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Two classes of anthropogenic landforms can be recognized in the permafrost environment of northern Alaska. Primary anthropogenic landforms result from the operation of natural geomorphic processes on man-made features such as roads or gravel berms. Secondary anthropogenic forms are identical to natural geomorphic features, but evolve as indirect consequences of human actions. The first group is illustrated by a badly thermokarsted road, which has caused serious drainage disruptions likely to persist over a long time period. Secondary forms are exemplified by fields of palsa-like features, which are common where pipeline-related construction activities or structures cause shallow ponding. Because they evolve rapidly, anthropogenic permafrost landforms can provide great insight into the development of natural periglacial features.  相似文献   

An unusually wide variety of pingo landforms located within a relatively restricted 50 km2 area of thick surficial sediments and permafrost is documented. Pingo growth and decay may occur independent of climatic change as witnessed by examples of embryonic, active and collapsed/collapsing features. The presence of deep kettle lakes in the area probably creates a dynamic system of interlinked taliks which influence the groundwater supply to centres of ground ice growth. The field relationships suggest that the pingo growth mechanisms may embrace both hydrostatic and hydraulic processes. All the pingos post-date the Last Glacial Maximum ice retreat and the youngest was actively growing in AD 1981.  相似文献   

This paper reviews permafrost in High Arctic Svalbard, including past and current research, climatic background, how permafrost is affected by climatic change, typical permafrost landforms and how changes in Svalbard permafrost may impact natural and human systems. Information on active layer dynamics, permafrost and ground ice characteristics and selected periglacial features is summarized from the recent literature and from unpublished data by the authors. Permafrost thickness ranges from less than 100 m near the coasts to more than 500 m in the highlands. Ground ice is present as rock glaciers, as ice-cored moraines, buried glacial ice, and in pingos and ice wedges in major valleys. Engineering problems of thaw-settlement and frost-heave are described, and the implications for road design and construction in Svalbard permafrost areas are discussed.  相似文献   

Recently observed changes in the Arctic have highlighted the need for a better understanding of Arctic dynamics. This research addresses that need and is also motivated by the recent finding of two regimes of Arctic ice - ocean wind-driven circulation. In this paper, we demonstrate that during 1946-1997 the Arctic environmental parameters have oscillated with a period of 10-15 years. Our results reveal significant differences among atmosphere, ice, and ocean processes during the anticyclonic and cyclonic regimes in the Arctic Ocean and its marginal seas. The oscillating behaviour of the Arctic Ocean we call the Arctic Ocean Oscillation (AOO). Based on existing data and results of numerical experiments, we conclude that during the anticyclonic circulation regime the prevailing processes lead to increases in atmospheric pressure, in ice concentration and ice thickness, river runoff, and surface water salinity - as well as to decreases in air temperature, wind speed, number of storms, precipitation, permafrost temperatures, coastal sea level, and surface water temperature. During the cyclonic circulation regime the prevailing processes lead to increased air and water temperatures, wind speed, number of storms,open water periods, and to decreases in ice thickness and ice concentration, river runoff, atmospheric pressure, and water salinity. The two-climate regime theory may help answer questions related to observed decadal variability of the Arctic Ocean and to reconcile the different conclusions among scientists who have analysed Arctic data obtained during different climate states.  相似文献   

The Caloosahatchee River, located in Southern Florida, was originally a meandering and relatively shallow river. During the 1920s, the Caloosahatchee River was channelized and became the C-43 canal. The channelization has significantly impacted the river ecosystem, particularly the oxbows. The oxbows are the U-shaped water bodies on each side of the river channel, which are the remnant bends of the original river. To understand how anthropogenic influence affects hydrologic systems, the study was designed to assess the geomorphic changes of 37 oxbows of the Caloosahatchee River, Florida. The study presented trends in the evolution of oxbow morphology by comparing the data collected in 2011 with a cross-sectional survey collected by the South Florida Water Management District in 1978. In both 1978 and 2011, oxbows in Lee County were significantly larger, wider and deeper than in Hendry County. Exterior limb cross-sections were significantly larger, wider and deeper than interior cross-sections in both 1978 and 2011. Finally, an attempt to determine trends in the evolution of the morphology of the oxbows demonstrated that the overall maximum depth is significantly decreasing in the interior of the oxbow and that the mean depth is significantly increasing in the exterior cross-sections. This analysis also showed that the width is significantly increasing throughout the oxbow. Factors responsible for such differences may include natural geomorphic processes, pattern changes due to channelization, land use and anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

