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We study the Neogene tectonic activity in a sector of the Precordillera in the Andean forearc analysing aerial photographs, satellite images and fieldwork data. The interpretation of alluvial landforms, drainage organisation and evolution of intermittent river networks affecting post-Lower Miocene deposits allow us to recognize low intensity tectonic processes controlling the landscape evolution. All these geomorphological markers indicate no strike-slip offsets, but repeated and small tectonic pulses that reactivate previous structures originated under a transpressive context. The observed deformation pattern is the consequence of E–W orthogonal compression resulting in limited shortening, related to the accommodation of deformation in the Chilean forearc of the Neogene uplift of the Altiplano-Puna.  相似文献   

The Eastern Cordillera (Central Andes,  24°S) consists of a basement-involved thrust system, resulting from Miocene–Quaternary eastward migrating compression, separating the Puna plateau from the Santa Barbara System foreland. The inferred Tertiary strains arising from shortening in the Eastern Cordillera and Santa Barbara System are similar, higher than in the Puna. Slip data collected on the major  N–S trending faults of Eastern Cordillera show a westward progression from dip-slip (contraction) to dextral and sinistral motions. This, consistently with established tectonic models, may result from partitioning due to the oblique Mio-Quaternary underthrusting of the Brazilian Shield north of 24°S. This strain partitioning has three main implications. (1) As the dextral and sinistral shear in the Eastern Cordillera are  62% and 29% of the compressive strain respectively, the Eastern Cordillera results more strained than Santa Barbara System foreland, contrary to previous estimates. (2) The partitioning in the Eastern Cordillera may find its counterpart in that to the west of the Central Andes, giving a possible structural symmetry to the Central Andes. (3) The easternmost N–S strike-slip structures in the Eastern Cordillera coincide with the easternmost Mio-Pliocene magmatic centres in the Central Andes, at  24°S. Provided that, further to the east, the crust is partially molten, the absence of magmatic centres may be explained by the presence of pure compressive structures in this portion of the Eastern Cordillera.  相似文献   

The stream profiles of rivers of northern Chile reveal two graded segments separated by 20‐km‐long knickzones. Their formation was initiated in the Late Miocene in response to surface uplift of the western flank of the Altiplano. This phase of uplift that was coeval with the shift of deformation from the Altiplano to the sub‐Andean zone caused relief to grow at the scale of the whole drainage basin. Above and beneath these knickzones, the presence of braided channels and the absence of erosion on adjacent pediplains suggest no substantial modification in the local relief. The knickzones, however, show bedrock channels, and fluvial dissection rates have exceeded erosion rates on adjacent pediplains by two orders of magnitudes. Hence, the data imply that the only geomorphic recorders of relief growth are the knickzones that currently transpose the effects of the Late Miocene phase of surface uplift from the coast to the Altiplano.  相似文献   

The western retroarc of the Southern Andes between 38° and 40° S is formed by a NNW-elongated ridge not associated with stacked thrust sheets. On the contrary, during the last 4–3 Ma this ridge was affected by extensional deformation, regional uplift and related folding on a very broad scale. Receiver function analysis shows that the drainage divide area and adjacent retroarc lie over an attenuated crust. Expected crustal thickness at these latitudes is around 38 km, whereas in this part of the retroarc the thickness is less than 32 km. The causes for such attenuation have been linked to a moderate steepening of the subducted Nazca plate beneath the South American plate, which is suggested by a westward shift and narrowing of the magmatic arc during the last 4 to 5 Ma. Gravimetric studies show that the upper plate did not react homogeneously to slab steepening, but ancient sutures and lithospheric discontinuities deeply buried under Mesozoic to Cenozoic sequences in the retroarc were locally reactivated. These processes resulted in an asthenospheric anomaly that correlates at the surface with the area of Pliocene to Quaternary doming, widespread extension and three radial troughs. Two of the troughs have accommodated substantial amounts of extension, but the third was probably aborted at an early stage. Moreover, the presence of an anomalous concentration of calderas and large volcanic centers over the proposed asthenospheric anomaly, and their age distribution, may indicate minor migration of the asthenospheric anomaly between 4 and 2 Ma through the western South American plate.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(2):153-161
The Quaternary tectonic activity in the Gulf of Cadiz has considerably influenced the depositional regime and distribution of Holocene marine deposits. The aim of this work is to determine the nature of the recent sedimentary filling in the Bay of Cadiz sea bottom and adjacent continental shelf and to establish the main controlling factors on the Holocene marine sedimentation.

