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In the Cambrian, the paleo-Pacific margin of the East Gondwana continent, including East Antarctica, Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, was affected by the Ross–Delamerian Orogeny. The evidence from geochemistry of volcanic rocks and petrography of clastic sediments in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) reveals that orogenesis occurred during a phase of oblique subduction accompanied by the opening and subsequent closure of a back-arc basin. A similar sequence of events is recognized in New Zealand. In both regions Middle Cambrian volcanic rocks are interpreted as arc/back-arc assemblages produced by west-directed subduction; sediments interbedded with the volcanic rocks show provenance both from the arc and from the Gondwana margin and therefore place the basin close to the continent. Rapid back-arc closure in the Late Cambrian was likely accomplished through changes to the subduction system.  相似文献   

The Fosdick Mountains migmatite–granite complex in West Antarctica records episodes of crustal melting and plutonism in Devonian–Carboniferous time that acted to transform transitional crust, dominated by immature oceanic turbidites of the accretionary margin of East Gondwana, into stable continental crust. West Antarctica, New Zealand and Australia originated as contiguous parts of this margin, according to plate reconstructions, however, detailed correlations are uncertain due to a lack of isotopic and geochronological data. Our study of the mid-crustal exposures of the Fosdick range uses U–Pb SHRIMP zircon geochronology to examine the tectonic environment and timing for Paleozoic magmatism in West Antarctica, and to assess a correlation with the better known Lachlan Orogen of eastern Australia and Western Province of New Zealand.NNE–SSW to NE–SW contraction occurred in West Antarctica in early Paleozoic time, and is expressed by km-scale folds developed both in lower crustal metasedimentary migmatite gneisses of the Fosdick Mountains and in low greenschist-grade turbidite successions of the upper crust, present in neighboring ranges. The metasedimentary rocks and structures were intruded by calc-alkaline, I-type plutons attributed to arc magmatism along the convergent East Gondwana margin. Within the Fosdick Mountains, the intrusions form a layered plutonic complex at lower structural levels and discrete plutons at upper levels. Dilational structures that host anatectic granite overprint plutonic layering and migmatitic foliation. They exhibit systematic geometries indicative of NNE–SSW stretching, parallel to a first-generation mineral lineation. New U–Pb SHRIMP zircon ages for granodiorite and porphyritic monzogranite plutons, and for leucogranites that occupy shear bands and other mesoscopic-scale structural sites, define an interval of 370 to 355 Ma for plutonism and migmatization.Paleozoic plutonism in West Antarctica postdates magmatism in the western Lachlan Orogen of Australia, but it coincides with that in the central part of the Lachlan Orogen and with the rapid main phase of emplacement of the Karamea Batholith of the Western Province, New Zealand. Emplaced within a 15 to 20 million year interval, the Paleozoic granitoids of the Fosdick Mountains are a product of subduction-related plutonism associated with high temperature metamorphism and crustal melting. The presence of anatectic granites within extensional structures is a possible indication of alternating strain states (‘tectonic switching’) in a supra-subduction zone setting characterized by thin crust and high heat flow along the Devonian–Carboniferous accretionary margin of East Gondwana.  相似文献   

蓝田和牧护关花岗岩体位于华北克拉通南缘、东秦岭西北端,同时地处大兴安岭-太行山重力梯度带西侧,准确限定其侵位时代对于正确理解华北克拉通岩石圈减薄的时空分布特征及东、西秦岭中生代岩浆作用的时空分布均具有重要意义。蓝田岩体主要由巨斑状二长花岗岩和中细粒二长花岗岩组成,牧护关岩体主要由花岗闪长岩、二长花岗岩和富黑云母花岗岩组成。对其中主体岩性的锆石LA—ICPMSU—Pb定年结果表明,蓝田和牧护关岩体的侵位时代分别为(154±1)Ma和(151±2)Ma,说明它们是燕山期(晚侏罗世-早白垩世)岩浆活动的产物。蓝田-牧护关岩体以西的西秦岭广大地区印支期岩浆岩分布广泛,但迄今为止尚未发现燕山期岩浆活动的证据,相反在蓝田一牧护关岩体以东的华北克拉通南缘和东秦岭地区,燕山期侵入岩十分发育。秦岭造山带中生代花岗岩类侵位时代的系统差异表明,东秦岭和西秦岭自晚侏罗世以后受不同的构造背景控制。一般认为,西秦岭印支期岩浆岩与扬子和华北板块的碰撞拼合有关,而东秦岭燕山期岩浆岩则与华北克拉通岩石圈减薄或太平洋板块向欧亚大陆的俯冲有关。因此,蓝田和牧护关岩体可能代表了滨太平洋构造一岩浆域和华北克拉通岩石圈减薄的西界。  相似文献   

