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本研究采取苗种强化培育、坑道培育大规格苗种、湖间带鲍参混养等相结合,并配套适当技术措施,促进鲍快速生长,缩短养殖周期一年左右,提高成活率15%以上,增加经济效益200%左右,形成鲍高效养殖的较理想模式。  相似文献   

九孔鲍肠道及其养殖水体中弧菌抗药性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为更好地防治鲍鱼病害的发生和流行,我们对分离自广东汕尾粤顺鲍鱼养殖场九孔鲍肠道及其养殖水体的弧菌菌株的耐药性进行了研究。对所分离鉴定的菌株进行了16种抗生素药物敏感性试验。结果表明,对绝大多数分离的菌株,四环素、青霉素G、卡那霉素、丁胺卡那霉素和新生霉素都不敏感或无作用,氟哌酸、红霉素、氯霉素以及环丙沙星等则均比较敏感:复方新诺明、链霉素和多粘霉素B对所有所实验的菌株均有作用。  相似文献   

本文对筏式养鲍的海区条件、苗种饵料选择、病害防治、养殖技术及管理措施等方面进行了初步研究。本实验共筏养10万头鲍鱼,经三年养成,成活率达80%以上,年亩纯益达四万元,明显高于其他海水养殖品种。  相似文献   

黄万红 《台湾海峡》2005,24(4):526-532
在福建沿海养殖的九孔鲍不论是成鲍还是幼鲍均经常发生脓疱病,死亡率可达 50%-60%,其症状与皱纹盘鲍脓疱病相似,但对药物的敏感性却不同.研究发现: 导致福建省的九孔鲍发生脓疱病的主要致病菌为溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)而非 河流弧菌(V.fluvialis).其对多数药物不敏感,在43种抗菌药物中只对呋喃妥因、氯霉 素、痢特灵等中度敏感,而对青霉素、复方新诺明和头孢类药物则完全不敏感.由于上述 药物已被列为禁用渔药而不宜使用,故生产中应以新研制的无公害防治药物替代.  相似文献   

浅海围网养殖是一种全新的海水生态养殖方式,敷设在开放性海域,承受风、浪和流的作用,产生复杂的水动力。本文根据养殖围网海上实际敷设情况和水文条件,基于松田皎模型准则设计制作了长方体、圆柱体和球体3种不同浮筒形状的浮绳式柔性框架养殖围网模型。在循环动水槽中采用预加张力的系泊方法测试了不同流速和系泊角度下围网框架纲和系泊缆绳的张力特征变化。研究结果显示:流速与张力的关联度大于系泊角度与张力的关联度;流速小于35cm/s时,系泊缆绳的张力变化较平稳;系泊角度在63°和74°之间时,系泊缆绳和框架纲张力的变化较平稳,且当系泊角度为71°时,张力相对较小;相比其他2种浮筒类型围网,长方体浮筒浮绳式框架养殖围网的系泊缆绳和框架纲张力的变化相对较平稳。  相似文献   

浙江省养鲍业的探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
面对目前浙江省养鲍业停滞的现状,对适宜于浙江沿海养殖的鲍鱼品种和养殖技术进行了探讨,提出浙江省应选择盘鲍为主要养殖对象,以海陆交替养殖为主要养殖模式,走产业化道路。  相似文献   

渤海南部海域沉积物上覆海水与颗粒物中的磷与硅   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了渤海南部海域沉积物上覆水、悬浮颗粒物中P、Si的变化特征。上覆水体PO4-P、SiO3-Si的平均含量均低于大洋底层水PO4-P、SiO3-Si的平均含量,二者具有相似的循环控制机制。悬浮颗粒物中无机磷、生源态磷(TIP、BP)的来源和循环控制机制不同,无机硅、生源态硅(TISi、BSi)有一定的相似性。稀释作用和表层沉积物中可交换态P、Si的循环控制上覆水体中P、Si的地球化学行为。颗粒物中TIP、TISi的行为受离子交换和化学吸附过程影响,其中化学吸附可能与Fe(Ⅲ)的氧化物有关;生物过程对颗粒物中生源P、Si的地球化学行为有重要影响。  相似文献   

胶州湾东北部养殖海区环境质量状况及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于2006年2月、5月、8月、11月胶州湾东北部养殖海区现场调查结果,采用单因子指数、富营养化指数、有机污染指数对环境状况进行了分析评价。结果表明:该海域主要受到无机N、P污染;COD在夏、秋季符合一类,但在冬、春季只达到国家二类海水水质标准;DO全部符合国家一类海水水质标准。通过站位间的比较发现,东北部沧口水域环境质量最差,全年处于富营养化状态,有机污染介于轻度到严重污染之间。红岛附近水质较好,不存在有机污染,只有春、秋季达到富营养化水平。研究结果显示该海域主要受陆源污染,且与现有污水处理不能有效去除无机N、P营养盐有关。  相似文献   

Behavior features of heavy metals in the Haikou Bay waters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INThonUCrIONBecause of the discharge of industrial waste water, waste residue, waste gas and acid rain theheavy metals concentration in river and lake and eventually in seawater have been increasing.Therefore many studies on heavy metals innuencing marine ecological environment have beencarried out (Sun et al., 1990; Sunda and Guillard, 1976; Zhu et al., 1992). After entering intothe sea, heavy metals change, transfer and transform, and these processes have gained attentionfrom marine envi…  相似文献   