The sedimentary record indicates siliciclastic sedimentation supplied from the continent, with alternating episodes of high and low sedimentation rates. The recent sedimentary evolution of this marine area was controlled by the Late Quaternary eustatic fluctuations. Bathymetric, geophysical and drilling data have been employed to prepare a detailed isopach map of the non-consolidated recent sedimentary cover. Thickness distribution shows significant variations related to the infilling of former fluvial palaeochannels incised during the Late Pleistocene lowstand, and highly controlled by the structural neotectonic trends of faults and joints: NNW-SSE, NNE-SSW and ENE-WSW. The general distribution of isopachs in this area is clearly influenced by these morphostructural lines, which controlled the sedimentary processes during the Holocene. These results are coherent with the main regional neotectonic structures previously described in the nearby continental area, and confirm their prolongation towards the marine domain.  相似文献   

Kinematic analysis of fault slip data for stress determination was carried out on Late Miocene to Quaternary rocks from the fore arc and intra-arc regions of the Chilean Andes, between 33° and 46° south latitudes. Studies of Neogene and Quaternary infilling (the Central Depression), as well as plutonic rocks of the North Patagonian Batholith along the Liquiñe–Ofqui Fault Zone, have revealed various compressional and/or transpressional states of stress. In the Pliocene, the maximum compressional stress (σ1) was generally oriented east–west. During the Quaternary, the deformation was partitioned into two coeval distinctive states of stress. In the fore arc zone, the state of stress was compressional, with σ1 oriented in a N–S to NNE–SSW direction. In the intra-arc zone the state of stress was transpressional with σ1 striking NE–SW. Along the coast, in one site (37°30′S) the Quaternary strain deformation is extensional, with an E–W direction, which can be explained by a co-seismic crustal bending readjustment.  相似文献   

Sr–Nd–Pb isotope ratios of alkaline mafic intra-plate magmatism constrain the isotopic compositions of the lithospheric mantle along what is now the eastern foreland or back arc of the Cenozoic Central Andes (17–34°S). Most small-volume basanite volcanic rocks and alkaline intrusive rocks of Cretaceous (and rare Miocene) age were derived from a depleted lithospheric mantle source with rather uniform initial 143Nd/144Nd ( 0.5127–0.5128) and 87Sr/86Sr ( 0.7032–0.7040). The initial 206Pb/204Pb ratios are variable (18.5–19.7) at uniform 207Pb/204Pb ratios (15.60 ± 0.05). A variety of the Cretaceous depleted mantle source of the magmatic rocks shows elevated Sr isotope ratios up to 0.707 at constant high Nd isotope ratios. The variable Sr and Pb isotope ratios are probably due to radiogenic growth in a metasomatized lithospheric mantle, which represents the former sub-arc mantle beneath the early Palaeozoic active continental margin. Sr–Nd–Pb isotope signatures of a second mantle type reflected in the composition of Cretaceous (one late Palaeozoic age) intra-plate magmatic rocks (143Nd/144Nd  0.5123, 87Sr/86Sr  0.704, 206Pb/204Pb  17.5–18.5, and 207Pb/204Pb  15.45–15.50) are similar to the isotopic composition of old sub-continental lithospheric mantle of the Brazilian Shield.

