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Poro  A.  Halavati  A.  Lashgari  E.  Davoudi  F.  Gardi  A.  GholizadehSoghar  K.  Dashti  Y.  Mohammadizadeh  F.  Hedayatjoo  M. 《Astronomy Reports》2021,65(7):543-551
Astronomy Reports - We performed the first light curve analysis of GW Leo and a new ephemeris is obtained for QT Boo. The light curve investigation also yields that the system GW Leo is a contact W...  相似文献   

Rock, soil, and plant (terrestrial moss, European mountain ash leaves, mountain birch leaves, bark and wood, and spruce needles and wood) samples, collected at 3 km intervals along a 120 km long transect (40 sites) cutting the city of Oslo, Norway, were analysed for their Pb concentration and Pb-isotope ratios. A general decrease in 206Pb/207Pb, 208Pb/207Pb and 206Pb/208Pb ratios, with a characteristic low variability in all plant materials and the plant-derived O-horizon of soil profiles, compared to rocks and mineral soils, is observed along the transect. It is demonstrated that minerogenic and biogenic sample materials belong to two different spheres, the lithosphere and biosphere, and that geochemical processes determining their chemical and isotopic compositions differ widely. Background variation for both sample materials needs to be established and documented at the continental and global scale before the anthropogenic influence on the geochemistry of the earth’s surface can be reliably estimated.  相似文献   

A relationship is drawn between the surface features of the moon and the surface features of the earth. The comparison implies crustal expansion and digestion where the crust fractures and thins in ocean basins, the old fractured lighter crust, being part of the ancient continuous crust, forms the continents. The continents are formed of lighter chemical fractions which float on the heavier more basic younger crust. A simple mechanical system is given to explain the processes involved and surface evidence is given to strengthen the argument. The paper is an introduction to a new concept in global geology, — the process of crater tectonics.  相似文献   

地氟病属于"钙矛盾疾病"   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
膳食低钙是地氟病病区居民中的普遍现象,是地氟病(氟骨症)的主要促发和加重因素。低钙的作用不仅在于增如肠道氟的吸收,更在于它和过量氟同样都可引起甲状旁腺激素分泌增多,都可促进成骨、破骨功能活跃。过量氟可进一步加重机体缺钙。我们最近的研究证明,氟中毒大鼠肝、肾、脑组织Ca^2 ]i升高,培养的成骨细胞样细胞染氟后细胞内钙亦增加;即氟中毒存在着全身缺钙继而细胞内钙增多的钙矛盾现象,属于钙矛盾疾病。为控制和消除地氟病危害,应把减少氟的摄入和改善居民钙营养两结合起来。  相似文献   

陆地硅的生物地球化学循环研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地球表层硅(Si)的生物地球化学循环与大气CO2浓度变化、大洋生物泵作用以及海岸带富营养化等过程密切相关,因此成为全球环境变化研究的核心问题之一。在地质时间尺度上,硅酸盐矿物的化学风化是地球表层所有次生Si的来源。陆地生态系统各次生Si库具有不同的形成机制和驱动因子,这导致各Si库的贮存量和循环周期存在明显差异。土壤Si库中的黏土矿物Si、溶解硅(DSi)和淀积在其他矿物表面的无定形Si都源自硅酸盐矿物的化学风化过程;植物生长过程中吸收土壤中的DSi形成生物Si,然后经微生物分解过程返还给土壤;地表径流将流域陆源Si以悬移质Si和DSi的形式输入河流、海洋。迄今,陆地不同形态Si库的大小及其对全球Si循环的贡献仍不确定。因此,在研究陆地Si的生物地球化学循环过程中,综合考虑各种地表过程及其耦合作用是非常必要的。  相似文献   

生态系统响应全球变化的陆地样带研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为从机理上理解、评估和预测陆地生态系统对全球变化的响应,国际地圈生物圈计划在全球共启动了15条全球变化陆地样带,其中2条在中国,即中国东北样带和中国东部南北样带。从植物碳氮代谢、生物多样性、生态系统功能与碳收支及样带生态系统的变化趋势等方面较系统地总结了围绕中国这2条全球变化陆地样带的最新研究进展,加深了全球变化与陆地生态系统相互作用过程与机制的理解,提出未来中国全球变化陆地样带研究应充分利用我国特殊的生态与环境及区域特色,重点针对陆地生态系统对全球变化的适应性、地球系统相互作用的生物—物理—化学—社会过程与管理、土地利用变化的动力学过程与机制、灾害性天气气候的生态效应及其调控机制和全球变化模拟预警系统开展研究,做出一些在国际上既有显示度又服务于我国社会经济可持续发展的研究成果。  相似文献   

A procedure for the estimation of distribution parameters of a Weibull distribution model K1 = f(KIc12/4/σC23/4) for solid particle erosion, as recently suggested in Rock Mech Rock Eng, doi: 10.1007/s00603-014-0658-x, 2014, is derived. The procedure is based on examinations of elastic–plastically responding rocks (rhyolite, granite) and plastically responding rocks (limestone, schist). The types of response are quantified through SEM inspections of eroded surfaces. Quantitative numbers for the distribution parameter K1 are calculated for 30 rock materials, which cover a wide range of mechanical properties. The ranking according to the parameter K1 is related to qualitative rock classification schemes. A modified proposal for the erosion of schist due to solid particle impingement at normal incidence is introduced.  相似文献   

