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This paper is a brief review of the work carried out by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL) in measuring tides and sub-surface pressure variations in the deep water of the ocean basins using Bottom Pressure Recorders (BPRs). It deals particularly with the work of David Cartwright which he began in the early 1970s and carried out until he left POL in 1986 but is continued by his co-workers of that time.The paper mentions the early work in the north Atlantic when instrument deployments were limited to one month duration and describes what was achieved from the measurements. It concentrates mainly on measurements that were made since the early 1980s when it became possible, because of developments in instrument technology, to achieve individual measurements lasting for one year or more. The results obtained from these measurements are described and some interesting features of the spectrum of the pelagic sub-surface pressure are discussed.As instrument technology further improved, it became possible to study low frequency variations in sub-surface pressure. The contributions made by POL to studies of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the contribution to ocean circulation studies during the World Ocean Circulation Experiment are discussed. This led to the development of an instrument capable of operating continuously at ocean depths for five years. The preliminary results from a four year deployment of this instrument which was completed in November 1996 are included.  相似文献   

The field of ocean geochemistry has recently been expanded to include in situ laser Raman spectroscopic measurements in the deep ocean. While this technique has proved to be successful for transparent targets, such as fluids and gases, difficulty exists in using deep submergence vehicle manipulators to position and control the very small laser spot with respect to opaque samples of interest, such as many rocks, minerals, bacterial mats, and seafloor gas hydrates. We have developed, tested, and successfully deployed by remotely operated vehicle (ROV) a precision underwater positioner (PUP) which provides the stability and precision movement required to perform spectroscopic measurements using the Deep Ocean Raman In situ Spectrometer (DORISS) instrument on opaque targets in the deep ocean for geochemical research. The positioner is also adaptable to other sensors, such as electrodes, which require precise control and positioning on the seafloor. PUP is capable of translating the DORISS optical head with a precision of 0.1 mm in three dimensions over a range of at least 15 cm, at depths up to 4000 m, and under the normal range of oceanic conditions (T, P, current velocity). The positioner is controlled, and spectra are obtained, in real time via Ethernet by scientists aboard the surface vessel. This capability has allowed us to acquire high quality Raman spectra of targets such as rocks, shells, and gas hydrates on the seafloor, including the ability to scan the laser spot across a rock surface in sub-millimeter increments to identify the constituent mineral grains. These developments have greatly enhanced the ability to obtain in situ Raman spectra on the seafloor from an enormous range of specimens.  相似文献   

Instrument calibration of ocean bottom seismographs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To increase the accuracy of measuring sea floor motion with ocean bottom seismometers, we calibrate the seismometer system on the ocean floor. Data from the sea floor calibration, augmented with electronic and land calibration data, enables us to find the OBS transfer function to an accuracy of 0.5% in the frequency range of 0.1 to 32 Hz. We are able to distinguish between temperature, instrument and OBS ground coupling effects, all of which alter the transfer function. This paper reviews our method of calibration and discusses the effects of temperature and some of the instrument design features on the vertical seismometer transfer function.  相似文献   

An electromagnetic sounding system has been developed to map the shallow electrical conductivity structure of the deep sea floor. The instrument consists of a magnetic source and several colinear magnetic receivers forming an array which is towed along the seafloor. The source generates a time varying magnetic field; the shape of the resulting magnetic field waveform at the receivers depends on the electrical conductivity below the seafloor between the receivers and the source. The instrument can be towed systematically over a study area under acoustic transponder or GPS navigation to construct a map of the electrical conductivity. Towing speeds of greater than 1 m s–1 (2 knots) can be achieved without adversely effecting data quality. The instrument is sufficiently robust to survive continual contact with thinly sedimented, abrasive basalt. We present the first results from a deployment in August, 1990 near the Cleft Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge along an 8 km track to the west of the spreading center. Unforeseen problems with the instrument restricted the utility of the measurements for constructing detailed vertical conductivity profiles, but the measurements were adequate to determine an average conductivity in the upper 25 m, at more than 70 stations. The conductivity was found to vary from 0.1 to 0.4 S/m along the track.  相似文献   

The Seafloor Borehole Array Seismic System (SEABASS) has been developed to measure the pressure and threedimensional particle velocity of the VLF sound field (2–50 Hz) below the seafloor in the deep ocean. The system consists of four three-component borehole seismometers (with an optional hydrophone). a borehole digitizing unit, and a seafloor control and recording package. The system can be deployed using a wireline re-entry capability from a conventional research vessel in Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) boreholes. Data from below the seafloor are acquired either onboard the research vessel via coaxial tether or remotely on the seafloor in a self-contained package. If necessary the data module from the seafloor package can be released independently and recovered on the surface. This paper describes the engineering specifications of SEABASS, the tests that were carried out, and preliminary results from an actual deep sea deployment. VLF ambient noise levels beneath the seafloor acquired on the Low Frequency Acoustic-Seismic Experiment (LFASE) are within 20 dB of levels from previous seafloor borehole seismic experiments and from land borehole measurements. The ambient noise observed on LFASE decreases by up to 12 dB in the upper 100 m of the seafloor in a sedimentary environment.  相似文献   