Published Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of Mesozoic to Cenozoic arc-related magmatic rocks (18–40°S) represent the composition of the convective sub-arc mantle in the Central Andes and are similar to those of the Cretaceous (and rare Miocene) intra-plate magmatic rocks. The dominant convective and lithospheric mantle type beneath this old continental margin is depleted mantle, which is compositionally different from average MORB-type depleted mantle. The old sub-continental lithospheric mantle did not contribute to Mesozoic to Cenozoic arc magmatism.  相似文献   

The Concón Mafic Dike Swarm (CMDS) consists of basaltic to andesitic dikes emplaced into deformed Late Paleozoic granitoids during the development of the Jurassic arc of central Chile. The dikes are divided into an early group of thick dikes (5–12 m) and a late group of thin dikes (0.5–3 m). Two new amphibole 40Ar/39Ar dates obtained from undeformed and deformed dikes, constrain the age of emplacement and deformation of the CMDS between 163 and 157 Ma. Based on radiometric ages, field observations, AMS studies and petrographic data, we conclude that the emplacement of the CMDS was syntectonic with the Jurassic arc extension and associated with sinistral displacements along the NW-trending structures that host the CMDS. The common occurrence of already deformed and rotated xenoliths in the dikes indicates that deformation in the granitoids started previously.The early thick dikes and country rocks appear to have been remagnetized during the exhumation of deep-seated coastal rocks in the Early Cretaceous (around 100 Ma). The remanent magnetization in late thin dikes is mainly retained by small amounts of low-Ti magnetite at high temperature and pyrrhotite at low temperature. The magnetization in these dikes appears to be primary in origin. Paleomagnetic results from the thin dikes also indicate that the whole area was tilted  23° to the NNW during cooling of the CMDS.The NNW–SSE extension vectors deduced from the paleomagnetic data and internal fabric of dikes are different with respect to extension direction deduced for the Middle–Late Jurassic of northern Chile, pointing to major heterogeneities along the margin of the overriding plate during the Mesozoic or differences in the mechanisms driving extension during such period.  相似文献   

The eastern Ecuadorian Andes appear as a fold-and-thrust belt adjacent to a continental foredeep represented by one of the world's largest tropical alluvial megafans, the Pastaza megafan, debouching into the Amazonian lowland. The apex of the Pliocene–Pleistocene megafan situated in the present-day wedge top (Subandean Zone) has been cut by an erosion surface, the western part of which has been uplifted of 500 m along the frontal thrust, forming a poorly dissected plateau, the Mera plateau. This erosion surface erased most of the previous fluvial landscape but preserved a large thrust-related anticlinal hinge deforming less erodible underlying strata, the Mirador fold and smaller-sized anticlines. This surface has been then incised by two antecedent major rivers, the Pastaza and the Napo, and few tributaries. The plateau edge is marked by a series of large scale gently sloping landslides clustered along a 70 km long concave eastward line associated with the frontal thrust fault. The newly formed immature rivers issued from the landslides or sourced within east-dipping remnants of the erosion surface downstream of the landslide line constitute the greatest part of the streams feeding the Ecuadorian Amazonian basin. At 70 to 100 km from the landslide line, the drainage abruptly changes from highly immature to mature with a well-defined hinge line representing the outer limit of landslide and tectonic control. The diversions of the Pastaza River indicate ongoing fold growth since at least the late Pleistocene in the Eastern Cordillera, and the early Holocene in the Mera plateau. The preserved terraces of the Pastaza valley are all degradational and are ascribed to periods of tectonic (seismic) activity alternating with periods of tectonic quiescence or decreased seismic activity rather than to climatic events. 14C dating of the plateau erosion surface and of the upper Pastaza terraces indicates that the minimum average incision rate since 18,000 years BP varies locally in the upper Pastaza valley from 0.5 to 0.67 cm year−1 , increasing from 18,000 years BP to now. A comparison of these incision rates with fold-and-thrust fault uplift rates indicates that incision in the upper Pastaza valley was a result of rapid uplift (up to 1 cm year−1) along the Mirador fold-and-thrust which caused a restoration of the local equilibrium profile of the upper reach, combined with smaller local fault uplift along the westernmost thrust faults. The uplift of the whole Mera plateau with respect to the upper Amazonian basin gives a minimum average uplift rate of 2.8 cm year−1 since 18,000 years BP. The overall uplift of the Mera plateau and the Eastern Cordillera is likely to have been caused by a regional-scale low angle thrust ramp emerging as the frontal thrust fault.  相似文献   

