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We have derived the angular correlation function of a sample of 2096 sources detected in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) Bright Source Catalogue, in order to investigate the clustering properties of active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the local Universe. Our sample is constructed by rejecting all known stars, as well as extended X-ray sources. Areas with | b |<30° and declination δ <−30° are also rejected owing to the high or uncertain neutral hydrogen absorption. Cross-correlation of our sample with the Hamburg/RASS optical identification catalogue suggests that the vast majority of our sources are indeed AGN. A 4.1 σ correlation signal between 0° and 8° was detected with w ( θ <8°)=2.5±0.6×10−2. Assuming a two-point correlation function of the form w ( θ )=( θ θ 0)−0.8, we find θ 0=0062. Deprojection on three dimensions, using Limber's equation, yields a spatial correlation length of r 0≈6.0±1.6  h −1 Mpc. This is consistent with the AGN clustering results derived at higher redshifts in optical surveys and suggests a comoving model for the clustering evolution.  相似文献   

The ROSAT Bright Survey (RBS) aims to completely optically identify the more than 2000 brightest sources detected in the ROSAT all-sky survey at galactic latitudes |b| > 30° (excluding LMC, SMC, Virgo cluster). This paper presents a subsample of 66 bright point-like ROSAT survey sources with almost hard PSPC spectra, the hardness ratio HR1 is > 0.5 for most of the sources. Teh subsample could be nearly completely identified by low-resolution optical spectroscopy with the following breakdown into object classes: 31 Seyfert galaxies, 22 BL Lac candidates, 5 clusters of galaxies, 1 cataclysmic variable, and 5 bright stars. Only one object remained unidentified and one X-ray source was a spurious detection. The redshift distrbution peaks around 0.06 for the Seyferts and around 0.13 for the BL Lac candidates. Observations with medium spectral resolution were obtained for most of the new Seyfert galaxies. A large fraction (20 objects) are type 1 Seyfert galaxies, the other fraction includes Seyfert galaxies of type 1.5 – 1.8 (5 objects), two LINERs, and 4 possible narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1). About one third of the new Seyfert's have nearby companion galaxies displaying either emission or absorption lines at the same redshift. Among them are a couple of systems showing direct morphological evidence for interaction. The large fraction of interacting galaxies among our sample suggests a scenario where interaction is the main trigger of AGN activity.  相似文献   

Simultaneous X-ray and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) ( ROSAT XRT and WFC All-Sky Survey) observations of the highly active dMe flare stars YY Gem and AU Mic show that the two stars displayed an unusual type of flaring behaviour. We detect several X-ray and EUV flares superimposed on an enhanced and smoothly varying quiescent background. The two large impulsive-type X-ray flares on YY Gem reach peak X-ray luminosities of     and we estimate that they had similar integrated luminosities (∼6–8×1033 erg). AU Mic also produced several X-ray and EUV flares, with one very impulsive flare producing a 10-fold increase in XRT count rate. This flare was even larger than the YY Gem flares (peak L X of     and integrated L X of    
The     ratio for both stars is at the 'saturation' limit found in rapidly rotating dwarfs and the most active RS CVn stars. We suggest that the gradually varying components are the result of a period of continuous, unresolved flaring activity. Alternatively, they may be the result of the emergence and subsequent decay of a new magnetic active region on the stellar surface of these stars.  相似文献   

We present the results of our optical identifications of several hard X-ray sources from the INTEGRAL all-sky survey obtained over 14 years of observations. Having improved the positions of these objects in the sky with the X-ray telescope (XRT) of the Swift observatory and the XMMNewton observatory, we have identified their counterparts using optical and infrared sky survey data. We have obtained optical spectra for more than half of the objects from our sample with the RTT-150 and AZT-33IK telescopes, which have allowed us to establish the nature of the objects and to measure their redshifts. Six sources are shown to be extragalactic in origin and to belong to Seyfert 1 and 2 galaxies (IGR J01017+6519, IGR J08215-1320, IGR J08321-1808, IGR J16494-1740, IGR J17098-2344, IGR J17422-2108); we have failed to draw definitive conclusions about the nature of four more objects (IGR J11299-6557, IGR J14417-5533, IGR J18141-1823, IGR J18544+0839), but, judging by circumstantial evidence, they are most likely also extragalactic objects. For one more object (IGR J18044-1829) no unequivocal identification has been made.  相似文献   

The Chandra Galactic Center Survey detected ~ 800 X-ray point-like sources in the 2°× 0.8° sky region around the Galactic Center. We study the spatial and luminosity distributions of these sources according to their spectral properties. Fourteen bright sources detected are used to fit jointly an absorbed power-law model, from which the power-law photon index is determined to be ~2.5. Assuming that all other sources have the same power-law form, the relation between hardness ratio and HI column density NH is used to estimate the NH values for all sources. Monte Carlo simulations show that these sources are more likely concentrated in the Galactic center region, rather than distributed throughout the Galactic disk. We also find that the luminosities of the sources are positively correlated with their HI column densities, i.e., a more luminous source has a higher HI column density. From this relation, we suggest that the X-ray luminosity comes from the interaction between an isolated old neutron star and interstellar medium (mainly dense molecular clouds). Using the standard Bondi accretion theory and the statistical information of molecular clouds in the Galactic center, we confirm this positive correlation and calculate the luminosity range in this scenario,which is consistent with the observation (1032 - 1035 erg s-1).  相似文献   

