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2006年春季我国沙尘天气特征及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张金艳  李勇  蔡芗宁  邹旭恺  乔林 《气象》2010,36(1):59-65
利用全国673个站每日8个时次的地面天气报告资料和T213模式产品,分析了2006年春季我国沙尘天气的主要特征及其成因。结果表明:2006年沙尘暴、强沙尘暴范围偏大、沙尘天气强度偏强;2006年春季我国北方沙尘天气过程(17次)偏多、强沙尘暴过程(5次)是2000年以来最多的一年,其中2006年4月9 11日强沙尘暴天气过程的影响范围和强度为20世纪90年代以来第三位;沙尘多发期长、结束晚。2006年春季北方大部地区气温偏高,致使地表层解冻快,土质疏松;降水偏少,地表干土层增厚,为沙尘天气的发生提供了有利的条件。2006年春季东亚大槽偏强,影响我国的冷空气活动较频繁且势力较强,蒙古气旋活动频繁。前期偏暖少雨与冷空气和蒙古气旋的共同作用,是造成2006年春季我国沙尘强度明显偏强且多发期结束晚的主要原因。  相似文献   

宁夏高、低温天气及环流特征的初步分析   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
陈楠  陈豫英  彭维耿 《高原气象》2003,22(4):416-421
通过宁夏24个测站1960—2000年逐日最高、最低气温资料,对宁夏40年来高、低温天气的时空变化特征进行了分析;并利用NCEP/NCAR(1979—1999年)资料对宁夏高、低温天气典型偏多、少年的大气环流异常特征进行了诊断分析。结果表明:宁夏高、低温天气偏多、少年间极涡的强度及位置和大陆高压、副热带高压的强度和位置具有明显差异,同时,高、低温天气偏多、少年份中,温度场也有相反的分布。  相似文献   

深圳市高影响天气的风廓线雷达特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用深圳多年风廓线雷达观测资料,分析了灰霾、大雾、高温、雷暴、台风、冷空气等高影响天气过程中的风廓线特征。结果表明风廓线雷达作为一种新型的探测工具,能够在垂直方向获取较高时间、空间分辨率的实时资料,为分析、预报预警高影响天气提供了新的资料和观测事实。不同的高影响天气风廓线特征各不相同。灰霾和高温以上空出现东北风为特征:大雾的水平、垂直方向分布与信噪比有关;雷暴等强对流天气具有明显的风垂直切变;热带气旋、西风槽和锋面等移动性天气系统,其风向、风速的垂直分布随时间有明显变化。  相似文献   

应用常规气象资料对2017年安康市华西秋雨的天气特征和成因进行分析,结果表明:2017年安康市秋雨具有开始时间早、持续时间长、降水强度大、总降水量大等特点,为1961年以来仅次于1964年的强华西秋雨;乌拉尔山长波脊和贝加尔湖长波槽的稳定维持,西太平洋副热带高压偏强偏西,为2017年华西秋雨的典型大气环流场;安康市秋雨...  相似文献   

揭示了6月异常天气降水偏多对主汛期的影响,着重分析了以1998年6月为代表的降水偏多年份的大气环流特征和主要天气影响系统,找出大兴安岭地区形成持续性强降水的成因。  相似文献   

1993年北半球环流特征及其对我国天气气候的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈桂英 《气象》1994,20(4):23-26
1993年北半球主要环流特征表现为:500hPa副产持续加强西伸,位置偏南;亚洲中纬度春,夏经向环流发展,东亚太平洋遥相关型稳定;西藏高原500hPa位势高度持续偏高,印缅槽持续偏弱;100hPa位势高度场低纬持续偏高,中,高纬持续偏低,夏季南亚高压位置异常偏高。热带海洋出现明显异常,一次新的厄尔尼诺现象发生。热带海洋和北半球大气环流的异常对我国天气气候产生明显影响。  相似文献   

苗曼倩  唐有华 《高原气象》1998,17(3):280-289
用三维中尺度模式研究长江三角洲夏季海陆风与城市热岛环流的相互作用,白天由于东海海风和太湖湖风环流与上海市热岛环流相互增强,最大垂直速度可达6.2cm/s;夜间则相反,由于海风(包括长江江风)与湖风的对撞,因而在上海到江阴市沿江出现一条水平辐合带,如果上海周围地区随着经济发展,大片农田被城市下垫面所取代,而使绿地覆盖率下降到15%以下,则睡季夜间地面气温可上升3℃,两个增温中心分别在苏州和嘉兴附近,  相似文献   