Plant macrofossils from 33 rodent middens sampled at three sites between 2910 and 3150 m elevation in the main canyon of the Río Salado, northern Chile, yield a unique record of vegetation and climate over the past 22,000 cal yr BP. Presence of low-elevation Prepuna taxa throughout the record suggests that mean annual temperature never cooled by more than 5°C and may have been near-modern at 16,270 cal yr BP. Displacements in the lower limits of Andean steppe and Puna taxa indicate that mean annual rainfall was twice modern at 17,520–16,270 cal yr BP. This pluvial event coincides with infilling of paleolake Tauca on the Bolivian Altiplano, increased ENSO activity inferred from a marine core near Lima, abrupt deglaciation in southern Chile, and Heinrich Event 1. Moderate to large increases in precipitation also occurred at 11,770–9550 (Central Atacama Pluvial Event), 7330–6720, 3490–2320 and at 800 cal yr BP. Desiccation occurred at 14,180, 8910–8640, and 4865 cal yr BP. Compared to other midden sites in the region, early Holocene desiccation seems to have happened progressively earlier farther south. Emerging trends from the cumulative midden record in the central Atacama agree at millennial timescales with improved paleolake chronologies for the Bolivian Altiplano, implying common forcing through changes in equatorial Pacific sea-surface temperature gradients.  相似文献   

The geological record of the Western Andean Escarpment (WARP) reveals episodes of uplift, erosion, volcanism and sedimentation. The lithological sequence at 18°S comprises a thick pile of Azapa Conglomerates (25–19 Ma), an overlying series of widespread rhyodacitic Oxaya Ignimbrites (up to 900 m thick, ca. 19 Ma), which are in turn covered by a series of mafic andesite shield volcanoes. Between 19 and 12 Ma, the surface of the Oxaya Ignimbrites evolved into a large monocline on the western slope of the Andes. A giant antithetically rotated block (Oxaya Block, 80 km×20 km) formed on this slope at about 10–12 Ma and resulted in an easterly dip and a reversed drainage on the block's surface. Morphology, topography and stratigraphic observations argue for a gravitational cause of this rotation. A “secondary” gravitational collapse (50 km3), extending 25 km to the west occurred on the steep western front of the Oxaya Block. Alluvial and fluvial sediments (11–2.7 Ma) accumulated in a half graben to the east of the tilted block and were later thrust over by the rocks of the escarpment wall, indicating further shortening between 8 and 6 Ma. Flatlying Upper Miocene sediments (<5.5 Ma) and the 2.7 Ma Lauca–Peréz Ignimbrite have not been significantly shortened since 6 Ma, suggesting that recent uplift is at least partly caused by regional tilting of the Western Andean slope.  相似文献   

A high-resolution multi-proxy study including the elemental and isotopic composition of bulk organic matter, land plant-derived biomarkers, and alkenone-based sea-surface temperature (SST) from a marine sedimentary record obtained from the Jacaf Fjord in northern Chilean Patagonia (44°20′S) provided a detailed reconstruction of continental runoff, precipitation, and summer SST spanning the last 1750 yr. We observed two different regimes of climate variability in our record: a relatively dry/warm period before 900 cal yr BP (lower runoff and average SST 1°C warmer than present day) and a wet/cold period after 750 cal yr BP (higher runoff and average SST 1°C colder than present day). Relatively colder SSTs were found during 750–600 and 450–250 cal yr BP, where the latter period roughly corresponds to the interval defined for the Little Ice Age (LIA). Similar climatic swings have been observed previously in continental and marine archives of the last two millennia from central and southern Chile, suggesting a strong latitudinal sensitivity to changes in the Southern Westerly Winds, the main source of precipitation in southern Chile, and validating the regional nature of the LIA. Our results reveal the importance of the Chilean fjord system for recording climate changes of regional and global significance.  相似文献   

