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We present a sample of 48 metal-poor galaxies at z 0.14 selected from 92 510 galaxies in the LAMOST survey. These galaxies are identified by their detection of the auroral emission line[OⅢ]λ4363 above the 3σ level, which allows a direct measurement of electron temperature and oxygen abundance. The emission line fluxes are corrected for internal dust extinction using the Balmer decrement method. With electron temperature derived from [OⅢ]λλ4959, 5007/[OⅢ]λ4363 and electron density from [SⅡ]λ6731/[SⅡ]λ6717, we obtain the oxygen abundances in our sample which range from 12 + log(O/H) = 7.63(0.09 Z_⊙) to 8.46(0.6 Z_⊙). We find an extremely metal-poor galaxy with 12 + log(O/H) = 7.63 ± 0.01. With multiband photometric data from FUV to NIR and Hαmeasurements, we also determine the stellar masses and star formation rates, based on the spectral energy distribution fitting and Hα luminosity, respectively. We find that our galaxies have low and intermediate stellar masses with 6.39 ≤ log(M/M_⊙) ≤ 9.27, and high star formation rates(SFRs) with-2.18 ≤ log(SFR/M_⊙yr~(-1)) ≤ 1.95. We also find that the metallicities of our galaxies are consistent with the local T_e-based mass–metallicity relation, while the scatter is about 0.28 dex. Additionally,assuming the coefficient of α = 0.66, we find most of our galaxies follow the local mass–metallicity–SFR relation, but a scatter of about 0.24 dex exists, suggesting the mass–metallicity relation is weakly dependent on SFR for those metal-poor galaxies.  相似文献   

Sloan Digital Sky Survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a project which will produce a detailed digital phometric map of half the northern sky to about 23 magnitude using a special purpose wide field telescope of 2.5 meter aperture. This map will be used to select about a million galaxies and 100,000 quasars, for which high resolution spectra will be obtained using the same telescope. A catalog will be produced of all the detected objects, about 100 million galaxies and a similar number of stars, and a million quasar candidates.  相似文献   

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is going to carry out a uniform survey of π steradians of the sky in the Northern Galactic cap and ∼ 225 deg2 in the Southern Hemisphere. The survey consists of a photometric and a spectroscopic survey. The SDSS will generate accurate photometry in five bands of approximately tens of millions of galaxies, tens of millions of stars and roughly a million quasars. It will also take spectra and measure redshifts of approximately a million galaxies and ten thousand quasars. The main characteristics and components of the survey are a dedicated 2.5m telescope, wide field correctors for photometry and spectroscopy that will provide a field of view of ∼ 3 degrees, a photometric camera with 30 photometric and 22 astrometric CCDs, and two fibre-fed spectrographs of 320 fibres each. The survey will produce a publicly available science database of Terabytes dimensions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A sample of 2712 radio-luminous galaxies is defined from the second data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) by cross-comparing the main spectroscopic galaxy sample with two radio surveys: the National Radio Astronomy Observatories (NRAO) Very Large Array (VLA) Sky Survey (NVSS) and the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimeters (FIRST) survey. The comparison is carried out in a multistage process and makes optimal use of both radio surveys by exploiting the sensitivity of the NVSS to extended and multicomponent radio sources in addition to the high angular resolution of the FIRST images. A radio source sample with 95 per cent completeness and 98.9 per cent reliability is achieved, far better than would be possible for this sample if only one of the surveys was used. The radio source sample is then divided into two classes: radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) and galaxies in which the radio emission is dominated by star formation. The division is based on the location of a galaxy in the plane of 4000-Å break strength versus radio luminosity per unit stellar mass and provides a sample of 2215 radio-loud AGN and 497 star-forming galaxies brighter than 5 mJy at 1.4 GHz. A full catalogue of positions and radio properties is provided for these sources. The local radio luminosity function is then derived both for radio-loud AGN and for star-forming galaxies and is found to be in agreement with previous studies. By using the radio to far-infrared (FIR) correlation, the radio luminosity function of star-forming galaxies is also compared to the luminosity function derived in the FIR. It is found to agree well at high luminosities but less so at lower luminosities, confirming that the linearity of the radio to FIR correlation breaks down below about 1022 W Hz−1 at 1.4 GHz.  相似文献   

