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统计和分析了我国古代月食记录中的月亮位置。这些宿度记录主要集中在北魏、宋朝和清朝,这三个朝代正史中记录的月食宿度错误率分别是15%、5%和4%。清代之前的大部分月食宿度记录应该是实测的结果,清代正史月食宿度记载则来自预报记录。地方性月食宿度记录绝大部分出自明清的地方志,其中对宋朝和明朝的月食宿度记录比较多,错误率分别为21%和6%,清朝地方志交食记录中对当朝发生日月食时的日月位置的记录很少,而对清之前出现此类天象时的日月位置有较多的记载。1740年前后至清末月食的宿度记录精度比之前有所提高,其主要原因是《历象考成后编》和《仪象考成》的编纂。  相似文献   

半影月食是月亮只进入地球半影而不进入地球本影所发生的一种月食.近年来这种月食才受到注意,苏联天文年历从1958年起开始登载,英美天文年历也从1962年起开始登载了.奥泊尔子(Oppolzer)的“日月食典”里完全没有登载半影月食.最先对半影月食做长期预告的是卡维林,他计算了1955—2000年的34次半影月食,但只有日期,没有时刻和食分.以后他又补充了遗漏了的4次半影月食.波洛佐娃  相似文献   

根据我所计算的公元前1500年至公元2500年所有的月食(本影月食6170次,半影月食3559次),统计每年发生月食的次数,得到下面的结果.表中 U 表示本影月食,P 表示半影月食. 由上表可以看出,一年至少要发生2次月食,最多可以发生5次.一年发生2次本影  相似文献   

奥泊尔子(Oppolzer)的“日月食典”包含有-1207年至2161年间的8000次日食和-1206年至2163年间的5200次月食,出版至今虽然已有七十余年,仍然是现在计算日月食时所不可缺少的参考书.但“日月食典”也有一些缺点,日食部分的缺点在本文中暂不讨论,单就月食部分而言主要有下面几点:(i)没有载半影月食.近年来半影月食也受到注意,苏联天文年历从1958年起开始登载半影月食,英美天文年历也从1962年起开始  相似文献   

在“公元前1000年至公元3000年月食推算表”一文中,作者曾指出,“日月食典”的月食部分主要有下面三点不足之处:(ⅰ)沒有載半影月食,(ⅱ)月食时刻不准,(ⅲ)食分不准。作者以前所发表的“1964—2163年半影月食表”一文列出了这二百年間的半影月食。为了改进“日月食典”所載的时刻和食分不准这两点,現在又計算了本表。本表与“半影月食表”一样,也是根据“月食推算表”計算的。本表所載月食时刻是以历书时为准。最后一栏是沙罗系統号数,它的意义在“半影月食表”中已有解释。把本表跟“日月食典”比較发現:“日月食典”遺漏了1988年3月3日的月偏食;2155  相似文献   

日食、月食是由于地球、月球运动而产生的一种天文现象。它们的发生都是有规律的,相隔一定时间就会发生一次大致类似的日、月食,这种循环就叫做日、月食的循环周期。根据日、月食的周期规律可以粗略地预测若干年后发生日、月食的大致情况。那么,日食、月食都有怎样的周期规律呢?这还得从太阳、地球、月球三者的相互位置说起。  相似文献   

2014年已经过去四分之三,在中国境内貌似还没看过日月食。是的,对中国来说,今年是日月食比较少的年份。今年在全球会发生两次日食和两次月食,其中的一次日食和一次月食已经在4月份发生了,但是在中国几乎都看不到。另外一次日食和—次月食都将在10月份发生,我们先来看看月食的情况。  相似文献   

令人欣喜的是,本次月食,在我国全境都能不同程度地观测欣赏。有相机的朋友,一定希望能亲手把这次月食记录下来。下面,我就来给大家介绍拍摄月食的基本方法。  相似文献   

殷卜辞中有5次纪日月食记载是目前已知的可为殷商时期天文定年的最确凿的资料,夏商周断代工程研究给出了5次殷卜辞月食的发生日期。利用美国航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA)喷气推进实验室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL)发布的现代天文行星历表DE422,解算这5次月食的主要参数,研究它们在地球表面的可观测情况,进一步确认5次月食在殷都安阳的可视性。研究结果支持夏商周断代工程给出的5次月食的发生日期,并可为殷卜辞月食的深入研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

月亮在天空周而复始绕地球运行时,除了呈现盈亏外,有时还出现一种特别的天象—月食—月亮走进地球的影子,月光被遮蔽的现象。与月相盈亏相比。月食算是比较罕见了,如果说月相盈亏是“常”态,那么月食则属于“变”态,中国史书有“书变不书常”的规范,所以史书中极少记载月相盈亏,但有月食必记。不过文学作品正相反,  相似文献   

Observations show that the geometry of the large-scale distribution of galaxies is like a self-similar sponge which can be regarded as a fractal in fractal geometry (the Sierpinski sponge) with the fractal dimensionD f=3–, =1.7–1.8 is the index in the two-point correlation function.We suggest using a new scheme to explain the origin of galaxies and large-scale structure. In our model, we assume that the density perturbations in the early Universe are adiabatic, and once they come within the horizon, they might produce the vortices of the fractal turbulence because of the Thomson drag. A model of the fractal turbulence is also given in this paper. The results obtained show that the basic characteristics of the galaxies (massM g, angular momentumJ g) and the large-scale structure (fractal dimensionD f) can be explained, if the spectrum of early perturbations is the scale-free Zeldovich spectrum.  相似文献   