Very-high-resolution seismic data acquired on the Rhône continental shelf were used to address the detailed morphology of Late Pleistocene and post-glacial units (from 18 000 yr BP to the present). Two groups of units can be distinguished. (1) Lower units that are mainly the product of variations in relative sea level. They comprise the last Pleistocene regressive deposits made of alluvial sheets (U0, U1) and, above, transgressive deposits that can be divided into: backstepping transgressive units (U3 and U4a), deposited during the landward retreat of the river mouth and transgressive units (U4b, U4c) laid down during the inundation of the shelf. A prograding littoral/lagoon system (U5/U6) indicating a fluctuation during the rise in sea level caps the transgressive units. This work has emphasized the complexity of these depositional environments, mainly related to a river system situated near the current Petit-Rhône. (2) Upper units that make up the recent Rhône delta and correspond to the current highstand systems tract (HST) developed since the stabilization of relative sea level. Seven prodeltaic lobes have been identified (U7–U13). Two of them are bilobate (U7 and U8) and date from a period when the delta was split as a result of the fluviatile system being progressively divided into several channels. Other prodeltaic lobes (U9, U10) are stacked in front of the distributary's outlet, recording several periods of outflow. The results show a strong correlation with studies on land. The distribution of recent prodeltaic lobes was constrained by canalization of the Rhône river to prevent the effects of climatic crises or other natural disasters.  相似文献   

The Late Precambrian–Early Paleozoic metamorphic basement forms a volumetrically important part of the Andean crust. We investigated its evolution in order to subdivide the area between 18 and 26°S into crustal domains by means of petrological and age data (Sm–Nd isochrons, K–Ar). The metamorphic crystallization ages and tDM ages are not consistent with growth of the Pacific margin north of the Argentine Precordillera by accretion of exotic terranes, but favor a model of a mobile belt of the Pampean Cycle. Peak metamorphic conditions in all scattered outcrop areas between 18 and 26°S are similar and reached the upper amphibolite facies conditions indicated by mineral paragensis and the occurrence of migmatite. Sm–Nd mineral isochrons yielded 525±10, 505±6 and 509±1 Ma for the Chilean Coast Range, the Chilean Precordillera and the Argentine Puna, and 442±9 and 412±18 Ma for the Sierras Pampeanas. Conventional K–Ar cooling age data of amphibole and mica cluster around 400 Ma, but are frequently reset by Late Paleozoic and Jurassic magmatism. Final exhumation of the Early Paleozoic orogen is confirmed by Devonian erosional unconformities. Sm–Nd depleted mantle model ages of felsic rocks from the metamorphic basement range from 1.4 to 2.2 Ga, in northern Chile the average is 1.65±0.16 Ga (1σ; n=12), average tDM of both gneiss and metabasite in NW Argentina is 1.76±0.4 Ga (1σ; n=22), and the isotopic composition excludes major addition of juvenile mantle derived material during the Early Paleozoic metamorphic and magmatic cycle. These new data indicate a largely similar development of the metamorphic basement south of the Arequipa Massif at 18°S and north of the Argentine Precordillera at 28°S. Variations of metamorphic grade and of ages of peak metamorphism are of local importance. The protolith was derived from Early to Middle Proterozoic cratonic areas, similar to the Proterozoic rocks from the Arequipa Massif, which had undergone Grenvillian metamorphism at ca. 1.0 Ga.  相似文献   

