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Arnold, L. J. & Roberts, R. G. 2011: Paper I – Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of perennially frozen deposits in north?central Siberia: OSL characteristics of quartz grains and methodological considerations regarding their suitability for dating. Boreas, Vol. 40, pp. 389–416. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00209.x. ISSN 0300?9483. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of coarse‐grained quartz is increasingly being used as the main chronological tool in late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of Siberia. However, relatively little information has been published on the suitability of OSL dating for the various types of perennially frozen sediments found in this region. Here we provide a systematic examination of the quartz luminescence characteristics of 21 perennially frozen samples from the Taimyr Peninsula and adjacent coastal lowlands of north‐central Siberia, and discuss their implications for the reliability of single‐grain and multi‐grain OSL chronologies in such contexts. The results of this study suggest that the quartz luminescence characteristics of these samples are, in principle, favourable for OSL dating but, in practice, require that a series of validation checks are made of the chosen experimental conditions. If these tests are satisfied, then reliable OSL chronologies should be obtained for sedimentary deposits in this region. Importantly, however, the single‐grain and multi‐grain aliquot equivalent dose (De) distribution characteristics for our samples reveal that there are advantages in targeting certain types of depositional settings for OSL dating studies of Siberian sediments. We also show that samples from the same depositional settings, and even from the same sites, do not necessarily display similar De distribution characteristics. The latter complication favours the use of single‐grain analysis to unravel the bleaching and burial histories of young (mid‐ to late Holocene) sediments in these Arctic environments.  相似文献   

赵娜  王建平  郭明建 《第四纪研究》2022,42(5):1297-1310

兴隆遗址是长城以北裕民文化分期研究的重要遗址。作为坝上高原迄今为止发现的出土遗物最丰富、沿用时间长达数千年的遗址, 其年代的确定不但有助于厘清古人类在这一地区出现的时代, 而且对研究中国北方旧-新石器时代过渡、农业起源及其环境背景等问题具有重要意义。兴隆遗址发掘后, 虽然其新石器文化层已通过14C方法进行了测年, 但其旧-新石器时代过渡期的文化层尚未进行年代学方面的研究。本研究在地层结构划分基础上, 对兴隆遗址的TG01探沟的G5剖面(42°N, 115°E; 海拔高度为1398m; 剖面研究深度为106~361cm)进行采样, 共采集有11个沉积物样品, 提取出粗颗粒(90~125μm)和细颗粒(4~11μm)两个粒级的石英, 利用光释光(OSL)测年技术中的单片再生剂量法(SAR), 对兴隆遗址探沟的不同文化层位进行年代测定, 建立了兴隆遗址的整体年代框架。通过对两种粒级的石英的释光年代比较, 得出细颗粒石英的所测年龄高于粗颗粒石英, 高出年龄约为600~2000年左右, 这可能是沉积过程的不完全晒退导致的。且基于粗颗粒石英的光释光年龄与14C年龄之间良好的一致性, 认为粗颗粒石英的光释光年龄更加可信; 并首次确定了兴隆遗址旧-新石器时代过渡期文化层的光释光年龄为距今13.4±1.8~10.7±0.9ka(以粗颗粒石英样品的年代为准)。


Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is widely used to date clastic deposits, including those collected by coring. X‐ray scanning of cores has become popular because of the rapidly acquired, high‐resolution information it gives about optical, radiographic and elemental variations. Additionally, X‐ray scanning is widely viewed as a non‐destructive method. However, such instruments use an intense X‐ray beam that irradiates the split core to enable both X‐radiographic and X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. This irradiation will influence the optically stimulated luminescence signal in the sediments. This study determines the radiation dose delivered to sediments in a core during an X‐ray scan, and assesses the implications for studies wishing to combine X‐ray scanning and OSL dating. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Buylaert, J.‐P., Huot, S., Murray, A.S. & Van den haute, P.: Infrared stimulated luminescence dating of an Eemian (MIS 5e) site in Denmark using K‐feldspar. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00156.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating of K‐feldspars may be an alternative to quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating when the quartz OSL signal is too close to saturation or when the quartz luminescence characteristics are unsuitable. In this paper, Eemian (MIS 5e) coastal marine sands exposed in a cliff section on the coast of southern Jutland (Denmark) are used to test the accuracy and precision of IRSL dating using K‐feldspars. This material has been used previously to test quartz OSL dating ( Murray & Funder 2003 ): a small systematic underestimation of <10% compared to the expected age of ~130 ka was reported. In our study, a single‐aliquot regenerative‐dose (SAR) IRSL protocol is used to determine values of equivalent dose (De) and the corresponding fading rates (g values). A significant age underestimation (of up to ~35%) is observed; this is attributed to anomalous fading. Using a single site‐average fading rate of 3.66 ± 0.09%/decade to correct the IRSL ages for all samples provides good agreement between the average fading‐corrected K‐feldspar age (119 ± 6 ka) and the independent age control (132–125 ka). This is despite the reservations of Huntley & Lamothe (2001) that their fading correction method is not expected to work on samples older than ~20–50 ka. This fading‐corrected feldspar result is not significantly different from the overall revised quartz age (114 ± 7 ka) also presented here. We conclude that fading‐corrected IRSL ages measured using K‐feldspar may be both precise and accurate over a greater age range than might be otherwise expected.  相似文献   

In this study we present optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results obtained at one of the most important open‐air Middle Palaeolithic sites in the Sierra de Atapuerca foothills – Hotel California. We also assess the possibility of obtaining extended‐range OSL chronologies for a nearby Middle Pleistocene fluvial deposit using several novel methods, namely OSL dating of individual quartz ‘supergrains’, multi‐grain aliquot thermally transferred OSL (TT‐OSL) dating and the first application of a single‐grain TT‐OSL dating procedure. Four single‐grain OSL ages constrain the Middle Palaeolithic occupation of Hotel California to between 71±6 and 48±3 ka. The Hotel California single‐grain equivalent dose (De) distributions are highly overdispersed and contain several dose populations, which are probably attributable to post‐depositional sediment mixing, partial bleaching and intrinsic scatter. The reliability of multi‐grain aliquot OSL dating is compromised by the complex underlying De dispersion affecting these samples, as well as by biasing multi‐grain averaging effects. Extended‐range OSL and TT‐OSL chronologies for the nearby Pico River terrace are consistent with each other and with broad independent age control. These experimental approaches yield a weighted average age of 348±16 ka for terrace TA9 of the Arlanzón River sequence. Our results highlight the benefits of comparing ages obtained using several OSL methodologies to improve the robustness of luminescence chronologies. They also demonstrate the potential that single‐grain OSL techniques offer for establishing improved age constraints on the many other Middle Palaeolithic sites found at Atapuerca and elsewhere across north‐central Spain.  相似文献   

The pre-Holocene Cenozoic sequence outcrops in the terrestrial part of the eastern margin of the Mekong Basin. However, the stratigraphy of the sequence is still unclear. Its detailed stratigraphy and chronology were therefore studied along the Dong Nai River, southern Vietnam, and the lithofacies and the relations among the formations were investigated from the outcrops. The ages of the deposits were determined by using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating.The Ba Mieu Formation was deposited about 176±52 ka during marine isotope stage (MIS) 7–6. The Thu Duc Formation was deposited about 97±27 ka during MIS 5. Both the Ba Mieu and Thu Duc formations are composed of fluvial and tidally influenced coastal deposits. The newly proposed Nhon Trach Formation was originally an eolian (blanket) deposit, but it has been partly reworked by fluvial processes. The Nhon Trach Formation was deposited about 10.9±4.7 ka, in the last part of the Pleistocene to the beginning of the Holocene. The OSL ages for the Ba Mieu, Thu Duc, and Nhon Trach formations are younger than the ages previously assigned to these formations.  相似文献   

