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The well characterised temporal trend in the 206Pb/207Pb atom ratio of atmospheric lead deposition in Scotland during the 20th century was used to investigate the surface integrity of several cores collected by different methods from Flanders Moss ombrotrophic peat bog, central Scotland, during 1996–2001. Based on 206Pb/207Pb profile comparisons, in conjunction with identified 210Pb radionuclide inventory deficits for two of the cores, it was deduced that 25 ± 7 yrs worth of material was missing from the more seriously affected core. After allowing for an appropriate vertical offset based on 206Pb/207Pb profile matching, the subsequent matching of profiles of titanium, lead, sulfur, arsenic, iron, phosphorus and manganese in three cores for which total concentration data were available was excellent. Without such offset correction, erroneous conclusions could have been drawn concerning the recent historical record of anthropogenic lead and arsenic deposition, the position of the redox boundary, which controls geochemical cycling and enrichment of iron, and the nutrient recycling status of manganese and phosphorus in the near-surface vegetation. Topographic, vegetative and coring (both device and operator) influences may have been responsible, thus endorsing the use of reliable, multiple core sampling and the use of lead isotope ratio profiles, supplemented by appropriate radionuclide data, in both assessing and ensuring the surface integrity of peat cores.  相似文献   

Peat cores from ombrotrophic bogs have been used as a valuable archive to study environmental change for over a century. Much of this focus on the peat record has been on biological proxies of environmental change, such as pollen and peat-forming macrofossils, but there is growing interest in the geochemical record to study environmental changes. Several studies of long-term peat records in Europe have reconstructed past changes in atmospheric lead pollution, for example, and the general cohesiveness of the results and their agreement with known historical trends in metal production exemplify the best potential of peat geochemistry as an environmental archive. Based on the success with lead, a current emphasis in peat reconstructions is to assess the record of past mercury deposition and results thus far show generally consistent trends, e.g., a pre-anthropogenic mercury accumulation rate of about 0.5–1.5 μg Hg m− 2 year− 1. Despite this general consistency there is increasing concern that there may be diagenetic effects on the quantitative record of some metals, which can be inferred based on a strong relationship between mercury and other organically bound elements and proxies for peat decomposition (C/N ratio). However, it is possible that changes in decomposition and the alteration of some metal records could provide climatic information. A few recent studies show that closer examination of the geochemical matrix, in some cases along with biological proxies, can provide valuable information on landscape changes and climate; for example, partitioning metals into different weight fractions and source regions can be applied to climate studies. The best interpretations of the peat geochemical record in the context of environmental and climate change will likely come when geochemical and biological records are considered simultaneously.  相似文献   

Ten Sphagnum fuscum peat samples collected from different depths of a core including the layer affected by the 1908 Tunguska explosion in the Tunguska area of Central Siberia, Russia, were analyzed by ICP-MS to determine the concentrations of Pd, Rh, Ru, Co, REE, Y, Sr, and Sc. The analytical results indicate that the Pd and Rh concentrations in the event- and lower layers were 14.0–19.9, and 1.23–1.56 ppb, respectively, about 3–9 times and 3 times higher than the background values in the normal layers. In addition, the patterns of CI-chondrite-normalized REE in the event layers were much flatter than in the normal layers, and differed from those in the nearby traps. Hence, it can be inferred from the characteristics of the elemental geochemistry that the explosion was probably associated with extraterrestrial material, and which, most probably, was a small comet core the dust fraction of which was chemically similar to carbonaceous chondrites (CI). In terms of the Pd and REE excess fluxes in the explosion area, it can be estimated that the celestial body that exploded over Tunguska in 1908 weighed more than 106 t, corresponding to a radius of >60 m. If the celestial body was a comet, then its total mass was more than 2×107 t, and it had >160 m radius, and released an energy of >107 t TNT.  相似文献   

The lack of self consistency in the current wind accretion models is pointed out. Taking account of δr ≠ 0, the modification equations of orbital parameters are re-deduced. Combined with wind accretion scenarios, calculations of nucleosynthesis for intrinsic AGB stars are first used to calculate s-process enrichments of Ba stars. Comparisons are also made between the predictions of calculations and the observations. It is found that predictions from the model for the standard case are an upper limit to the observations. Better agreements are obtained either by increasing the wind velocity or reducing the accretion rate.  相似文献   

More than 7000 positions of moving objects have been detected on 33 films obtained with the Schmidt telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile during August and September 1995. The majority of these asteroids are previously unobserved. This paper presents the astrometric methods as well as the magnitude determinations. The derived positions for the numbered asteroids are presented and for these improved orbital elements have been calculated using all available positions.  相似文献   

