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Evaluation of soil liquefaction in the Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake using CPT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake, many sand boiling phenomena were observed in central Taiwan, which caused severe ground settlement and structure damages. According to the installed accelerograms, the peak ground surface horizontal accelerations in the liquefaction-affected areas range from 774.42 to 121.3 gal. The writers carried out an extensive investigation of soil liquefaction in this earthquake. In this paper, we present results of the CPT exploration and post-earthquake liquefaction analysis. Two hundred and seventy five (275) cone penetration test data were collected from the liquefaction-affected areas, and 46 liquefaction case histories and 88 non-liquefaction case histories were derived that can be used to evaluate the accuracy of existing liquefaction evaluation models. In addition, the strength of the liquefied soils after earthquake and the implication of its liquefaction potential in the future event are discussed.  相似文献   

As the profession moves toward the performance-based earthquake engineering design, it becomes more important and pressing to examine the uncertainty of the limit state model used for liquefaction potential evaluation. In this paper, the uncertainty of the Robertson and Wride model, a simplified model for liquefaction resistance and potential evaluation based on cone penetration test, is investigated in detail for its model uncertainty in the framework of first-order reliability analysis. The uncertainties of the parameters used in the Robertson and Wride model are also examined. The model uncertainty is estimated by calibration with a fairly large set of case histories. The results show that the uncertainty of the Robertson and Wride model may be characterized with a mean-to-nominal of 0.94 and a coefficient of variation of 0.15 based on the case histories examined.  相似文献   

Three methods that follow the general format of the Seed-Idriss simplified procedure for evaluating liquefaction resistance of soils are compared in this paper. They are compared by constructing relationships between penetration resistance and small-strain shear–wave velocity (VS) implied from cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) curves for the three methods, and by plotting penetration-VS data pairs. The penetration-VS data pairs are from 43 Holocene-age sand layers in California, South Carolina, Canada, and Japan. It is shown that the VS-based CRR curve is more conservative than CRR curves based on the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Cone Penetration Test (CPT), for the compiled Holocene data. This result agrees with the findings of a recent probability study where the SPT-, CPT-, and VS-based CRR curves were characterized as curves with average probability of liquefaction of 31, 50, and 26%, respectively. New SPT- and CPT-based CRR equations are proposed that provide more consistent assessments of liquefaction potential for the Holocene sand layers considered.  相似文献   

The Canterbury region experienced widespread damage due to liquefaction induced by seismic shaking during the 4 September 2010 earthquake and the large aftershocks that followed, notably those that occurred on 22 February, 13 June and 23 December 2011. Following the 2010 earthquake, the Earthquake Commission directed a thorough investigation of the ground profile in Christchurch, and to date, more than 7500 cone penetration tests (CPT) have been performed in the region. This paper presents the results of analyses which use a subset of the geotechnical database to evaluate the liquefaction process as well as the re-liquefaction that occurred following some of the major events in Christchurch. First, the applicability of existing CPT-based methods for evaluating liquefaction potential of Christchurch soils was investigated using three methods currently available. Next, the results of liquefaction potential evaluation were compared with the severity of observed damage, categorised in terms of the land damage grade developed from Tonkin & Taylor property inspections as well as from observed severity of liquefaction from aerial photography. For this purpose, the Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI) was used to represent the damage potential at each site. In addition, a comparison of the CPT-based strength profiles obtained before each of the major aftershocks was performed. The results suggest that the analysis of spatial and temporal variations of strength profiles gives a clear indication of the resulting liquefaction and re-liquefaction observed in Christchurch. The comparison of a limited number of CPT strength profiles before and after the earthquakes seems to indicate that no noticeable strengthening has occurred in Christchurch, making the area vulnerable to liquefaction induced land damage in future large-scale earthquakes.  相似文献   

1976年唐山大地震引发了范围广、灾害重的液化震害。铁道部科学研究院等单位于1977、1978年对液化场地进行了单桥静力触探测试。但单桥静力触探在数据指标方面存在缺陷,与国际标准不接轨。中国地震局工程力学研究所与东南大学等单位于2007年对上述唐山地区部分测点再次进行了孔压静力触探(CPTU)测试。本文通过对比2次静力触探数据,利用Robertson土质分类图,进行新孔压静力触探数据土类分层检验,将土类检验结果与单桥静力触探测试时钻孔柱状图进行对比,发现大部分测点土层土类均能较好对应,现场测试力学指标沿深度变化趋势较相符,仅剔除了错误点T2、T3。对所有测点选定液化层,分别建立基于单桥静力触探测试比贯入阻力ps和基于孔压静力触探测试锥尖阻力qc的液化数据库。利用基于静力触探测试(CPT)的我国规范液化判别方法检验了2个数据库,发现对单桥静力触探测试的数据库液化判别效果好,而对孔压静力触探测试的数据库液化判别效果较差,说明经过30年的时间,土层液化可能已发生较大改变。因此,基于孔压静力触探测试的液化数据库可靠性较低,基于该数据库对液化判别方法进行改进意义较小。  相似文献   

