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针对全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)技术在滑坡监测中参考站架设选址难、建设成本高、基准不稳定等问题,使用基于虚拟参考站(VRS)的滑坡地质灾害监测方法,利用卫星导航定位连续运行参考站(CORS)在监测区生成虚拟参考站数据,代替物理参考站进行滑坡监测.实验分析不同解算策略下的虚拟参考站监测精度,并将粗差剔除后的结果与传统GNSS监测进行对比.结果表明:VRS 2 h监测精度平面可达5 mm,高程可达25 mm,所反映滑坡位移趋势与传统GNSS监测一致.  相似文献   

宿林  张帅 《地理空间信息》2023,(2):122-124+152
随着自然灾害的频发,山区滑坡灾害也越来越频繁。受降水、地震以及人为因素的影响,重庆市某滑坡灾害严重,对人民的生命财产造成了极大的威胁。因此对传统的变形监测手段的缺陷以及基于GNSS的滑坡自动化监测的优势进行了探讨。以重庆市某滑坡体为例,采用GNSS进行自动化滑坡监测,具有全天时、高精度、高自动化、操作性高以及受约束条件少等优点,能够为滑坡稳定性判断和变形趋势预测提供更加可靠的监测数据。实验证明采用GNSS对滑坡进行自动化监测具有可行性,值得在滑坡监测应用中推广。  相似文献   

全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)技术在大坝、桥梁、滑坡等形变监测领域应用广泛。针对传统监测方法需要架设基准站、导致监测成本增加的问题,提出一种基于虚拟参考站的GNSS变形监测方法,利用连续运行参考站(continuously operating reference stations,CORS)观测数据,生成虚拟参考站(virtual reference station,VRS)代替实体参考站,实现高精度变形监测。利用中国云南省屏边苗族自治县约30处滑坡监测点进行实验分析,结果表明,当CORS基准站间距小于40 km时,双差对流层和电离层延迟模型内插精度优于10 mm,利用观测时长大于8 h的数据,可以实现平面精度优于5 mm、高程精度优于10 mm的形变监测。  相似文献   

张勤  白正伟  黄观文  杜源  王铎 《测绘学报》2022,51(10):1985-2000
滑坡灾害在全球广泛分布,严重影响人类活动和人居安全。全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)已经被广泛应用于滑坡灾害监测预警工作,但其在复杂场景监测预警中依然存在诸多技术瓶颈。本文首先综述了GNSS硬件数据采集、软件数据处理和多源融合监测等方面的研究进展,重点分析了各类GNSS滑坡监测技术优势、适用范围和存在问题;然后,从滑坡位移预测、临滑时间预报和预警实施等方面介绍了GNSS滑坡预警的技术方法;最后,在梳理复杂场景GNSS实时滑坡监测预警中面临挑战的基础上,对GNSS滑坡监测预警技术的发展趋势和研究方向提出了一些思路。  相似文献   

为充分发挥连续运行参考站(CORS)基准站在滑坡地质灾害监测领域的资源优势,分析了基于CORS基准站的变形监测数据处理策略,评估了观测值类型、解算时长、基线长度对监测精度的影响,给出了CORS基准站作为监测基准时可覆盖的范围,为推动CORS在变形监测的深度应用提供了重要的数据支撑.   相似文献   

王铎  黄观文  杜源  白正伟  陈孜  李杨 《测绘学报》2022,51(10):2117-2124
实时相对定位技术已广泛应用于高精度实时滑坡监测,其高精度定位依赖于连续稳定的基准站数据。然而基准站数据由于供电、通信等原因时常发生中断,严重影响滑坡监测结果的连续性和可靠性。本文提出顾及运动状态改正的GNSS滑坡监测基准站切换方法,首先根据待切换新基准站长期监测时间序列确定其运动状态,然后基于滑坡体变形演化规律,结合运动状态建立新基准站位移模型并定期对模型检核,最后根据新基准位移对各监测点位移进行修正。该方法成功应用于甘肃黑方台滑坡监测基准站切换,且改正后各监测站位移与真实变形接近。以改进型切线角作为滑坡预警判据,使用改正前后的监测位移-时间序列进行预警,预警结果表明,不进行改正可能导致预警的误判。本文方法针对基准站数据中断问题,通过切换新基准并对基准误差进行修正以获取连续可靠的滑坡监测序列,保障了滑坡监测的连续性和预警的及时性。  相似文献   