1971—2000年中国陆地植被净初级生产力的模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用植被与大气相互作用模式(AVIM),基于气象台站的观测资料模拟了1971—2000年中国陆地生态系统NPP的变化特征.结果表明:1971—2000年我国陆地植被年均NPP变化范围在0~987.67 gC·m-2·a-1,全国平均值为349.74 gC·m-2·a-1,30 a呈现出递增的变化趋势.对各类植被NPP的模拟显示,最近30 a我国热带雨林、落叶阔叶林以及有地被层的阔叶林的年均NPP减小,而混交林、常绿针叶林、落叶针叶林、有裸土的灌丛、草地以及作物的年均NPP均为增加趋势.由于采用了先进的农业技术,与自然条件下我国作物的年均NPP变化相比,我国实际的粮食单产在上述时期呈显著的增长,表明了人类活动对于我国陆地植被净初级生产力有着深刻的影响.  相似文献   

Orientale size craters are not recognized on Earth nor expected for Phanerozoic and Proterozoic eons from conventional crater size frequency distributions (Ivanov et al., 2002). Here suggested are three such Phanerozoic craters, modified by plate tectonics, and tentatively correlated with extinction and “ophiolite obduction” events. Hypothesis testing is proposed and plate tectonics implications are discussed. Such basins might manifest:
  • circular to elliptical rims (or rim segments), with exposed lithospheric mantle, as strain markers for plate boundary motion;
  • thick ejecta near rim expressed as “ophiolitic melange”;
  • power law decay of ejecta thickness with radial distance from rim (McGetchin et al., 1973) and/or systematic azimuthal variation of ejecta thickness for low angle impacts (Schultz, 1999);
  • weathering resistant shocked mantle minerals (Bohor et al., 1990) in ejecta;? global spherule layer with PGE anomalies (Alvarez et al., 1980);
  • rim structures consistent with cratering mechanics (Melosh, 1989; Kenkmann, 2014);
  • impact melt basement (Grieve et al., 1992; Pierazzo et al. 2000) recording uniform cooling age and Earth's magnetic polarity of the time. Tentatively suggested Phanerozoic impact basins:
  • Yucatan Basin: Greater Antilles ophiolite rim – KPg Boundary? Maastrichtian ophiolite obduction in southeast Cuba (Iturralde‐Vinent et al., 2006).
  • Sulu Sea Basin: Palawan, Sabah etc. ophiolite rim – Middle Miocene Disruption? MM ophiolitic mélange emplacement in Sabah (Clennell, 1991).
  • Loyalty Basin: New Caledonia ophiolite and d'Entrecasteaux ridge rim – EO Boundary? EO ophiolite obduction in New Caledonia (Cluzel et al., 2012).

Galenas from the Llanrwst and Llanfair-Talhaiarn orefields in North Wales have a restricted range of Pb-isotope values. M1 and M2 mineralizations at Llanrwst are isotopically separate in 206Pb/204Pb versus 207Pb/204Pb space, while the isotopic composition of the M3 mineralization exceeds the combined M1 and M2 range. The lead source for the Llanrwst orefield is believed to be the underlying Ordovician volcanic arc material. Data from the related Llanfair-Talhaiarn orefield suggest lead was derived from the host Silurian sediments in addition to the Ordovician basement. The time separation of the M1 and M2 veins at Llanrwst has been calculated using and data from Dixon et al. (1990) at 11 Ma and 15 Ma respectively.  相似文献   

基于GIS 平台的中国大地热流数据库   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国大地热流数据库是中国岩石圈三维结构数据库的子库之一。该库底层数据库为Access 97,基于地理信息系统GIS平台,应用MO、 DAO及API技术,使用VB、 VC语言实现了数据库的各项功能。该库具有对原始数据进行添加、删除、编辑、备份、浏览、查询、显示和维护等功能,并且开发了常规的数据解释软件包,还可对原始数据进行一些常规处理,同时任意输出各种数据报表和图件等。另外,还开发有中英文双语言界面。  相似文献   

利用成层土中剪切变形传递法分析单桩的坚向承载特性和沉降特性,经过与现场实测数据结果比较分析,证明剪切变形传递法,在用于计算设计荷载范围内的单桩桩身内力和沉降方面具有很好的精度。故在无现场静载荷试验的条件,剪切变形传递法可作为分析单桩竖向承载特性及桩周土体阻力发挥过程的一种辅助方法。  相似文献   