1976年唐山大地震导致了范围广、灾害严重的液化震害。地震发生后,已有学者对液化场地进行了2次静力触探测试。本文首先给出基于2次测试数据的唐山大地震CPT液化数据库,利用中国规范方法和NCEER推荐方法对数据库进行液化判别,发现针对第1次测试数据的判别成功率较高,而针对第2次测试数据的判别成功率较低。经30年的时间,绝大多数测试点的液化层强度与埋深均发生了较大变化,第2次测试时土层液化可能性已发生了较大变化,其测试数据对液化判别方法的改进意义较小。利用第2次测试的摩阻比Rf将第1次测试数据ps分解为qc和fs,相比第2次测试数据,分解指标具有更高的可靠性。为此基于第1次测试分解数据构建唐山大地震CPT液化数据库,为液化判别方法改进提供数据支持。  相似文献   

Evaluation of liquefaction potential using neural-networks and CPT results   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this research, a reliable Cone Penetration Test data set was gathered with a wide range of parameters. This data was incorporated in a Neural-Networks computer software called STATISTICA Neural-Networks. The back propagation algorithm with a multilayer perceptron network is utilized to analyze the liquefaction occurrence in different sites. In this study, different sets of effective parameters for the neural-network analyses are selected such that to reduce the noise and to obtain more accurate results.Considering the relative importance of effective parameters in liquefaction assessment, it is indicated that σ0, σ′0 together play a more important role than what previously was assumed and hence the relative importance of the qc and seismic parameters are decreased compared with the previous works. The results presented here have more accuracy than previous works while at the same time, the range of the parameters used in this study is much wider than what was previously used. This range of parameters makes the proposed method applicable for practical purposes.  相似文献   

Simplified methods have been practiced by researchers to assess nonlinear liquefaction potential of soil. Derived from several field and laboratory tests, various simplified procedures such as stress-based, strain-based, Chinese criteria, etc. have been developed by utilizing case studies and undisturbed soil specimens. In order to address the collective knowledge built up in conventional liquefaction engineering, an alternative general regression neural network model is proposed in this paper.To meet this objective, a total of 620 sets of data including 12 soil and seismic parameters are introduced into the model. The data includes the results of field tests from the two major earthquakes that took place in Turkey and Taiwan in 1999 and some of the desired input parameters are obtained from correlations existing in the literature.The proposed GRNN model was developed in four phases, mainly: identification phase, collection phase, implementation phase, and verification phase. An iterative procedure was followed to maximize the accuracy of the proposed model. The case records were divided randomly into testing, training, and validation datasets.Generating a model that takes into account of 12 soil and seismic parameters is not feasible by using simplified techniques; however, the proposed GRNN model effectively explored the complex relationship between the introduced soil and seismic input parameters and validated the liquefaction decision obtained by simplified methods. The proposed GRNN model predicted well the occurrence/nonoccurrence of soil liquefaction in these sites. The model provides a viable tool to geotechnical engineers in assessing seismic condition in sites susceptible to liquefaction.  相似文献   

Correlation between ground failure and soil conditions in Adapazari, Turkey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ground failure in Adapazari, Turkey during the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake (Mw=7.4) was severe. In four central downtown districts, where more than 1200 buildings collapsed or were heavily damaged, hundreds of structures tilted and penetrated into the ground due in part to liquefaction and ground softening. Based on a multi-institutional subsurface investigation program, soil conditions along four lines in which ground failure was surveyed after the earthquake are classified into four generalized subsurface site categories. This classification is primarily based on the presence or absence of shallow and intermediate depth liquefiable soils. Observations of ground failure are found to correlate well with site categories that are susceptible to liquefaction according to current state-of-the-art methods without strict adherence to the Chinese criteria. Soils that liquefied were found to meet the liquid limit and liquidity index conditions of the Chinese criteria. However, soils that liquefied did not typically meet the clay-size condition for liquefiable soils by the Chinese criteria.  相似文献   

