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The X-ray observations of the ROSAT -PSPC All-Sky Survey have revealed bright and energetic coronae for a number of late-type main-sequence stars, many of them flare stars. We have detected 31 X-ray flares on 14 stars. A search for simultaneous X-ray and EUV (extreme ultraviolet) flares using ROSAT Wide Field Camera survey data revealed a large number of simultaneous flares. These results indicate that the heating mechanisms of the X-ray and EUV‐emitting regions of the stellar coronae are similar. We find X-ray quiescent variability for nine of the 14 stars and simultaneous X-ray and EUV quiescent variability for seven of these nine stars. These results imply that the stellar coronae are in a continuous state of low-level activity. There are tight linear correlations of X-ray flare luminosity with the 'quiescent' X-ray as well as with the stellar bolometric luminosity. The similarity between the X-ray-to‐EUV quiescent and flare luminosity ratios suggests that the two underlying spectra are also similar. Both are indeed consistent with the previously determined Einstein two-temperature models. We suggest that both the variability and spectral results could indicate that the quiescent emission is composed of a multitude of unresolved flares.  相似文献   

We report the serendipitous discovery of a flare star observed with the ROSAT X-ray observatory. From optical spectra, which show strong and variable emission lines of the hydrogen Balmer series and neutral helium, we classify this object as a M3.0Ve star, and estimate a distance of 52 pc from published photometry. Owing to the close proximity of the star (13.6 arcmin) to the calibration source and RS CVn binary AR Lacertae, long-term X-ray coverage is available in the ROSAT archive (∼50 h spanning 6.5 yr). Two large flare events occurred early in the mission (1990 June–July), and the end of a third flare was detected in 1996 June. One flare, observed with the Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC), had a peak luminosity L X=1.1×1030 erg s−1, an e-folding rise time of 2.2 h and a decay time of 7 h. This decay time is one of the longest detected on a dMe star, providing evidence for the possibility of additional heating during the decay phase. A large High Resolution Imager (HRI) flare (peak L X=2.9×1030 erg s−1) is also studied. The 'background' X-ray emission is also variable – evidence for low-level flaring or microflaring. We find that 59 per cent of the HRI counts and 68 per cent of the PSPC counts are caused by flares. At least 41 per cent of the HRI exposure time and 47 per cent of the PSPC are affected by detectable flare enhancement.  相似文献   

We study the X-ray and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) behaviour of the flare star Wolf 630AB (V1054 Oph, Gl 644AB, HD 152751) using the ROSAT all-sky survey data from 1990 August. The simultaneous X-ray and EUV observations revealed a complex and unusual series of interplay. Indeed, the star was in a state of almost continuous flare activity for the two days of the X-ray observations. We saw a total of five X-ray flares (plus a subflare) and at least as many flares were also seen in the EUV data.
We suggest that the series of flares observed on Wolf 630AB originated in a single (probably complex) active region and illustrate, in a unique way, the evolution of flare activity in the stellar corona of a very active dMe star.  相似文献   

We present new observations of the prominence system on the K3 dwarf Speedy Mic (BO Mic, HD 197890). Using an improved technique to track the absorption features in Hα we find a very active prominence system with approximately 10 prominences on the observable hemisphere per rotation. From a total of 25 prominences, we find an average axial distance of  (2.85 ± 0.54) R *  which is twice the corotation radius above the stellar surface. We discuss the consequences of these observations on the nature of the supporting magnetic structures. Two consecutive nights, with complete phase coverage, combined with a further night after a three-night gap allow us to study the evolution of the prominence system on two different time-scales. Several of the prominences have counterparts at similar phases on consecutive nights. During this interval, many prominences show evidence for evolution in their heights and phases of observation. Five nights (13 rotation cycles) later, we recover many prominences at approximately the same phases. Whilst individual prominences change axial distances or appear/reappear from night-to-night, the underlying prominence supporting structures appear to be stable over as many as 13 stellar rotations.  相似文献   

We present temporal and spectral characteristics of X-ray flares observed from six late-type G–K active dwarfs (V368 Cep, XI Boo, IM Vir, V471 Tau, CC Eri and EP Eri) using data from observations with the XMM–Newton observatory. All the stars were found to be flaring frequently and altogether a total of 17 flares were detected above the 'quiescent' state X-ray emission which varied from 0.5 to  8.3 × 1029 erg s−1  . The largest flare was observed in a low-activity dwarf XI Boo with a decay time of 10 ks and ratio of peak flare luminosity to 'quiescent' state luminosity of 2. We have studied the spectral changes during the flares by using colour–colour diagram and by detailed spectral analysis during the temporal evolution of the flares. The exponential decay of the X-ray light curves, and time evolution of the plasma temperature and emission measure are similar to those observed in compact solar flares. We have derived the semiloop lengths of flares based on the hydrodynamic flare model. The size of the flaring loops is found to be less than the stellar radius. The hydrodynamic flare decay analysis indicates the presence of sustained heating during the decay of most flares.  相似文献   

