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1 INTRODUCTION Rivers as a source of life can at the same time impose devastating conditions on the environment. It is , therefore, imperative to analyse and predict river behaviour for different given conditions and engineering activities. Therefore, the use of simulation tools in this field has become a necessity. Many computational tools for simulation of sediment transport in rivers are now available that can be used for prediction and design under different flow conditions. However, …  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONThemultigridmethod(Brandt,1988)iswidelyusedinmanydisciplinesandengineeringsubjects,especiallyintheareaofComputationalFluidMechanicsbecauseofitshighefficiencyincomputation.Themultigridmethodhasbeenprovenintheorytobeoneofbestnumericalmethodsforsolvinglinearellipticproblemsbecausetheloadofcomplltationisindirectproportiontothenumberofgridnodes;theconvergentspeedofmultigridmethodisirrelevanttothesizeofgird.Soitissuitableforthenumericalsimulationoffullscaleengineeringprojects.The…  相似文献   

LABRIEFINTRODUCTIONOFRANDUNIRRIGATIONDISTRICTYellowRiverisoneofthemainWaterresourcesinNOrthChina.SincethefiftiesirrigationbydivertingwaterfromtheYellowforerdevelOPssteadily.AstheYdlowforerisaheavilysacmentsladenone,sedimentisdiVertedsimultaneouslywhenwaterisdiverted.HOwtoproperlytreatthedivertedsedimentboomesoneOfthekeyproblemsrestrichngthesustainingdevelOPmentofthCwaterresourcesinthatarea.LongchStanceconvopngsedimentisoneofthemainmeasuresfordealingwiththediVertedsedim…  相似文献   

The 3D numerical model, ECOMSED (open source code), was used to simulate flow and sediment transport in rivers. The model has a long history of successful applications to oceanic, coastal and estuarine waters. Improvements in the advection scheme, treatment of river roughness parameterization and shear stress partitioning were necessary to reproduce realistic and comparable results in a river application. To account for the dynamics of the mobile bed boundary, a model for the bed load transport was included in the code. The model reproduced observed secondary currents, bed shear stress distribution and erosion-deposition patterns on a curved channel. The model also successfully predicted the general flow patterns and sediment transport characteristics of a 1-km long reach of the River Klar?lven, located in the north of the county of V?rmland, Sweden.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Reservoirs sedimentation is a serious problem in many countries, including the I. R. of Iran. Accumulation of sediment deposits decreases worldwide reservoir storage capacity by one percent per year (Mahmood, 1987). The loss of reservoir st…  相似文献   

LINTRODUCTIONJinghongHydraulicPowerPlant,locatedintheload,erreachesofLanchangmyer,trib.ofMekong,isintheNorthOfJinghongCity.Thepowerstationisamultipurposehydro-junction,includingelectricpowergeneration,shipping,floodcontrol,cultivahonandwatersupply.SimaoPort,animportanttransportcenterinSimaoDistriCt,YunnanProvince,isabollt80kmaamsuPStreamofthedam.Anerthereservoirisimpounded,thewaterstagewillriseandagreatamountofsedimentwillbedepositedintheriverbedinevitably.Asaresult,itisverylikelyt…  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONEstUariesareprominentcoastalfeatUres.Estuariesareofgreateconomicssignificancetomankind.Attheseareas,manyharborsandwaterchannelshavetobebuiltforeconomicpurposes.ThedesignandconstrUctionofcoastalstrUctUresinestUariesrequireknowledgeofhydrodynamicsaswellassedimenttransportinsuchregions.ThenatUreofestuariesiscontrolledbyvariouscoastalhydrodynamicprocesses.Undertheactionofhydrodynamics,sedimentdepositionsorerosionswilloccurinestuariesornearcoastalstrUCtures.Tomaintainnavigati…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION The rate of gully erosion is dominated by the upstream migration of existing nick-points called headcut.Due to the shape of the headcut,the flow from the upstream channel impinges into the pool of the scour hole and forms a complex three-dimensional flow structure.The turbulent flow deepens the scour hole,transports the eroded material downstream,undercuts the headcut wall and creates gravitational slumping of the gully head material.In reality,the occurrence of a head cut i…  相似文献   

SEDIMENT TRANSPORT IN TIIE YANGTZE RIVER ESTUARYSHEN Zhigang'ANSTa^CTThe hy~ntalc and the sedimen tranSport Patter'nS within the estUaIy of the YangtZe mver arecomPlex because of intemehon of fluvial and the hdal forCes, depending on freshwate discharge andhdal range. Based on the data measuIed in meent years, thes papo discusses the characterishcs of flowand sNnt movemen in the tw forer EstUaIy and their iIifluences on the evolution of theestuaryKey W: YangtZe mver…  相似文献   

LINTRODUCTIONTheYellowforeriswellknownasaheavilysilt-caacingriverintheworld.Haaer-concentratedfloodsoftenoccurinitsmasterstemandaswellasthetriblltaries.ThecharacteristicsofdeformationandsedimellttranSportdifferfromreachtOreach.Duetohighsedimelltconcelltration,StrongfluvialactionandthenatUreofunSteadysedimenttranSPOrt,problemsandabnormalphenomenonareoflencreated.ThelaterbringinimpacttOnoodcontrolOfthelowerreach.Thus,itishelpfultoenhancetheunderstandingofthemotionlawsOfhaer-concentrat…  相似文献   