Estimating severity of liquefaction-induced damage near foundation   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
An empirical procedure for estimating the severity of liquefaction-induced ground damage at or near foundations of existing buildings is established. The procedure is based on an examination of 30 case histories from recent earthquakes. The data for these case histories consist of observations of the damage that resulted from liquefaction, and the subsurface soil conditions as revealed by cone penetration tests. These field observations are used to classify these cases into one of three damaging effect categories, ‘no damage’, ‘minor to moderate damage’, and ‘major damage’. The potential for liquefaction-induced ground failure at each site is calculated and expressed as the probability of ground failure. The relationship between the probability of ground failure and the damage class is established, which allows for the evaluation of the severity of liquefaction-induced ground damage at or near foundations. The procedure presented herein represents a significant attempt to address the issue of liquefaction effect. Caution must be exercised, however, when using the proposed model and procedure for estimating liquefaction damage severity, because they are developed based on limited number of case histories.  相似文献   

1999年台湾集集地震震源破裂过程   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
使用GPS同震位移资料和远场P波记录,研究了1999年台湾集集地震震源破裂过程.根据地质构造和余震分布引入了一个由弯曲断层面构造的三段“铲状”断层模型.在使用静态GPS位移资料反演集集地震的断层破裂滑动分布时,由于集集地震断层北部近地表破裂的复杂性,在位错模型中考虑拉张分量对地表同震位移的贡献,可更好地同时拟合GPS观测资料的水平和垂向分量.而纯剪切位错弹性半空间模型和分层地壳模型都无法同时拟合水平和垂向GPS观测资料.在此基础上,同时使用静力学同震位移资料和远场地震波形记录,反演集集地震的震源破裂过程.结果表明,一种垂直于断层面的“挤压性”(负)拉张分量几乎集中分布于地震断层的浅部和北部转折处,而这一带地表破裂远较没有(负)拉张分量出现的南部断层复杂.“冒起构造”的数字模拟表明,这种在集集地震破裂转折处及北部断裂带广为出现的典型破裂造成的地表位移可以用具有负拉张分量(挤压)的逆冲断层更好地模拟.而这种负拉张分量(挤压)的分布正是地震破裂性质和几何复杂性的综合反映,震源破裂过程也显示北部转折处破裂在空间和时间上的复杂性.高滑区域与余震分布表现为负相关.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyze variability in rainfall threshold for debris flow (critical rainfall for debris flow triggering) after the ML 7.3 Chi-Chi earthquake in central Taiwan in 1999. Two study sites with different geological conditions were surveyed in the earthquake area. Streambed surveys were conducted to continuously monitor debris flows between 1999 and 2006. During the 7-year study period, every debris flow event was identified, and the streambed characterized. Results show that the rainfall threshold for debris flow was remarkably lower just after the Chi-Chi Earthquake, but gradually recovered. To date, this rainfall threshold is still lower than the original level prior to the earthquake. This variability in rainfall threshold is closely related to the mount of sediment material in the initiation area of debris flow, which increased rapidly due to landslides resulting from the earthquake. With the increase in sediment material, the rainfall threshold was lowered severely during the first year following the Chi-Chi earthquake. However, heavy rainfalls mobilized the sediment material, causing debris flows and transporting sediment downstream. With the decrease in sediment material, the rainfall threshold recovered gradually over time. Furthermore, debris flows occurred only in the subbasins that had sufficient sediment material to cause significant movement. Hence, these results confirm that the sediment material in the initiation area of debris flow is a crucial component of the rainfall threshold for debris flow.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on the analyses of seismically induced landslide at Degirmendere Nose during the 1999 Kocaeli (Izmit)-Turkey earthquake. The paper discusses: (1) observed ground deformations and displacements after the earthquake, (2) the results of field investigations by means of borings and in situ index tests including standard penetration tests, static cone penetration tests (CPT) and piezocone tests, (3) analyses of observed landslide mechanisms by a suite of methods and (4) potential effects of soil liquefaction rupture on the observed landslide mechanism.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of liquefaction-induced ground deformations at the Hotel Sapanca site during the 1999 Kocaeli (Izmit)—Turkey earthquake. The paper discusses: (1) observed ground deformations and displacements after the earthquake, (2) the results of field investigations by means of borings and in situ index tests including standard penetration tests (SPT), static cone penetration tests (CPT) and piezocone (CPTU) tests, (3) analyses of observed ground settlements and lateral deformations by a suite of methods, and (4) comparisons of observed and calculated ground movements.  相似文献   