More than 7 000 positions of moving objects were detected on 33 films obtained with the Schmidt telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile during August and September 1995. The majority of these asteroids are previously unobserved. This paper presents the results for 62 unnumbered asteroids with provisional designations found in the fields. References to the derived positions for these asteroids are given and improved orbital elements have been calculated using all available positions.  相似文献   

Starting from the classical expansion of the perturbing function in the three‐body problem, the transformation to individual orbital elements is performed in principle up to any degree in small parameters. Some corrections to the results presented in the well‐known article by Yuasa on secular perturbations of asteroids are given. Consequences for the expansion of the indirect part of the perturbing function are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A new theory for the calculation of proper elements, taking into account terms of degree four in the eccentricities and inclinations, and also terms of order two in the mass of Jupiter, has been derived and programmed in a self contained code. It has many advantages with respect to the previous ones. Being fully analytical, it defines an explicit algorithm applicable to any chosen set of orbits. Unlike first order theories, it takes into account the effect of shallow resonances upon the secular frequencies; this effect is quite substantial, e.g. for Themis. Short periodic effects are corrected for by a rigorous procedure. Unlike linear theories, it accounts for the effects of higher degree terms and can thus be applied to asteroids with low to moderate eccentricity and inclination; secular resonances resulting from the combination of up to four secular frequencies can be accounted for. The new theory is self checking : the proper elements being computed with an iterative algorithm, the behaviour of the iteration can be used to define a quality code. The amount of computation required for a single set of osculating elements, although not negligible, is such that the method can be systematically applied on long lists of osculating orbital elements, taken either from catalogues of observed objects or from the output of orbit computations. As a result, this theory has been used to derive proper elements for 4100 numbered asteroids, and to test the accuracy by means of numerical integrations. These results are discussed both from a quantitative point of view, to derive an a posteriori accuracy of the proper elements sets, and from a qualitative one, by comparison with the higher degree secular resonance theory.  相似文献   

Results of analysis of photoelectric observations of the RS CVn eclipsing binary WY Cancri in the standard passbands ofUBV during 1973-74, 1976-79 and inUBVRI during 1984-86 are reported. A preliminary analysis of the eclipses suggested the primary eclipse to be transit. A study of the percentage contribution of the distortion wave amplitudes in all the colours with respect to the luminosities of both components, showed the hotter component to be the source of the distortion wave. The clean (wave removed) light curves of different epochs have not merged, suggesting residual effects of spot activity. The reason for this is attributed to the presence of either (1) polar spots or (2) small spots uniformly distributed all over the surface of the hotter component. This additional variation is found to have a periodicity of about 50 years or more. The distortion waves in yellow colour are modelled according to Budding’s (1977) method. For getting the best fit of the observations and theory, it was found necessary to assume three or four spots on the surface of the hot component. Out of these four spot groups, three are found to have direct motion with migration periods of 1.01, 1.01 and 2.51 years while the fourth one has a retrograde motion with a migration period of 3.01 years. From these periods and the latitudes of the spots derived from the model a co-rotating latitude of 4ℴ is obtained. The temperatures of these spots are found to be lower than that of the photosphere by about 700ℴK to 800ℴK. Assuming the light curve of 1985-86, which is the brightest of all the observed seasons, to be least affected by the spots, the light curves of the other seasons are all brought up to the quadrature level of this season by applying suitable corrections. The merged curves in theUBVRI colours are analysed for the elements by the Wilson-Devinney method. This analysis yielded the following absolute elements:

In this paper, the expansion of the Earth's zonal potential is established analytically in terms of KS regular elements whatever the power of the eccentricity e(e < l) and the number of the zonal harmonics may be.  相似文献   

This paper is a result of the evolution of researches on the prediction and identification of the solar EUV spectrum by Ivanov-Holodny and the author.An absolute calibration of the solar EUV spectrum is given. The corresponding energy distribution is shown in Figure 2. During the minimum solar activity the radiation flux in the range below 1027 Å near the earth is 2.6 erg/cm2 sec, in the maximum it is 8 erg/cm2 sec.Abundances of fifteen elements in the solar atmosphere were deduced (Table III) from a comparison of predicted and observed intensities of more than 300 lines in the spectral region below 1215 Å.  相似文献   

