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The 13.7-m millimeter-wave radio telescope of Purple Mountain Observatory operates at 3200-m above the sea level near Delingha, Qinghai Province, China. Equipped with a superconducting SIS receiver, the telescope is used in the millimeter-wave band ranging from 85 to 115 GHz. An upgrade procedure is reported here which includes a superconducting SIS receiver, a new phase-locked local oscillator, a dedicated multi-line backend system, and a new control system based on industrial computer with PCI bus. With the dedicated multi-line backend system, the CO and isotopic lines around 110 GHz are obtained simultaneously. In recent years, scientific activities with this telescope have been focused on studies of Galactic molecular clouds and star formation regions, including surveys of molecular lines from IRAS sources and large-scale map of molecular clouds. Other programs include studies of the circumstellar envelope of late-type stars and interaction of Galactic supernova remnants with dense molecular gas.  相似文献   

An effort towards understanding the problems associated with stray light related to the Xinglong2.16-m telescope is presented to estimate the stray light performance of the telescope itself and provide a method for improving stray light suppression. Stray light analysis for the 2.16-m telescope model, which consists of an onion shaped dome, telescope structure, equatorial mount and telescope optics, has been developed in two cases(1) pointing to 60?and(2) pointing to zenith, in both azimuth and elevation directions.The Point Source Normalized Irradiance Transmittance(PSNIT), which is generally used for assessing stray light and is uncorrelated to entrance aperture, is calculated with a series of off-axis angles. It shows that the PSNIT values are less than 10~(-7) when off-axis angles are larger than ±20?. The dominant contributors to stray light(primary and secondary mirror, telescope structure and dome) are identified to guide performance improvement. The analyses indicate that significant benefit can be realized by adding only five vanes inside the bottom portion of the secondary baffle. In the case of pointing to zenith, the PSNIT values will decrease about 40% on average.  相似文献   

We have designed and produced a speed camera lens for fiber-optic magnetometer of the prime focus of the 6-m Russian telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Resolution of the developed lens obtained during test observations corresponds to the calculated value. The transmission of the lens was measured at three wavelength ranges. It is equal to 78% at a wavelength of 6328 Å, 80% at λ 5320 Å, and 19% at λ 4050 Å. A transmission cutoff for wavelengths shorter than 430 nm is outside the operational range of the spectrograph of the fiber-optic magnetometer which is 430–690 nm.  相似文献   

We report on the development of a fast crossed-dispersion spectrograph (CRAB) mounted at the Nasmyth focus of the 6-m telescope. The spectrograph is designed for visible and near-infrared (3800–10 500 Å) CCD observations with the spectral resolution R=4000. We give the basic parameters of the optical scheme and the parameters of the echelle frame. We determined the gain involved in putting the spectrograph into observational practice and discuss the possible range of spectroscopic problems for which the instrument is optimal.  相似文献   

We present the first results of our program of search for the most metal-deficient blue compact galaxies (BCGs) carried out with the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope. The results of spectrophotometry are presented and discussed for ten galaxies from the Case and Hamburg/SAO surveys. The selection of candidates, observations, and data reduction are described in detail. For all the galaxies studied, we measured the intensity of the [O III] λ4363 Å emission line, which allows us to properly determine the temperatures of H II regions and to deduce elemental abundances. We measured the intensities of all the detected emission lines in H II regions of the galaxies under study and determined the abundances of oxygen and neon in them and in some of these galaxies, of other elements (N, S, He, Ar, and Fe). The oxygen abundance log (O/H)+12 in six galaxies was derived with an error ≤0.1 dex. Six of the ten galaxies studied turned out to be metal-poor with an oxygen abundance ≤1/10 of its solar value [i.e., 12+log(O/H)≤7.92]. HS 0837+4717 with 12+log(O/H) ≤7.7 is one of the most metal-poor galaxies in this sample and one of the candidates for young galaxies. Low-contrast, broad emission components of the nebular [O III]λ4959 and 5007 Å lines were detected in its spectrum, suggesting high velocities of gas motions in this galaxy.  相似文献   

We present the results of polarimetric observations of the icymoons of Uranus (Ariel, Titania, Oberon, and Umbriel) performed at the 6-m BTA telescope of the SAO RAS with the SCORPIO-2 focal reducer within the phase angle range of $0_.^ \circ 06 - 2_.^ \circ 37$ . The parameters of the negative polarization branch (referred to the scattering plane) are obtained in the V filter: for Ariel the maximum branch depth of P min ≈ ?1.4% is reached at the phase angle of α min ≈ 1°; for Titania P min ≈ ?1.2%, $\alpha _{\min } \approx 1_.^ \circ 4$ ; for Oberon P min ≈ ?1.1%, $\alpha _{\min } \approx 1_.^ \circ 8$ . For Umbriel the polarization minimum was not reached: for the last measurement point at $\alpha _{\min } \approx 2_.^ \circ 4$ , polarization amounts to ?1.7%. The declining P min and shifting αmin towards larger phase angles correlate with a decrease of the geometric albedo of the Uranian moons. There is no longitudinal dependence of polarization for the moons within the observational errors which indicates a similarity in the physical properties of the leading and trailing hemispheres. The phase-angle dependences of polarization for the major moons of Uranus are quite close to those observed in the group of small trans-Neptunian objects (Ixion, Huya, Varuna, 1999 DE9, etc.), which are characterized by a large gradient of negative polarization, about ?1% per degree in the phase-angle range of $0_.^ \circ 1 - 1^ \circ$ .  相似文献   

