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针对断层参数重力反演中密度误差对反演结果影响不确定的问题,该文采用控制变量方法,通过理论模型系统分析了密度误差对断层几何参数反演造成的影响,实现了定量确定密度误差与反演结果之间关系。研究结果表明:随着密度变化增大,反演误差逐渐增加;反演误差整体上处于10-5 m/s2量级,比采用的重力数据低两个量级,说明反演结果是可靠的。密度变化对断层埋深的影响相对较小,对断层倾角影响较大;当密度变化为-2%~2%时,断层上盘上底面、断层上盘下底面、断层下盘上底面、断层下盘下底面和倾角分别变化-0.5%~0.3%、0.2%~-0.4%、-0.38%~0.4%、0.25%~-0.3%和4%~-5%。当密度变化较小(-2%~2%)时,密度变化与断层参数变化之间存在近似线性关系。  相似文献   

何琦敏 《测绘学报》2023,(9):1610-1610
全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)作为一项颠覆性的导航技术,在诸多重要领域(如测绘、气象、交通、环境和农业等)都得到了广泛的应用。GNSS作为一种新型的水汽探测手段,具有重要的研究前景和应用潜力。它克服了传统气象观测水汽的诸多缺点(成本高、时间分辨率低、仪器偏差与漂移影响较大、易受天气影响等),能够实时反映大气环境的变化规律,全天候地获取全球大气水汽信息。然而,GNSS气象学作为一项快速发展的学科,在多尺度的天气灾害事件监测与预报模型的应用研究中还很有限。  相似文献   

柴大帅 《测绘学报》2022,51(5):787-787
随着我国BDS的持续发展,GPS不断完善,GLONASS加紧现代化进程,多系统的联合使用对卫星定位的精度和可靠性带来极大改善。但在复杂的动态环境下,卫星信号频繁受到遮挡,甚至失锁,无法保证定位的有效性。INS不受外界环境的影响,并且可以获得短时、高精度的导航参数。GNSS/INS组合导航技术能够获得连续、可靠和高精度的导航参数信息,已经被广泛应用于军事与民用领域。  相似文献   

刘耀辉 《测绘学报》2022,51(9):1977-1977
地震灾害具有突发性和不可预测性,严重威胁人类生命财产安全和社会稳定。进行区域尺度地震风险评估,既有助于相关部门制定城市规划和应急管理方案,最大限度减轻地震灾害风险,也可提高人民群众对潜在灾害的风险意识。承灾体、建(构)筑物数据是进行地震风险评估的基础数据之一。然而,当前存在建筑物数据获取难、更新速度慢等局限,无法满足区域尺度地震风险评估中建筑物数据准确性高、获取方便、更新及时等要求。同时,也缺乏结合社会脆弱性因素构建情景地震的应用案例。论文针对上述不足,以基于多源异构数据和机器学习方法快速、准确获取建筑物信息及其地震风险评估为研究目标,主要研究内容如下。  相似文献   

利用Envisat/ASAR雷达影像处理后获取的2008年11月10日青海大柴旦Mw6.3级地震InSAR同震形变场数据和LN算法反演观测值含有粗差情况下的地震Okada矩形位错模型断层参数;断层深度为19.691 5 km,倾角为56.892 3°,长度为16.499 3km,宽度为6.854 8km,倾滑量为0.832 6 m,中心经度为95.884 7°,中心纬度为37.529 5°,走向方位角为116.411 5°,地震矩为3.108 4×1018 Nm(Mw6.295 0)。反演结果表明,当观测值含有粗差时,LN算法在1范数下可以有效抵抗粗差的干扰,充分利用已有先验信息的同时顾及观测、线性化等原因引起的系数矩阵误差的影响。  相似文献   

王刘宇 《测绘学报》2022,51(9):1980-1980
SAR技术已在矿区形变监测方面得到了广泛的应用。InSAR技术在矿区小变形监测方面具有较高的精度,但无法获取矿区大量级形变。子带干涉技术能降低解缠难度进而提高测量精度。偏移量追踪方法可用于提取矿区大形变,但其监测精度相对较低。如何融合各方法的优势,获取矿区高精度大梯度形变信息是目前面临的科学问题。为此,论文重点研究了子带干涉技术在矿区形变监测中的适宜性、偏移量追踪方法在矿区形变监测中互相关窗口的选取方法及InSAR技术、子带干涉技术、偏移量追踪方法和概率积分模型融合的方法,通过与实测对比证明了方法的可靠性。主要工作及成果如下。  相似文献   

刘洋  许才军  温扬茂  何平 《测绘学报》2015,44(11):1202-1209
2008年11月10日,青海省大柴旦地区发生了Mw6.3级地震。本文利用EnviSat卫星升降轨SAR数据和差分干涉测量技术提取了同震形变场,基于均匀位错模型反演确定了地震断层参数,然后利用格网迭代搜索法确定了较优断层倾角,同时基于非均匀位错模型获得了精细滑动分布。结果表明,地震使得上盘区域沿降轨、升轨视线向分别产生最大约8.5cm、10cm的抬升;较优断层倾角为47.9°;地震滑动未延伸至地表,主要发生在地下8.2~23.7km深度范围内,最大和平均滑动量为0.5m和0.19m,平均滑动角为104.9°。反演的地震矩为3.74×1018 N·m,矩震级为Mw6.35。  相似文献   

