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We searched for the CSJ = 2 – 1 emission towards 29 southern H2O and H2O/OH masers and 1 OH maser with the SEST radio telescope. We detected and mapped 24 CS emitting regions probably associated with 27 H2O masers. The C34SJ = 2 – 1 and COJ = 1 – 0 lines were also observed at the grid positions closest to the CS peaks. Four cores were mapped in the CSJ = 5 – 4 and C34SJ = 2 – 1 lines.  相似文献   

From the IRAS-PSC, 97 sources with steep FIR spectrum and another 8 were chosen for a search for high-velocity gas. Observations of the CO (J =1−0) line were made with the 13.3-m telescope at the Qinghai Station. The results show that 102 sources are associated with molecular gas. 9 of the sources have reference position problem and 21 have multiple spectrum. Of the remaining 72, 29 contain high-velocity gas, and of these 18 are new molecular outflow candidates. Their properties are discussed briefly in connection with massive young stellar objects.  相似文献   

We have constructed models for a region of low mass star formation where stellar winds ablate material from dark dense cores and return it to a translucent intercore medium from which subsequent generations of cores condense. Depletion of gas phase species onto grains plays a major role in the chemistry. For reasonable agreement between model core chemical fractional abundances and measured TMC-1 fractional abundances to obtain, the core collapse, once started, must be relatively uninhibited by turbulence or magnetic fields and the core lifetime must fall in a limited range determined by the assumed depletion rates. In a core with the TMC-1 fractional abundances, CH, OH, C2H, H2CO, HCN, HNC, and CN are the only simple species that have been detected in TMC-1 at radio and millimeter wavelengths to have fractional abundances that are roughly constant or increasing with time; this result bears considerably on previous work concerned with searches for spectroscopic evidence for and the diagnosis of collapse during protostellar formation, but depends on the fractions of the OH and CH emissions that are associated with the core centre rather than more extended gas or a core-stellar wind boundary layer. Model results for the abundance ratios of H2O, CH4, and NH3 ices are in good agreement with those inferred for Halley's Comet.  相似文献   

Recent results from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) satellite suggest that the intergalactic medium (IGM) was significantly reionized at redshifts as high as   z ∼ 17  . At this early epoch, the first ionizing sources probably appeared in the shallow potential wells of mini-haloes with virial temperatures   T vir < 104 K  . Once such an ionizing source turns off, its surrounding H ii region Compton cools and recombines. None the less, we show that the 'fossil' H ii regions left behind remain at high adiabats, prohibiting gas accretion and cooling in subsequent generations of mini-haloes. This greatly amplifies feedback effects explored in previous studies, and early star formation is self-limiting. We quantify this effect to show that star formation in mini-haloes cannot account for the bulk of the electron scattering opacity measured by WMAP , which must be due to more massive objects. We argue that gas entropy, rather than IGM metallicity, regulates the evolution of the global ionizing emissivity and impedes full reionization until lower redshifts. We discuss several important consequences of this early entropy floor for reionization. It reduces gas clumping, curtailing the required photon budget for reionization. An entropy floor also prevents H2 formation and cooling, due to reduced gas densities: it greatly enhances feedback from ultraviolet photodissociation of H2. An early X-ray background would also furnish an entropy floor to the entire IGM; thus, X-rays impede rather than enhance H2 formation. Future 21-cm observations may probe the topology of fossil H ii regions.  相似文献   

Summary The nuclear regions of many galaxies are not accessible at optical wavelengths and are devoid of HI, but contain large quantities of molecular gas and dust. With recent advances in instrumentation it is now possible to probe the kinematics and physical state of the cool dense interstellar medium, thus providing a new and important tool to investigate the circumnuclear gas in galaxies that are more active than our own. The scope of this review is to summarize results related to the subject with an emphasis on observational data. Sects. 1 and 2 present a general introduction, followed by a discussion of molecular mass estimates. In Sect. 3 correlations between nuclear and global galactic properties are discussed. Sects. 4 and 5 summarize observational results for nearby strongly interacting galaxies, properties of molecular bars and rings, and theoretical advances in modelling the data. The main part of the review (Sects. 6–8) describes the kinematics and the physical and chemical properties of the dense gas, including masers, and compares them with the nuclear region of the Galaxy. Molecular gas in distant galaxies and the evolution of active galaxies are discussed in Sect. 9. Some promising avenues for future research are outlined in Sect. 10.  相似文献   