Two sand wedge structures and their host sediments, from Jonzac in SW France, were successfully dated using Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) measurements on both small aliquots and single grains of quartz from the 180–212 μm size fraction. One of the sand wedges clearly contains primary infilling. However, grain‐size analysis and field observations do not clearly indicate whether the other feature represents a primary sand wedge or a composite sand wedge with primary and secondary infilling. OSL results and the geological setting justify using the Central Age Model (CAM) for the calculation of age estimates. Grain‐size analysis and detailed investigations of OSL results revealed the contamination of one sand wedge sample with host sediment. However, age calculation using the Finite Mixture Model (FMM) provided what is considered to be a reliable age estimate for the contaminated sample. The age estimates for all samples correspond to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. While fine‐grained sediments were deposited in the middle of MIS 3 (c. 43–55 ka), the sand wedges unexpectedly correspond to the end of this period (c. 33 ka) or the onset of MIS 2 (c. 27 ka). The sand wedges were probably formed during intense but short cold periods, possibly correlated with a Heinrich event (H2 and/or H3). The results help us to assess how effective luminescence dating is on sand wedges and the limitations involved in correlating sand wedge ages with Heinrich events, and contribute to the debate on the timing of cryogenic formation processes and the permafrost distribution in SW France.  相似文献   

Optical Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) is a technique that can be used for dating geological materials deposited within the last half‐million years, including sediments transported by air, water or gravity, as well as rocks heated at high temperatures. Recently, several studies have shown that OSL can also provide information on sediment transport. The pulsed photon‐stimulated luminescence (PPSL) unit (also known as a portable OSL reader) developed by the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre is an instrument designed to read luminescence signals from bulk (untreated) sediment samples comprising poly‐mineral and poly‐grain fractions. In this contribution, we evaluate the potential of the PPSL unit to assess the degree of OSL signal resetting in 27 young deposits (<2 ka) transported by different geomorphic agents in volcanic, coastal and fluvial depositional settings located in Mexico. Our results are in agreement with previous findings that used the Risø TL/OSL reader, confirming that sediments transported by debrisflows contain the highest inherited luminesce signals. Infrared stimulation (IRSL) values in volcanic ash, lavas, and sand beach and dune deposits exhibit low scatter. However, with blue stimulation (BLSL) these samples reveal a large degree of scattering, attributed to charge transfer in the case of the coastal deposits and to the low sensitivity of quartz in the case of volcanic material. The luminescence signals of fluvial sediments exhibit a highly scattered distribution in both IRSL and BLSL. We conclude that the use of a PPSL unit is a simple approach to assess the degree of OSL signal resetting in deposits sourced from different geological environments. This research contributes to previous studies that have investigated new applications of the PPSL unit to assist in OSL dating of geological materials.  相似文献   

Lüthgens, C., Böse, M. & Preusser, F. 2011: Age of the Pomeranian ice‐marginal position in northeastern Germany determined by Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of glaciofluvial sediments. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00211.x. ISSN 0300‐9843 The Pomeranian ice margin is one of the most prominent ice‐marginal features of the Weichselian glaciation in northern Europe. Previous results of surface‐exposure dating (SED) of this ice margin disagree with established chronologies and ice retreat patterns, i.e. are much younger than previously expected. We crosscheck the age of the Pomeranian ice‐marginal position in northeastern Germany using single‐grain quartz Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of glaciofluvial sediments. OSL dating indicates an active ice margin between 20.1±1.6 ka and 19.4±2.4 ka forming outwash plains attributed to the Pomeranian ice‐marginal position. On the basis of these results, we suggest a critical reassessment of previous SED data available for the Pomeranian ice‐marginal position within their respective regional geomorphological contexts. From a process‐based point of view, SED ages derived from glacigenic boulders document the stabilization of the landscape after melting of dead ice and landscape transformation under periglacial conditions rather than the presence of an ice margin. SED indicates a first phase of boulder stabilization at around 16.4±0.7 ka, followed by landscape stabilization within the area attributed to the recessional Gerswalder subphase around 15.2±0.5 ka. A final phase of accumulation of glaciolacustrine and glaciofluvial sediments at around 14.7±1.0 ka documents the melting of buried dead ice at that time.  相似文献   

Optical dating has been extensively used for stratigraphical correlation in the reconstruction of Eurasian ice-sheet dynamics and palaeoenvironmental changes during the last glaciation. In recent terrestrial studies in Arctic Russia, Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) is the main chronological tool, and has been used across the whole of the Eurasian north. We report new OSL ages obtained on glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sediments from the Arkhangelsk and Taymyr regions of Arctic Russia and discuss the characteristics of the quartz OSL signal in terms of its saturation limit, variability among samples from the same location, and initial signal resetting in different depositional environments. It is shown that effect of partial bleaching in our mainly Weichselian samples is trivial because: modern analogues are well zeroed; there is good agreement between OSL and 14C ages in young samples; and skewness in the dose distribution of relatively older samples is mainly due to varying shapes of the growth curves. The overall reliability of the OSL ages from Arctic Russia, when compared with the limited independent age controls available, appears to be good.  相似文献   