用球带范围的耦合模式,研究了夏季准定常环流系统的基本特征及其月内时间演变过程,发现在北半球中高纬,无论在大气高层还是低层,环流形势具有纬向两波结构,与纬向海陆分布的两波结构完全吻合,从而证明了海陆分布是造成准定常环流系统的根本原因。准定常环流系统的时间变化主要发生在前20个模式日中,变化最明显的地区通常也是准定常环流系统的中心。  相似文献   

对2009年2月4日08时到11时30分,呼和浩特市区出现的微量雨夹雪、雾、道路结冰的复杂天气进行原因分析。结果表明:由于受500hPa弱的短波槽及850hPa槽前西南暖湿气流的共同影响,形成了全市大部的微量雨夹雪;雨夹雪落地融化与地面进行热量交换,致使低于0℃的地面结了薄冰;雾主要出现在呼和浩特市区,一方面是由于适合的温度范围、高湿度条件、以及微风有关,另一方面冬季市区污染物较重,在低层存在逆温的情况下,污染物扩散能力较差,使水汽产生大量的凝结核,从而形成了雾,雾中及地水汽直接凝华也对地面结冰起到了作用。  相似文献   

1994年北半球环流特征及其影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
何敏 《气象》1995,21(4):25-28
1994年北半球主要环流特征表现为:500hPa副高明显偏强西伸,盛夏位置异常偏北;欧亚地区盛行伟向环流,北半球极涡向极地收缩,强度偏弱;盛夏东亚中纬地区维持稳定的高压脊,西风带锋区位置偏北;夏季100hPa南亚高压强度偏强、位置偏北、东伸明显;热带海洋出现明显异常,一次新的厄尔尼诺事件形成。北半球大气环流和热带海洋的异常对我国天气气候产生了明显影响。  相似文献   

Based on the NOAA's Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer(AVHRR) Pathfinder Atmospheres Extended(PATMOS-x) monthly mean cloud amount data, variations of annual and seasonal mean cloud amount over the Yangtze River Delta(YRD), China were examined for the period 1982–2006 by using a linear regression analysis. Both total and high-level cloud amounts peak in June and reach minimum in December, mid-level clouds have a peak during winter months and reach a minimum in summer, and lowlevel clouds vary weakly throughout the year with a weak maximum from August to October. For the annual mean cloud amount, a slightly decreasing tendency(–0.6% sky cover per decade) of total cloud amount is observed during the studying period, which is mainly due to the reduction of annual mean high-level cloud amount(–2.2% sky cover per decade). Mid-level clouds occur least(approximately 15% sky cover) and remain invariant, while the low-level cloud amount shows a significant increase during spring(1.5% sky cover per decade) and summer(3.0% sky cover per decade). Further analysis has revealed that the increased low-level clouds during the summer season are mainly impacted by the local environment. For example,compared to the low-level cloud amounts over the adjacent rural areas(e.g., cropland, large water body, and mountain areas covered by forest), those over and around urban agglomerations rise more dramatically.  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区四省会城市PM10污染特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对长江三角洲地区四省会城市(上海、南京、杭州、合肥)2001-2005年逐日大气污染指数资料进行统计分析,并采用HYSPLIT轨迹模式,分析了各城市中度以上大气污染过程的输送特征。结果表明:2002年以后,四省会城市的大气质量都有好转的趋势;大气污染发生频率最高的季节是春季(南京)和冬季(其他城市);11月和3月是大气污染出现频率最高的月份。上海PM10与NO2和SO2浓度之间存在非常显著的正相关,合肥PM10与NO2和SO2浓度之间的相关性比上海略差。两城市都是PM10与NO2之间的偏相关系数远大于与SO2之间的偏相关系数。各城市的PM10浓度都与另外三个城市之间存在显著的正相关,尤其是3,4月份。后向轨迹分析表明,造成本地区中度以上大气污染的气团以西北来向为主。  相似文献   