凌晴  张勤  张静  瞿伟  孔令杰  朱丽  张金辉 《测绘学报》2022,51(10):2226-2238
针对当前滑坡稳定性评价方法难以准确获取评价结果的突出问题,本文提出了一种融合地下水、工程地质钻孔信息及灌溉资料等工程地质资料与GNSS观测的黄土滑坡稳定性评价方法。首先,基于高分辨率影像、高精度DEM、地层地貌等多源异构数据,建立滑坡精细三维地质模型体;然后,将滑坡外部高精度GNSS监测数据作为模型外部约束条件,进一步构建起融合工程地质资料与GNSS观测的黄土滑坡稳定性综合评价模型。本文方法能够将滑坡外部大地测量高精度监测数据与工程地质数值模拟手段有机融合,实现了滑坡外部形变信息与内部变形机制的有效耦合。通过我国典型黄土滑坡域甘肃黑方台党川实际发生的两起滑坡失稳事件验证表明,本文方法可有效地提高滑坡稳定性评价结果的精度及可靠性,获取了与试验区域滑坡实际失稳情况相一致的结果:HF06/07 GNSS监测点首先失稳,其次是HF09监测点失稳,最后是HF05监测点失稳。基于本文方法获取的滑坡失稳顺序与实际滑坡发生顺序高度一致,显著优于现有的滑坡失稳数值模拟法。  相似文献   

随着矿山企业的不断开采,我国出现了大量的高陡露天边坡,受到多种要素的影响,给人民带来了巨大的生命财产安全隐患。本文针对现有边坡软件模型的预报可靠性与响应度难题,根据GNSS/GIS集成特点,结合现有互联网通信、空间信息等技术,提出远程滑坡系统的整体架构模型,设计灾害预警关键组合模型算法,分析软件的功能需求与主要技术内容,最后在GIS系统支持下对空间信息进行分析和三维显示,实现了GNSS与GIS基于技术的集成。系统的设计与开发为边坡实时监测研究提供了技术支持,具有一定的理论意义和现实价值,能够为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

本文基于四川GPS综合服务网络(SIGN)的计算结果表明:IRIM指标可用于衡量参考站网络内的电离层完备性监测的总体情况,IRIU指标提供了完备性监测信息在参考站网络中更为详细的空间分布情况,上述指标应用于参考站网络数据处理中心进行实时电离层完备性监测,能有效保证参考站网络内流动端用户定位的时间空间可用性和可靠性。  相似文献   

韩军强 《测绘学报》2020,49(3):397-397
滑坡变形监测不仅是科学问题,也是实践问题。对地质滑坡灾害进行高精度变形监测是防灾减灾至关重要的命题。GNSS作为滑坡监测预警的重要手段之一,不仅具有连续高精度、全天候监测能力,而且是目前唯一可以直接获取滑坡地表三维矢量变形的监测手段。然而,滑坡灾害往往多发于山地丘陵等复杂环境下,加上地震、降雨等因素的诱发作用,极易影响GNSS技术的实时预处理质量和监测定位精度;此外,高价位的GNSS监测终端开销也使得大规模、高密度滑坡监测难以大规模推广应用。针对上述滑坡复杂环境影响和设备成本问题,本研究分别从高精度GNSS实时数据预处理算法、空间地形环境建模和低成本云平台监测系统3个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在中长基线的GNSS动态相对定位中,随着基线长度的增加,参考站与流动站之间误差的相关性会下降,导致模糊度无法快速固定,定位性能下降。在多GNSS参考站条件下,可以通过自适应选择距离更近的参考站,形成更加合理的基线,以保障RTK定位的精度。为解决换站后重新初始化模糊度所带来的定位结果重新收敛问题,本文提出了一种GNSS RTK实时自适应参考站换站算法,引入原参考站与新参考站之间的双差模糊度作为辅助,从而得到准确的新参考站与流动站之间的双差模糊度先验信息,避免了换站后模糊度的重新初始化,得到了连续的高精度定位结果。该方法可适用于实时定位,能够满足大范围RTK高精度连续定位的需求。利用香港CORS站数据进行验证,结果表明,本文换站算法能够克服换站导致的定位重收敛问题,且能够保障换站前后获得连续的高精度定位结果。  相似文献   