Lagoon berms in western Alaska are difficult to design and build due to limited resources, high cost of construction and materials, and warm permafrost conditions. This paper explores methods to treat locally available frozen materials and use them for berm construction. The goal is to find an optimized mix ratio for cement and additives that can be effective in increasing the strength and decreasing the thaw settlement of an ice-rich frozen silty soil. Soil of similar type and ice content to the permafrost found at a project site in Eek, Alaska is prepared in a cold room. The frozen soil is pulverized and cement, additives and fibers are added to the samples for enhancing shear strength and controlling thaw settlement. Thaw settlement and direct shear testsare performed to assess strength and settlement characteristics. This paper presents a sample preparation method, data from thaw settlement and direct shear tests, and analyses of the test results and preliminary conclusions.  相似文献   

The development and age of the present geomorphology and superficial material of the Coloradofjella plateau, Spitsbergen, have been investigated through field surveying and laboratory sediment analyses. The focus was specifically on the role of glacial erosion and periglacial processes. The summit plain is deeply incised with large V-shaped valleys. Extensive networks of ice wedge polygons indicate that the fine-grained regolith is at least a few metres thick. An abundance of coarse-grained gabbroid erratics, clearly derived from sources further to the east, are distributed over parts of the summit plain. A vertical-walled dolerite dyke protruding up to 4 m above the adjacent surface shows no sign of glacial erosion. Our findings confirm that the present bedrock geomorphology and regolith in the summit plain survived at least the Late Weichselian glaciation. This is best explained by the ice sheet having been cold-based throughout its existence on the summit plain. Cold-based conditions imply that permafrost survived the last glacial cover. Based on the geomorphic evidence and estimates of Late Cenozoic erosion, we suggest that the present summit plains roughly represent the remains of a preglacial surface.  相似文献   

The Emme Delta is a small glacilacustrine delta, which developed on the southern flank of the Wesergebirge Mountains in NW Germany. Shallow shear‐wave seismic surveys allow a detailed assessment of the structural style of the delta body. Two different fault systems are developed within the delta, both showing syn‐sedimentary activity. The faults have planar to slightly listric geometries and show vertical offsets in a range of 2–15 m. They form small graben and half‐graben systems, which locally show roll‐over structures. The fill of the half‐grabens has a wedge‐shaped geometry, with the greatest sediment thickness close to the fault. The fault system in the upper portion of the Emme Delta is restricted to the delta body and probably gravity induced. In the lower portion of the delta, normal faults occur that originate in the underlying Jurassic basement rocks and penetrate into the delta deposits. The grid of seismic lines shows that the normal faults are trending E–W. This fits to a late Triassic–early Jurassic deformation phase in the Central European Basin System. We hypothese that these faults were reactivated during the Pleistocene by the advancing ice‐sheet, water and sediment loading. Based on the seismic data set, an overall model for the reactivation of the basement fault was developed. The advancing ice‐sheet caused far field extension, which might have reactivated pre‐existing normal faults. Later, the fault activity was enhanced due to sediment and water loading. In addition, high pore pressure due to lake formation might have supported the slip processes along the faults. After glacial unloading and lake drainage, the fault activity stopped.  相似文献   

In the Zugspitze area (Bavarian Alps, Germany), permafrost conditions are present in limestone bedrock and in regolith. Distribution is strongly dependent on topography in the east–west oriented mountain crest with steep north- and south-facing slopes. Numerous structures mainly for tourist purposes (cable car and recreation buildings, ski-lift masts, rack-railway tunnel, tunnel with supply facilities) are situated in the area, and several of them are placed on ground with permafrost. Results from a temperature measurement programme and distribution modelling show that for some of these constructions, the effects of permafrost degradation have to be considered in terms of stability of the foundations.The permafrost limit is close to the summit crest, and therefore, stability evaluations for the constructions in this area have to bear in mind the possible warming or even melting of ice within the bedrock crevasses caused by climate warming. Stability of the foundations as well as stability of rock walls in this area will probably be affected by a shifting of the permafrost limit. Constructions in the Zugspitzplatt area are already affected by the melting ground ice, and stabilizing measures have to be evaluated for several foundations where subsidence is likely to occur.Besides the local results, the study provides for the first time data on permafrost distribution in the northern Alpine margin based on standard methods of BTS measurements and numerical modelling.  相似文献   