针对现有验潮公开数据因时间范围及潮位沉降修正等影响,难以真实反映天津沿海相对海平面变化的问题,基于全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)与验潮并置观测,设计了联合卫星测高和GNSS观测的天津沿海相对海平面变化分析方法。分析结果显示,1993—2018年期间,塘沽验潮站点的相对海平面上升速率约为13.45±0.45 mm/a;联合4个虚拟并置观测站,得到天津沿海不同区域的相对海平面上升速率在11.15~19.17 mm/a,平均上升速率15.09±0.45 mm/a。沿海地面沉降是天津相对海平面上升速率偏高的主要因素(贡献率大于70%),受地面沉降非均匀空间分布的影响,海平面上升速率存在区域差异,塘沽验潮站难以代表整个天津沿海的相对海平面变化。  相似文献   

2008-11-10青海大柴旦地区发生了Mw6.3级地震,其发震断层位于青藏高原东北缘的大柴旦一宗务隆山断裂带。利用欧空局Envisat/ASAR卫星雷达影像数据,采用二通差分干涉技术获得了地震的同震地表形变场,基于1D协方差函数估计InSAR同震形变场的中误差为0.52cm,方差一协方差衰减距离为5.9km。在此基础上,采用弹性半空间矩形位错模型进行断层几何参数反演,并利用断层自动剖分技术确定了地震的最佳同震滑动分布模型。结果表明,该地震的震源机制解为走向107.19°,倾角56.57°,以逆冲为主兼具少量右旋走滑分量;滑动分布主要发生在10-20km深度范围内,最大滑动量为0.51m,释放的能量为4.3×10^18Nm。  相似文献   

目的 选取不同数量的IGS站,分别利用GPS和GPS+GLONASS观测数据计算ERP参数,并将结果和IGS公布值进行比较,分析测站数量增加和加入GLONASS观测数据对解算ERP参数的影响。此外,还利用GLO-NASS卫星的全部卫星激光测距(SLR)数据进行ERP参数解算,并将SLR结果和GNSS解算结果联合计算ERP,结果表明,联合SLR可改善GNSS数据解算ERP参数及高频ERP参数的系统性误差影响和稳定性。  相似文献   

Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) observations to Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) satellites may be used for several purposes. On one hand, the range measurement may be used as an independent validation for satellite orbits derived solely from GNSS microwave observations. On the other hand, both observation types may be analyzed together to generate a combined orbit. The latter procedure implies that one common set of orbit parameters is estimated from GNSS and SLR data. We performed such a combined processing of GNSS and SLR using the data of the year 2008. During this period, two GPS and four GLONASS satellites could be used as satellite co-locations. We focus on the general procedure for this type of combined processing and the impact on the terrestrial reference frame (including scale and geocenter), the GNSS satellite antenna offsets (SAO) and the SLR range biases. We show that the combination using only satellite co-locations as connection between GNSS and SLR is possible and allows the estimation of SLR station coordinates at the level of 1–2 cm. The SLR observations to GNSS satellites provide the scale allowing the estimation of GNSS SAO without relying on the scale of any a priori terrestrial reference frame. We show that the necessity to estimate SLR range biases does not prohibit the estimation of GNSS SAO. A good distribution of SLR observations allows a common estimation of the two parameter types. The estimated corrections for the GNSS SAO are 119 mm and −13 mm on average for the GPS and GLONASS satellites, respectively. The resulting SLR range biases suggest that it might be sufficient to estimate one parameter per station representing a range bias common to all GNSS satellites. The estimated biases are in the range of a few centimeters up to 5 cm. Scale differences of 0.9 ppb are seen between GNSS and SLR.  相似文献   

不同于当前广泛使用的空域法、时域法、直接解法,本文尝试采用Torus方法处理GOCE实测数据,利用71 d的GOCE卫星引力梯度数据反演了200阶次GOCE地球重力场模型,实现了对参考模型的精化。首先,采用Butterworth零相移滤波方法加移去—恢复技术,处理引力梯度观测值中的有色噪声,并利用泰勒级数展开和Kriging方法对GOCE卫星引力梯度数据进行归算和格网化,计算得到了名义轨道上格网点处的引力梯度数据。然后,利用2D-FFT技术和块对角最小二乘方法处理名义轨道上数据,获得了200阶次的GOCE地球重力场模型GOCE_Torus。利用中国和美国的GPS/水准数据进行外部检核结果说明,GOCE_Torus与ESA发布的同期模型的精度相当;GOCE_Torus模型与200阶次的EGM2008模型相比,在美国区域精度相当,但在中国区域精度提高了4.6 cm,这充分体现了GOCE卫星观测数据对地面重力稀疏区的贡献。Torus方法拥有快速高精度反演卫星重力场模型的优势,可以在重力梯度卫星的设计、误差分析及在轨快速评估等方面得到充分应用。  相似文献   

