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A new species of free-living marine nematode of the genus Paramonohystera was described from the intertidal beach, Weihai. Paramonohystera weihaiensis sp. nov. is characterized by cervical region with a circle of long setae;tail sexual dimorphism, male tail angled dorsally with sharp narrowed of the body at the cloaca, female tail ordinary conico-cylindrical;spicules slender, 2.5 abd long;gubernaculum plate, enlarged distal end with two teeth, without apophysis;precloacal supplements absent;Four caudal gland cells obviously extended to tail. The new species differs from the other fourteen known valid congeners by the combination of its characteristics:a circle of long cervical setae, tail sexual dimorphism, spicules slender, 2.5 abd long, gubernaculum plate with a distal pair of teeth.  相似文献   

本文描述了中国福建省红树林湿地中自由生活海洋线虫的2个新种。Sabatieria conicoseta sp.nov.的主要特征是:具有短的锥形体刚毛、12-15个管状的肛前附器以及长度为12-15 μm的直的引带突起。Dorylaimopsis papilla sp.nov.的主要特征是:交接器中部具有角质化带状隔膜,近端头状具一小钩,其长度为肛门所在位置体直径的1.5–1.8倍,具有长度为37-40μm的背尾指向的引带突起。泄殖孔前具16-18个微型乳突状的肛前附器。  相似文献   

文章描述了采自青岛胶州湾潮下带沉积物中自由生活线虫Wieseria属的两个新种。新种Wieseria sinica sp.nov.特征为具有短的唇刚毛和头刚毛,且指向后方;具有椭圆形双边化感器;弓形的交接刺具有翼膜;环状的引带以及棒状尾。新种Wieseria tenuisa sp.nov.特征为具有大的德曼值(133.6);长的唇刚毛指向前方;交接刺具有翼膜,近端呈钩状;引带呈棒状;具有相当长的棒状尾(长度相当于7.9倍泄殖腔相应体径)。它区别于新种Wieseria sinica sp.nov.主要在于更长的唇刚毛,且指向前方;交接刺相对较直且具有钩状近端,身体更加细小(德曼“a”值较大)。文章更新完善了的Wieseria属的二岐检索表。  相似文献   

描述了采自东海陆架沉积物中自由生活线虫HopperiaNemanema属的两个新种。新种大化感器霍帕线虫主要特征是螺旋形化感器5圈,较大;弓形交接刺近端宽大具有中肋,延伸至三分之一处;引带具有弯曲的引带突;6个乳突状的肛前辅器;锥柱状尾具有膨大的末端和尾端刚毛。新种小线虫的主要特征是身体大小是属内最小的;具有较大的椭圆形化感器;尾锥状;交接刺细,具有腹面翼膜,近端弯钩状;引带环形;1个肛前辅器乳突状,其上着生3条刚毛。更新完善了Hopperia属17个种的二岐检索表。  相似文献   

AnewspeciesofthegenusParamisophria(Copepoda,Calanoida,Arietellidae)fromtheChinaSeas¥LianGuangshanandQianHonglin(ReceivedFebru...  相似文献   

在对渤海滨州贝壳堤岛的自由生活海洋线虫进行分类和多样性研究中,发现2个我国新纪录种并进行了描述。其中,澳洲深咽线虫Bathylaimus australis Cobb,1894主要特征为:头刚毛长约20μm,分为4节,顶端膨大;前口腔大,无齿,后口腔小,具小齿;化感器双环形,位于口腔中部位置;交接刺细长,稍向腹面弯曲,近端膨大呈头状,长32-37μm;引带宽大,肾形,长36-40μm,末端角质化,渐尖。古氏努朵拉线虫Nudora gourbaultae Vincx,1989主要特征为:体表具12列纵向排列的V型装饰;第二体环较宽,头刚毛11-15μm(为头颈的67%-81%);化感器圆形,直径4-6μm(为相应体径的29%-38%),位于第二体环上;具双咽球;交接刺细长,弯曲呈S型,长为肛径的1.3-1.5倍;引带等于或长于交接刺,镰刀型,无肛前辅器。  相似文献   