There is a large, diverse and rapidly growing body of OH observations from regions associated with star formation, the physical conditions of which are of great interest. To interpret these observations we need to calculate the populations of the OH energy levels using as accurate a model as is feasible. We have developed a large velocity gradient (LVG) model using the lowest 48 hyperfine states of OH and including the phenomenon of far-infrared line overlap using a new theory which treats all thermal and velocity overlaps. If we use a theory of maser propagation (Field and Gray, 1988) we are then able to see how competing maser lines develop.The generic behaviour which we find is in good agreement with the extensive maser observations of Gaume and Mutel 1987 and our calculations allow us to associate general physical conditions with the four ground state maser frequencies. In addition we are able to present preliminary results of the interpretation of the OH absorption observations of Guilloteauet al. (1984) and Walmsleyet al. (1986) for the compactHII region DR21.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain  相似文献   

A general review of the group of UU Her-type stars proposed recently as a possible new type of variables is given. The available observations (spectra and photometry) reveal them as luminous Population I F-type supergiants of normal composition. This fact contradicts their great distances above the galactic plane. As there is no reason so far to distrust the results from the spectroscopic analyses and photometry, the galactic plane should be excluded as a possible birthplace of the UU Her-stars. In this respect they might probably indicate that recent star formation (though occasional) from already enriched material was possible at high galactic latitudes. Moreover, normal Main-Sequence B-stars seem now also to be found there.Much attention is paid to the specific semiregular variability of the UU Her-stars. The type of pulsations remains conjectural, but simple radial pulsations should obviously be ruled out.  相似文献   

We investigate the atomic and molecular interstellar medium and star formation of NGC 275, the late-type spiral galaxy in Arp 140, which is interacting with NGC 274, an early-type system. The atomic gas (H  i ) observations reveal a tidal tail from NGC 275 which extends many optical radii beyond the interacting pair. The H  i morphology implies a prograde encounter between the galaxy pair approximately ∼1.5 × 108 yr ago. The Hα emission from NGC 275 indicates clumpy irregular star formation, clumpiness which is mirrored by the underlying mass distribution as traced by the K s-band emission. The molecular gas distribution is striking in its anticorrelation with the H  ii regions. Despite the evolved nature of NGC 275's interaction and its barred potential, neither the molecular gas nor the star formation is centrally concentrated. We suggest that this structure results from stochastic star formation leading to preferential consumption of the gas in certain regions of the galaxy. In contrast to the often-assumed picture of interacting galaxies, NGC 275, which appears to be close to merger, does not display enhanced or centrally concentrated star formation. If the eventual merger is to lead to a significant burst of star formation it must be preceded by a significant conversion of atomic to molecular gas as at the current rate of star formation all the molecular gas will be exhausted by the time the merger is complete.  相似文献   

The location of H  II regions, which indicates the locus of present star formation in galaxies, is analysed for a large collection of 110 irregular galaxies (Irr) imaged in Hα and nearby continuum. The analysis is primarily by visual inspection, although a two-dimensional quantitative measure is also employed. The two different analyses yield essentially identical results. H  II regions appear preferentially at the edges of the light distribution, predominantly on one side of the galaxy, contrary to what is expected from stochastic self-propagating star formation scenarios. This peculiar distribution of star-forming regions cannot be explained by a scenario of star formation triggered by an interaction with extragalactic gas, or by a strong one-armed spiral pattern.  相似文献   

We have obtained wide-field thermal infrared (IR) images of the Carina nebula, using the SPIREX/Abu telescope at the South Pole. Emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at 3.29 μm, a tracer of photodissociation regions (PDRs), reveals many interesting well-defined clumps and diffuse regions throughout the complex. Near-IR images  (1–2 μm)  , along with images from the Midcourse Space Experiment ( MSX ) satellite  (8–21 μm)  have been incorporated to study the interactions between the young stars and the surrounding molecular cloud in more detail. Two new PAH emission clumps have been identified in the Keyhole nebula, and have been mapped in  12CO(2–1)  and  (1–0)  using the Swedish–ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST). Analysis of their physical properties reveals that they are dense molecular clumps, externally heated with PDRs on their surfaces and supported by external pressure in a similar manner to the other clumps in the region. A previously identified externally heated globule containing IRAS 10430−5931 in the southern molecular cloud shows strong 3.29-, 8- and 21-μm emission, the spectral energy distribution (SED) revealing the location of an ultracompact (UC) H  ii region. The northern part of the nebula is complicated, with PAH emission intermixed with mid-IR dust continuum emission. Several point sources are located here, and through a two-component blackbody fit to their SEDs we have identified three possible UC H  ii regions as well as a young star surrounded by a circumstellar disc. This implies that star formation in this region is ongoing and not halted by the intense radiation from the surrounding young massive stars.  相似文献   

