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Introduction The unexpected December 26, 2004, off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia, MW=9.0 earthquake, which caused devastating tsunami around the Indian Ocean, reminds seis-mologists of the difficulty of earthquake forecast and/or prediction. For seismologists this earth-quake is almost completely unexpected, because there was neither forecasting (which means the estimation of the future earthquake rate as a function of location, time, and magnitude) nor predic-tion (forecasti…  相似文献   

蒋长胜  吴忠良 《地震学报》2005,27(3):269-275
使用哈佛CMT资料, 研究了2004年12月26日印尼北苏门答腊以西近海MW9.0地震前的长期地震活动. 这次地震前, 在1/4世纪的时间尺度、 1 500 km的空间尺度上, 存在加速矩释放(AMR)现象. 在这一空间尺度范围内,MW9.0地震仍落在分段的幂律分布上. 因此, 从地震的类临界点模型的角度考虑, 对这次特大地震的发生和地震的大小既无预测、 亦无预报的情况, 并非由物理上的ldquo;不可预测性rdquo;所致.   相似文献   

分析总结了印尼苏门答腊西8.7级地震的几个特点:(1)板缘特大地震;(2)引发海啸,受灾范围特别大,成灾的瞬间突发性却不如内陆地震明显;(3)在远处出现“湖面波动”等同震现象突出;(4)震前全球地震活动出现异常图像;(5)安达曼弧一带与川滇地区强震活动存在相关性。并由此提出了:尽快加紧地震海啸预警机制研究及其技术系统的建立;加强地震预测预警机制研究;要重点研究川滇地区的地震危险性;强化防震减灾科普宣传等建议。  相似文献   

本文对2004年12月26日印尼苏门答腊以西发生MW9.0级地震后所做的地震趋势预测做了反思,指出:关于全球特大地震近年可能连发,特大地震对几年内世界7级以上地震年频度没有明显影响,但未来几年内7级以上强震可能集中在这次特大地震附近或相关构造上的预测意见是正确的;而有关近年中国大陆及川滇地区可能发生7级强震的预测是错误的;并认为,2001年昆仑山口西8.1级地震释放了已积累的应变可能是这次特大地震不能触发中国大陆及川滇地区发生强震的重要原因。  相似文献   

The relation between the gravity variation features and Ms=8.1 earthquake in Qinghai-Xizang monitoring area is analyzed preliminarily,by using spatial dynamic variation results of regional gravity field from absolute gravity and relative gravity observation in 1998 and 2000.The results show that:1)Ms\8.1 earthquake in Kulun mountain pass westem occurred in the gravity variation high gradient near gravity‘s high negative variation;2)The Main tectonic deformation and emnergy accumulation before MS=8.1 earthquake are distributed at south side of the epicenter;3)The range of gravity‘s high negative variation at east of the MS=8.1 earthquake epicenter relatively coincides with that rupture region according to field geology investigation;4)Gravity variation distribution in high negative value region is just consistent with the second shear strain‘s high value region of strain field obtained from GPS observation.  相似文献   

The time-space distribution characteristics of fault deformation anomaly in the near-source region and its outlying zone in the seismogenic process of the Jingtai M s=5.9 earthquake occurred on June 6, 2000 in Gansu Province is studied preliminarily. The distribution scope of fault deformation anomaly before the earthquake is wide, the anomaly shape is complicated and the pattern anomalous zone of fault deformation (strain) information index is obvious. The shape and amplitude of fault deformation anomaly in different regions differ significantly, which is closely related with the tectonic location of anomaly. The fault deformation anomaly of α, β, and γ phases along the western segment of Haiyuan fault zone shows the process from the quasi-linearity to non-linearity of fault movement in the near-source region, matches the high-value anomalous area of fault deformation (strain) information index, and reflects the high strain accumulation in the seismogenic region. However, the anomaly of abrupt jump and cusp with a large amplitude occurred in the areas far from the earthquake, such as Liupanshan fault zone which is the tectonic convergent section does not reflect the strain accumulation of its location, maybe it is a sign that the regional tectonic stress field is strengthened in the seismogenic process. Based on the above-mentioned facts and combined with the preliminary summary of experiences and lessons in the intermediate and short-term prediction of the Jingtai M s=5.9 earthquake, we study and explore the application of fault deformation anomaly to earthquake judgment. Foundation item: National Key Basic Research Development Program (G1998040703 and G1998040705), and State Scientific and Technological Project of the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” (96-913-09-01-02-03 and 96-913-09-02-02-03), China.  相似文献   

