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赵思敏  芮旸  杨钰华 《地理研究》2022,41(3):810-829
学前和义务教育阶段学生由乡到城的跨尺度流动影响教育资源配置和社会治理,事关乡村振兴和教育公平。解析乡村学生跨尺度流动的内涵并构建其研究框架,融合县级统计数据和调查访谈数据对陕西省淳化县进行实证分析。结果表明:① 淳化县乡村学生存在跨尺度流动现象并趋于加剧,突出表现为跨县域的跳跃流动成为主体和流动时间提前至幼儿园阶段,乡村义务教育设施的小规模化趋势和学前教育设施“城挤乡空”的潜在风险因此出现。② 乡村学生跨尺度流动的影响因素呈4级递阶结构,进城落户和随迁就学政策是深层动因,教育资源配置、父母文化程度与学校教学质量、家庭经济资本、父母籍贯分别为中层与浅层影响因素,父母工作地、家庭购房情况、学校寄宿条件和上学距离是表层直接影响因素。③ 推力因素和家庭心理门槛的消除促使乡村学生流出,但实现流动需克服“人、钱、居”三大中间阻力和路径门槛,流入地的最终确定则受拉力因素和区位门槛的共同作用,整个流动过程的发生始终受资源分配不均形成的梯度力和随迁就学等政策的影响。建议多渠道增加乡村优质教育资源供给,扩大省级政府及副省级城市的教育统筹权,推动教育治理模式的流动性转向。  相似文献   

本文从中国地理基础教育改革的视角,通过对地理学发展新趋势、社会需求变化和学生心理发展的分析,阐述了地理基础教育的价值和地理基础教育改革的必要性。结合中外地理教育在实现方式与过程、课程评价以及情感态度培养等方面的比较研究,提出了我国新中学地理课程标准研制的理念与目标、地理基础教育的结构设计以及实施地理基础教育改革的关键环节。  相似文献   

刘天宝  陈子叶  陈爽 《地理科学》2022,42(8):1402-1412
利用2015年大连市初中学校多维数据,在分析社会群体间分异状况及其空间表现的基础上,概括了学校的基本类型及其空间分布特征,总结了义务教育校际分异的空间模式。在市域范围内存在4类学校,即成绩较好的城市综合社会群体子女学校;成绩一般的产业工人及一般技术人员子女学校;成绩优异的教师、政府和企事业单位管理者及专业技术人员子女学校;成绩落后但生均教育资源充沛的农村地区学校。4类学校在市域范围内分异明显,形成了从内向外的5个教育圈,即城市中心教育圈、城市郊区教育圈、城市新区教育圈、外围城镇教育圈和外围乡村教育圈。教育资源在教育圈之间呈高低相间分布的特点,教学成绩和学生家庭社会经济地位呈现出从中心向外围逐步降低的特征。  相似文献   

本文从中国地理基础教育改革的视角 ,通过对地理学发展新趋势、社会需求变化和学生心理发展的分析 ,阐述了地理基础教育的价值和地理基础教育改革的必要性。结合中外地理教育在实现方式与过程、课程评价以及情感态度培养等方面的比较研究 ,提出了我国新中学地理课程标准研制的理念与目标、地理基础教育的结构设计以及实施地理基础教育改革的关键环节。  相似文献   

中学生药物滥用行为及其影响因素的地域差异   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
周素红  刘明杨  卢次勇 《地理学报》2018,73(6):1173-1186
青少年的健康状况尤其是健康行为,往往会延续至成年时期,同时,相比于成年人,青少年的药物滥用对其大脑的危害更大,更易导致成瘾。中学生是青少年的主要群体,研究其药物滥用行为的影响因素及机制,有助于实施干预措施,减少其健康风险。以往文献对中学生药物滥用行为的研究较为全面,但对学校周边的建成环境以及地域差异引起个体健康行为差异背后的原因关注不足。以随机抽取的广东省124所初级中学为研究对象,并基于2010年各区县的人口普查数据,通过因子生态分析方法划分抽样学校所在区县的社会区类型,分析位于不同社会区的中学生药物滥用情况,而后运用多元逐步回归模型,探究中学生药物滥用行为影响因素的地域差异。结果表明,不同社会区的中学生药物滥用行为发生率存在差异,年轻化的外来人口集聚地区中学生药物滥用发生率最高,其次为人口老龄化地区,社会环境相对稳定的本地商业从业人员集聚地区最低。在年轻化的外来人口聚集地区中,课外到网吧、游戏厅、台球室活动学生的高比例与学校1000 m范围内的网吧、游艺室的高密度等外部环境容易导致学校中学生药物滥用的高发;在人口老龄化地区中,道路交叉口的高密度等建成环境表征了良好的社会监督,有助于降低学生滥用药物的风险;在本地商业从业人员聚集地区中,融洽的家庭关系有利于制约中学生滥用药物,同时零花钱越高,中学生购买药物的机会越大,因而越容易发生药物滥用行为。  相似文献   