While many studies have documented pathways of river degradation, few studies have assessed the character, capacity, and stages of river recovery. In this paper, a generic procedure to measure river recovery is developed and applied in Bega catchment, on the south coast of New South Wales (NSW), Australia. The approach is based on analysis of geomorphic units and ergodic reasoning. Historical data and field analyses are used to identify stages of river evolution throughout Bega catchment. From this, stages of river condition and pathways of adjustment are assessed for three river styles at different positions within the catchment. Five categories of river condition are identified. Intact reaches operate in a self-adjusting manner, whereby processes maintain the pre-disturbance geomorphic character of the reach. The processes occurring in restoration reaches maintain and enhance the geomorphic structure of the reach. These reaches are moderately resilient to change. The river has experienced degradation, but has recovered to a condition approximating its pre-disturbance character and behavior. Degraded reaches are still adjusting to disturbance and the processes of recovery have not yet begun. The river is experiencing progressive deterioration away from the structure and function of the pre-disturbance condition. Turning-point reaches are at the transitional stage where they can either recover or revert to a degraded state. Finally, a creation reach has a self-adjusting character and behavior but operates under altered catchment boundary conditions. The character and behavior of the river do not equate to pre-disturbance conditions; rather, the river is well adjusted to the prevailing catchment boundary conditions of water and sediment transfer, and vegetation cover and composition (among many factors). Once these conditions have been identified for each river style, all reaches in a catchment are placed on pathways of degradation and recovery, and predictions made about their direction of change. The three river styles analyzed in Bega catchment demonstrate differing recovery pathways. Some reaches are adjusting toward a restored condition, while others are adjusting toward a new (or creation) condition. The geomorphic recovery potential of each reach is determined by assessing the connectivity of reaches throughout the catchment and interpreting limiting factors to recovery (e.g., water and sediment transfer, vegetation and coarse woody debris [CWD] character and distribution). [Key words: geomorphic river condition, river recovery, river degradation, recovery potential, fluvial geomorphology, river management.]  相似文献   

The correlations of the δ18Omax in the shallow ice core from the Guliya ice cap on the Tibetan Plateau with the global sea surface temperatures (SST) and height at the 500 hPa over the Northern Hemisphere were analyzed. The correlated regions on oceans that have a significant influence on the δ18Omax in the Guliya ice core are all located in ocean currents, or convergent regions of currents. They are the eastern Equatorial Pacific, the Northern Pacific Current, the Hot Pool in the eastern Indian Ocean, the Mozambique Current, the Northern Atlantic Current, the Canary Current and the Atlantic Equatorial Current. The δ18Omax in the Guliya ice core has negative correlations with the SST located in the lower latitudes, and positive correlations with the SST in the middle latitudes. The correlated areas at the 500 hPa that have a great impact on the δ18Omax are located in the subtropical highs over the mid-low-latitude oceans and the long-wave trough area over Balkhash Lake, where there are marked negative correlations between the heights in those areas and the δ18Omax. The influencing mechanism is displayed by the diversity of the vapor origins transported to the Guliya region. The strengths of the European ridge and the ridge over Baikal Lake have notable positive correlations with the δ18Omax. The two systems indirectly influence the vapor transportation towards the Guliya region by the adjustment of long-wave trough and ridge.  相似文献   

Interacting river discharge, tidal oscillation, and tropical rainfall across the 22,000 km2 Orinoco delta plain support diverse fresh and brackish water ecosystems. To develop environmental baseline information for this largely unpopulated region, we evaluate major coastal plain, shallow marine, and river systems of northeastern South America, which serves to identify principal sources and controls of water and sediment flow into, through, and out of the Orinoco Delta.The regional analysis includes a summary of the geology, hydrodynamics, sediment dynamics, and geomorphic characteristics of the Orinoco drainage basin, river, and delta system. Because the Amazon River is a major source of sediment deposited along the Orinoco coast, we summarize Amazon water and sediment input to the northeastern South American littoral zone. We investigate sediment dynamics and geomorphology of the Guiana coast, where marine processes and Holocene history are similar to the Orinoco coast.Major factors controlling Orinoco Delta water and sediment dynamics include the pronounced annual flood discharge; the uneven distribution of water and sediment discharge across the delta plain; discharge of large volumes of water with low sediment concentrations through the Río Grande and Araguao distributaries; water and sediment dynamics associated with the Guayana littoral current along the northeastern South American coast; inflow of large volumes of Amazon sediment to the Orinoco coast; development of a fresh water plume seaward of Boca Grande; disruption of the Guayana Current by Trinidad, Boca de Serpientes, and Gulf of Paria; and the constriction at Boca de Serpientes.  相似文献   