在黄河中游晋陕峡谷地区发现了多处旧石器遗存,但是,这些重要的遗址点大多缺乏年代约束。新发现的苏家岭和清水川口旧石器地点位于陕西一侧黄河二、三级阶地上,黄土堆积中出土的石器类型以"石核-石片技术"组合为主要特征。本研究采集了苏家岭(黄土堆积厚度17.1 m)和清水川口(黄土堆积厚度4.7 m)共14个光释光样品,采用石英单片再生剂量法(SAR-OSL)和钾长石红外后释光法(pIR200IR290)测定了两个遗址点黄土序列的年代,同时测试了沉积物样品的粒度和磁化率。结果表明,两处沉积物主体均为典型的风成黄土。石英SAR-OSL年龄与钾长石pIR200IR290年龄在25~50 ka有很好的对应关系,钾长石年龄与S1古土壤的预期年龄(MIS5)相一致。苏家岭出土的石器所在地层年代范围为25~76 ka,洪积层的石核年代在76~95 ka间;清水川口出土的石器年代范围为31~42 ka。地层特征、磁化率和粒度证据表明,在晚更新世间冰阶和末次间冰期末期,晋陕峡谷地区相对暖湿的气候条件利于远古人类生存;同时,黄土高原南部苏家岭与北部清水川口的古环境存在区域的差异。苏家岭和清水川口地点出土的"石核-石片技术"组合表明,晚更新世古人类在中国北方广阔的区域活动,中国中部是晚更新世人类栖居的良好场所。  相似文献   

This study reports on the first investigation into the potential of luminescence dating to establish a chronological framework for the depositional sequences of the Sperchios delta plain, central Greece. A series of three borehole cores(20 m deep) and two shallow cores(4 m deep), from across the delta plain, were extracted, and samples were collected for luminescence dating. The luminescence ages of sand-sized quartz grains were obtained from small aliquots of quartz, using the Single-Aliquot Regenerative-dose(SAR) protocol.The equivalent dose determination included a series of tests and the selection of the Minimum Age Model(MAM) as the most appropriate statistical model. This made it possible to confirm the applicability of quartz Optically Stimulated Luminescence(OSL) dating to establish absolute chronology for deltaic sediments from the Sperchios delta plain.Testing age results of the five cores showed that the deltaic sediments were deposited during the Holocene.A relatively rapid deposition is implied for the top ~14 m possibly as a result of the deceleration in the rate of the sea-level rise and the transition to terrestrial conditions, while on the deeper parts, the reduced sedimentation rate may indicate a lagoonal or coastal environment.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):1279-1285
Three sediment samples were collected from a soil profile at the Lagoa do Bordoal site, Algarve, Portugal. Quartz extracted from soil horizons within the profile, was optically dated using the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol outlined by Murray and Wintle (Radiation Measurements 5 (2000) 523). The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) emitted by quartz within the 90–150 μm size range was measured using three aliquot sizes. The equivalent doses (DE) that were obtained show an asymmetric distribution. As the numbers of grains in each aliquot are reduced, the distribution of doses is clearly shifted to lower DE values including zero doses on single grain aliquots. This shift is accompanied by an increase in the asymmetry of the distribution. These patterns indicate that as the aliquot size decreases, the distributions are increasingly characterized by aliquots with lower DE's. With respect to the present day modern surface, this shift is most evident in the sample collected from a depth of 37 cm, within an ancient B-horizon. It is least evident in the sample located only 10 cm below it, within a sand unit. An asymmetric distribution of DE's can be a result of a large number of grains that were well bleached at burial being mixed with a small number of grains that were partially bleached at that time (Radiation Measurements 30 (1999) 207). However, the shift in DE's that is seen in the Lagoa East samples is most likely due to the postburial downward movement of fully and partially bleached grains from the surface, with possible contributions from the downward movement of grains that received low doses while buried in overlying horizons. The simplest explanation for our results is that grains carrying zero or small DE's have been moved downward during bioturbation events. These results suggest that downward bioturbation in ancient soil profiles can be identified based on the OSL characteristics of quartz grains. We are also able to provide a minimum age of 24.4±3.2 ka for the Upper Palaeolithic lithic assemblage at the site.  相似文献   