Structural investigations, integrated with X‐ray diffraction, fluid inclusion microthermometry and oxygen‐stable isotope analyses are used to reconstruct the deformation history and the palaeo‐fluid circulation during formation of the low‐grade, turbidite‐dominated Early Palaeozoic Robertson Bay accretionary complex of north Victoria Land (Antarctica). Evidence for progressive deformation is elucidated by analysing the textural fabric of chronologically distinct, thrust‐related quartz vein generations, incrementally developed during progressive shortening and thickening of the Robertson Bay accretionary complex. Our data attest that orogenic deformation was mainly controlled by dissolution–precipitation creep, modulated by stress‐ and strain‐rate‐dependent fluid pressure cycling, associated with local and regional permeability variations induced by the distribution and evolution of the fracture network during regional thrusting. Fracture‐related fluid pathways constituted efficient conduits for episodic fluid flow. The dominant migrating fluid was pre‐to‐syn‐folding and associated with the migration of warm (160–200 °C) nitrogen‐ and carbonic (CO2 and CH4)‐bearing fluids. Both fluid advection and diffusive mass transfer are recognized as operative mechanisms for fluid–rock interaction and vein formation during continuous shortening. In particular, fluid–rock interaction was the consequence of dissolution–precipitation creep assisted by tectonically driven cooling fluids moving through the rock section as a result of seismic pumping. The most likely source of the migrating fluids would be the frontal part of the growing accretionary complex, where fluids from the deep levels in the hinterland are driven trough channelization operated by the thrust‐related fracture (fault) systems.  相似文献   

罗红玲  吴泰然  赵磊 《岩石学报》2009,25(3):515-526
内蒙古乌拉特中旗乌梁斯太岩体位于华北板块北缘中段,岩性以黑云二长花岗岩为主。它具有较高的SiO2 (74.69%~76.16%)、Na2O+K2O (8.63%~9.62%)、Rb (73×10-6~200×10-6)含量和10000×Ga/Al (3.21~3.32)、Rb/Sr (3.27~8.68)比值,较低的CaO、Ba和Sr含量,碱性指数AI=mol(K2O + Na2O)/ Al2O3) ≥0.90,属于碱性A型花岗岩。稀土球粒陨石标准化图解上,轻稀土相对富集,Eu负异常较为明显,δEu=0.03~0.06;在原始地幔标准化蛛网图上,亏损Ba、Sr、P、Nb、Ta和Ti,富集Rb、K;这些特征类似中国东北二叠纪A型花岗岩。在判别图解上,所有样品均显示了A2型(后碰撞)花岗岩特征。其形成可能与后碰撞板块断离作用有关。乌梁斯太岩体的形成过程可能为,俯冲板片断离导致软流圈物质上涌,发生底侵作用,底侵的玄武质岩浆的加热作用以及地壳伸展的减压效应导致中下地壳的脱水部分熔融,随后经历了分离结晶和晚期的交代作用。乌梁斯太岩体中的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为277±3Ma,表明其形成时代并非原来认为的三叠纪,而是早二叠世晚期。  相似文献   

The Palaeogene volcanic arc successions of the Sierra Maestra, southeastern Cuba, were intruded by calc-alkaline, low- to medium-K tonalites and trondhjemites during the final stages of subduction and subsequent collision of the Caribbean oceanic plate with the North American continental plate. U-Pb SHRIMP zircon dating of five granitoids yielded 206Pb/238U emplacement ages between 60.5±2.2 and 48.3±0.5 Ma. The granitoids are the result of subduction-related magmatism and have geochemical characteristics similar to those of magmas from intra-oceanic island-arcs such as the Izu Bonin-Mariana arc and the New Britain island arc, Lesser Antilles. Major and trace element patterns suggest evolution of these rocks from a single magmatic source. Geochemical features characterize these rocks as typical subduction-related granitoids as found worldwide in intra-oceanic arcs, and they probably formed through fractional crystallization of mantle-derived low- to medium-K basalt.  相似文献   

