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By comparing photon diffusion time with gas outflow time, I argue that a large fraction of the energy carried by the jets during the grazing envelope evolution (GEE) might end in radiation, hence leading to an intermediate luminosity optical transient (ILOT). In the GEE a companion orbiting near the outskirts of the larger primary star accretes mass through an accretion disk, and launches jets that efficiently remove the envelope gas from the vicinity of the secondary star. In cases of high mass accretion rates onto the stellar companion the energy carried by the jets surpass the recombination energy from the ejected mass, and when the primary star is a giant this energy surpasses also the gravitational binding energy of the binary system. Some future ILOTs of giant stars might be better explained by the GEE than by merger and common envelope evolution without jets.  相似文献   

We apply the jet-powered ILOT scenario to two recently studied intermediate luminosity optical transients(ILOTs),and find the relevant shell mass and jets' energy that might account for the outbursts of these ILOTs.In the jet-powered ILOT scenario,an accretion disk around one of the stars of a binary system launches jets.The interaction of the jets with a previously ejected slow shell converts kinetic energy to thermal energy,part of which is radiated away.We apply two models of the jet-powered ILOT scenario.In the spherical shell model,the jets accelerate a spherical shell,while in the cocoon toy model the jets penetrate into the shell and inflate hot bubbles,the cocoons.We find consistent results.For the ILOT(ILRT:intermediate luminosity red transient) SNhunt120 we find the shell mass and jets' energy to be Ms■0.5-1 M_☉ and E_(2 j)■5×10~(47) erg,respectively.The jets' half opening angle is α_j■30°-60°.For the second peak of the ILOT(luminous red nova) AT 2014 ej we find these quantities to be M_s1-2 M_☉ and E_(2 j)1.5×10~(48) erg,with αj■20°-30°.The models cannot tell whether these ILOTs were powered by a stellar merger that leaves one star,or by mass transfer where both stars survived.In both cases the masses of the shells and energies of the jets suggest that the binary progenitor system was massive,with a combined mass of M_1+M_210 ■M_☉.  相似文献   

We propose a simplified model of outflow/jet driven by the Blandford–Payne (BP) process from advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAF) and derive the expressions of the BP power and disk luminosity based on the conservation laws of mass, angular momentum and energy. We fit the 2–10 keV luminosity and kinetic power of 15 active galactic nucleus (AGNs) of sub-Eddington luminosity. It is found that there exists an anti-correlation between the accretion rate and the advection parameter, which could be used to explain the correlation between Eddington-scaled kinetic power and bolometric luminosity of the 15 samples. In addition, the Ledlow–Owen relation for FR I/II dichotomy is re-expressed in a parameter space consisting of logarithm of dimensionless accretion rate versus that of the BH mass. It turns out that the FR I/II dichotomy is determined mainly by the dimensionless accretion rate, being insensitive to the BH mass. And the dividing accretion rate is less than the critical accretion rate for ADAFs, suggesting that FR I sources are all in the ADAF state.  相似文献   

Jets and outflows are ubiquitous in the process of formation of stars since outflow is intimately associated with accretion. Free–free (thermal) radio continuum emission in the centimeter domain is associated with these jets. The emission is relatively weak and compact, and sensitive radio interferometers of high angular resolution are required to detect and study it. One of the key problems in the study of outflows is to determine how they are accelerated and collimated. Observations in the cm range are most useful to trace the base of the ionized jets, close to the young central object and the inner parts of its accretion disk, where optical or near-IR imaging is made difficult by the high extinction present. Radio recombination lines in jets (in combination with proper motions) should provide their 3D kinematics at very small scale (near their origin). Future instruments such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and the Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) will be crucial to perform this kind of sensitive observations. Thermal jets are associated with both high and low mass protostars and possibly even with objects in the substellar domain. The ionizing mechanism of these radio jets appears to be related to shocks in the associated outflows, as suggested by the observed correlation between the centimeter luminosity and the outflow momentum rate. From this correlation and that of the centimeter luminosity with the bolometric luminosity of the system it will be possible to discriminate between unresolved HII regions and jets, and to infer additional physical properties of the embedded objects. Some jets associated with young stellar objects (YSOs) show indications of non-thermal emission (negative spectral indices) in part of their lobes. Linearly polarized synchrotron emission has been found in the jet of HH 80–81, allowing one to measure the direction and intensity of the jet magnetic field, a key ingredient to determine the collimation and ejection mechanisms. As only a fraction of the emission is polarized, very sensitive observations such as those that will be feasible with the interferometers previously mentioned are required to perform studies in a large sample of sources. Jets are present in many kinds of astrophysical scenarios. Characterizing radio jets in YSOs, where thermal emission allows one to determine their physical conditions in a reliable way, would also be useful in understanding acceleration and collimation mechanisms in all kinds of astrophysical jets, such as those associated with stellar and supermassive black holes and planetary nebulae.  相似文献   