After fifteen years of geographic education efforts, a baseline geography skills test was repeated in Indiana. In 2002, 2,278 students in college freshman geography courses were tested with a revision of the National Council for Geographic Education Competency-Based Geography Test, Secondary Level Form II. The test measured geographic ability in map skills, place name location, physical geography, and human geography. As in 1987, the 2002 test gathered personal information from each student on age, gender, travel experience, and prior geographic education. Test scores were lower by two percent in 2002. Travel and lifetime experience are again the best teachers of geography as opposed to high school geography course work. Significant performance differences persist between gender and ethnic groups. Arts and science students perform significantly higher than students from education, business, and other schools. Test results underscore the need to emphasize more intentional classroom focus on state standards and preparation of classroom teachers.  相似文献   

中国普通高中教育均等化及障碍因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
苏飞  莫潇杭  魏敏  李博 《地理科学》2017,37(10):1478-1485
以中国31个省级行政单元为研究对象,从教育背景、教育投入、教育过程和教育结果4个方面构建指标体系,采用集对分析模型测度各省份普通高中教育均等化水平,运用障碍度分析法揭示阻碍各省份普通高中教育均等化水平提升的主要因素。研究表明:从综合均等度来看,普通高中教育均等化水平较高的省份集中在环渤海地区和江浙沪地区,其中北京市最高,河南省最低。从空间格局来看,各省份普通高中教育均等化水平有显著差异,总体上呈现“东-西-中”递减趋势。分析表明,P1(高中阶段毛入学率)、S3(高级职称专任教师比例)、S2(本科学历及以上专任教师比例)、P2(学校数量/万名学生)是影响各省份普通高中教育均等化水平提升的主要因素。  相似文献   

河南省县域学校体系规模、可达性演化特征及其分异   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘凯  刘荣增  陈亭亭  聂格格 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1698-1709
县域义务教育学校体系规模的合理布局、适龄儿童入学可达性对义务教育公平和均衡发展具有重要意义。采用基尼系数、齐夫指数等方法对泌阳县2004—2016年县域小学学校体系规模空间演化特征、就学可达性变化及其空间分异进行了实证研究。结果表明:研究区县域小学规模两极分化严重,学生和教师的城乡不平衡指数大大增加,首位学校以及位序靠前的学校垄断性增强,学校规模从均衡发展演化为非均衡状态;2016年入学距离在2 km范围内的自然村相比2004年略有降低,距最近完全小学在2 km范围内的自然村出现大幅降低,完全小学大幅减少,服务范围增大,覆盖度出现显著降低;2016年各乡镇学生、教师基尼系数显著增加,全县范围空间分异规律基本一致;相比2004年,2016年地形高度、距乡镇政府所在地距离对自然村入学距离影响显著增强,特别是对最近完全小学入学距离的影响更大。  相似文献   

刘天宝  叶子聪  王天依 《热带地理》2021,41(5):1046-1059
近期,在全球化、国家福利体系调整、社会文化变迁等多重背景中,教育、地理、社会等不同学科对教育现象展开了具有跨学科特点的研究,呈现出新的面貌。基础教育领域的分异是当前国内外重要的社会与学术关切。现有研究以在校学习为重点,以资源供给与消费者之间的互动为视角,对教育活动本身及其影响因素与社会空间响应展开了广泛、细致的研究。此外,课外补习、在家学习等非传统内容也吸引了研究者的关注。但目前还没有形成一个覆盖不同领域、解读多重分异的基础性框架。论文从基础教育的现状出发,面向多重分异的刻画,以社会空间辩证法、空间-行为互动理论和时间地理学等理论为基础,提出了基于教育消费者与其所处的时空间互动的,以在校学习、在家学习和在辅导机构学习为基本内容的研究框架。在校学习重点关注分异的总体格局、学校与社区的互动以及教育消费者的迁居与通学等内容;在家学习重点关注学习的方式与内容、条件与情境、影响与评价等内容;在辅导机构学习重点关注学习的内容与时空间特征、支撑条件、影响与评价等内容。  相似文献   