We use galaxy groups selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) together with mass models for individual groups to study the galaxy–galaxy lensing signals expected from galaxies of different luminosities and morphological types. We compare our model predictions with the observational results obtained from the SDSS by Mandelbaum et al. for the same samples of galaxies. The observational results are well reproduced in a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model based on the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) 3-yr data, but a ΛCDM model with higher σ8, such as the one based on the WMAP 1-yr data, significantly overpredicts the galaxy–galaxy lensing signal. We model, separately, the contributions to the galaxy–galaxy lensing signals from different galaxies: central versus satellite, early type versus late type and galaxies in haloes of different masses. We also examine how the predicted galaxy–galaxy lensing signal depends on the shape, density profile and the location of the central galaxy with respect to its host halo.  相似文献   

Strongly Mg-enhanced stars with [Mg/Fe] 1.0 show peculiar abundance patterns and hence are of great interest for our understanding of stellar formation and chemical evolution of the Galaxy. A systematic search for strongly Mg-enhanced stars based on low-resolution(R?2000) spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS) is carried out by finding the synthetic spectrum that best matches the observed one in the region of Mg I b lines around λ5170 ?A via a profile matching method.The advantage of our method is that fitting parameters are refined by reproducing the[Mg/Fe] ratios of 47 stars from the very precise high-resolution spectroscopic(HRS)analysis by Nissen Schuster; and these parameters are crucial to the precision and validity of the derived Mg abundances. As a further check of our method, Mg abundances are estimated with our method for member stars in four Galactic globular clusters(M92, M13, M3, M71) which cover the same metallicity range as our sample, and the results are in good agreement with those of HRS analysis in the literature. The validation of our method is also demonstrated by the agreement of [Mg/Fe] between our values and those of HRS analysis by Aoki et al. Finally, 33 candidates of strongly Mgenhanced stars with [Mg/Fe]1.0 are selected from 14 850 F and G stars. Follow-up observations will be carried out on these candidates with high-resolution spectroscopy by large telescopes in the near future, so as to check our selection procedure and to perform a precise and detailed abundance analysis and to explore the origins of these stars.  相似文献   

It has been known for a long time that the clustering of galaxies changes as a function of galaxy type. This galaxy bias acts as a hindrance to the extraction of cosmological information from the galaxy power spectrum or correlation function. Theoretical arguments show that a change in the amplitude of the clustering between galaxies and mass on large scales is unavoidable, but cosmological information can be easily extracted from the shape of the power spectrum or correlation function if this bias is independent of scale. Scale-dependent bias is generally small on large scales,   k < 0.1  h  Mpc−1  , but on smaller scales can affect the recovery of  Ωm h   from the measured shape of the clustering signal, and have a small effect on the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations. In this paper, we investigate the transition from scale-independent to scale-dependent galaxy bias as a function of galaxy population. We use the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5 sample to fit various models, which attempt to parametrize the turn-off from scale-independent behaviour. For blue galaxies, we find that the strength of the turn-off is strongly dependent on galaxy luminosity, with stronger scale-dependent bias on larger scales for more luminous galaxies. For red galaxies, the scale dependence is a weaker function of luminosity. Such trends need to be modelled in order to optimally extract the information available in future surveys, and can help with the design of such surveys.  相似文献   

We study the super-large-scale structures in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey by cluster analysis,and examine the geometry and the properties of the member galaxies.Two subsamples are selected from the SDSS,Subsample 1 at the celestial equator and Subsample 2 further north.In Subsample 1 we discover two compact super-large-scale structures:the Sloan Great Wall and the CfA Great Wall.The Sloan Great Wall,located at a median redshift of z=0.07804,has a total length of about 433 Mpc and a mean galaxy density of about six times that of the whole sample. Most of its member galaxies are of medium size and brightness.The CfA Great Wall, located at a median redshift of z=0.03058,has a total length of about 251 Mpc and includes large percentages of faint and small galaxies and relatively fewer early-type galaxies.  相似文献   