Two distinct Cambrian magmatic pulses are recognized in the Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberia): an early rift-(ER) and a main rift-related event. This Cambrian magmatism is related to intra-continental rifting of North Gondwana that is thought to have culminated in the opening of the Rheic Ocean in Lower Ordovician times. New data of whole-rock geochemistry (19 samples), Sm–Nd–Sr isotopes (4 samples) and ID–TIMS U–Pb zircon geochronology (1 sample) of the Early Cambrian ER plutonic rocks of the Ossa-Morena Zone are presented in this contribution. The ER granitoids (Barreiros, Barquete, Calera, Salvatierra de los Barros and Tablada granitoid Massifs) are mostly peraluminous granites. The Sm–Nd isotopic data show moderate negative εNdt values ranging from ?3.5 to +0.1 and TDM ages greatly in excess of emplacement ages. Most ER granitoids are crustal melts. However, a subset of samples shows a transitional anorogenic alkaline tendency, together with more primitive isotopic signatures, documenting the participation of lower crust or mantle-derived sources and suggesting a local transient advanced stage of rifting. The Barreiros granitoid is intrusive into the Ediacaran basement of the Ossa-Morena Zone (Série Negra succession) and has yielded a crystallization age of 524.7 ± 0.8 Ma consistent with other ages of ER magmatic pulse. This age: (1) constrains the age of the metamorphism developed in the Ediacaran back-arc basins before the intrusion of granites and (2) defines the time of the transition from the Ediacaran convergent setting to the Lower Cambrian intra-continental rifting in North Gondwana.  相似文献   

The layered sequence from Niagara Icefalls (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) is related to the Cambrian-Early Ordovician Ross Orogeny. The sequence consists of dunites, harzburgites, orthopyroxenites, melagabbronorites and gabbronorites of cumulus origin. The Mg# of olivine, spinel, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene from these rocks yields positive correlations, thus indicating formation from melts that mainly evolved through fractional crystallisation. The following fractionation sequence was identified: olivine (up to 94 mol% forsterite) + Cr-rich spinel → olivine + orthopyroxene ± spinel → orthopyroxene → orthopyroxene + anorthite-rich plagioclase ± clinopyroxene. Clinopyroxenes retain the peculiar trace element signature of boninite melts, such as extremely low concentrations of HREE and HFSE, and LILE enrichment over REE and HFSE. U–Pb isotope data on zircons separated from a gabbronorite have allowed us to constrain the age of emplacement of the Niagara Icefalls sequence at ∼514 Ma. The occurrence of inherited zircons dated at ∼538 Ma indicates that the boninitic melts experienced, at least locally, crustal contamination. The Niagara Icefalls sequence can be related to a regional scale magmatic event that affected the eastern margin of the Gondwana supercontinent in the Middle Cambrian. We propose that the formation of the sequence was associated with the development of an embryonic back-arc basin in an active continental margin. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Northern Victoria Land is a key area for the Ross Orogen – a Palaeozoic foldbelt formed at the palaeo‐Pacific margin of Gondwana. A narrow and discontinuous high‐ to ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) belt, consisting of mafic and ultramafic rocks (including garnet‐bearing types) within a metasedimentary sequence of gneisses and quartzites, is exposed at the Lanterman Range (northern Victoria Land). Garnet‐bearing ultramafic rocks evolved through at least six metamorphic stages. Stage 1 is defined by medium‐grained garnet + olivine + low‐Al orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene, whereas finer‐grained garnet + olivine + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + amphibole constitutes the stage 2 assemblage. Stage 3 is defined by kelyphites of orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + spinel ± amphibole around garnet. Porphyroblasts of amphibole replacing garnet and clinopyroxene characterize stage 4. Retrograde stages 5 and 6 consist of tremolite + Mg‐chlorite ± serpentine ± talc. A high‐temperature (~950 °C), spinel‐bearing protolith (stage 0), is identified on the basis of orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + olivine + spinel + amphibole inclusions within stage 1 garnet. The P–T estimates for stage 1 are indicative of UHP conditions (3.2–3.3 GPa and 764–820 °C), whereas stage 2 is constrained between 726–788 °C and 2.6–2.9 GPa. Stage 3 records a decompression up to 1.1–1.3 GPa at 705–776 °C. Stages 4, 5 and 6 reflect uplift and cooling, the final estimates yielding values below 0.5 GPa at 300–400 °C. The retrograde P–T path is nearly isothermal from UHP conditions up to deep crustal levels, and becomes a cooling–unloading path from intermediate to shallow levels. The garnet‐bearing ultramafic rocks originated in the mantle wedge and were probably incorporated into the subduction zone with felsic and mafic rocks with which they shared the subsequent metamorphic and geodynamic evolution. The density and rheology of the subducted rocks are compatible with detachment of slices along the subduction channel and gravity‐driven exhumation.  相似文献   