We have selected 171 near-field records from 391 aftershock records of the Lulong, Hebei Province, earthquake in October 1982 and relocated the hypocenter of 45 aftershocks using the program Hypoinverse. The distribution of aftershocks reveals a set of earthquake faults: a WNW stretching fault truncates two NNE stretching faults. The two branches of faults show the conjugate structure which is often seen in brittle fracture. The NNE stretching faults are connected together. The Luanhe river valley near Lulong developed to a rudiment rift basin surrounded by a series of faults. The fault of Lulong earthquake is a strike-slip fault with tension component. This fault type matches with the activity of Zhangjiakou-Bohai seismic belt (Zhang-Bo belt) and also shows the action of Zhang-Bo belt as a boundary of two secondary active blocks that truncates the NNE fault. Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (40234038). Contribution No. 05FE3016, Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration.  相似文献   

Based on digital teleseismic P-wave seismograms recorded by 28 long-period seismograph stations of the global seismic network, source process of the November 14, 2001 western Kunlun Mountain M S=8.1 (M W=7.8) earthquake is estimated by a new inversion method. The result shows that the earthquake is a very complex rupture event. The source rupture initiated at the hypocenter (35.95°N, 90.54°E, focal depth 10 km, by USGS NEIC), and propagated to the west at first. Then, in several minutes to a hundred minutes and over a large spatial range, several rupture growth points emerged in succession at the eastern end and in the central part of the finite fault. And then the source rupture propagated from these rupture growth points successively and, finally, stopped in the area within 50 km to the east of the centroid position (35.80°N, 92.91°E, focal depth 15 km, by Harvard CMT). The entire rupture lasted for 142 s, and the source process could be roughly separated into three stages: The first stage started at the 0 s and ended at the 52 s, lasting for 52 s and releasing approximately 24.4% of the total moment; The second stage started at the 55 s and ended at the 113 s, lasting for 58 s and releasing approximately 56.5% of the total moment; The third stage started at the 122 s and ended at the 142 s, lasting for 20 s and releasing approximately 19.1% of the total moment. The length of the ruptured fault plane is about 490 km. The maximum width of the ruptured fault plane is about 45 km. The rupture mainly occurred within 30 km in depth under the surface of the Earth. The average static slip in the underground rocky crust is about 1.2 m with the maximum static slip 3.6 m. The average static stress drop is about 5 MPa with the maximum static stress drop 18 MPa. The maximum static slip and the maximum stress drop occurred in an area within 50 km to the east of the centroid position. Foundation item: Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (103066) and Foundation of the Seismic Pattern and Digital Seismic Data Application Research Office of Institute of Earthquake Science of the China Earthquake Administration.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of coseismic deformation in the macroscopic epicentral region extracted by Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR), and combined with the seismic activity, focal mechanism solutions of the earthquake and field investigation, the characteristic of coseismic deformation of M S=8.1 western Kunlunshan Pass earthquake in 2001 was researched. The study shows that its epicenter lies in the northeast side of Hoh Sai Hu; and the seismogenic fault in the macroscopic epicentral region can be divided into two central deformation fields: the west and east segments with the lengths of 42 km and 48 km, respectively. The whole fault extends about 90 km. From the distribution of interferometry fringes, the characteristic of sinistral strike slip of seismogenic fault can be identified clearly. The deformations on both sides of the fault are different with an obviously higher value on the south side. In the vicinity of macroscopic epicenter, the maximum displacement in look direction is about 288.4 cm and the minimum is 224.0 cm; the maximum sinistral horizontal dislocation of seismogenic fault near the macroscopic epicenter is 738.1 cm and the minimum is 551.8 cm. Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (40374013) and “Researching on the Disaster Earthquake” (2003) of Public Welfare Research Item, Ministry of Science and Technology of China.  相似文献   

A great earthquake of M S=8.1 took place in the west of Kunlun Pass on November 14, 2001. The epicenter is located at 36.2°N and 90.9°E. The analysis shows that some main precursory seismic patterns appear before the great earthquake, e.g., seismic gap, seismic band, increased activity, seismicity quiet and swarm activity. The evolution of the seismic patterns before the earthquake of M S=8.1 exhibits a course very similar to that found for earthquake cases with M S≥7. The difference is that anomalous seismicity before the earthquake of M S=8.1 involves in the larger area coverage and higher seismic magnitude. This provides an evidence for recognizing precursor and forecasting of very large earthquake. Finally, we review the rough prediction of the great earthquake and discuss some problems related to the prediction of great earthquakes.  相似文献   