This study illustrates how national immigration policy relegates undocumented immigrant children to spaces of liminal citizenship, which shape their aspirations for higher education. Recognizing the power of migrant narratives, and the importance of privileging youths’ voices through children's geographies, we present the narratives of undocumented high school students from several rural North Carolina communities. Despite various barriers facing undocumented students, most have high academic aspirations. Students construct new forms of citizenship, legitimating their claims to higher education access through their achievement. Their liminal status, however, contributes to the formation of conflicted, “in-between” identities.  相似文献   

The article examines the relationship between selective traditions in geographical education, what middle school teachers choose to emphasise in geographical education, and student achievement. The study, conducted in Sweden, is based on observations made by students in teacher training programmes, interviews with teachers, and analyses of a test administered to middle school students. It shows that selective traditions in geographical education are strong, resulting in a focus on country-related knowledge and map-reading skills. Both teachers and students seem unclear about what other subject-specific skills geography teaching provides. Furthermore, students have difficulty achieving a high level of geographic reasoning. The authors argue that a subject-specific language in geography is important in both teaching and assessment. They stress that students need more practice in geographic reasoning, since this is required by the new curriculum and in the national test in geography for Year 6 (i.e. pupils in the age range 12–13 years). The study adds to earlier research by highlighting Swedish middle school teaching, which is a neglected field within curriculum studies, and by using a combination of methods to analyse the impact of selective traditions.  相似文献   

This article provides information on those population education materials and services which are available from the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) and explores their usefulness in secondary school and college environments. PRB data sheets are a most useful source of information. Demographic and socioeconomic information (birth and death rates, natural increase, population doubling times, projections for the year 2000, life expectancies, per capita gross national product, etc.) are included. The World's Women Data Sheet is a special publication issued to mark the midway point of the UN Decade for Women. 161 countries are included with information on demographic, health, employment, and educational status of women. There is a nominal cost for these data sheets. To help students learn about population dynamics and world patterns of population, mapping exercises can be developed. The Population Bulletin is published 6 times/year and each issue concentrates on specific aspects of population. The 28 bulletins which have been published since January 1976 are listed. The PRB Chart Series is a multicolor graphic presentation of topical issues in population and development trends worldwide. A total of 26 charts in 4 series have been produced and cover such topics as world population growth, urbanization, world energy consumption, age structure in the U.S., and adolescent pregnancy in the U.S. This material is best used with high school students. A monthly international population news magazine called Intercom is desinged to inform about worldwide trends and activities in population and family planning. It is published in both English and Spanish and is a useful source of current information in capsulized form. For population educators there is the bimonthly newsletter Interchange. PRB's teaching-learning modules are valuable publications for teachers. Thus far there are 9, each of which is a self-contained unit with classroom activities for junior high to college students. Each one outlines a problem and then presents methods which can stimulate discussion and provoke interest. 2 special publications on special interest topics (Population Handbook; Population Education: Sources and Resources) are described. PRB may well be the best single source of population education materials which will hopefully be used and incorporated into teaching.  相似文献   

The spatial nature of learning is increasingly a focus of geographic inquiry. I argue that the spatiality of education, which is where formal learning occurs, has the potential to shape students’ spatial imaginaries. I analyze the role the spatiality of agronomic education plays in the historical construction of the social and physical landscape in southeastern Pará, Brazil. In opposing ways, the first Green Revolution, and agrarian social movements’ more recent agroecological Green Revolution are found to structure agronomic education and spatial imaginaries. The perspectives of agricultural extension agents trained in traditional agronomic programs are compared with teachers from an agroecological school located in an Amazonian agrarian reform settlement of Brazil's Landless Workers’ Movement. I collected these data over 17 months of ethnographic fieldwork. To analyze these data, I employ a political ecology of education perspective, which highlights how education and political economy interact to mediate relations with, access to, and contestations over natural resources. The geography of education and the education of geography exist in a complicated feedback cycle: Education is not neutral but ideologically charged and affects conceptions of productive landscapes, providing students intellectual and economic power to put their visions of landscape into effect.  相似文献   

大连市初中教育消费者的社会空间结构研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
韩增林  谢永顺  刘天宝  于洋 《地理科学》2018,38(7):1129-1138
基于消费者差异的特色均等化是义务教育未来发展的重要指向。运用因子生态分析法对大连市域范围内189所初级中学学生的问卷调查数据进行分析,提取出5个主因子并划分为5类初中教育消费者,得出大连市初中教育消费者在空间上呈现出职业的城乡分化、受教育水平的南北差异等多重分异特征。然后采用聚类分析方法和集中度指数将所研究的初中教育消费者所在学校划分为4类,即高学历高收入家庭子女学校、城市中上收入家庭子女学校、农民及外出务工人员子女学校和工人及办事人员子女学校。最后根据不同类型初中教育消费者所在学校空间上的分布特征,归纳出大连市初中教育消费者社会空间结构的圈层分布特征。  相似文献   