湘西南兰蓉岩体为一加里东期小侵入体,由黑云母二长花岗岩和二云母二长花岗岩组成.(443.5±8.1)Ma的锆石SHRIMP U Pb年龄表明花岗岩形成于早志留世早期.主量元素组成表明岩体总体属钙碱性高钾钙碱性系列强过铝质花岗岩类.该侵入体Ba、(Ta+Nb)、Sr、P、Ti强烈亏损,Rb、(Th+U+K)、(La+Ce)、Nd、(Zr+Hf+Sm)、(Y+Yb+Lu)等相对富集;稀土元素含量较高、轻稀土富集明显、Eu显著亏损;Isr值为0.71299,εSr(t)值为120,εNd (t)值为 8.11和-8.89,t2DM为1.82和1.84Ga.C/MF-A/MF图解显示其源岩为泥质岩和砂屑岩.上述地球化学特征表明兰蓉岩体为陆壳碎屑岩石部分熔融形成的S型花岗岩.基于岩石成因、构造环境判别以及区域构造演化过程,推断兰蓉岩体的具体形成机制为:奥陶纪末志留纪初的北流运动(板内造山运动)导致地壳增厚、升温,尔后在挤压减弱、应力松弛的后碰撞减压构造环境下,中、上地壳酸性岩石发生部分熔融并向上侵位而形成兰蓉岩体.  相似文献   

Ion microprobe U-Th-Pb analyses of zircons from a granulite-grade orthogneiss from Mount Sones, Enderby Land, Antarctica, record the ages of four principal events in the history of the gneiss, three of which already have been recognized through previous isotopic dating of other samples. The structure of the zircons indicates at least four different stages of growth. The several zircon ages were obtained by grouping the analyses according to the stage they represented in the observed stratigraphic succession of growth and thereby defining separate U-Pb discordance patterns for each stage. The stratigraphically oldest zircon (rare discrete cores) is indistinguishable in age from the most common, euhedrally zoned zircon. Both crystallized when the tonalitic precursor of the orthogneiss was emplaced into the crust 3927±10 Ma ago, making the orthogneiss currently the oldest known terrestrial rock. The outer parts of most grains and some whole grains recrystallized at 2948±31/–17 Ma, during or immediately after possibly 100 Ma of high granulite grade metamorphism. The recrystallized zircon was isotopically disturbed by tectonism associated with reactivation of the southern margin of the Napier Complex at 1000 Ma. In the intervening time, at 2479±23 Ma, the cores and zoned zircon suffered a major isotopic disturbance involving movement of radiogenic Pb which left most of the crystals with radiogenic Pb deficiencies, but produced local radiogenic Pb excesses in others. A new generation of zircon, characterized by very high Th/U and low U, grew at that time. That event — deformation and possibly a minor rise in temperature — produced widespread perturbations of other isotopic systems throughout the Napier Complex.  相似文献   

The Antrim Plateau Volcanics, Australia's largest Phanerozoic flood‐basalt province, originally covered an area of at least 300 000 km2 across northern Australia. Stratigraphic constraints indicate that the Antrim Plateau Volcanics are of Early Cambrian age (ca 545–509 Ma), although previous attempts to date the Antrim basalts by radiometric methods have been inconclusive. We present an ion microprobe U–Pb zircon age of 513 ± 12 Ma for the ~250 km‐long Milliwindi dolerite dyke in the west Kimberley. The dolerite is geochemically identical to basalts of the Antrim Plateau Volcanics, and was probably a feeder dyke for basalts that have since been eroded. It is suggested that the Antrim Plateau Volcanics extended hundreds of kilometres further to the west than recognised previously and may have once covered part of the Kimberley block.  相似文献   

The late Cambrian Bowers Group is regressive marine to non-marine. On the basis of associations of textures and sedimentary structures (both primary and biotic), and of palaeocurrent measurements, the sediments of the newly defined Mariner Formation appear to have accumulated on a platform or continental shelf of low gradient and narrow tidal range. Trilobite- and brachiopod-bearing fissile mudstone with sparse channels and scattered stratified sandstone (open marine) is succeeded by wavy-bedded and lenticular-bedded mudstone, muddy sandstone, and rippled sandstone with bands rich in brachiopods (shallow open marine), then mudstone and laminated sandstone with lenticular bodies of oosparite (open marine shoals and protected inner shelf), and red and green, ripple- and parallel-laminated sandstone, interbedded with burrowed muddy sandstone and mudstone, with lenticular bedding (tidal flat). The sharply overlying Camp Ridge Quartzite of cross-bedded sandstone, pebbly sandstone, and sandy pebble conglomerate, is regarded as braided channel alluvium.The detritus appears to have been derived from veined low-grade metamorphic rocks and fine-grained detrital sedimentary rocks that lay south of the area.  相似文献   