掌苔虫属(Genus Kinetoskias Danielsen,1868)隶于唇口目、无囊亚目、双胞科(Cheilostomata, Anasca, Bicellariellidae),除南极海域、地中海、加勒比海未见报道外,各地都有记录,但多数种类在北极海域分布较广(Kluge,1953)。掌苔虫系深海类型,有的种能栖息在水深4670米的深海海底。掌苔虫的个虫系草苔虫型(Bugula-type),与草苔虫不同处是个虫始端不分叉。掌苔虫和茎苔虫(Caulibugula Verrill,1900)的群体都由一根长柄和分枝部分构成,但掌苔虫的长柄为膜质;无任何钙质沉淀,仅由一空个虫(keno zooid)构成,而茎苔虫的长柄分节,由许多空个虫构成,往往有钙质加厚,因而两属极易区分。掌苔虫群体分枝的分歧方式属于Harmer的模式7(见Harmer,1923:326,pl,16,fig.7),即双列分枝在分歧时,两个内个虫(inner zooids)F和G分别由轴个虫(axillary zooid)E相连接,轴个虫产个虫F和G,它伸到与个虫A对应一侧分枝的始端,个虫B不参与个虫数目的复分(图2)。 掌苔虫虽系深海类型,但有的种深度分布范围很广,如Kinetoskias arborescens栖息在水深19-1229米,K.smitti分布在水深65-1210米,S. mitsukurii则分布在水深20-3400米(Kuge1953、1962;Menzies1963)。 掌苔虫的群体借助于膜质长柄插入海底淤泥,由长柄始端分出的微细附根附着在砂粒等基质上。个虫由于特殊的个虫牵引肌(flexor: Zooidal muscles)的伸縮彼此间能活动。鸟头体皆侧位,都长在个虫自由缘上,或位于个虫中点(mid-point)。或位于中点以上(cephlad of the mid-point),或位于中点以下(caudad to the mid-point);有的种鸟头体长在特殊阶梯状突起(step-like process)上,但有些种类无此阶梯状突起。  相似文献   

A new species belonging to the genus Haloschizopera Lang, 1944 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Miraciidae, Diosaccinae) was identifi ed based on the samples collected from the East China Sea, near the off shore of Zhejiang Province, East China. The new species is closely related to H . pygmaea Norman & Sccot T., 1905 and shares a combination of the following features: A1 eight-segmented;A2 exp-2 with one distal seta, exp-3 with three setae;P1 endopodal segments subequal, enp-1 not exceeding exp-2;exp-3 of P3 with one inner seta, of P4 with two inner setae. The new species is characterized by the presence of one inner seta on P2 exp-3 of both sexes. It can also be distinguished from its congeners by the characters of female: P5 exopod subcircular, endopodal lobe extending beyond half-length of exopod;genital doublesomite ornamented with three dorsolateral rows of spinules on anterior part.  相似文献   

Biostatistics (F analysis and Duncan's new multiple range test) combining with numerical and traditional taxonomy is used to report one new species, ( Isis minorbrachyblasta(I. m) ) as well as I. hippuris (I. h) and I. reticulata(I. r) from the China seas. The morphological characters of the spicules and other skeletal structures of each species are illustrated in de-tials with Scanning Electron Micrographs and compared with each other.  相似文献   

报道了首次分离于东海海域的三叶原甲藻(Prorocentrum triestinum Schiller)藻株号(LAMB100721),通过利用光学显微镜、荧光显微镜、扫描电镜及分子生物学方法,对其形态特征、显微结构和分子系统进化进行了详尽描述和鉴定。细胞长卵形或披针形,后端细长且尖,前端圆,最宽部位于细胞中央。顶刺长而显,三角状。壳面光滑,无刺或突起物。刺丝胞孔稀疏而不规则地分布于壳面边缘。叶绿体无具体形状,分布于整个细胞中,细胞核球形,位于中下部。老化的细胞可见细胞边缘的间接带,且间接带表面光滑。细胞长为19~25 μm,平均值为(22.6±0.9)μm;宽为11~16 μm,平均值为(13.2±1.1) μm。所测目标藻株的rDNA ITS序列长度为569 bp,其中GC含量为47.6%。三叶原甲藻系赤潮种,为东海原甲藻春季大规模赤潮的伴随种。加强有害赤潮的预防和监测工作是减少危害的有效途径,而对赤潮原因种的准确识别和鉴定则是基础和关键。  相似文献   

The larval shells of Paphies ventricosa, reared to settlement in the hatchery, are similar in longitudinal profile to shells of some other mactracean larvae; the umbo‐stage larval shells are nearly round with the anterior margin less broadly curved than the posterior margin, the anterior end is longer than the posterior end, and the umbo is broadly rounded. Straight‐hinge larvae had total lengths up to 149 μm, and total heights up to 126 μm, and umbo larvae had total lengths up to 320 μm, and total heights up to 282 μm. The larvae settled in about 22 days at a size of about 270 μm. The larval hinge structure bears some similarities to those of other mactracean larvae.  相似文献   