Modern high accuracy measurements of the non-rigid earth are to be referred to four-dimensional, i.e., time- and space-dependent reference frames. Geodynamic phenomena derived from these measurements are to be described in a terrestrial reference frame in which both space- and time-like variations can be monitored. Existing conventional terrestrial reference frames (e.g. CIO, BIH) are no longer suitable for such purposes. The ultimate goal of this study is the establishment of a reference frame, moving with the earth in some average sense, in which the geometric and dynamic behavior of the earth can be monitored, and whose motion with respect to inertial space can also be determined. The study is conducted in several parts. In the first part problems related to reference directions are investigated, while subsequent parts deal with positions, i.e., with reference origins and scale. Only the first part is treated in this paper. The approach is based on the fact that reference directions at an observation point on the earth surface are defined by fundamental vectors (gravity, earth rotation, etc.), both space and time variant. These reference directions are interrelated by angular parameters, also derived from the fundamental vectors. The interrelationships between these space- and time-variant angular parameters are illustrated in a commutative diagram, tower of triads, which makes the derivation of the various relationships convenient. In order to determine the above parameters from observations using least squares techniques, a model tower of triads is also presented to allow the formation of linear observation equations. Although the model tower is also space and time variant, its variations are described by adopted parameters representing our current knowledge of the earth.  相似文献   

The National Geodetic Survey, an office within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, recently released version 3.1 of the Horizontal Time-Dependent Positioning (HTDP) utility for transforming coordinates across time and between spatial reference frames. HTDP 3.1 introduces improved crustal velocity models for both the contiguous United States and Alaska. The new HTDP version also introduces a model for estimating displacements associated with the magnitude 7.2 El Mayor–Cucapah earthquake of April 4, 2010. In addition, HTDP 3.1 enables its users to transform coordinates between the newly adopted International Terrestrial Reference Frame of 2008 (ITRF2008) and IGS08 reference frames and other popular reference frames, including current realizations of NAD 83 and WGS84. A more convenient format to enter a list of coordinates to be transformed has been added. Users can now also enter dates in the decimal year format as well as the month-day-year format. The new HTDP utility, explanatory material and instructions are available at http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/TOOLS/Htdp/Htdp.shtml.  相似文献   

IGS reference frames: status and future improvements   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The hierarchy of reference frames used in the International GPS Service (IGS) and the procedures and rationale for realizing them are reviewed. The Conventions of the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) lag developments in the IGS in a number of important respects. Recommendations are offered for changes in the IERS Conventions to recognize geocenter motion (as already implemented by the IGS) and to enforce greater model consistency in order to achieve higher precision for combined reference frame products. Despite large improvements in the internal consistency of IGS product sets, defects remain which should be addressed in future developments. If the IGS is to remain a leader in this area, then a comprehensive, long-range strategy should be formulated and pursued to maintain and enhance the IGS reference frame, as well as to improve its delivery to users. Actions should include the official designation of a high-performance reference tracking network whose stations are expected to meet the highest standards possible.Also published in the proceedings of the workshop and symposium Celebrating a Decade of the International GPS Service, Astronomical Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland.  相似文献   

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