Early Palaeozoic subduction of the palaeo-Pacific plate and terrane accretion along the palaeomargin of the East Antarctic Craton is well-documented in North Victoria Land, where the Tonalite Belt is a complex of synkinematic intrusions emplaced within the Lanterman–Murchison Shear Zone at the boundary between the Wilson Terrane and the allochthonous Bowers Terrane. Stepwise leaching Pb/Pb and U–Pb studies of titanite separates carried out on two well-foliated samples of tonalites yielded ages of deformation bracketed between 490 and 480 Ma with an isochron age of 480 ±13 Myr. Ar/Ar and K–Ar ages of 477 Myr in the metamorphic rocks of accreted terranes point to fast cooling and uplift after accretion. The new titanite ages, compared with a regional distribution of magmatic and metamorphic ages, indicate an early Ordovician age for terrane collision and amalgamation. As a consequence of collision, subduction shifted to an outward position along the palaeomargin of the East Antarctic Craton.  相似文献   

Summary The Lanterman Fault Zone, a major terrane boundary in northern Victoria Land, displays a polyphase structural evolution. After west-over-east thrusting, it experienced sinistral strike-slip shearing. Sheared metabasites from the Wilson Terrane (inboard terrane) preserve a record of retrograde metamorphic evolution. Shearing took place under amphibolite-facies metamorphic conditions (roughly comparable to those reached during regional metamorphism) which later evolved to greenschist-facies conditions. In contrast, the Bowers Terrane (outboard terrane) preserves a prograde metamorphic evolution which developed from greenschist-facies to amphibolite-facies metamorphism during shearing, followed by greenschist-facies metamorphism during the late deformational stages. Laser step-heating 40Ar–39Ar analyses of syn-shear amphibolite-facies amphiboles yielded ages of 480–460 Ma, in agreement with a ∼480-Ma age obtained from a biotite aligned along the mylonitic foliation. These ages are younger than those (∼492 to ∼495 Ma) obtained from pre-shear amphibole relics linked to regional metamorphism of the Wilson Terrane. Results attribute the structural and metamorphic reworking during shearing to the late stages of the Cambrian-Ordovician Ross Orogeny and to the Middle-Late Ordovician probably in relation to the beginning of deformation in the Lachlan Orogen, thus precluding any appreciable impact of the Devonian-Carboniferous Borchgrevink event in the study area.  相似文献   

SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄测定结果表明,赣南全南正长岩的形成年龄为(161±4)Ma。受地壳混染影响程度最低的正长岩样品具高钾(K2O/Na2O≥1)、富集大离子亲石元素、轻稀土元素和高场强元素(Nb/La≈1.4、Nb/Th≈15)、εNd(t)≈+3.4的特征,属板内“裂谷型”钾质碱性岩(和桂东南地区侏罗纪正长岩类似),而明显不同于“岛弧型”钾质碱性岩。上述结果以及区域岩浆岩组合特征表明,华南内陆侏罗纪的构造环境类似于板内裂谷或“盆岭构造”。  相似文献   

At the northwestern edge of the Hercynian Bohemian Massif (Saxothuringian belt) new U-Pb zircon age data from rift-related magmatic rocks indicate that the initiation of Gondwana break-up in this area started during the Middle to Upper Cambrian. Magmatic rocks from a bimodal, MORB- to within-plate volcanic sequence in the Vesser area are dated between ca. 517 and 501 Ma. The volcaniclastic sequences analysed exhibit basal layers of conglomerates and mature sandstones, which can be correlated with a widespread Gondwana-derived onlap horizon of an uppermost Cambrian/Tremadocian age that links the Vesser area with the Saxothuringian continental basin. The association of the Vesser rocks with the Saxothuringian terrane as part of the Armorican terrane assemblage is further demonstrated by a coeval magmatic development and by identical detrital components which are derived from a common Cadomian basement (white mica with a ca. 539 Ma K-Ar minimum age and inherited zircon signatures). The Vesser unit, situated between the NW margin of the Saxothuringian zone and the Mid-German Crystalline Zone, probably represents a N-facing remnant of an ocean-continent transition of the, or within the, Armorican terrane assemblage and involves sections of the early break-up process at the peri-Gondwanan shelf south of the Rheic ocean.  相似文献   