中国渤海的微口线虫属(线虫动物门)一新种   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
描述了中国渤海自由生活海洋线虫一新种,奥氏微口线虫Tershellingia austenae sp.nov ,奥氏微口线虫与同属相近种马尔代夫微口线虫的区别特征是:体长(前者为770~950μm,后者为2370μm)、亚头刚毛的位置(前者位于化感器的两边,后者位于化感器之后)及长度(前者明显长于后者),化感器宽度与相应体直径的比例在新种中也更大一些(50~60 vs 45).提供了一个表格式检索表,以助鉴定和比较该属缺乏明显界定食道后球的一个种组.模式标本存放于英国伦敦自然历史博物馆.  相似文献   

One new species of free-living marine nematode Cephalanticoma brevicaudata sp. nov. from the South China Sea is described. Cephalanticoma brevicaudata sp. nov. is characterized by spindle body with relatively short tail; head with cephalic capsule; three teeth at anterior of pharynx; excretory pore opens posterior to cervical setae; three cervical setae per file; spicules arcuate, cephalate and ventrally bent proximally, and blunt distally, 1.8 a.b.d. long, without ventral ala; gubernaculun slender, simple rod, without apophyses; tubular supplement 34 μm long, 2.3 a.b.d. in front of cloaca.  相似文献   

Three species of Ditrichocorycaeus [D. dahli (Tanaka, 1957), D. lubbocki (Giesbrecht, 1981), and D. subtilis (Dahl, 1912)] are first redescribed from southern area of Jeju Island, Korea. Morphological details such as mouthparts, ornamentation of genital double-somite, spine lengths of legs, and proportional lengths of caudal setae, are provided as new identification keys separating each species within Ditrichocorycaeus and/or each genus within Corycaeidae. In particular, the number and location of each segment on the body and antenna are re-examined and precisely defined. Also, few valid morphological characters of this genus distinguishing it from other genera are newly proposed as follows: 1) prosomes of both sexes are five-segmented; 2) basis of maxilliped with relatively longer proximal seta than in other genera.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two new species of the sponge genus Ulosa were found living in symbiosis with a chroococcacean cyanophyte (cyanobacterium) in shallow Caribbean coral reefs off Belize (Central America). Ulosa funicularis is a stringy green sponge (styles: 157 × 2.5 μm, mean dimensions); U. arenosa is a thickly encrusting, shaggy, brownish-greenish mottled species with sandy ectosome (styles: 175 × 3.6 μm). The endosymbiotic algae make up 50% of the cellular sponge tissue. The algal cells are light green, spherical, 5–9 μm in diameter, and divide by median constriction. Electron microscopy shows that cell walls are fully developed but that thylakoids are unusual for their inflated sacs, which are in communication with the nucleoplasmic regions. Although the pigment composition is typical for the Cyanophyta, the phycobiliproteins occur in considerably  相似文献   

作者以山东烟台养马岛采集的未受扰动的样品为研究材料,对中国黄海潮间带自由生活线虫的种类和多样性展开研究,发现两个新纪录种八棘单茎线虫(Monoposthia octalata Galtsova,1976)和瑞氏拟单宫线虫(Paramonohystera riemanni (Platt,1973) Lorenzen,1977)并进行描述。八棘单茎线虫主要特征为体表具有八排侧装饰,化感器呈圆形、较小,口腔具有一个大的背齿,口腔前端具有明显角质化波浪形的结构,无交接刺,引带作镰刀状,尾呈锥状。标本特征与Galtsova描述的模式标本特征基本吻合,只是黄海的标本虫体稍长,化感器略大,引带稍长。瑞氏拟单宫线虫主要特征为虫体较细,头刚毛短,化感器呈圆形位于口腔后部,口腔内不具齿,交接刺稍弯曲,为对应体径的4.1倍,引带简单,尾细长呈纤毛状。标本特征与Platt描述的模式标本特征基本吻合,只是黄海的标本虫体稍长,头刚毛和尾部更长,交接刺略长。  相似文献   