Based on a SO and C18O survey of dense molecular-cloud cores in regions of massive star formation (selected by the presence of H2O maser emission), we estimate the frequency of occurrence of high-velocity outflows in these regions and their parameters. The presence of extended SO-line wings (compared to C18O) is considered to be indicative of outflows. We estimate the outflow parameters (mass, momentum, and kinetic energy) from optically thin C18O lines, which increases the reliability of these estimates. According to this approach, high-velocity outflows were detected in ~40% of the observed objects, which is a lower limit on the frequency of their occurrence. There is a clear correlation between the outflow mass, momentum, and kinetic energy, on the one hand, and the bolometric luminosity of the associated infrared sources, on the other hand. The slope of the correlations is close to unity. Their comparison with similar correlations of the mass-loss rate, force, and mechanical luminosity with the bolometric luminosity shows that the spread in outflow dynamical age is small and that this age has no systematic correlation with the infrared luminosity. The mean outflow dynamical age that can be obtained from this comparison is ~7×1013 yr.  相似文献   

While the importance of merging, accretion, and infall processesin determining galactic evolution is well established boththeoretically and observationally, details on how such processesare taking place nowadays even in our own Galaxy are stillrelatively poorly known, especially due to large remaininguncertainties on the location and origin of high velocity clouds.In this paper we focus on the possible role that galacticoutflows and gas infall may have on directly triggering starformation in the halo and in galactic disks. While compellingevidence has been accumulating in recent years suggesting thatsome level of star formation directly triggered by outflows isvery likely to exist in the halo of some galaxies, the evidencefor star formation dynamically triggered by infall is far moreelusive due to confusion with other, more efficient large-scalestar forming mechanisms operating in the galactic disk. Despite ofincreasingly realistic simulations of the gas circulation betwenthe gas and the halo and of high velocity cloud impacts ongalactic disks, the efficiency of star formation directlytriggered by such impacts remains an open question.  相似文献   

Using the 20-m Onsala Observatory telescope (Sweden), we performed observations of the CH3C2H(6-5) line toward several regions of massive star formation to estimate the kinetic temperature of the gas and study its variations over the sources. Intense lines were detected in five objects. For these, we estimated the kinetic temperature of the gas near the CS and N2H+ molecular emission peaks by the method of population diagrams. A significant temperature difference between these peaks is noticeable only in W3 and, to a lesser degree, in DR 21. In the remaining cases, it is insignificant. This indicates that the chemical differentiation of the molecules in these regions cannot be associated with temperature variations. The kinetic temperature determined from methyl acetylene observations is usually slightly higher than the temperature estimated from ammonia observations. This is probably because the methyl acetylene emission originates in denser, i.e., deeper and hotter layers of the cloud.  相似文献   

Observations of two infrared objects embedded in molecular clouds near the supernova remnant W44 are presented. W44-IRS1 offers compelling evidence that it is a star whose formation was recently induced by expansion of the supernova remnant. W44-IRS2 lies beyond the remnant, possibly apart from the region of its influence.Paper presented at the Conference on Protostars and Planets, held at the Planetary Science Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, between January 3 and 17, 1978.Kitt Peak National Observatory which is operated by AURA. Inc. under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We describe the general structure of the well known S255 IR high mass star forming region,as revealed by our recent ALMA observations. The data indicate a physical relation exists between the major clumps SMA1 and SMA2. The driving source of the extended high velocity, well collimated bipolar outflow, is not the most pronounced disk-like SMA1 clump harboring a 20 M_⊙young star(S255 NIRS3), as was assumed earlier. Apparently, it is the less evolved SMA2 clump, which drives the outflow and contains a compact rotating structure(probably a disk). At the same time, the SMA1 clump drives another outflow, with a larger opening angle. The molecular line data do not show an outflow from the SMA3 clump(NIRS1), which was suggested by IR studies of this region.  相似文献   

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