In spite of the large number of global three-dimensional (3-D) magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of accretion disks and astrophysical jets, which have been developed since 2000, the launching mechanisms of jets is somewhat controversial. Previous studies of jets have concentrated on the effect of the large-scale magnetic fields permeating accretion disks. However, the existence of such global magnetic fields is not evident in various astrophysical objects, and their origin is not well understood. Thus, we study the effect of small-scale magnetic fields confined within the accretion disk. We review our recent findings on the formation of jets in dynamo-active accretion disks by using 3-D MHD simulations. In our simulations, we found the emergence of accumulated azimuthal magnetic fields from the inner region of the disk (the so-called magnetic tower) and also the formation of a jet accelerated by the magnetic pressure of the tower. Our results indicate that the magnetic tower jet is one of the most promising mechanisms for launching jets from the magnetized accretion disk in various astrophysical objects. We will discuss the formation of cosmic jets in the context of the magnetic tower model.  相似文献   

The peaks in the spectra of the accretion disks surrounding massive black holes in quasars are in the far-UV or soft X-ray band, which are usually not observed. However, in the disk corona model, soft photons from the disk are Comptonized to high energy in the hot corona, and the hard X-ray spectra(luminosity and spectral shape) contain information on the incident spectra from the disk. The values of black hole spin parameter a*are inferred from the spectral fitting, which are spread over a large range, ~-0.94 to 0.998. We find that the inclination angles and mass accretion rates are well determined by the spectral fitting, but the results are sensitive to the accuracy of black hole mass estimates. No tight constraints on the black hole spins are achieved, if the uncertainties in black hole mass measurements are a factor of four,which are typical for the single-epoch reverberation mapping method. Recently, the accuracy of black hole mass measurement has been significantly improved to 0.2- 0.4 dex with the velocity resolved reverberation mapping method. The black hole spin can be well constrained if the mass measurement accuracy is50%. In the accretion disk corona scenario, a fraction of power dissipated in the disk is transported into the corona, and therefore the accretion disk is thinner than a bare disk for the same mass accretion rate,because the radiation pressure in the disk is reduced. We find that the thin disk approximation, H/R0.1,is still valid if 0.3 m 0.5, provided half of the dissipated power is radiated in the corona above the disk.  相似文献   

In this contribution, we first review the theory of self-collimated jets launched from magnetized accretion disks (disk-winds originating from the first AUs). We show why it is crucial to solve in a self-consistent way the interplay between the resistive accretion disk and the ideal MHD jets. Indeed, this is the only way to get exact values for the disk ejection efficiency ξ (the jet mass load issue). Then, we show self-similar calculations of such accretion-ejection structures: first cold jets, then warm jets obtained in the presence of a hot disk chromosphere. Finally, we present for the first time an accretion-ejection flow crossing all three critical points.  相似文献   