宋慧丽  慕芳红  孙燕  华尔 《海洋学报》2021,43(8):139-151
本研究于2015年12月在濒临渤海的大连夏家河子沙滩和濒临黄海的大连金沙滩采集海洋线虫样品,对两处砂质潮间带海洋线虫群落结构及多样性特征进行了研究。研究结果表明,两处砂质潮间带海洋线虫丰度、优势种、摄食结构及多样性差异显著。夏家河子海洋线虫平均丰度为(592.0±318.9) ind./(10 cm2),金沙滩海洋线虫平均丰度为(54.6±53.8) ind./(10 cm2),显著低于夏家河子。共鉴定海洋线虫43种,共有种13个。夏家河子沙滩海洋线虫优势种为Daptonema sp.1、Daptonema sp.2、Theristus sp.1、Setosabatieria sp.1、Prochromadorella sp.1、Daptonema sp.3、Paracyatholaimus sp.1、Sabatieria breviseta,以非选择性沉积食性线虫为主;金沙滩海洋线虫优势种为Oncholaimus sp.1、Chromadorita sp.1、Theristus sp.2, Neochromadora sp.1、Enoplus sp.1、Prochromadorella sp.1,以杂食性或捕食性线虫为主。两处砂质潮间带海洋线虫种数S、丰富度指数d和香农?威纳多样性指数H'存在极显著的差异,其值均表现为夏家河子显著高于金沙滩。相似性分析结果显示,两处沙滩的海洋线虫群落结构存在显著差异。间隙水pH、沉积物有机质含量及中值粒径是引起海洋线虫群落结构及多样性差异的主要因子,其中,沉积物中值粒径对线虫群落特征的影响最为突出。就两处沙滩潮区差异而言,受沉积物粒径特征及pH的影响,夏家河子海洋线虫群落特征在不同潮区之间也存在差异,其低潮带海洋线虫多样性高于高、中潮带,杂食者和捕食者丰度高,反映其海洋线虫群落结构较复杂。金沙滩不同潮区的环境因子无显著差异,线虫群落结构及多样性潮区差异不显著,较为均一。此外,水动力对海洋线虫群落结构沙滩差异和潮区差异也产生重要影响。一方面,水动力通过影响不同粒径沉积物的沉积影响海洋线虫群落特征;另一方面,水动力可影响线虫的分散性,进而对其潮区分布产生影响。  相似文献   

Foraminiferal oozes were sampled from the tropical West Pacific seamount and seabed of deep sea,by a remotely operated vehicle(ROV)in December 2014 and March 2016.Using standard morphological method,four Miliolinella species,including Miliolinella obesa,M.circularis,M.suborbicularis and M.subrotunda were described.Among the four species,M.obesa is a new species.It is a large member(about 500μm in length)of the genus.This species is characterized by having a very stout and transverse broadly circular outline,and its body width is greater than the body length.In addition,its chamber demarcations are obscure from the exterior appearance.Three chambers are unclearly visible on one side and two chambers are visible on the opposite.Finally,we provided very detailed taxonomic microphotographs and the ecological distribution information for each species.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Bordighera Sandstone of NW Italy is a coarse-grained, sand-rich elongated turbidite system (ca. 15 × 45 km in outcrop) up to 250 m thick, interpreted to have been deposited in a trench setting. The siliciclastic succession interfingers with muddy calcareous turbidites, which become more abundant toward the lateral and distal domains. Bed type associations allow the distinction of a proximal channelized domain which transitions to a more distal lobe domain, characterized by abundant mudclast-rich sandstones and by bipartite and tripartite beds with a mud-rich middle or upper division (hybrid event beds). The transition between the proximal and distal domains occurs over a relatively limited spatial extent (ca. 5 km). The presence of lenticular bed-sets made up of coarse grained and mud-poor sandstones throughout the distal domain suggests that distributary channels were present, indicating sediment bypass further down-dip toward the most distal and not preserved parts of the system. Hybrid event beds - commonly associated with distal and marginal fan environments such as fan fringes - are present throughout the lobe domain and extend for up to ca. 30 km in down-dip distance. They are more abundant in the proximal and axial depositional lobe domain and their appearance occurs within a short basin-ward distance from the inferred channel-lobe transition zone. Flow expansion at the termination of the channelized domain and the enhanced availability of cohesive substrate due to the presence of intra-basinal muddy calcareous beds are interpreted as the key controls on the widespread occurrence of mudclast-rich and argillaceous sandstone beds. The abrupt appearance and the persistent occurrence of such beds across an extensive domain have implications for characterizing bed-scale (sub-seismic) heterogeneity of deep-water clastic hydrocarbon reservoirs.  相似文献   

孙静  黄勇 《海洋科学》2021,45(1):14-21
在对东海的自由生活海洋线虫进行分类和多样性研究中,发现2个我国新纪录种并进行了描述.深海螺旋球咽线虫Spirobolbolaimus bathyalis Soetaert&Vincx,1988的主要鉴别特征为:体表具显著的环纹,头感觉器呈乳突状,化感器螺旋形,口腔中部具有一个背齿以及一对亚腹齿,咽前后各有一个咽球;具有...  相似文献   

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