At present, gas hydrates are known to occur in continental high latitude permafrost regions and deep sea sediments. For middle latitude permafrost regions of the Tibetan Plateau, further research is required to ascertain its potential development of gas hydrates. This paper reviewed pertinent literature on gas hydrates in the Tibetan Plateau. Both geological and ge- ographical data are synthesized to reveal the relationship between gas hydrate formation and petroleum geological evo- lution, Plateau uplift, formation of permafrost, and glacial processes. Previous studies indicate that numerous residual basins in the Plateau have been formed by original sedimentary basins accompanied by rapid uplift of the Plateau. Ex- tensive marine Mesozoic hydrocarbon source rocks in these basins could provide rich sources of materials forming gas hydrates in permafrost. Primary hydrocarbon-generating period in the Plateau is from late Jurassic to early Cretaceous, while secondary hydrocarbon generation, regionally or locally, occurs mainly in the Paleogene. Before rapid uplift of the Plateau, oil-gas reservoirs were continuously destroyed and assembled to form new reservoirs due to structural and thermal dynamics, forcing hydrocarbon migration. Since 3.4 Ma B.P., the Plateau has undergone strong uplift and extensive gla- ciation, periglacier processes prevailed, hydrocarbon gas again migrated, and free gas beneath ice sheets within sedi- mentary materials interacted with water, generating gas hydrates which were finally preserved under a cap formed by frozen layers through rapid cooling in the Plateau. Taken as a whole, it can be safely concluded that there is great temporal and spatial coupling relationships between evolution of the Tibetan Plateau and generation of gas hydrates.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing and geographic information systems are emerging technologies in geomorphology. They offer the opportunity to gain fresh insights into biophysical systems through the spatial, temporal, spectral, and radiometric resolutions of remote sensing systems and through the analytical and data integration capability of GIS. The two technologies can be linked together into a synergistic system that is particularly well suited to the examination of landscape conditions through the interrelationships of scale, pattern, and process, a paradigm that has gained prominence in the fields of biogeography and landscape ecology. In this study, we apply optical and microwave remote sensing systems and GIS methodologies to case studies framed within the fluvial and alpine environments. We use the scale, pattern, and process paradigm to explore landscape relationships in those environments. Satellite image processing, change-detection analyses, digital elevation models, GIS-derived geomorphic indices and variables, composition and pattern metrics of landscape organization, and scale-dependent analyses are described and related to the study of river channel abandonment and the alpine treeline ecotone. We describe appropriate remote sensing and GIS techniques for geomorphic research, and demonstrate the use of such techniques in the application of the scale, pattern, and processes perspective in geomorphic studies.  相似文献   

Páramos are neotropical alpine grasslands located in the northern Andes of South America. Although they cover important headwater regions, little is known about the hydro-geomorphic characteristics of páramo river systems, which are increasingly being impacted by human use and climate change. The objective of this research is to characterize the geomorphology of the Ningar River, Ecuador, an Amazonian headwater river that drains a 22.7 km2 páramo sub-basin, by (1) classifying the geomorphology based on common geomorphic classifications, (2) deriving downstream hydraulic geometry relationships, and (3) performing a global comparison with mountain river systems. Common geomorphic field surveying techniques were used to acquire the necessary data. Results suggest that the Ningar River has similar form-function characteristics as other known mountain headwater streams and corresponds to commonly known stream classification systems, but displays more of an alluvial character than might be expected for montane headwater streams as a result of a convexity in the stream’s longitudinal profile. Additionally, preliminary analyses suggest that other páramo headwater streams may exhibit similar characteristics; thus, the findings of this research are important for future management and protection of these valuable headwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Due to a series of linear projects built along National Highway 214, the second "Permafrost Engineering Corridor" on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has formed. In this paper, by overcoming the problems of data decentralization and standard inconsistency, permafrost characteristics and changes along the engineering corridor are systematically summarized based on the survey and monitoring data. The results show that: 1) Being controlled by elevation, the permafrost is distributed in flake discontinuity with mountains as the center along the line. The total length of the road section in permafrost regions is 365 km, of which the total length of the permafrost section of National Highway 214 is 216.7 km, and the total length of the permafrost section of Gong-Yu Expressway is 197.3 km. The mean annual ground temperature (MAGT) is higher than -1.5 °C, and permafrost with MAGT lower than -1.5 °C is only distributed in the sections at Bayan Har Mountain and E'la Mountain. There are obvious differences in the distribution of ground ice in the different sections along the engineering corridor. The sections with high ice content are mainly located in Zuimatan, Duogerong Plain and the top of north and south slope of Bayan Har Mountain. The permafrost thickness is controlled by the ground temperature, and permafrost thickness increases with the decrease of the ground temperature, with the change rate of about 37 m/°C. 2) Local factors (topography, landform, vegetation and lithology) affect the degradation process of permafrost, and then affect the distribution, ground temperature, thickness and ice content of permafrost. Asphalt pavement has greatly changed the heat exchange balance of the original ground, resulting in serious degradation of the permafrost. Due to the influence of roadbed direction trend, the phenomenon of shady-sunny slope is very significant in most sections along the line. The warming range of permafrost under the roadbed is gradually smaller with the increase of depth, so the thawing settlement of the shallow section with high ice-content permafrost is more significant.  相似文献   