As part of a study of star formation history along the Hubble sequence, we present here the results for 11 elliptical galaxies with strong nebular emission lines.After removing the dilution from the underlying old stellar populations by use of stellar population synthesis model,we derive the accurate fluxes of all the emission lines in these objects,which are then classified,using emission line ratios, into one Seyfert 2,six LINERs and four HII galaxies.We also identify one HII galaxy (A1216 04)as a hitherto unknown Wolf-Rayet galaxy from the presence of the Wolf- Rayet broad bump at 4650 (?).We propose that the star-forming activities in elliptical galaxies are triggered by either galaxy-galaxy interaction or the merging of a small satellite/a massive star cluster,as has been suggested by recent numerical simulations.  相似文献   

By studying color variations between young and old asteroid families we find evidence for processes that modify colors of asteroids over time. We show that colors of aging surfaces of S-type asteroids become increasingly ‘redder’ and measure the rate of these spectral changes. We estimate that the mean spectral slope between 0.35 and 0.9 μm increases with time t (given in My) as ≈0.01 μm−1×log10t. This empirical fit is valid only for 2.5?t?3000 My (the time interval where we have data) and for the mean spectral slope determined from wide-wavelength filter photometry obtained by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We also find that Gy-old terrains of S-type asteroids reflect about 15% more light at ∼1-μm wavelengths than an ∼5-My-old S-type asteroid surface when the flux is normalized by the reflected light at 0.55 μm. We attribute these effects to space weathering. This result has important implications for asteroid geology and the origin of meteorites that reach the Earth. Our results also suggest that surfaces of C-type asteroids exhibit color alterations opposite to those of the S-type asteroids.  相似文献   

The photometric calibration of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is a multi‐step process which involves data from three different telescopes: the 1.0‐m telescope at the US Naval Observatory (USNO), Flagstaff Station, Arizona (which was used to establish the SDSS standard star network); the SDSS 0.5‐m Photometric Telescope (PT) at the Apache Point Observatory (APO), NewMexico (which calculates nightly extinctions and calibrates secondary patch transfer fields); and the SDSS 2.5‐m telescope at APO (which obtains the imaging data for the SDSS proper). In this paper, we describe the Monitor Telescope Pipeline, MTPIPE, the software pipeline used in processing the data from the single‐CCD telescopes used in the photometric calibration of the SDSS (i.e., the USNO 1.0‐m and the PT). We also describe transformation equations that convert photometry on the USNO‐1.0m ugriz ′ system to photometry the SDSS 2.5m ugriz system and the results of various validation tests of the MTPIPE software. Further, we discuss the semi‐automated PT factory, which runs MTPIPE in the day‐to‐day standard SDSS operations at Fermilab. Finally, we discuss the use of MTPIPE in current SDSS‐related projects, including the Southern ugriz ′ Standard Star project, the ugriz ′ Open Star Clusters project, and the SDSS extension (SDSS‐II). (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the ensemble properties of 31 comets (27 resolved and 4 unresolved) observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). This sample of comets represents about 1 comet per 10 million SDSS photometric objects. Five-band (u, g, r, i, z) photometry is used to determine the comets’ colors, sizes, surface brightness profiles, and rates of dust production in terms of the A formalism. We find that the cumulative luminosity function for the Jupiter Family Comets in our sample is well fit by a power law of the form N(<H)  10(0.49±0.05)H for H < 18, with evidence of a much shallower fit N(<H)  10(0.19±0.03)H for the faint (14.5 < H < 18) comets. The resolved comets show an extremely narrow distribution of colors (0.57 ± 0.05 in g ? r for example), which are statistically indistinguishable from that of the Jupiter Trojans. Further, there is no evidence of correlation between color and physical, dynamical, or observational parameters for the observed comets.  相似文献   

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