We present a catalogue of 147 serendipitous X-ray sources selected to have hard spectra ( α <0.5) from a survey of 188 ROSAT fields. Such sources must be the dominant contributors to the X-ray background at faint fluxes. We have used Monte Carlo simulations to verify that our technique is very efficient at selecting hard sources: the survey has 10 times as much effective area for hard sources as it has for soft sources above a 0.5–2 keV flux level of 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. The distribution of best-fitting spectral slopes of the hard sources suggests that a typical ROSAT hard source in our survey has a spectral slope α ∼0. The hard sources have a steep number flux relation (d N /d S ∝ S − γ with a best-fitting value of γ =2.72±0.12) and make up about 15 per cent of all 0.5–2 keV sources with S >10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. If their N ( S ) continues to fainter fluxes, the hard sources will comprise ∼40 per cent of sources with 5×10−15< S <10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. The population of hard sources can therefore account for the harder average spectra of ROSAT sources with S <10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. They probably make a strong contribution to the X-ray background at faint fluxes and could be the solution to the X-ray background spectral paradox.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of 20 galaxy clusters observed with the Chandra X-ray satellite, focusing on the temperature structure of the intracluster medium and the cooling time of the gas. Our sample is drawn from a flux-limited catalogue but excludes the Fornax, Coma and Centaurus clusters, owing to their large angular size compared to the Chandra field of view. We describe a quantitative measure of the impact of central cooling, and find that the sample comprises nine clusters possessing cool cores (CCs) and 11 without. The properties of these two types differ markedly, but there is a high degree of uniformity amongst the CC clusters, which obey a nearly universal radial scaling in temperature of the form   T ∝ r ∼0.4  , within the core. This uniformity persists in the gas cooling time, which varies more strongly with radius in CC clusters  ( t cool∝ r ∼1.3)  , reaching   t cool < 1 Gyr  in all cases, although surprisingly low central cooling times (<5 Gyr) are found in many of the non-CC systems. The scatter between the cooling time profiles of all the clusters is found to be remarkably small, implying a universal form for the cooling time of gas at a given physical radius in virialized systems, in agreement with recent previous work. Our results favour cluster merging as the primary factor in preventing the formation of CCs.  相似文献   

This is the first part of a study of the detailed X-ray properties of the cores of nearby clusters. We have used the flux-limited sample of 55 clusters listed by Edge et al., and archival and proprietary data from the ROSAT observatory. In this paper an X-ray spatial analysis based on the surface-brightness-deprojection technique is applied to the clusters in the sample with the aim of studying their cooling flow properties. We determine the fraction of cooling flows in this sample to be 70–90 per cent, and estimate the contribution of the flow region to the cluster X-ray luminosity. We show that the luminosity within a strong cooling flow can account for up to 70 per cent of a cluster X-ray bolometric luminosity. Our analysis indicates that about 40 per cent of the clusters in the sample have flows depositing more than 100 M⊙ yr−1 throughout the cooling region, and that these possibly have been undisturbed for many Gyr, confirming that cooling flows are the natural state of cluster cores. New cooling flows in the sample are presented, and previously ambiguous ones are clarified. We have constructed a catalogue of some intracluster medium properties for the clusters in this sample. The profiles of the mass deposited from cooling flows are analysed, and evidence is presented for the existence of breaks in some of the profiles. Comparison is made to recent optical and radio data. We cross-correlate our sample with the Green Bank, NVSS and FIRST surveys, and with the volume-limited sample of brightest cluster galaxies presented by Lauer &38; Postman. Although weak trends exist, no strong correlation between optical magnitude or radio power of the brightest cluster galaxy and the strength of the flow is found.  相似文献   

A new sample of radio sources, with the designated name CENSORS (A Combined EIS–NVSS Survey Of Radio Sources), has been defined by combining the National Radio Astronomy Observatory Very Large Array Sky Survey (NVSS) at 1.4 GHz with the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) Patch D, a 3° by 2° region of sky centred at RA     , Dec. −21°00'00' (J2000). New radio observations of 199 NVSS radio sources with NVSS flux densities   S 1.4 GHz > 7.8 mJy  are presented, and are compared with the EIS I -band imaging observations which reach a depth of   I ∼ 23  ; optical identifications are obtained for over two-thirds of the ∼150 confirmed radio sources within the EIS field. The radio sources have a median linear size of 6 arcsec, consistent with the trend for lower flux density radio sources to be less extended. Other radio source properties, such as the lobe flux density ratios, are consistent with those of brighter radio source samples. From the optical information, 30–40 per cent of the sources are expected to lie at redshifts   z ≳ 1.5  .
One of the key goals of this survey is to accurately determine the high-redshift evolution of the radio luminosity function. These radio sources are at the ideal flux density level to achieve this goal; at redshifts   z ∼ 2  they have luminosities which are around the break of the luminosity function and so provide a much more accurate census of the radio source population at those redshifts than the existing studies of extreme, high radio power sources. Other survey goals include investigating the dual-population unification schemes for radio sources, studying the radio luminosity dependence of the evolution of radio source environments, and understanding the radio power dependence of the K – z relation for radio galaxies.  相似文献   

In Paper I we compared the surface density of QSOs in the Bright Quasar Survey (BQS) and in the First Byurakan Survey (FBS) and concluded that the completeness of the BQS is of the order of 70% rather than 30-50% as suggested by several authors. A number of new observations recently became available, allowing a reevaluation of this completeness. We now obtain a surface density of QSOs brighter than B = 16.16 in a subarea of the FBS covering 2250 deg2, equal to 0.012 deg-2 (26 QSOs), implying a completeness of 53 ± 10%.  相似文献   

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