Abstract— Linear discriminant analysis and logistic regression have been applied to concentration data for 10 labile trace elements (Rb, Ag, Se, Cs, Te, Zn, Cd, Bi, Tl and In) in 33 Antarctic H4–6 chondrites. The proportion of bulk Fe in the Fe3+ state, Fe3+/Fe, of these same chondrites permit their assignment to less- and more-weathered suites. Wherever the division between these suites is placed, the results are identical and consistent with the null hypothesis that the suites sample a single preterrestrial compositional population. Hence, no evidence exists that preterrestrial contents of labile trace elements in Antarctic H4–6 chondrites have been significantly altered by weathering as quantified by Fe3+/Fe or the A-B-C weathering index.  相似文献   

Highly accurate W BV R photometric measurements of the eclipsing binary HP Aur were performed in 2002–2003 with the 48-cm AZT-14 reflector at the Tien-Shan High-Altitude Observatory to determine the rate of apsidal motion. A consistent system of physical and geometrical parameters of the components and the binary as a whole has been constructed for the first time by analyzing these new measurements together with other published data: we determined their radii (R1 = 1.05R, R2 = 0.82R) and luminosities (L1 = 1.10L, L2 = 0.46L), spectral types (G2V + G8V) and surface gravities (log g1 = 4.38, log g2 = 4.51), age (t = 9.5 × 109 yr), and the distance to the binary (d = 197 pc). We detected an ultraviolet excess in the spectra of both components, \(\Delta (W - B) \simeq - 0\mathop .\limits^m 25\), that is probably attributable to a metal deficiency in the atmospheres of these stars. In this system of two solar-type stars, we found a third body with the mass M3 sin i 3 3 = 0.17M that revolved with the period P3 = 13.7 yr around the eclipsing binary in a highly eccentric elliptical orbit: e3 = 0.70 and A3 sin i3 ? 7 AU. The orbit of the eclipsing binary itself was shown to be also elliptical, but with a low eccentricity (e = 0.0025(5)), while apsidal motion with a period Uobs > 80 yr was observed at a theoretically expected period Uth ≈ 92 yr. At least 20 to 30 more years of photoelectric measurements of this star will be required to reliably determine Uobs.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report neutron activation analyses, including radiochemical determination of trace siderophile elements (Au, Ge, Ir, Ni, Os and Re), for three SNC/martian meteorites, and Os and Re results for numerous eucrites. Ratios such as Ga/Al in the SNC orthopyroxenite ALH84001 confirm its martian affinity—its many distinctive characteristics, most notably its near-primordial age, notwithstanding. To the list of ALH84001's idiosyncrasies can now be added extraordinarily low concentrations of Au, Ni and, especially, Re (17 pg/g), for a martian meteorite. We consider several possible origins for the anomalously low Re content in ALH84001, including metasomatism or alteration. The pyroxene-cumulate nature of this rock probably does not account for its low Re content. Other SNC meteorites are also cumulates. An examination of Re-Nd variations among terrestrial basalts and komatiites suggests that Re is compatible with mantle minerals in general and only incompatible with olivine (however, olivine dominates the mantle residuum, especially during komatiite genesis). Our preferred model is that the ALH84001 parent melt formed in a mantle source region that was far more Re-depleted, and/or at a substantially lower oxygen fugacity, than the sources of the young SNC meteorites. Such a contrast is consistent with models that replenish siderophile elements in planetary mantles by gradual admixture of late-accreting matter and similarly derive most planetary water (which serves as an oxidant) very late in accretion. According to this model, ALH84001 formed before the siderophile-rich matter and water had been mixed well into the martian interior. Possibly the martian mantle never became generally as Re-rich and/or oxidized as the source region(s) of the younger SNCs.  相似文献   

We present Cassini data revealing that protons between a few keV and about 100 keV energy are not stably trapped in Saturn's inner magnetosphere. Instead these ions are present only for relatively short times following injections. Injected protons are lost principally because the neutral gas cloud converts these particles to energetic neutral atoms via charge exchange. At higher energies, in the MeV to GeV range, protons are stably trapped between the orbits of the principal moons because the proton cross-section for charge exchange is very small at such energies. These protons likely result from cosmic ray albedo neutron decay (CRAND) and are lost principally to interactions with satellite surfaces and ring particles during magnetospheric radial diffusion. A main result of this work is to show that the dominant energetic proton loss and source processes are a function of proton energy. Surface sputtering by keV ions is revisited based on the reduced ion intensities observed. Relatively speaking, MeV ion and electron weathering is most important closer to Saturn, e.g. at Janus and Mimas, whereas keV ion weathering is most important farther out, at Dione and Rhea.  相似文献   