卫星测高与卫星重力对洋流的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫星测高与卫星重力的发展为进一步研究洋流提供了前所未有的机遇。本文从EGM 96 ,GGM0 1与未来的GOCE任务获取的高精度高分辨率海洋大地水准面的角度对洋流的研究方法与可行性进行了分析  相似文献   

Regularization of gravity field estimation from satellite gravity gradients   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
 The performance of the L-curve criterion and of the generalized cross-validation (GCV) method for the Tikhonov regularization of the ill-conditioned normal equations associated with the determination of the gravity field from satellite gravity gradiometry is investigated. Special attention is devoted to the computation of the corner point of the L-curve, to the numerically efficient computation of the trace term in the GCV target function, and to the choice of the norm of the residuals, which is important for the Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) in the presence of colored observation noise. The trace term in the GCV target function is estimated using an unbiased minimum-variance stochastic estimator. The performance analysis is based on a simulation of gravity gradients along a 60-day repeat circular orbit and a gravity field recovery complete up to degree and order 300. Randomized GCV yields the optimal regularization parameter in all the simulations if the colored noise is properly taken into account. Moreover, it seems to be quite robust against the choice of the norm of the residuals. It performs much better than the L-curve criterion, which always yields over-smooth solutions. The numerical costs for randomized GCV are limited provided that a reasonable first guess of the regularization parameter can be found. Received: 17 May 2001 / Accepted: 17 January 2002  相似文献   

A radial integration of spherical mass elements (i.e. tesseroids) is presented for evaluating the six components of the second-order gravity gradient (i.e. second derivatives of the Newtonian mass integral for the gravitational potential) created by an uneven spherical topography consisting of juxtaposed vertical prisms. The method uses Legendre polynomial series and takes elastic compensation of the topography by the Earth’s surface into account. The speed of computation of the polynomial series increases logically with the observing altitude from the source of anomaly. Such a forward modelling can be easily applied for reduction of observed gravity gradient anomalies by the effects of any spherical interface of density. An iterative least-squares inversion of measured gravity gradient coefficients is also proposed to estimate a regional set of juxtaposed topographic heights. Several tests of recovery have been made by considering simulated gradients created by idealistic conical and irregular Great Meteor seamount topographies, and for varying satellite altitudes and testing different levels of uncertainty. In the case of gravity gradients measured at a GOCE-type altitude of \(\sim \)300 km, the search converges down to a stable but smooth topography after 10–15 iterations, while the final root-mean-square error is \(\sim \)100 m that represents only 2 % of the seamount amplitude. This recovery error decreases with the altitude of the gravity gradient observations by revealing more topographic details in the region of survey.  相似文献   

Efficient gravity field recovery from GOCE gravity gradient observations   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
 An efficient algorithm is proposed for gravity field recovery from Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) satellite gravity gradient observations. The mathematical model is formulated in the time domain, which allows the inclusion of realistic observational noise models. The algorithm combines the iterative solution of the normal equations, using a Richardson-type iteration scheme, with the fast computation of the right-hand side of the normal equations in each iteration step by a suitable approximation of the design matrix. The convergence of the iteration is investigated, error estimates are provided, and the unbiasedness of the method is proved. It is also shown that the method does not converge to the solution of the normal equations. The performance of the approach for white noise and coloured noise is demonstrated along a simulated GOCE orbit up to spherical harmonic degree and order 180. The results also indicate that the approximation error may be neglected. Received: 30 November 1999 / Accepted: 31 May 2000  相似文献   

卫星重力梯度数据重力异常的精度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐翰  周强波 《测绘科学》2016,41(11):17-24
针对GOCE卫星确定的地球重力场模型精度的不确定性,对比分析GOCE位模型与多个不同重力场模型确定的重力异常,并将其分别与船测重力数据、南极航空重力数据、北极重力数据以及美国和中国台湾地面重力数据比较研究。结果表明:GOCE位模型的内符合精度最高,与地面重力观测数据符合最优;与船测以及航空重力测量符合相对较差、精度较低。研究表明,在一定精度前提下,GOCE卫星确定的重力数据可用于无人区,从而提高重力观测数据的覆盖率。  相似文献   

该文介绍了GRACE和GOCE重力卫星在地球重力场模型以及局部变化等方面的研究成果,介绍了卫星测高的检核与校验、全球和局部海平面变化监测、内陆湖和水库水位变化监测等方面的研究进展,对综合利用卫星重力、卫星测高以及合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量(DInSAR)等技术方法监测冰川和冰盖变化的成果进行了介绍,重点介绍了南极冰盖变化监测的研究成果。对综合卫星重力、卫星测高、DInSAR、GNSS/水准、GNSS等多种技术在冰川冰盖、局部形变监测等方面的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

GOCE卫星重力梯度观测值为高阶静态重力场反演提供了重要的数据支撑,但其在使用前需考虑扣除时变重力场变化的影响.本文研究了GOCE卫星重力梯度观测值的时变重力场变化改正方法,更新了ESA标准和背景模型,以更好地扣除时变重力场变化的影响,自主实现了由GOCE卫星Level1b重力梯度数据直接进行重力场反演.本文通过3种时...  相似文献   

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