中亚黄土对研究亚洲内陆干旱化、亚洲粉尘来源、亚洲季风和西风环流变化以及两者在中亚相互作用历史均具有重要意义。中亚南部帕米尔高原不同地貌面上广泛发育有厚约1~2 m的风成黄土沉积,文章对高原东北部瓦恰盆地的两个黄土剖面进行了细颗粒石英光释光测年。结果表明,瓦恰盆地黄土样品石英光释光信号主要源于325℃热释光信号所对应陷阱电子,以快速组分为主。每个样品分别采用石英光释光信号标准生长曲线法(SGC)和全球石英光释光标准生长曲线法(gSGC)获得的等效剂量与其单测片再生剂量法(SAR)实测等效剂量值在误差范围内是一致的,说明SGC法与gSGC法适用于瓦恰盆地的黄土测年。两个剖面黄土样品石英SAR法光释光年龄界于4.7~14.3 ka,沉积速率由早期的0.11 mm/a加速至全新世的0.15~0.18 mm/a。据沉积速率估算剖面1黄土堆积于17.2 ka至2.7 ka之间,主要堆积于末次冰盛期末至全新世晚期,且远比其所在地貌面要年轻。本研究为进一步开展帕米尔高原黄土古环境研究提供了年代框架。


The chronologies of few Neolithic sites in the lower reaches of the Min River of China have been well investigated for the middle to late Holocene. In this study, the Hengyu Neolithic site in Fujian Province, South China, which has significant archaeological remains, was dated using blue‐stimulated optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon (AMS14C) techniques. The results, comprising nine OSL and three AMS14C ages through the Neolithic sequence, provide new evidence towards understanding the relationship between environmental evolution and human activities in the middle to late Holocene in the Fuzhou Basin and coastal areas of South China. The ages of the site deposits vary from 6.83 to 1.67 ka and can be divided into two main phases: the Keqiutou–Tanshishan culture period and the Bronze culture period. In contrast, the persistent periods of ancient human activities at the Hengyu site seem to correspond to regional sea‐level changes and the East Asian winter monsoon as a secondary factor, which can affect human activities through sea‐level impacts. The warm and high sea level conditions provided a liveable environment for the ancient humans of Fujian and even South China. The ages of two building column bases are linked to the early stage of the Han dynasty, suggesting a potentially favourable habitation environment; that is, ancient humans occupied and settled this area for the long term within this time period, which is consistent with sea‐level changes and palynology records. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The lacustrine deposits of lakes in arid central Asia (ACA) potentially record palaeoclimatic changes on orbital and suborbital time scales, but such changes are still poorly understood due to the lack of reliable chronologies. Bosten Lake, the largest freshwater inland lake in China, is located in the southern Tianshan Mountains in central ACA. A 51.6‐m‐deep lacustrine succession was retrieved from the lake and 30 samples from the succession were used for luminescence dating to establish a chronology based on multi‐grain quartz OSL and K‐feldspar post‐IR IRSL (pIRIR290) dating. Quartz OSL ages were only used for samples from the upper part of the core. The K‐feldspar luminescence characteristics (dose recovery test, anomalous fading test, first IR stimulation temperature plateau test) are satisfactory and from the relationship amongst the quartz OSL, IR50 and pIRIR290 doses we infer that the feldspar signals are likely to be well bleached at deposition. Bacon age‐depth modelling was used to derive a chronology spanning the last c. 220 ka. The chronology, lithology and grain‐size proxy record indicate that Bosten Lake formed at least c. 220 ka ago and that lake levels fluctuated frequently thereafter. A stable deep lake occurred at c. 220, 210–180, c. 165, 70–60, 40–30 and 20–5 ka, while shallow levels occurred at c. 215, 180–165, 100–70, 60–40 and 30–20 ka. Bosten Lake levels decreased by at least ~29 m and possibly the lake even dried up between c. 160 and c. 100 ka. We suggest that the water‐level fluctuations in the lakes of ACA may not respond directly to climatic changes and may be affected by a number of complex factors.  相似文献   