Isotopic-geochemical investigations were carried out on peat samples from the 1908 Tunguska Cosmic Body (TCB) explosion area. We analyzed two peat columns from the Northern peat bog, sampled in 1998, and from the Raketka peat bog, sampled during the 1999 Italian expedition, both located near the epicenter of the TCB explosion area. At the depth of the “catastrophic” layer, formed in 1908, and deeper, one can observe shifts in the isotopic composition of nitrogen (up to Δ15N = +7.2‰) and carbon (up to Δ13C = +2‰) and also an increase in the nitrogen concentration compared to those in the normal, upper layers, unaffected by the Tunguska event. One possible explanation for these effects could be the presence of nitrogen and carbon from TCB material and from acid rains, following the TCB explosion, in the “catastrophic” and “precatastrophic” layers of peat. We found that the highest quantity of isotopically heavy nitrogen fell near the explosion epicenter and along the TCB trajectory. It is calculated that 200,000 tons of nitrogen fell over the area of devastated forest, i.e., only about 30% of the value calculated by Rasmussen et al. (1984). This discrepancy is probably caused by part of the nitrogen having dispersed in the Earth’s atmosphere. The isotopic effects observed in the peat agree with the results of previous investigations [Kolesnikov et al 1998a], [Kolesnikov et al 1998b], [Kolesnikov et al 1999] and [Rasmussen et al 1999] and also with the increased content of iridium and other platinoids found in the corresponding peat layers of other columns [Hou et al 1998] and [Hou et al 2000]. These data favor the hypothesis of a cosmochemical origin of the isotopic effects.  相似文献   

A new non-singular analytical theory for the motion of near-Earth satellite orbits with the air drag effect is developed in terms of uniformly regular KS canonical elements. Diurnally varying oblate atmosphere is considered with variation in density scale height dependent on altitude. The series expansion method is utilized to generate the analytical solutions and terms up to fourth-order terms in eccentricity and c (a small parameter dependent on the flattening of the atmosphere) are retained. Only two of the nine equations are solved analytically to compute the state vector and change in energy at the end of each revolution, due to symmetry in the equations of motion. The important drag perturbed orbital parameters: semi-major axis and eccentricity are obtained up to 500 revolutions, with the present analytical theory and by numerical integration over a wide range of perigee height, eccentricity and inclination. The differences between the two are found to be very less. A comparison between the theories generated with terms up to third- and fourth-order terms in c and e shows an improvement in the computation of the orbital parameters semi-major axis and eccentricity, up to 9%. The theory can be effectively used for the re-entry of the near-Earth objects, which mainly decay due to atmospheric drag.  相似文献   

Analytical theory for short-term orbit motion of satellite orbits with Earth's zonal harmonicsJ 3 andJ 4 is developed in terms of KS elements. Due to symmetry in KS element equations, only two of the nine equations are integrated analytically. The series expansions include terms of third power in the eccentricity. Numerical studies with two test cases reveal that orbital elements obtained from the analytical expressions match quite well with numerically integrated values during a revolution. Typically for an orbit with perigee height, eccentricity and inclination of 421.9 km, 0.17524 and 30 degrees, respectively, maximum differences of 27 and 25 cm in semimajor axis computation are noted withJ 3 andJ 4 term during a revolution. For application purposes, the analytical solutions can be used for accurate onboard computation of state vector in navigation and guidance packages.  相似文献   

四颗射电源在依巴谷和PPM星表中的光学定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用北京天文台施密特望远镜的CCD巡天资料(BATC)中的20次观测,用IRAF软件处理得到星象中心位置,以依巴谷星表和PPM星表作为参考星表,用底片常数法进行处理,得到4颗河外射电源0851 202,1228 126,1442 101,1749 701的光学位置。文中还对所得到的位置与射电位置作了比较。  相似文献   

A new non-singular analytical theory for the contraction of near-Earth satellite orbits under the influence of air drag is developed in terms of uniformly regular Kustaanheimo and Stiefel (KS) canonical elements using an oblate atmosphere with variation of density scale height with altitude. The series expansions include up to fourth power in terms of eccentricity and c (a small parameter dependent on the flattening of the atmosphere). Only two of the nine equations are solved analytically to compute the state vector and change in energy at the end of each revolution, due to symmetry in the equations of motion. It is observed that the analytically computed values of the semi-major axis and eccentricity are consistent with the numerically integrated values up to 500 revolutions over a wide range of the drag-perturbed orbital parameters. The theory can be effectively used for re-entry of near-Earth objects.  相似文献   

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