We describe the SCORPIO focal reducer that has been used since the fall of 2000 for observations on the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope. We give parameters of the instrument in various observing modes (direct imaging, long-slit and multislit spectroscopy, spectropolarimetry, Fabry-Perot panoramic spectroscopy). Observations of various astronomical objects are used as examples to demonstrate the SCORPIO capabilities.  相似文献   

Fast guiding may improve the images delivered by telescopes. It may be implemented fairly cheaply and offers an upgrade path to smaller telescopes, which will make them more useful in the 8-m era. However, the detailed performance of a fast guiding system must depend on many parameters and this makes it difficult to assess its precise scientific benefits. This paper provides a comprehensive mathematical framework for calculating the performance of fast guiding systems. A range of models has been calculated that illustrates the benefits for telescopes of various sizes in various wavelength ranges. Three measures of performance have been examined: FWHM, 50 per cent encircled energy diameter and energy concentration in a 0.35-arcsec aperture. Typical gains over natural seeing are found to be in the 20 to 40 per cent range at useful levels of sky coverage. Other things being equal, small telescopes do not benefit as much as large ones from fast guiding. The sensitivity of these benefits to assumptions has also been examined, and this highlights the need to operate in the correct wavelength range for the aperture in question. The largest perturbations to ideal models are likely to be the result of telescope windshake and the outer scale of turbulence. If there is appreciable windshake, fast guiding will yield larger benefits than expected from the natural seeing. A short outer scale (a few hundred metres) will, however, lose most of the gains.  相似文献   

对上海65 m口径射电望远镜方位轨道进行了静态力学分析。用温克尔弹性地基梁模型对轨道承载弯矩及地基受力作了估算,用赫兹接触理论对滚轮与轨道接触面的接触应力作了分析计算,为合理选择轨道材料和制定轨道焊接工艺方案提供了设计理论依据。  相似文献   

We report the computation of the design of a polarimetric unit for the optical scheme of the fiberfed high-resolution spectrograph for the 6-m Russian telescope.We discuss a variant of its integration into the design of conversion optics at the input of the fiber path if the instrument and estimate the efficiency of the entire pre-fiber optical system. The luminous efficiency of the assembly is equal to 80 and 90% when operated in the polarimetry and normal spectroscopic modes, respectively.We estimate the lower limit for the distorting instrumental effects of the polarimetric unit.  相似文献   

A bright fireball appeared on the sky during the spectrophotometric observations with the 2.2-m telescope at the Calar Alto Observatory. The CCD spectrum of the scattered light of the fireball has been recorded. The spectrum is typical for a very bright, slowly moving fireball. For the first time, the spectral region 6600 – 7150 Å could be studied in such a case. Six spectral lines were identified here, the most remarkable being the lithium line at 6708 Å. The estimated lithium abundance proved to be consistent with meteoritic values.  相似文献   

Solutions are considered that allow the accuracy of stellar radial velocity measurements with the spectroscopic instruments of the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences to be improved. The factors that limit the accuracy of spectroscopic V r measurements are analyzed both in general and for the particular design of the telescope and its housing.  相似文献   

On July 28, 2006 the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences recorded the spectrum of a faint meteor. We confidently identify the lines of FeI and MgI, OI, NI and molecular-nitrogen (N2) bands. The entry velocity of the meteor body into the Earth’s atmosphere estimated from radial velocity is equal to 300 km/s. The body was several tens of a millimeter in size, like chondrules in carbon chondrites. The radiant of the meteor trajectory coincides with the sky position of the apex of the motion of the Solar system toward the centroid of the Local Group of galaxies. Observations of faint sporadic meteors with FAVOR TV CCD camera confirmed the radiant at a higher than 96% confidence level. We conclude that this meteor particle is likely to be of extragalactic origin. The following important questions remain open: (1) How metal-rich dust particles came to be in the extragalactic space? (2) Why are the sizes of extragalactic particles larger by two orders of magnitude (and their masses greater by six orders of magnitude) than common interstellar dust grains in our Galaxy? (3) If extragalactic dust surrounds galaxies in the form of dust (or gas-and-dust) aureoles, can such formations now be observed using other observational techniques (IR observations aboard Spitzer satellite, etc.)? (4) If inhomogeneous extragalactic dust medium with the parameters mentioned above actually exists, does it show up in the form of irregularities on the cosmic microwave background (WMAP etc.)?  相似文献   

We describe the design of a suspended low- and medium-resolution spectrograph (R ≈ 300–1300) designed and made at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the 1.6-m AZT-33IK telescope of Sayan Observatory of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. We report the results of laboratory measurements of the parameters of the instrument and tests performed on the 1-m Zeiss-1000 telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. We measured the total quantum efficiency of the “spectrograph + telescope + detector” system on AZT-33IK telescope, which at its maximum reaches 56%. Such a hight transparency of the spectrograph allows it to be used with the 1.6-m telescope to determine the types and redshifts of objects with integrated magnitudes mAB ≈ 20–21, and this result was confirmed by actual observations.  相似文献   

We present the results of our spectropolarimetric observations for a number of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) carried out at the 6-m telescope with the SCORPIO focal reducer. The derived wavelength dependences of the polarization have been analyzed by taking into account the Faraday rotation of the polarization plane on the photon mean free path in a magnetized accretion disk. As a result, based on traditional accretion disk models, we have determined the magnetic field strength and distribution and a number of physical parameters of the accreting plasma in the region where the optical radiation is generated.  相似文献   

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