We present high-cadence, high-precision multiband photometry of the young, M1Ve, debris disc star, AU Microscopii. The data were obtained in three continuum filters spanning a wavelength range from 4500 to 6600 Å, plus Hα, over 28 nights in 2005. The light curves show intrinsic stellar variability due to star-spots with an amplitude in the blue band of 0.051 mag and a period of 4.847 d. In addition, three large flares were detected in the data which all occur near the minimum brightness of the star. We remove the intrinsic stellar variability and combine the light curves of all the filters in order to search for transits by possible planetary companions orbiting in the plane of the nearly edge-on debris disc. The combined final light curve has a sampling of 0.35 min and a standard deviation of 6.8 mmag. We performed Monte Carlo simulations by adding fake transits to the observed light curve and find with 95 per cent significance that there are no Jupiter mass planets orbiting in the plane of the debris disc on circular orbits with periods,   P ≤ 5  d. In addition, there are no young Neptune like planets (with radii 2.5 times smaller than the young Jupiter) on circular orbits with periods,   P ≤ 3  d.  相似文献   

We present radio interferometric observations of the Algol-type binary system RZ Cassiopeiae made with the VLA and MERLIN arrays at 6 cm over an incomplete orbital cycle of the system (1.195 d). We detected RZ Cas with both instruments. The images were unresolved in both cases, with angular extents comparable to the synthesized beams. The peak flux density in the VLA image was 1.14 mJy beam−1 and in the MERLIN image it was 0.93 mJy beam−1. The derived brightness temperatures are  4.02 × 108  and  4.35 × 108 K  and the effective electron energies are 0.347 and 0.346 MeV for the MERLIN and VLA data respectively. The radio light curve shows an interesting modulation centred close to the primary eclipse which seems to correlate with ASCA SIS observations of the system. The results can be interpreted as an emitting region on the outer hemisphere of the cool component aligned along the centroid axis of the binary system.  相似文献   

Summary Stars of nearly all spectral types and luminosity classes are surrounded by tenuous high-temperature (T106-107K) coronae, which emit most of their radiation in the soft X-ray part of the spectrum. This paper reviews our present observational knowledge and theoretical understanding of stellar coronae, as has emerged from the extensive observations carried out with theEinstein and EXOSAT Observatories. We argue that different physical mechanisms are likely to be responsible for coronal emission in different parts of the HR diagram and we discuss the principal scenarios that have been proposed to account for the data. We show that in spite of the enormous progress made during the past decade, our understanding of stellar coronal emission remains incomplete and largely phenomenological. We outline major unsolved problems to be addressed by future space missions.  相似文献   

CCD photometry of the short-period binary stars KQ Gem and V412 Her is presented, together with some spectroscopic observations of KQ Gem. Although both systems are classified in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars as having light curves of EB/KW type, our data and analyses, involving light-curve synthesis and stellar surface imaging, show that KQ Gem is an EB system that is in marginal contact and has an enhanced bright region around the substellar point on the secondary component, whilst V412 Her is an EW system, a true contact binary with a mass ratio of 0.46 and both stars having the same surface brightness. The properties of the components of the two systems are compared with other marginal-contact and contact binaries, and a plea is repeated for more theoretical work on the mass/energy interchanges in contact binaries.  相似文献   

We have carried out BVR photometric and H spectroscopic observations of the star HD 61396 during 1998 March 20 to 1999 April 3. We have discovered regular optical photometric variability from this star, with an inferred period of 31.95±0.10 d, and an amplitude of 0.18 mag. A possible period of 35.34±0.12 d, as determined with Hipparcos , cannot be completely ruled out, however. Modelling of its photometric light curve with two circular spots indicates that 521 per cent of the stellar surface is covered by dark starspots which are 830 K cooler than the surrounding photosphere, and produce the observed rotational modulation of the optical flux. Optical spectroscopy reveals a variable H emission feature, indicating that it is an unusually active star.
In addition, we have analysed archival X-ray data of HD 61396, obtained from serendipitous observations with the ROSAT X-ray observatory, and we also discuss the radio properties of this star, based on both published Green Bank and unpublished VLA observations. The strong photometric variability and H emission, the relatively hard X-ray spectrum, and the high X-ray and radio luminosities imply that HD 61396 is most likely to be a member of the RS CVn class of evolved active binary stars. Its X-ray and radio luminosities place it among the five most luminous active binaries detected so far.  相似文献   

Summary From the early discovery in 1948 of X-rays from the Solar corona, X-ray spectroscopy has proven to be an invaluable tool in studying hot astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. Because the emission line spectra and continua from optically thin plasmas are fairly well known, high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy has its most obvious application in the measurement of optically thin sources such as the coronae of stars. In particular X-ray observations with theEINSTEIN observatory have demonstrated that soft X-ray emitting coronae are a common feature among stars on the cool side of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, with the probable exception of single very cool giant and supergiant stars and A-type dwarfs. Observations with the spectrometers aboardEINSTEIN andEXOSAT have shown that data of even modest spectral resolution (/ = 10–100) permit the identification of coronal material at different temperatures whose existence may relate to a range of possible magnetic loop structures in the hot outer atmospheres of these stars. The higher spectral resolution of the next generation of spectrometers aboard NASA'sAXAF and ESA'sXMM will allow to fully resolve the coronal temperature structure and to enable velocity diagnostics and the determination of coronal densities, from which the loop geometry (i.e. surface filling factors and loop lengths) can be derived. In this paper various diagnostic techniques are reviewed and the spectral results fromEINSTEIN andEXOSAT are discussed. A number of spectral simulations forAXAF andXMM, especially high-resolution iron K-shell, L-shell, and2s-2p spectra in the wavelength regions around 1.9 Å, 10 Å, and 100 Å, respectively, are shown to demonstrate the capabilities for temperature, density, and velocity diagnostics. Finally, iron K-shell spectra are simulated for various types of detectors such as microcalorimeter, Nb-junction, and CCD.  相似文献   

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