Analytical and numerical analysis of the interaction between the magnetosphere of the Pre-Main-Sequence (PMS) stars and accretion disks are converging to a robust, fundamental mechanism for jet formation. They provide a reasonably solid base-line to explain the current observations on the formation of solar-like stars. In this summary, the connection between observations and this paradigm are reviewed critically and some observational tests proposed.  相似文献   

依巴谷星表和第谷星表的特征和意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要论述依巴谷星表和第谷星表的观测特征和天体测量特征,依巴谷卫星在短期内同时测定大量高精度的恒星位置,自行和视差等五个天体测量参数以及星等和色指数,依巴谷星表和第谷星表为建立高精度的光学参考系,为研究恒星的起源,演化,分布,质量,大小和光度等,为研究双星和聚星的分布和运动,为研究星系运动和星系动力学提供了大量的高精度资料,具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

It is known that the observed secular accelerations of the Sun and Moon are not consistent with the tidal interactions of the Earth with the Sun and Moon. Following Dicke, the hypothesis of variable constant of gravity is adopted and expressions for the accelerations are derived. It is shown that if the theoretical ratio of the acceleration is equated the observed one, a unique value for —/G can be calculated. Adopting the accelerations obtained by Fotheringham, Newton, Muller and Stephenson, and Stephenson, it is found that — /G ranges from 1.4 × 10–11 to 3.3 × 10–11 yr–1. This estimate is consistent with the one based upon the comparison of the lunar accelerations measured with respect to atomic and ephemis times.  相似文献   

We propose in the present paper that the basic behaviors of newly-emerged magnetic regions (NEMR) as seen in EUV and soft X-rays from space are interpreted by the interchange instability of the magnetic field of NEMR in the global situation surrounding it.It is shown that the situation with the NEMR is unstable against the interchange instability, and a continual relaxation to the lower energy state, or a continual invasion of the magnetic flux of the NEMR to the ambient region in the form of fine bundles or thin sheets, will take place in a short time scale of 1 L/V A following the change in the boundary condition at the photosphere. The second and the final relaxation is shown to be the enhanced Joule dissipation in a time scale of hours to several days occurring in the thin current sheets on the interface of this intermingled structure which is distributed in a large volume. This hypothesis may provide an explanation for the heating of NEMR to an X-ray emitting temperature, which is otherwise rather difficult to explain. The observed fast reconnection without appreciable flares (except for some smaller brightenings) is another aspect which can be explained in the present hypothesis. Namely, since the situation with the NEMR is unstable for the interchange from the beginning, the stressed configuration is relaxed before storing appreciable energy in the form of magnetic stress and therefore without a drastic release of a large amount of stored stress energy in the form of a flare.  相似文献   

SVOM (Space-based multi-band astronomical Variable Object Monitor) is a future Chinese-French satellite mission which is dedicated to Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) studies. Its anti-solar pointing strategy makes the Earth cross the field of view of its payload every orbit. In this paper, we present the variations of the gamma-ray background of the two high energy instruments aboard SVOM, the Gamma-Ray Monitor (GRM) and ECLAIRs, as a function of the Earth position. We conclude with an estimate of the Earth influence on their sensitivity and their GRB detection capability.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the Earth Rotation Parameters (ERP), and presents a formula to calculate the rotation vector.  相似文献   

New methods are applied to samples of classical cepheids in the galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, and the Small Magellanic Cloud to determine the interstellar extinction law for the classical cepheids, R B:R V:R I:R J:R H:R K= 4.190:3.190:1.884:0.851:0.501:0.303, the color excesses for classical cepheids in the galaxy, E(B-V)=-0.382-0.168logP+0.766(V-I), and the color excesses for classical cepheids in the LMC and SMC, E(B-V)=-0.374-0.166logP+0.766(V-I). The dependence of the intrinsic color (B-V)0 on the metallicity of classical cepheids is discussed. The intrinsic color (V-I)0 is found to be absolutely independent of the metallicity of classical cepheids. A high precision formula is obtained for calculating the intrinsic colors of classical cepheids in the galaxy: (<B>-<V>)0=0.365(±0.011)+0.328(±0.012)logP.  相似文献   

The solar magnetic field maps every point in the corona to a corresponding place on the solar surface. Identifying the magnetic connection map is difficult at low latitudes near the heliospheric current sheet, but remarkably simple in coronal hole interiors. We present a simple analytic magnetic model (‘pseudocurrent extrapolation’) that reproduces the global structure of the corona, with significant physical advantages over other nearly analytic models such as source-surface potential field extrapolation. We use the model to demonstrate that local horizontal structure is preserved across altitude in the central portions of solar coronal holes, up to at least 30 Rs, in agreement with observations. We argue that the preserved horizontal structure may be used to track the magnetic footpoint associated with the location of a hypothetical spacecraft traveling through the solar corona, to relate in situ measurements of the young solar wind at ∼10–30 Rs to particular source regions at the solar surface. Further, we discuss the relationship between readily observable geometrical distortions and physical parameters of interest such as the field-aligned current density.  相似文献   

We have developed a cosmological model for the Earth rotation and planetary acceleration that gives a good account (data) of the Earth astronomical parameters. These data can be compared with the ones obtained using space-base telescopes. The expansion of the universe has shown to have an impact on the rotation of planets, and in particular, the Earth. The expansion of the universe causes an acceleration that is exhibited by all planets.  相似文献   

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