The 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake (Mw = 7.6) was one of the strongest earthquakes in recent years recorded by a large number of strong-motion devices. Though only surface records are available, the obtained strong-motion database indicates the variety of ground responses in the near-fault zones. In this study, accelerograms of the Chi-Chi earthquake were simulated at rock and soil sites, and models of soil behavior were constructed at seven soil sites (TCU065, TCU072, TCU138, CHY026, CHY104, CHY074, and CHY015), for which parameters of the soil profiles are known down to depths of at least ~70 m and at 24 other soil sites, for which parameters of the soil profiles are known down to 30–40 m; all the sites were located within ~50 km from the fault. For reconstructing stresses and strains in the soil layers, we used a method similar to that developed for the estimation of soil behavior based on vertical array records. As input for the soil layers, acceleration time histories simulated by stochastic finite-fault modelling with a prescribed slip distribution over the fault plane were taken. In spite of the largeness of the earthquake’s magnitude and the proximity of the studied soil sites to the fault plane, the soil behavior at these sites was relatively simple, i.e., a fairly good agreement between the spectra of the observed and simulated accelerograms and between their waveforms was obtained even in cases where a single stress-strain relation was used to describe the behavior of whole soil thickness down to ~70–80 m during strong motion. Obviously, this is due to homogeneity in the characteristics of soil layers in depth. At all the studied sites, resonant phenomena in soil layers (down to ~40–60 m) and nonlinearity of soil response were the main factors defining soil behavior. At TCU065, TCU110, TCU115, CHY101, CHY036, and CHY039 liquefaction phenomena occurred in the upper soil layers, estimated strains achieved ~0.6–0.8%; at other stations, maximum strains in the soil layers were as high as 0.1–0.4%, according to our estimates. Thus, valuable data on the in situ soil behavior during the Chi-Chi earthquake was obtained. Similarity in the behavior of similar soils during the 1995 Kobe, 2000 Tottori (Japan), and Chi-Chi (Taiwan) earthquakes was found, indicating the possibility of forecasting soil behavior in future earthquakes. In the near-fault zones of the three earthquakes, “hard-type” soil behavior and resonant phenomena in the upper surface layers prevail, both leading to high acceleration amplitudes on the surface.  相似文献   

In this study, we preliminarily investigated the dynamic rupture process of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake by using an extended boundary integral equation method, in which the effect of ground surface can be exactly included. Parameters for numerical modeling were carefully assigned based on previous studies. Numerical results indicated that, although many simplifications are assumed, such as the fault plane is planar and all heterogeneities are neglected, distribution of slip is still consistent roug...  相似文献   

In this study, we preliminarily investigated the dynamic rupture process of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake by using an extended boundary integral equation method, in which the effect of ground surface can be exactly included. Parameters for numerical modeling were carefully assigned based on previous studies. Numerical results indicated that, although many simplifications are assumed, such as the fault plane is planar and all heterogeneities are neglected, distribution of slip is still consistent roughly with the results of kinematic inversion, implying that for earthquakes in which ruptures run up directly to the ground surface, the dynamic processes are controlled by geometry of the fault to a great extent. By taking the common feature inferred by various kinematic inversion studies as a restriction, we found that the critical slip-weakening distance <i<D</i<<sub<c</sub< should locate in a narrow region 60 cm, 70 cm, and supershear rupture might occur during this earthquake, if the initial shear stress before the mainshock is close to the local shear strength.  相似文献   

Chung-Ho  Wang  Chi-Yuen  Wang  Ching-Huei  Kuo  Wen-Fu  Chen 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):37-54
Abstract   The changes in the isotopic composition of, and the groundwater level in, the Choshui River alluvial fan near the ruptured Chelungpu Fault during and following the 1999 ( M w = 7.5) Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan are reported. Three aspects of the hydrological changes are noticed. First, following the Chi-Chi earthquake, the lower aquifers beneath the Choshui River fan showed a significant shift in isotopic composition towards that of the surface water in the Choshui River, suggesting enhanced exchanges of water between the river and the groundwater. Second, in some wells, water levels and isotopic compositions in different aquifers converged to the same respective values during the Chi-Chi earthquake, suggesting coseismic exchanges of water between the different aquifers, which implies enhanced permeability due perhaps to the fracturing and breaching of aquitards between the aquifers. Third, the pattern of the coseismic water-level response is distinctly different from that of the shift in the isotopic composition, suggesting that they were produced by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

1999年台湾集集大地震强地面运动的模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用有限断层模型对1999年台湾集集大地震所产生的近场强地面运动进行了数值模拟,尝试了将具有明确物理意义的震源动力模型的研究结果应用于描述震源过程。计算结果显示,基岩台或接近工程基岩台的计算模拟记录同观测记录符合得很好。进一步研究表明,当综合考虑场地效应对地震动影响时,模拟计算结果得到了明显的改善,同实际观测记录更为相符。本文的研究结果说明,为了科学合理地预测大地震所产生的强地面运动,应综合考虑影响地震所产生的地面运动的"三要素",即:震源过程、传播路径及场地效应。  相似文献   

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