Long-term seismic activity prior to the December 26, 2004, off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia, M W=9.0 earthquake was investigated using the Harvard CMT catalogue. It is observed that before this great earthquake, there exists an accelerating moment release (AMR) process with the temporal scale of a quarter century and the spatial scale of 1 500 km. Within this spatial range, the M W=9.0 event falls into the piece-wise power-law-like frequency-magnitude distribution. Therefore, in the perspective of the critical-point-like model of earthquake preparation, the failure to forecast/predict the approaching and/or the size of this earthquake is not due to the physically intrinsic unpredictability of earthquakes.  相似文献   

The borehole strain meter at Wushi station recorded obvious anomaly before Jiashi M s=6.8 earthquake occurred on February 24, 2003. Its features are as follows. (1) Anomaly types are complete. The trend anomaly, short-term anomaly, short-imminent anomaly and exponential anomaly appeared 19 months, 56 days, 4 days, and more than 1 month before the event, respectively; (2) Anomaly is large in magnitude. The maximal magnitude of strain anomaly is 1.7×10−5, which is rare in the past 20-year observation records at Wushi station; (3) Strain rate fluctuates sharply with obvious alternation of tension and compression. According to the magnitude of strain anomaly, time of exponential anomaly appearance and regional features of recorded anomaly, we could predict the magnitude, occurrence time and potential region to a certain degree.  相似文献   

2011年3月11日日本东太平洋海域发生Mw9.0级地震,造成了严重的灾害损失,地震诱发了海啸,海啸灾害最终导致核泄漏事件.本文初步收集整理了日本强震动观测网获得的强震动记录,简要进行强震动记录的特征分析,并完成典型记录的频谱特征计算,为进一步开展全面深入研究地震动特征提供参考.  相似文献   

2016年11月25日新疆阿克陶地区发生的MW6.6地震,对当地人民生命造成一定的危害。基于Sentinel-1数据获取该地震的视线向同震形变场,采用贝叶斯方法反演单一断层走向为106.9°、倾角为73.8°、震源深度为17.35 km,在此断层几何模型基础上,以最速下降梯度法(Steepest Descent Method,SDM)反演滑动分布,结果表明断层面上存在两个滑动峰值,其中位于断层西侧的最大滑动量为0.66 m,深度为11.7 km,位于断层东侧的最大滑动量为0.83 m,深度为7.5 km,根据反演结果模拟LOS形变,其最大残差为~5 cm。构建倾角分别为70.79°和55.33°的双断层几何模型,并根据双断层几何模型反演了滑动分布,结果表明单一断层模型与双断层模型的滑动分布具有一致性,但是最大滑动量值有所不同,相对于单一断层模型的滑动分布而言,双断层模型的滑动量在西侧增大,其值为0.68 m;而在东侧减小,其值为0.77 m;最大残差降低了约2 cm。双断层模型库伦应力增加区域与余震的分布比较吻合。  相似文献   

运用Sentinel-1A卫星数据和D-InSAR技术,获取2021-05-21云南漾濞M_S6.4地震的同震形变场。结果显示,漾濞地震同震形变场长轴近NW展布升降轨形变场符号相反,视线向最大沉降量和抬升量为0.1 m。InSAR同震形变场反演的滑动分布主要集中在沿走向2~12 km,倾向1~9 km的范围内,最大滑动量0.35 m,发震断层长9.8 km、宽4 km,滑动量主要集中在地下3~6 km范围内,滑动角-146.7°。同震位移场及滑动分布模型反映本次地震为发震断层的右旋走滑事件,地震破裂未达到地表。断层模型反演结果显示,矩震级为M_W6.1,发震断层以北西走向右旋走滑运动为主,初步认为本次M_W6.1地震发震断裂可能是一条NW向的维西—乔后断裂西侧的隐伏次生断裂。  相似文献   