A new method based on the Transport Capacity Fraction (TCF) concept is proposed to compute the fractional transport rates for nonuniform sediment mixtures in sand-bed channels. The TCF concept is derived from the understanding that the measurements and predictions of bed-material load are more accurate and reliable than the measurements and predictions of fractional loads. First the bed-material load is computed using an appropriate equation, then the fractional transport rates are determined by distributing the bed-material load into size groups through a transport capacity distribution function. For the computation of bed-material loads, the Ackers and White, Engelund and Hansen, and Yang equations are used in this study. Two new transport capacity distribution functions are developed for flows in sand-bed channels. The new expressions presented in this paper account for the sheltering and exposure effects that exist in mixtures. Comparisons with measured data show that the proposed method can signifi  相似文献   

Based on long-term measurements at three gauging stations, Toudaoguai, Fugu and Hequ, and one meteorological station, this article discusses the features of discharge (Q) and sediment concentration (Cs) of a river reach of the Yellow River with a reservoir located in the Loess Plateau. The impacts of the local sub-watershed between Toudaoguai and Fugu gauging stations on sediment budget to the Yellow River have been analyzed. In addition, the deposition processes in the Tianqiao Reservoir have been investigated. Results show over 80% of the precipitation that falls in the local subwatershed is unable to contribute to the Yellow River runoff process. It is found that the annualmaximum sediment concentration is usually less than 30 kg/m^3 during flood seasons at Toudaoguai Gauging Station, but the sediment concentration varies dramatically at Fugu Gauging Station. About 35% of the sediment eroded in the sub-watersheds between Toudaoguai and Fugu gauging stationswas produced from the Huangfuchuan sub-watershed which has a drainage area accounting only for 10% of the drainage area between Toudaoguai and Fugu gauging stations. The Tianqiao Reservoir generally has deposition during the summer flood season, and scouring during the non-flood season.On average, over 85% of deposited sediment in the reservoir occurs in the 12 km long lower reservoir reach. The volume of annual deposition in the reservoir mainly depends on the volume of water from the local region between Hequ and Fugu gauging stations.  相似文献   

The Changjiang River is characterized by the enormous volume of runoff and the great amount of sediment load with remarkable seasonal variation. The annual runoff sometimes is respondent to the amount of sediment load, and sometimes not. The amount of monthly sediment load after the month of the maximum runoff is larger than those before the month. The sediment concentration and net quantity of sediment transport in the vicinity of the river mouth varies greatly in time between the ebb and flood, spring and neap, and dry seasons and flood seasons. The three bifurcations also have differences in concentration and net quantity in space. Even in the same bifurcation they have differences in and out of the sand bar. At present, the North Channel is the main passage for water and sediment load emptying into the sea from the Changjiang River. More than 50 percent of the sediments from the river basin are deposited nearby the South Branch entrance and the main depositional area is situated in subaqueous delta off the South Channel. Between 122°30'E and 123°E is an important boundary for eastward sediment dispersion from which the suspended sediment are dispersed towards the east by south.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONUnderstanding the flow characters in open channel or other water area, whether natufal water bodies(such as rivers and estuaries) or man-made strUctures (such as navigational channels, harbors), isimportant for addressing numerous hydraulic engineering problems. These include the selechons ofsuitable waste disposal sites, contndnant transport, sediment transport and other ecological problems.The major difficulty for solving these problems is that it often requires an optimal…  相似文献   

1NFLU'ENCE OF SEDmeNT TRANSPORT ON ARMORED SURFACESKatinka KOLLl bo Antheas DrmCHlAbstract:LaboratOry exWnts have been cAned ou to stUdy the chateristics of stwen tZ'ansport inSteeP tw. The question is discussed wether an annM sMs is deStroyed due tD thebosport of material, because addihonal wises are tw on iL or the laye is shehe by thetranSN medal, beause a part of the stream poWer is used to move the material. Accordin tothe resultS of the PresN exH' in Wh the Me…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONThe selection of aPPropriate sediment transport fOrmulas under different flow and sedfornt conditions isimPoftant tO the sedimen tusPort and river morphologic stUdies of a river. There are numrousWlas published in professional joumals and summarized in sediment transPort texthooks. Mosttextbooks shy away from direct comPallsons of the accuracies of transPort formulas. ComPllted resultsbased on differnt transport formulas may differ significanly from each other and from …  相似文献   

EFFECTOFRIVERBEDWIDTHONSEDIMENTTRANSPORT1SilkeWIEPRECHT2ABSTRACTRiverbeddepresionofaprealpineriverbyseveralmetresduringthelas...  相似文献   

1 BASIC PROBLEMFlood protecton, sPreaing of settlements and occuPatin Of river valleys were maor reasons to damand lindt rivers throughout Europe in the ndd 19th century. Engineers of those days often knew very wellabout the effects of their plannings: shortening the river length would accelerat the now and thusencourage the erosion into the river's sedAnents. Two vital advanages could be obtalned from that kindof constrUction, landuse of the fOrmer flood plains on the one and increasin…  相似文献   

The study of Sediment transport of low concentration in pipes bas been applied in the design of a self-cleansing storm sewer. An alternative criterion is suggested as op- posed to the widely used single flow velocity approach. A conceptual model which simu- lates the condition in a storm sewer is developed and tested against experimental data. The results proved that the volumetric sediment concentration, pipe diameter and sedi- ment size have to be taken into consideration to produce a self-cleansing storm sewer. It also shows that the slope obtained by this alternative criterion is lower than the single flow velocity approach.  相似文献   

1 THE LOWhR unR INNThe Inn river has its source in the alPine region of the GraubUnden canton of Switzerand. ThecatChment area of about 260(X} kIn2 includes mountains of the central Alpes up to 40(X) m. The river runs5l7 km thrOugh the countries of SwitZerand, Austria and Germany on itS way into the Danube mver. Thedischarge of the river at its mouth in the city of Passau is mainly infiuenced by the snow melt in themountainous catchment area and vches between apProx. 200 m3ls durin…  相似文献   

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