low-density parts of the torus (where ρ∝r−4, in the region of 30 AUr 2000 AU corresponding to 0.′′09–6′′).  相似文献   

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