2021年5月22日青海省玛多县发生M_S7.4地震,数小时后在距离震中两百多公里的甘肃玛曲县发生了M_S4.4地震。利用甘肃、青海和四川区域测震台网记录的三分向宽频带数字波形资料,反演甘肃玛曲M_S4.4地震的震源机制解,结果显示此次地震活动面走向、倾角和滑动角分别为105.6°、74.1°和-38.7°。参考玛多M_S7.4地震的震源机制解,发现两次地震震源机制解具有较好的一致性,均呈现明显的左旋走滑特征。静态库伦破裂应力改变量分布计算结果表明,玛曲M_S4.4地震震中位置单位面积(m~2)受到来自玛多地震震中方向的拉应力约为0.02 MPa。综合两次地震的震中距、发震时刻和断层分布等情况,初步判断甘肃玛曲M_S4.4地震应为青海玛多M_S7.4强震的一次触发地震。  相似文献   

The continuous GPS observation at the fiducial stations in the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) recorded the crustal movement of Chinese mainland before and after the great Kunlun Mountain earthquake of M=8.1 on November 14, 2001, especially the horizontal crustal movement in the western part of China. Based on the datum defined by a group of stable stations with small mutual horizontal displacements for a few years, the time series of horizontal displacements at fiducial stations were obtained. Significant anomalous horizontal displacements had appeared at the fiducial stations in the western part of China since early November 2000 and several earthquakes with the magnitudes about 6.0 had occurred in Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces. The northward components of the horizontal displacement at the fiducial stations in west China had decreased significantly and even changed in the opposite sense since mid April 2001. After the earthquake, the northward displacements still decreased and there were significant westward displacements. The process of the crustal movement in the western part of Chinese mainland (in reference to east China) suggests that the main force source for this earthquake came from the northward pushing of the Indian plate. The great earthquake released a large amount of energy, as a result, the action applied by the Indian plate to Chinese mainland diminished significantly and after the great earthquake, the seismic activity in Chinese mainland decreased considerably until the end of 2002. Foundation item: The National Development and Programming Project for Key Basic Research (95-13-03-07).  相似文献   

Following the theory and definition of the Corioli force in physics, the Corioli force at the site of the M=8.1 Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake on November 14, 2001, is examined in this paper on the basis of a statistical research on relationship between the Corioli force effect and the maximum attershock magnitude of 20 earth-quakes with M≥7.5 in Chinese mainland, and then the variation tendency of attershock activity of the M=8.1 earthquake is discussed. The result shows: a) Analyzing the Corioli force effect is an effective method to predict maximum attershock magnitude of large earthquakes in Chinese mainland. For the sinistral slip fault and the reverse fault with its hanging wall moving toward the right side oftbe cross-focus meridian plane, their Corioli force pulls the two fault walls apart, decreasing frictional resistance on fault plane during the fault movement and releasing elastic energy of the mainshock fully, so the maximum magnitude of aftershocks would be low. For the dextral slip fault, its Corioli force presses the two walls against each other and increases the frictional resistance on fault plane, prohibiting energy release of the mainshock, so the maximum magnitude of attershocks would be high.b) The fault of the M--8. l Kunlun Mountain earthquake on Nov. 14, 2001 is essentially a sinistral strike-slip fault,and the Corioli force pulled the two fault walls apart. Magnitude of the induced stress is about 0.06 MPa. Alter a comparison analysis, we suggest that the attershock activity level will not be high in the late period of this earth-quake sequence, and the maximum magnitude of the whole aftershocks sequence is estimated to be about 6.0.  相似文献   

利用模板匹配方法对2015年11月23日青海省祁连县M_S5.2地震进行遗漏地震检测研究,由于主震后短时间内目录中遗漏事件较多,故对主震后1天的连续波形进行检测。主震后1天内青海测震台网记录到的余震个数(包括单台)共62个,选取主震后M_L1.0以上余震30个作为模板事件,通过匹配滤波的方式扫描出遗漏地震31个,约为台网目录给出的0.5倍。基于包络差峰值振幅与震级的线性关系估测检测事件的震级参数,最后将检测后的余震目录与台网余震目录在主震后1天内的最小完备震级进行对比分析,结果发现检测后最小完备震级从M_L1.2降到了M_L0.7,得到青海测震台网在祁连地区最小完整性震级为M_L0.7。  相似文献   

根据182个烈度调查点的结果,结合余震序列分布、震源机制解和地震构造分析,编制呼图壁MS 6.2地震烈度图。极震区烈度为Ⅷ度,等震线长轴走向为EW向,发震构造为清水河子断裂。  相似文献   

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