位于阿拉善北部中蒙边境地区的雅干花岗岩体以二长花岗岩为主,岩体的锆石离子探针U-Pb年龄为283.2±2.2Ma (n=14,MSWD=0.016).该花岗岩体具有相对较低的SiO2含量(66.96%~70.71%),和较高的A12O3(15.05%~16.05%)和(Na2O+ K2O)含量(7.24%~9.19%),且岩体钠含量稍高(Na2O/K2O>1).雅干花岗岩体总体上表现为高钾钙碱性及偏铝质-过铝质的特征.岩体稀土元素总合量为101.9×10-6~133.1 ×1O-6,在稀土元素配分模式图中,岩体表现为轻-重稀土元素中等程度-强烈分异,同时具有明显的负Eu异常(δEu =0.59 ~0.77);在微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网图中,岩体表现为亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti,富集Ba、Rb、Cs、Th、K等大离子亲石元素;岩体同位素特征则表现为具有高的(87 Sr/86 Sr)i值(0.707654 ~0.710235)以及负εNd(t)值.根据雅干花岗岩体的形成时代、地球化学特征以及相关的沉积建造特征,可推断该岩体形成于后碰撞环境,表明古亚洲洋在阿拉善地块北缘北部地区的分支于早二叠世(283.2 ±2.2Ma)之前已经闭合.  相似文献   

南秦岭东河群碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄及其板块构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南秦岭微陆块是秦岭造山带的重要构造单元,其早白垩世沉积物是研究物源区及南秦岭微陆块构造演化的理想对象.南秦岭微陆块南缘观音坝盆地早白垩世砂砾岩中的碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄给出了5个年龄峰,范围分别是2600~2300Ma、2050~1800Ma、1200~750Ma、650~400Ma和350~200Ma,对应于Kenor、Columbia、Rodinia、Gondwana和Pangaea等5次超大陆事件.碎屑锆石源区复杂,但主要源自华北克拉通和北秦岭增生带,表明晚古生代南秦岭微陆块是秦岭-华北联合大陆板块的一部分,而非独立的微陆块.最年轻的锆石年龄峰给出了勉略洋向秦岭-华北大陆俯冲的时限,即350~ 200Ma;扬子与秦岭-华北联合大陆板块的碰撞造山作用始于三叠纪-侏罗纪之交,强烈的挤压造山作用发生在侏罗纪,而非三叠纪或更早.  相似文献   

Fine-grained peraluminous synkinematic leuco-monzogranites (SKG), of Cambro-Ordovician age, occur as veins and sills (up to 20–30 m thick) in the Deep Freeze Range, within the medium to high-grade metamorphics of the Wilson Terrane. Secondary fibrolite + graphite intergrowths occur in feldspars and subordinately in quartz. Four main solid and fluid inclusion populations are observed: primary mixed CO2+H2O inclusions + Al2SiO5 ± brines in garnet (type 1); early CO2-rich inclusions (± brines) in quartz (type 2); early CO2+CH4 (up to 4 mol%)±H2O inclusions + graphite + fibrolite in quartz (type 3); late CH4+CO2+N2 inclusions and H2O inclusions in quartz (type 4). Densities of type 1 inclusions are consistent with the crystallization conditions of SKG (750°C and 3 kbar). The other types are post-magmatic: densities of type 2 and 3 inclusions suggest isobaric cooling at high temperature (700–550°C). Type 4 inclusions were trapped below 500°C. The SKG crystallized from a magma that was at some stage vapour-saturated; fluids were CO2-rich, possibly with immiscible brines. CO2-rich fluids (±brines) characterize the transition from magmatic to post-magmatic stages; progressive isobaric cooling (T<670°C) led to a continuous decrease off O 2 can entering in the graphite stability field; at the same time, the feldspars reacted with CO2-rich fluids to give secondary fibrolite + graphite. Decrease ofT andf O 2 can explain the progressive variation in the fluid composition from CO2-rich to CH4 and water dominated in a closed system (in situ evolution). The presence of N2 the late stages indicates interaction with external metamorphic fluids.Contribution within the network Hydrothermal/metamorphic water-rock interactions in crystalline rocks: a multidisciplinary approach on paleofluid analysis. CEC program: Human Capital and Mobility  相似文献   

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