We report multiproxy analyses of a sediment core obtained from Laguna Aculeo that spans the past 7500 years. Laguna Aculeo (33°50′S, 70°55′W) is one of the few natural inland lakes located in the Mediterranean zone of Central Chile, near the northern margin of the influence of the southern westerlies. The record shows elevated pollen counts of halophytes and seasonally drying of the lake basin prior to 5700 cal yr B.P., indicating severe aridity and warmer-than-present conditions. This was followed by the establishment of a fresh-water lake, along with an increase in arboreal and herbaceous plant diversity between 5700 and 3200 cal yr B.P. An intensification of this trend started at 3200 cal yr B.P., along with the abrupt decrease of halophytes until 100 cal yr B.P. Within this humid period, pollen accumulation rates show large-amplitude fluctuations, coeval with numerous turbidite layers, suggesting a highly variable and torrential rainfall pattern. This intense and variable precipitation regime is probably associated with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. We suggest that the modern Mediterranean climate of Central Chile was established at 3200 cal yr B.P. Paleovegetation and paleolimnological changes starting at 100 cal yr B.P. correlate with documented human activity surrounding the lake.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the chronology and the palaeoclimatic understanding of Antarctic ice core records point towards a larger heterogeneity of latitudinal climate fluctuations than previously thought. Thus, realistic palaeoclimate reconstructions rely in the development of a tight array of well‐constrained records with a dense latitudinal coverage. Climatic records from southernmost South America are critical cornerstones to link these Antarctic palaeoclimatic archives with their South American counterparts. At 54° S on the Island of Tierra del Fuego, Lago Fagnano is located in one of the most substantially and extensively glaciated regions of southernmost South America during the Late Pleistocene. This elongated lake is the largest (~110 km long) and non‐ice covered lake at high southern latitudes. A multi‐proxy study of selected cores allows the characterisation of a Holocene sedimentary record. Detailed petrophysical, sedimentological and geochemical studies of a complete lacustrine laminated sequence reveal variations in major and trace elements, as well as organic content, suggesting high variability in environmental conditions. Comparison of these results with other regional records allows the identification of major known late Holocene climatic intervals and the proposal for a time for the onset of the Southern Westerlies in Tierra del Fuego. These results improve our understanding of the forcing mechanisms behind climate change in southernmost Patagonia. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Between the Late Jurassic and the Middle Miocene, widespread magmatism, tectonic events and hydrothermal mineralization characterized the geological evolution of the Atacama segment of the South American Andes. A characteristic feature of this zone is the coincidence in time and space between subduction-generated igneous activity, crustal deformation and mineralization in the magmatic arcs, which formed longitudinal belts migrating eastward.Mineralization in the last 140 Ma is generally restricted to four longitudinal metallogenic belts, in which hydrothermal activity was channelled along crustal-scale faults (1) the Atacama Fault System, along which Early Cretaceous Cu-Au-bearing breccia pipes, veins and stockwork were formed; (2) the Inca do Oro Belt, which contains Upper Cretaceous low sulphur precious metal epithermal mineralization, and Middle Eocene Cu-Mo-Au-bearing breccia pipes; (3) the West Fissure System, which hosts Upper Eocene to Early Oligocene porphyry copper deposits and high sulphur precious metal epithermal mineralization; and (4) the Maricunga Belt, when contains Upper Oligocene to Middle Miocene high sulphur precious metal epithermal deposits and Au-rich porphyry mineralization.  相似文献   

The marine sediments of the area of Verde Peninsula-Jabali Island(39°28′S/62°19′W-40°28′S/62°11′W) Holocene in age(3-2 ky),and modern beaches contain a significant amount of bioeroded mollusc shells.Fifteen sites were analyzed,in which 20.11%of the mollusc shells(2168 valves) presented bioerosion traces,in 54 species(30 bivalves and 24 gastropods).Fourteen ichnogenera were reported:Entobia,Maeandropoiydora,Iramena,Caulostrepsis,Pennatichnus,Pinaceocladichnus,Trypanites,and Gastrochaenolites(Domichnia),Gnathichnus and Radulichnus(Pascichnia),Finichnus and Centrichnus(Fixichnia),Oichnus(Praedicnia)(macrobioerosion),y Semidendrina(microbioerosion),the latter is first reported in mollusc shells in Argentina.Eleven ichnospecies were identified Finichnus peristroma,Maeandropoiydora sulcans,Gnathichnus pentax,Pinaceocladichnus onubensis,Caulostrepsis taeniola,Centrichnus eccentricus,Radulichnus inopinatus,Oichnus simplex,Oichnus paraboloides,Oichnus gradatus,and Gastrochaenolites torpedo(lithic remains).The dominant ichnogenera in the Holocene deposits are Iramena,Entobia and Oichnus.The same ichnogenera are constant with different abundance in the modern beaches,and increasing representation of Pinaceocladichnus and Pennatichnus.The dominant ichnofacies in the Holocene deposits is Trypanites,revealing a benthonic marine community composed of cheilostome bryzoans,clionaid sponges,predator gastropods,regular echinoids,polychaete annelids,bivalves,thallophytas and fungi.Generally,the area was described as a sublittoral,low-energy,stable environment with high rate of oxygenation,and sandy bottoms,with rocky bottoms at Villalonga locality.  相似文献   

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