A comparison of ore-lead isotope ratios of Pb-Zn deposits hosted in Triassic carbonates of the Eastern and Southern Alps with the isotopic composition of trace leads of their host rocks, of Triassic volcanics, and of the underlying clastic sediments shows that these rocks could have supplied only part of the ore lead. The isotopic signature of feldspar lead from crystalline basement rocks, however, reveals that they must have contributed a significant amount of metal to these deposits. The presence of barite and of thallium is also indicative that feldspars were the main source of lead. Arsenic is one of the few important trace elements in these deposits and is known to occur in some areas of Lower Paleozoic metasediments in unusually high concentrations. Any model explaining the origin of these deposits must consider the extensive leaching of the basement and to some extent of the overlying clastic sediments as well. How the metal-bearing solutions entered the lagoonal back-reef areas is still open to question as feeder channels have not yet been positively identified. The results further demonstrate that the basement also acted as a metal source for galena-bearing deposits hosted in Permian sediments, vein-type deposits in Permian volcanics, and probably the barite-fluorite polymetallic deposits along a Devonian erosional surface in the Carnic Alps as well.  相似文献   

The Mixed Water Region (MWR) between the Oyashio Current and the Kuroshio Extension and surrounding terrestrial region have been affected by the global climatic change. The sedimentary core KR02-15 PC6 collected at 40°23.8871′N, 143°29.8663′E in the MWR provides detailed records of pollen and spores and alkenone sea surface temperature (SST) during the last 15 kyr, showing that both ocean and terrestrial environments have been appreciably linked. Abundance of Picea, a proxy for terrestrial cool climate, fluctuated, coinciding with the alkenone-SST change during the interstadial period (15.0–7.7 cal kyr B.P.). Alkenone-SST increased to the modern level at 8.0 cal kyr B.P. and remained almost constant until 2.0 kyr B.P. while the terrestrial warming still continued until 4.0 cal kyr B.P. The rainfall under terrestrial warm condition increased gradually from 7.9 cal kyr B.P. and rapidly from 2.0 cal kyr B.P. Both terrestrial and marine environments cooled down during the last 2 kyr possibly due to the intensified cold Oyashio Current.  相似文献   

陆相二叠系-三叠系界线研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
着重介绍了几个目前陆相二叠系—三叠系界线(TPTB)研究的重点剖面及其生物地层学研究进展;分析了陆相二叠系—三叠系界线综合地层学研究现状,包括生物地层学、事件地层学、同位素年代学、磁性地层学和层序地层学等;剖析了陆相二叠系-三叠系界线地层学研究中存在的问题及进一步的研究方向。生物地层方面,陆相二叠系-三叠系界线附近存在晚二叠世与早三叠世生物混生的层位,其中不同类别生物的时间界线常不一致,又由于陆相界线地层中含脊椎动物化石的层位一般较少,以脊椎动物化石(Lystrosaurus)为标准的精确界线常不确定,因而需重新寻找并确定陆相三叠系底界的标准化石。事件地层标志可能会成为连结海、陆相二叠系-三叠系界线地层高精度对比的纽带。  相似文献   

Major geotechnical problems in construction involving silty–clayey soils are due to their low strength, durability and high compressibility of soft soils, and the swell–shrink nature of the overconsolidated swelling soils. Confronted with these problems, a suitable ground improvement technique is needed, for deep excavations in soft clays, for stability, durability and deformation control. Cement-stabilization is one of the alternatives. An increase in strength and durability, reduction in deformability are the main aims of this method. Conventional cement-stabilization methods are used mainly for surface treatment. However, the use of cement has recently been extended to a greater depth in which cement columns were installed to act as a type of soil reinforcement (deep cement–soil mixing and cement jet grouting). In situ engineering properties of these silty–clayey soils are often variable and difficult to predict. For this reason cement-stabilization methods have a basic target to control the aforementioned engineering properties of these clays so that the properties of a silty–clayey soil become more like the properties of a soft rock such as clayey shale or lightly cemented sandstone. So cement-stabilization of these soils is essential to control their engineering properties and to predict their engineering behaviour for construction. In an effort to predict, classify and study the suitability of silty–clayey soils for cement-stabilization both slaking and unconfined compressive strength tests were carried out on clayey–sand mixtures consisted of two types of clays, kaolin and bentonite. Finally diagrams were prepared to study the variation of slaking and strength due to compaction, curing time and cement percentage and also to predict areas of efficient cement-stabilization.  相似文献   

周启鸣  李剑锋  崔爱红  刘会增 《水文》2021,41(2):8-13,74
气候变化对中亚干旱区高山融雪、蒸散发以及径流等水循环过程产生影响,从而引起区域水资源在空间和时间上的重新分配.在归纳总结降水、土壤水、地表水、陆地水储量等不同水体类型在气候变化下改变情况的基础上,综述了中亚干旱区陆地水资源变化对气候变化响应的现状及进展.由于使用的数据和评估方法不同,水资源变化研究结果具有一致性及不确定...  相似文献   

王尚彦  殷鸿福 《地质论评》2001,47(4):411-414
在滇东黔西地区的几条陆相二叠系-三叠系界线地层剖面研究中,二叠系-三叠系界线附近普遍存在1-2层非正常事件成因的粘土岩,并在粘土岩中发现了大量微球粒,依据化学成分,这些微球粒可分为硅质和钡质两类,笔者认为这种含微球粒的粘土岩成因很可能是,陨石撞地球诱发大规模火山爆发,其产物又经历正常喾作用并有非火山和撞击的正常沉积物混入,这些奇异的球粒,可能就是撞击的产物之一。  相似文献   

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