The lake-breeze at Taihu Lake generates a different specific heat capacity between the water body and the surrounding land. Taihu Lake has a significant impact on the atmospheric conditions and the air quality in the Yangtze River Delta. This phenomenon is referred to as the Taihu Lake effect. In this study, two simulations were conducted to determine the impact of the Taihu Lake effect in the reference experiment(R-E) and sensitivity experiments(NO TH). The control simulations demonstrated that the meteorological field and the spatial distribution of ozone(O3) concentrations over Taihu lake obviously changed once the land-use type of water body was substituted by cropland. The surface temperature of Taihu Lake was reduced under the impact of Taihu Lake, and a huge temperature difference caused a strong lake-breeze effect. The results also showed that the difference in the average concentrations of O3 between the R-E and NO TH experiments reached 12 ppbv in most areas of Taihu Lake, all day, on 20 May 2014. During daytime(0800–1600 LST, LST=UTC+8), the influence of the Taihu Lake effect on O3 in the Suzhou region was not significant. However, the influence of the Taihu Lake effect on O3 in the Suzhou region was obvious during nighttime(1800–2400 LST). The larger changes in the physical and chemical processes were horizontal and vertical advections under the influence of the Taihu Lake effect in Taihu Lake.  相似文献   

长三角地区11月大雾频次变化的天气气候背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用1977—2006年长三角地区5个国家气候一级站的1日4次地面气象观测资料以及NCEP/NCAR相关资料,初步分析了该地区11月区域雾频次变化的天气气候背景。结果表明,长三角11月区域雾少发(多发)时,500hPa高空为较强的西北风(平直的西风),850hPa上为强西北风(弱西北、东北风),低层925hPa上偏北风分量较大且相对湿度较小(偏北风减小并出现偏东风分量且相对湿度较大),海平面气压场上长三角受强冷高压控制(位于弱高压底前部均压区内)。  相似文献   

In order to understand the seasonal variation of aerosol optical properties in the Yangtze River Delta,5 years of measurements were conducted during September 2005 to December 2009 at Taihu,China.The monthly averages of aerosol optical depth were commonly >0.6;the maximum seasonal average(0.93) occurred in summer.The magnitude of the Angstr¨om exponent was found to be high throughout the year;the highest values occurred in autumn(1.33) and were the lowest in spring(1.08).The fine modes of volume size distribution showed the maxima(peaks) at a radius of ~0.15 μm in spring,autumn,and winter;at a radius of ~0.22 μm in summer.The coarse modes showed the maxima(peaks) at a radius of 2.9 μm in spring,summer,and autumn and at a radius of 3.8 μm in winter.The averages of single-scattering albedo were 0.92(spring),0.92(summer),0.91(autumn),and 0.88(winter).The averages of asymmetry factor were found to be larger in summer than during other seasons;they were taken as 0.66 at 440-1020 nm over Taihu.The real part of the refractive index showed a weak seasonal variation,with averages of 1.48(spring),1.43(summer),1.45(autumn),and 1.48(winter).The imaginary parts of the refractive index were higher in winter(0.013) than in spring(0.0076),summer(0.0092),and autumn(0.0091),indicating that the atmosphere in the winter had higher absorbtivity.  相似文献   

In this paper, the online weather research and forecasting and chemistry (WRF-Chem) model is used to explore the impacts of urban expansion on regional weather conditions and its implication on surface ozone concentrations over the Pearl River Delta(PRD) and Yangtze River Delta(YRD) regions. Two scenarios of urban maps are used in the WRF-Chem to represent the early 1990s (pre-urbanization) and the current urban distribution in the PRD and the YRD. Month-long simulation results using the above land-use scenarios for March 2001 show that urbanization increases both the day- and night-time 2-m temperatures by about 0.6oC and 1.4oC, respectively. Daytime reduction in the wind speed by about 3.0 m s-1 is larger than that for the nighttime (0.5 to 2 m s-1). The daytime increase in the PBL height (> 200 m) is also larger than the nighttime (50--100 m). The meteorological conditions modified by urbanization lead to detectable ozone-concentration changes in the PRD and the YRD. Urbanization increases the nighttime surface-ozone concentrations by about 4.7%--8.5% and by about 2.9%--4.2% for the daytime. In addition to modifying individual meteorological variables, urbanization also enhances the convergence zones, especially in the PRD. More importantly, urbanization has different effects on the surface ozone for the PRD and the YRD, presumably due to their urbanization characteristics and geographical locations. Even though the PRD has a smaller increase in the surface temperature than the YRD, it has (a) weaker surface wind speed, (b) smaller increase in PBL heights, and (c) stronger convergence zones. The latter three factors outweighed the temperature increase and resulted in a larger ozone enhancement in the PRD than the YRD.  相似文献   