Several intrusions of ultrabasic to basic composition occur in the Roslagen area of east‐central Sweden in close spatial and temporal association with the surrounding 1.90–1.87 Ga old early orogenic Svecofennian granitoids. An imprecise Sm‐Nd WR errorchron yields an age of 1895 ± 71 Ma. In spite of the penetrative deformation in the granitoids, the basic–ultrabasic rocks mostly appear undeformed and largely preserve magmatic textures with plagioclase, olivine (in some rock types), orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, and amphibole as major constituents. The plagioclase is typically very anorthitic (ca. An90). The Roslagen intrusions range in composition from primitive to evolved (Mg# 80 to 49) but contain only 40–50 wt% SiO2. Many samples are highly elevated in Al2O3 (up to 30 wt%), CaO (up to 16 wt%) and Sr (up to 800 ppm), with strongly positive Eu and Sr anomalies, in line with being plagioclase cumulates. Although masked by cumulus effects, the relative trace element contents indicate a volcanic arc signature. The initial Nd isotope composition is homogeneously ‘mildly depleted’, with εNd of +0.3 to +1.1, and the initial Sr isotope composition ‘mildly enriched’, with εSr of +8 to +15. Non‐cumulus rocks with small Eu and Sr anomalies can be used to deduce the composition of the parental magma. This LILE‐ and LREE‐enriched and HFSE‐depleted high‐alumina basalt magma, with Mg# of ca. 50–60 and Ca# of ca. 80, most likely formed by partial melting of mantle material, enriched by fluids in a subduction environment, at 1.9 Ga. The cumulate rocks apparently crystallized from a somewhat more evolved water‐rich magma with Mg# of ca. 40. Crystallization was followed by the development of late‐magmatic to post‐magmatic coronas between olivine and plagioclase in the presence of H2O‐rich fluids. The subduction‐related setting would make these intrusions Palaeoproterozoic counterparts of Alaskan‐type ultramafic intrusions, but they differ from those in being plagioclase enriched, possibly reflecting different levels of exposure. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Komadugu river system is the major Nigerian tributary to Lake Chad. Its large alluvial complex represents an important archive of the late Quaternary environmental history of the Chad Basin. Modern floodplains are incised into an older fluvial terrace that extends over 5000 km2. Evidence from satellite images suggests that the ancient river system was dammed up by the Bama Beach Ridge during high stands of mega Lake Chad. This caused the formation of extensive wetlands with a chaotic network of relic channels. The first set of luminescence ages presented here fits well into the previously established environmental history of the Chad Basin. Both the early and mid‐Holocene pluvial periods as well as a final relatively humid period during the late Holocene are reflected by point bar to overbank deposits or channel fills. The onset of the Holocene was characterised by erosion of older dune fields as indicated by grain‐size distributions of the alluvium. Satellite images and sedimentological observations show that the floodplain was dominated by meandering channels shifted by frequent avulsion, reflecting a high variability in precipitation and discharge patterns at the beginning and end of Holocene humid periods. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Post‐infrared (pIR) stimulated luminescence dating of sedimentary feldspar largely avoids the effects of anomalous fading that affect conventional infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating. However, optical resetting of pIR signals is more difficult than resetting the conventional IRSL signal, which may undermine the crucial assumption that pIR signals were effectively bleached upon deposition and burial of sediment grains. In this study, we quantify the bleaching properties of several pIR signals on various samples using laboratory‐simulated bleaching in full sunlight and water‐attenuated sunlight. Our data show that bleaching is most efficient under full spectrum conditions for all pIR signals and that pIR signals measured at elevated temperature are increasingly harder to bleach than IR and pIR signals measured at low temperature (e.g. IR at 50°C). All bleaching curves exhibit a very slow and steady decrease, indicating that a fixed un‐bleachable residual level cannot be reached within the 11 days of solar simulator exposure undertaken here. We show that the magnitude of a laboratory‐determined residual dose depends on the adopted bleaching protocol and cannot be used as a proxy for the dose that remains in the sample at the time of burial (remnant dose). Our data emphasize the importance of finding a balance between sufficient signal stability and a minimized contribution of a remnant dose when using pIR procedures for feldspar luminescence dating.  相似文献   

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