We developed a Global Ocean Circulation and Tide Model (GOCTM) with coarse grids in the open deep ocean degrading ‘smoothly’ into the highly resolved China Seas (CS) of refined grids to study the tides and circulation there.GOCTM is based on the framework of the Finite Volume approach for better mass conservation through improved transports across the discrete individual control volume.It also takes a full advantage of the geometric flexibility of unstructured mesh using a realistic global topography including the Arctic Ocean.The CS are given a special focus by refining the unstructured grids,but they are embedded into global domain naturally.Furthermore,GOCTM not only successfully avoids the treatment of the open boundaries,but also optimizes the trade-off between computational cost and model accuracy.Meanwhile,GOCTM is driven by the astronomical tide-generating potential and the secondary tide-generating potential directly,together with the wind stress and heat flux.GOCTM succeeds in reproducing the global eight principal tidal harmonic constants.Particularly,the simulated tidal results in the CS are improved compared to some other regional models with the discrepancy of 3.9 cm for M 2 tide.This idea of GOCTM can also be referred for other regional ocean study.  相似文献   

胶州湾海水中悬浮颗粒对溶解态微量元素的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用离子色谱离线螯合结合ICP-MS的方法,对胶州湾海水中的微量元素(V,Co,Ni,Cu,Mo,Cd,Pb,U,REEs)进行了精确的定量分析。在测试前对在同一站位不同层位采集的平行海水样品进行了两种不同的酸化处理:一份采取先过滤后酸化的方式,以获得海水中溶解态微量元素的含量;另一份采取直接酸化后分析的方式,以评估悬浮颗粒中的可交换态微量元素对溶解态微量元素测定结果可能造成的影响。通过对比研究发现,不同处理方法得到的V、Ni、Cu、Co、Pb以及稀土元素(REEs)的质量浓度存在很大差异,说明悬浮颗粒物质可能对海水中相应元素的测定产生较大的影响。各种微量元素之间的差异和相应离子或离子团的电荷性质、在海水中的配位作用以及悬浮颗粒物质的表面电荷性质有关。初步研究结果表明,在类似于胶州湾这样的近海海域,悬浮颗粒物质是控制微量元素分布特征的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

A singular perturbation analysis based on the WKB technique to study the hydrodynamic performance of periodic ocean waves that are incident on an open parabolic channel of constant depth is proposed. We derive a linear model to predict the propagation of the long ocean waves into the channel. In this manner, the spatial distribution for the surface elevation of the ocean waves inside the channel as a function of two dimensionless parameters, namely, a kinematical parameter, κ and a geometrical parameter ε, is governed by a second-order ordinary differential equation. The kinematical parameter κ denotes the ratio of the potential head, due to gravity, to the kinetic head of the ocean waves along the longitudinal axis of the parabolic channel. Meanwhile, ε is a dimensionless geometrical parameter that represents a characteristic ratio of the parabolic channel. Using matching conditions, simple expressions for the reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained.  相似文献   

The sea ice conditions in the Kara Sea have important impacts on Arctic shipping, oil and gas production, and marine environmental changes. In this study, sea ice coverage (CR) less than 30% is considered as open water, its onset and end dates are defined as Topen and Tclose, respectively. The sea ice melt onset (Tmelt) is defined as the date when ice-sea freshwater flux initially changes from ice into the ocean. Satellite-based sea ice concentration (SIC) from 1989 to 2019 shows a negative correlation between Topen and Tclose (r = –0.77, p < 0.01) in the Kara Sea. This phenomenon is also obtained through analyzing the hindcast simulation from 1994 to 2015 by a coupled ocean and sea-ice model (NAPA1/4). The model results reveal that thermodynamics dominate the sea ice variations, and ice basal melt is greater than the ice surface melt. Heat budget estimation suggests that the heat flux is significant correlated with Topen (r = –0.95, p < 0.01) during the melt period (the duration of multi-year averaged Tmelt to Topen) influenced by the sea ice conditions. Additionally, this heat flux is also suggested to dominate the interannual variation of the heat input during the whole heat absorption process (r = 0.81, p < 0.01). The more heat input during this process leads to later Tclose (r = 0.77, p < 0.01). This is the physical basis of the negative correlation between Topen and Tclose. Therefore, the duration of open water can be predicted by Topen and thence support earlier planning of marine activities.  相似文献   

综述了中国台湾地区及世界其他主 要海水养殖国家和地区的养殖鱼类病毒性疾病的流行情况、防治方法、病原特征、宿主范围 和组织病理学特征,目的在于让养殖者了解鱼类病毒病已在世界范围内频发,希望能引起各 方面的重视。  相似文献   

A method for ploidy verification of triploid and diploid Haliotis midae was developed using molecular microsatellite markers. In all, 30 microsatellite loci were tested in control populations. A final micro satellite multiplex consisting of seven markers were optimised and a complete protocol is reported. This protocol was successfully applied in identifying the ploidy levels of 42 ploidy-unknown abalone, showing the utility of microsatellite markers as tools for verifying the ploidy of individual abalone. The protocol can be applied in larger animals for which the isolation of nuclei and metaphase chromosomes from tissues is difficult.  相似文献   

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