Using the archived optical spectra of NGC 5548 between 1989 and 2001, we derived the optical spectral index by fitting the spectra in wavelength windows unaffected by strong emission lines. We found that the index is anti-correlated with the continuum luminosity at 5100 A with a correlation coefficient of -0.8. Based on the standard thin accretion disk model, we investigated whether the correlation is related to the variations of the dimensionless accretion rate m (mass accretion rate in Eddington unit), or the inner radius of the accretion disk Rin, or both. The correlation can be modeled well using a co-variable mode of Rin/Rs = 12.5m-0.8 (Rs is Schwarzschild radius). As luminosity increases, m increases from 0.05 to 0.16 and at the same time Rin decreases from 133.9.RS to 55.5.RS, consistent with the prediction for a transition radius within which an ADAF structure exists. We concluded that the change of both inner accretion radius and the dimensionless accretion rate are key factors for the variation  相似文献   

The jets observed to emanate from many compact accreting objects may arise from the twisting of a magnetic field threading a differentially rotating accretion disk which acts to magnetically extract angular momentum and energy from the disk. Two main regimes have been discussed, hydromagnetic jets, which have a significant mass flux and have energy and angular momentum carried by both matter and electromagnetic field and, Poynting jets, where the mass flux is small and energy and angular momentum are carried predominantly by the electromagnetic field. Here, we describe recent theoretical work on the formation of relativistic Poynting jets from magnetized accretion disks. Further, we describe new relativistic, fully electromagnetic, particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of the formation of jets from accretion disks. Analog Z-pinch experiments may help to understand the origin of astrophysical jets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a Langevin type equation with a damping term and stochastic force to describe the stochastic oscillations on the vertical direction of the accretion disk around a black hole, and calculate the luminosity and power spectral density (PSD) for an oscillating disk. Then we discuss the stochastic resonance (SR) phenomenon in PSD curves for different parameter values of viscosity coefficient, accretion rate, mass of black hole and outer radius of the disk. The results show that our simulated PSD curves of luminosity for disk oscillation have the same profile as the observed PSD of black hole X-ray binaries (BHXBs) in the lowhard state, and the SR of accretion disk oscillation may be an alternative interpretation of the persistent low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (LFQPOs).  相似文献   

The low-frequency radio luminosity is believed to be an indicator of jet power, while the optical/ultraviolet (UV) emission is probably from accretion discs in the nuclei of steep-spectrum radio quasars. We present a correlation between the ratio of radio-to-optical luminosities and the continuum spectral index in blue/UV bands, which might indicate that the continuum shape in blue/UV bands is related to the ratio of jet to accretion power. The results may imply that the spectra and structure of accretion discs are probably affected by the interactions between jets and discs.  相似文献   

We propose that sub-Keplerian accretion belts around stars might launch jets. The sub-Keplerian inflow does not form a rotationally supported accretion disk, but it rather reaches the accreting object from a wide solid angle. The basic ingredients of the flow are a turbulent region where the accretion belt interacts with the accreting object via a shear layer, and two avoidance regions on the poles where the accretion rate is very low. A dynamo that is developed in the shear layer amplifies magnetic fields to high values. It is likely that the amplified magnetic fields form polar outflows from the avoidance regions. Our speculative belt-launched jets model has implications on a rich variety of astrophysical objects, from the removal of common envelopes to the explosion of core collapse supernovae by jittering jets.  相似文献   

The interaction between a strong stellar wind carrying no intrinsic angular momentum and a surrounding disk nebula is investigated. We analyze the shape and stability of the wind-nebula interface, the strength and direction of the ensuing mass motions and the time scales for nebular disruption. The resultant time scale is given by Equation (44). The dominant physical process is one of nebular accretion onto the central star due to turbulent viscosity in the disk. The turbulence will be driven in the upper layers of the disk by the wind. We note that if the accretion supplies mass for the wind (after the absorption of stellar energy), then the particle fluxes may undergo a runaway increase until the energy or momentum flux in the wind is limited by the total stellar luminosity. This may explain the origin of strong, pre-Main-Sequence winds.Paper presented at the Conference on Protostars and Planets, held at the Planetary Science Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, between January 3 and 7, 1978.  相似文献   