长沙市基础教育资源空间可达性和供需匹配度评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马宇  李德平  周亮  张栋  王嘉丞 《热带地理》2021,41(5):1060-1072
以长沙市为例,基于POI、夜间灯光、土地利用、路网、DEM等影响人口空间分布的变量因子,构建随机森林模型将2018年乡镇人口分解到100 m格网中,然后利用成本加权距离法分析基础教育资源的空间可达性,最后利用改进潜能模型计算基础教育资源的供需匹配度。结果表明:1)在村级(社区)尺度,人口空间化结果与统计数据的线性拟合R2达到0.73,优于WorldPop数据集;长沙市人口分布整体呈现“一主两副多点”的空间格局,能细致地刻画分布特征。2)长沙市基础教育资源空间可达性整体较好,分别有97.72%、96.20%和89.46%的居民能在30 min内到达最近的小学、初中和高中;城乡差异明显,设施密集、交通发达区域的基础教育资源可达性较好;可达性较差的村(社区)集中分布在辖区面积大、多林地山区的县(市)。3)长沙市主城区和浏阳、宁乡城区基础教育资源多处于供需均衡状态,但仍有部分区域的资源配置有待加强;镇区基础教育资源供需匹配度处于偏高状态,乡村地区基础教育资源在其服务半径内多处于匹配度高值状态,强度以设施点为中心向外逐渐降低,需要加强校车配置和接收寄宿学生的能力,以扩大生源范围。  相似文献   

学校分区问题混合元启发算法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国城市义务教育学校采用单校划片或多校划片的方式确定招生范围,落实就近入学的法律要求。针对多校划片这一新的学校分区问题,提出“先学校分组,再学生分派”的策略进行划片,并设计了学校分组线性规划模型和学校分区混合元启发算法。分区算法包括初始解构造、邻域搜索算子、破坏重建扰动、集合划分问题(SPP)建模与求解等基本模块,在多启动迭代局部搜索(ILS)算法框架中进行问题求解。通过多启动、随机搜索、破坏重建扰动等机制提升算法的多样性,并引入SPP模型提升算法的全局寻优能力。选择一个县级市和一个市辖区分别进行学校划片实验,结果表明:混合元启发算法优化性能优异且收敛性好,适用于求解单校划片和多校划片问题;SPP模型在单校划片问题中具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

As part of the secondary school qualification repackaging, the Ministry of Education has requested the geography education community define what constitutes their “critical body of knowledge.” In this article, I discuss three knowledge‐oriented themes focused on: (a) recent assessment trends in geography; (b) the predictive value of NCEA Level 3 geography with 100‐level success and (c) the nature of knowledge as expressed by the New Zealand Curriculum and assessment. Taken together, these themes suggest a need for a serious conversation about knowledge in school geography, as a pre‐cursor to the re‐design of the geography standards matrix.  相似文献   

面向可持续发展的师范院校环境教育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查发现,可持续发展教育在师范院校滞后于中小学教育、环境类课程设置未形成常态、相关课程教学形式单一及教学效果不佳、缺乏可持续发展教育的良好校园氛围。因而师范院校有必要重建面向可持续发展教育的环境教育学科体系,完善课程设置,强调渗透教育,将环境教育实践纳入师范教育实践计划、落实环境教育的必修课地位、丰富课堂形式、鼓励与引导师范生积极参与环保实践活动。  相似文献   

地理信息技术在高中地理教育中的作用越来越重要,根据2017年《普通高中地理课程标准》提出的具体内容要求和学业要求,对地理信息技术在高中地理教育中的重要性作了具体的论证;教学中的具体应用案例表明,将遥感、全球定位系统、地理信息系统应用于普通高中地理教学,不仅可以极大的增强学生的学习兴趣,还可以培养学生的地形解读和空间思维能力;同时结合中国普通高中的实际情况,对地理信息技术在高中地理教学中面临的问题也进行了一定的探究,并给出了合理的建议。  相似文献   

In November 2010, students from a Palmerston North intermediate school embarked on a 2‐week excursion to India. Qualitative research was carried out before, during and after the trip. Results discussed in this article focus primarily on the students' account of their trip, especially their perceived cultural competence and their explanation for it. Accounts of their competence are also offered by the parents and teachers, for example, they especially valued the students' extensive school‐based preparation. Insights gained from the experiences of this trip may be applied to other, including older, cohorts of students embarking on overseas school field trips.  相似文献   

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