Based on the data of δ18O in surface snow, snow pits, meltwater and the glacier-fed river water at Baishui Glacier No.1, Mt. Yulong, the isotopic fractionation behaviors in the typical monsoonal temperate glacier system in winter and summer were compared. The results indicate that the isotopic fractionation degree in summer is greater than that in winter, suggesting that the snow/ice melting is more intense in summer. Moreover, whenever it is in winter or summer, from surface snow to meltwater, and to glacier-fed river water, the gradient of δ18O with altitude gradually increases. This shows that the degree of isotopic fractionation gradually strengthens when surface snow is being converted into meltwater and finally into glacial river water, which suggests that the influence of post-depositional processes on δ18O gradient in the monsoonal temperate glacier region differs spatially.  相似文献   

高海拔或高纬度山区(尤其高山冰川及冻土急剧消退区)常孕育适宜泥石流发育的地形和物源条件。气候变化(如升温、强降雨事件增多等)影响下,高山区潜在孕灾环境更易于成灾,泥石流成为主要的灾害类型和物质输移方式,也是高山区地貌变化的重要驱动力。由于野外监测困难,数据资料匮乏,鲜有针对高山区泥石流过程地貌效应的分析报道。以中国藏东南高山区泥石流多发的帕隆藏布流域为研究区,以古乡沟、天摩沟和扎木弄沟为典型小流域,结合遥感影像、DEM数据、无人机航拍、高精度RTK测量和野外踏勘调查,分析泥石流沟道地貌发育特征(冲淤变化、平面摆动)及其对主河河流地貌的影响,并探讨大规模泥石流事件影响下河谷地貌的长期演变趋势。高山区泥石流过程强烈塑造沟道自身地貌,上游物源区深切展宽和溯源蚀退,沟口堆积扇冲淤变化受控于泥石流事件规模和水流强度。泥石流过程显著影响主河道河流地貌,造成主河道横向冲淤和摆动,并影响堰塞体上游河段平面形态发育。长时间尺度上,河谷地貌在平面上发育形成宽窄相间的藕节状而在纵剖面上形成台阶状形态。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The ice block in Scarisoara Cave, NW Romania, is preserved due to unusual climate and permafrost conditions within the cave. The air temperature in the cave is governed by the winter cold, the cooling effect of the ice block, and only to a minor extent influenced by summer temperatures. At present, the ice block is slowly thinning, but the present-day climate is sufficiently cold to preserve the permafrost conditions caused by the cold air trapped in the cave. In February 2003 a 22.5 m long ice core was recovered from the ice block. Approximately 200 ice layers have been identified by visual examination. Ice crystallographic analyses indicate a steady growth of ice crystals with depth and there is no sign of deformation. Carbon-14 dates on wood-related samples collected from a natural vertical exposure of the ice block indicate that the ice spans more than 1000 years. Observations on the exposure indicate that a basal melting phase may have occurred in the past.  相似文献   

玉龙雪山冰川稳定同位素分馏冬夏对比   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用玉龙雪山白水1号冰川区冬季和夏季表面积雪、雪坑、融水以及白水河河水中δ18O资料,对比分析了冬季和夏季我国典型季风温冰川系统内稳定同位素分馏行为的差异。分析结果表明,夏季冰川系统内各水体相变过程中稳定同位素分馏程度均比冬季强烈,指示出夏季季风海洋型冰川强烈消融的特点。另外,不论是冬季还是夏季,从表面积雪到融水再到由融水补给的河流,δ18O垂直变化梯度依次增大,反映了从固态降雪向冰川融水补给的河流河水转换过程中,稳定同位素分馏程度逐渐增强,体现了沉积后过程对海洋型冰川区同位素记录的影响具有空间差异性。  相似文献   

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