We derive accretion rate functions (ARFs) and kinetic luminosity functions (KLFs) for jet-launching supermassive black holes. The accretion rate as well as the kinetic power of an active galaxy is estimated from the radio emission of the jet. For compact low-power jets, we use the core radio emission while the jet power of high-power radio-loud quasars is estimated using the extended low-frequency emission to avoid beaming effects. We find that at low luminosities the ARF derived from the radio emission is in agreement with the measured bolometric luminosity function (BLF) of active galactic nucleus (AGN), i.e. all low-luminosity AGN launch strong jets. We present a simple model, inspired by the analogy between X-ray binaries (XRBs) and AGN, that can reproduce both the measured ARF of jet-emitting sources as well as the BLF. The model suggests that the break in power-law slope of the BLF is due to the inefficient accretion of strongly sub-Eddington sources. As our accretion measure is based on the jet power it also allows us to calculate the KLF and therefore the total kinetic power injected by jets into the ambient medium. We compare this with the kinetic power output from supernova remnants (SNRs) and XRBs, and determine its cosmological evolution.  相似文献   

Black holes release energy via the production of photons in their accretion discs but also via the acceleration of jets. We investigate the relative importance of these two paths over cosmic time by determining the mechanical luminosity function (LF) of radio sources and by comparing it to a previous determination of the bolometric LF of active galactic nuclei (AGN) from X-ray, optical and infrared observations. The mechanical LF of radio sources is computed in two steps: the determination of the mechanical luminosity as a function of the radio luminosity and its convolution with the radio LF of radio sources. Even with the large uncertainty deriving from the former, we can conclude that the contribution of jets is unlikely to be much larger than ∼10 per cent of the AGN energy budget at any cosmic epoch.  相似文献   

The multi-wavelength quasi-simultaneous data of 55 Fermi blazars are fitted by using the conical jet model, and the physical properties of blazar jets are also investigated. Through the X2-minimization fitting procedure, the best-fit parameters of the conical jet model are obtained. Combined with the other parameters we collected, a statistical analysis is performed. The results of statistical analysis are summarized as follows: (1) The jet power obtained by the spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting is larger than the jet power calculated by using the extended radio luminosity; (2) There is no correlation between the Doppler factor 5 and the magnetic field strength B; (3) There is a correlation between the jet power and the accretion disk luminosity, and the Blandford-Znajek (BZ) mechanism can well explain the energy source of BL Lac jets rather than Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs); (4) The jet power is significantly correlated with the black hole mass.  相似文献   

We investigate the variation of the gas and the radiation pressure in accretion disks during the infall of matter to the black hole and its effect to the flow. While the flow far away from the black hole might be non-relativistic, in the vicinity of the black hole it is expected to be relativistic behaving more like radiation. Therefore, the ratio of gas pressure to total pressure (β) and the underlying polytropic index (γ) should not be constant throughout the flow. We obtain that accretion flows exhibit significant variation of β and then γ, which affects solutions described in the standard literature based on constant β. Certain solutions for a particular set of initial parameters with a constant β do not exist when the variation of β is incorporated appropriately. We model the viscous sub-Keplerian accretion disk with a nonzero component of advection and pressure gradient around black holes by preserving the conservations of mass, momentum, energy, supplemented by the evolution of β. By solving the set of five coupled differential equations, we obtain the thermo-hydrodynamical properties of the flow. We show that during infall, β of the flow could vary up to ∼300%, while γ up to ∼20%. This might have a significant impact to the disk solutions in explaining observed data, e.g. super-luminal jets from disks, luminosity, and then extracting fundamental properties from them. Hence any conclusion based on constant γ and β should be taken with caution and corrected.  相似文献   

本文从磁流体力学基本方程组出发,讨论了具有类偶极磁场的厚吸积盘模型。其结果表明:引入这种磁场位形后,会影响盘的位形、光度和吸积率。对光度的影响是通过改变盘的位形实现的,它使盘变厚,会在厚盘的内区形成更窄更陡的漏斗状结构,这对解释类星体的高度准直性的喷流更为有利;并且还预言不对称喷流或单边喷流的存在。  相似文献   

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