长江三角洲近46a气温和降水的变化趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用长江三角洲地区84个气象站观测数据,分析了长江三角洲1961—2006年气温和降水的时空变化趋势。结果表明,46a间长江三角洲地区年平均气温上升趋势显著,冬季平均气温的增温幅度最大,春、秋次之。增温显著区域与城市带分布区域吻合。极端最低气温有明显上升,而年极端低温事件日数的下降趋势显著。部分地区的极端最高气温呈上升趋势,在城市密集带尤为突出。年降水量没有明显的变化趋势,但降水的季节分配有所变化,冬、夏季降水量呈现显著上升趋势,秋季降水量明显下降,春季没有明显变化。  相似文献   

长江三角洲夏季气候舒适度模糊评判   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以集合论为基础,采用数学模糊评判方法,选取长江三角洲3个站点1981~2000年夏季(7、8、9月)的平均气温、相对湿度和风速资料,作为评价气候环境对人体舒适度的影响因素,并将舒适程度分为很舒适、舒适、较舒适和不舒适4个等级,对长江三角洲夏季气候舒适度进行模糊评判,并结合天空状况进行了分析。结果表明,长江三角洲地区夏季舒适度分布,时间上9月份很舒适,很舒适程度比例均在70%以上;7、8月较舒适,较舒适水平也在60%以上;空间上具有显著的相似性,仅有微小的差别,具体表现为南京略好一点,上海和杭州相当。  相似文献   

利用第三代空气质量预报模式LOTOS-EUROS(Long Term Ozone Simulation-European Operational Smog)对2018年中国长三角地区细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度的时空分布进行数值模拟,通过对比模拟结果与地面观测值,验证模式对PM2.5长期特征模拟的合理性并探讨长三角地区P...  相似文献   

Hydrofluorocarbons(HFCs) have been widely used in China as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances,the production and use of which are being phased out under the Montreal Protocol.China is a major consumer of HFCs around the world,with its HFC emissions in CO_2-equivalent contributing to about 18% of the global emissions for the period2012-16.Three methods are widely used to estimate the emissions of HFCs-namely,the bottom-up method,top-down method and tracer ratio method.In this study,the tracer ratio method was adopted to estimate HFC emissions in the Yangtze River Delta(YRD),using CO as a tracer.The YRD region might make a significant contribution to Chinese totals owing to its rapid economic growth.Weekly flask measurements for ten HFCs(HFC-23,HFC-32,HFC-125,HFC-134 a,HFC-143 a,HFC-152 a,HFC-227 ea,HFC-236 fa,HFC-245 fa and HFC-365 mfc) were conducted at Lin'an Regional Background Station in the YRD over the period 2012-16,and the HFC emissions were 2.4±1.4 Gg yr~(-1) for HFC-23,2.8±1.2 Gg yr~(-1) for HFC-32,2.2±1.2 Gg yr~(-1) for HFC-125,4.8±4.8 Gg yr~(-1) for HFC-134 a,0.9±0.6 Gg yr~(-1) for HFC-152 a,0.3±0.3 Gg yr~(-1) for HFC-227 ea and 0.3±0.2 Gg yr~(-1) for HFC-245 fa.The YRD total HFC emissions reached 53 Gg CO_2-e yr~(-1),contributing 34% of the national total.The per capita HFC CO_2-equivalent emissions rate was 240 kg yr-1,while the values of per unit area emissions and per million GDP emissions reached 150 Mg km~(-2)yr~(-1) and 3500 kg yr~(-1)(million CNY GDP)-1,which were much higher than national or global levels.  相似文献   

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