The Bremen ocean bottom tiltmeter is a new 6000 m-depth deep sea instrument for autonomous observation of sea floor tilt with signal periods longer than 7.5 s. The instrument also records vertical acceleration in the frequency range from DC to 1 Hz. The tiltmeter has an Applied Geomechanics Inc. 756 wide angle biaxial bubble tilt sensor with a resolution of 1.0μ rad (0.2 arc second). A Kistler Corp. MEMS accelerometer of type Servo K-Beam 8330A2.5 with about 10−5m/s2 resolution is used for the acceleration measurements. An Oceanographic Embedded Systems AD24 24 bit Sigma-Delta converter, which is controlled by a low-power Persistor Inc. embedded computer system of type CF 2, samples the data. The duration of tiltmeter operation is more than one year, which is controlled by the battery life. In our design the tiltmeter does not need active leveling devices, i.e., servo motors or other moving components to adjust sensors or frame. We designed the instrument for deployments by means of a remote operated vehicle. Since May 2005 the Bremen ocean bottom tiltmeter has recorded sea floor deformation and seismicity level in the Logatchev hydrothermal vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The tiltmeter is a part of the monitoring system of project ‘Logatchev Long-Term Environmental Monitoring,’ called LOLEM, of the German research program with the name ‘Schwerpunktprogramm 1144: Vom Mantel zum Ozean.’  相似文献   

风通过影响海洋表面从而产生200 Hz以上的深海环境噪声,但有研究指出,通过风生表面波之间的非线性相互作用产生的驻波,能够与海床共振构成海底微震,从而产生10 Hz以下的噪声。针对这一新型风生噪声机制,本研究对威克岛海域10 Hz以下的极低频噪声进行了分析。比较了不同频率下海洋环境噪声功率谱级与风速的相关性,并讨论了风速和风向对设立在威克岛南北部二组水听器三联体信号的影响,结果表明2 Hz处的海洋环境噪声级与风速相关性最好,而风速和风向变化越剧烈海洋环境极低频噪声与风速风向的相关性越好。  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2006,225(1-4):1-4
The depth of the free methane gas horizon in Eckernförde Bay, Western Baltic Sea, was monitored over 4 months in 1-h intervals with an echo sounder mounted on a tower at the seafloor. The depth to the top of the free gas varied between 50 cm and 100 cm below seafloor. Short-term fluctuations of free gas depth are related for the most part to changes of total pressure (air pressure and water level), the observation period was too short to demonstrate the effect of the annual temperature cycle.The correlation of gas depth changes and total pressure agrees well with theory which predicts a linear influence of pressure fluctuations on gas solubility. Since the methane content in the pore water of Eckernförde Bay is at the saturation limit environmental changes (pressure and temperature variations) cannot be buffered and have an instant impact on free gas presence.The implications of this observation are manifold. Geo-technically, the bearing strength of the seafloor is altered by the presence of gas bubbles. Similarly, sonar systems are influenced by the presence of gas bubbles which alter the acoustic seafloor properties. Of ecological interest is that pressure drops can trigger a sudden ebullition of the greenhouse gas methane from the seafloor into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The MIT ocean-bottom seismometer is a free-fall, pop-up instrument capable of recording three components of seismic data on the sea floor for periods of at least one month. Data are recorded in digital format on a specially designed magnetic tape recorder. An event recording scheme and semiconductor memories assure both efficient data storage and preservation of first motion information. Sensors and recording electronics are housed in a cylindrical pressure vessel, which sits vertically atop an expendable base plate on the ocean bottom. Attached to the pressure case are three glass spheres for buoyancy. After a pre-set time interval, a motor-driven mechanical latch release frees the instrument to float to the ocean surface for recovery.  相似文献   

To perform geophysical and multidisciplinary real-time measurements on the ocean floor, it has been attempted to reuse decommissioned submarine cables. The VENUS project reuses the TPC-2, which is one of these systems and runs across the entire Philippine Sea Plate between Guam Island and Okinawa Island. The VENUS system comprises an ocean floor observatory, a submarine cable, and a land system. The major components of the ocean floor observatory are geophysical instruments and a telemetry system. There are seven scientific instrument units including broadband seismometers and a hydrophone array. Digital telemetry using the old analog telephone cable obtains high data accuracy and real-time accessibility to data from a laboratory on land. The bottom-telemetry system and a part of sensor units were installed at a depth of 2157 m on the landward slope of the Ryukyu (Nansei-Syoto) Trench on August 29, 1999. The data from the hydrophone array and tsunami gauge have been correctly transmitted to the data center. The rest of the scientific instruments will be deployed by deep-tow equipment and a remotely operated vehicle. Using a decommissioned submarine cable will greatly reduce construction costs compared to using a new cable system  相似文献   

The ocean signal for this study is the sea surface height due to the slowly varying (greater than 5-day) ocean processes, which are predominantly the deep ocean mesoscale. These processes are the focus of present assimilation systems for monitoring and predicting ocean circulation due to ocean fronts and eddies and the associated environmental changes that impact real time activities in areas with depths greater than about 200 m. By this definition, signal-to-noise may be estimated directly from altimeter data sets through a crossover point analysis. The RMS variability in crossover differences is due to instrument noise, errors in environmental corrections to the satellite observation, and short time period oceanic variations. The signal-to-noise ratio indicates that shallow areas are typically not well observed due to the high frequency fluctuations. Many deep ocean areas also contain significant high frequency variability such as the subpolar latitudes, which have large atmospheric pressure systems moving through, and these in turn generate large errors in the inverse barometer correction. Understanding the spatial variations of signal to noise is a necessary prerequisite for correct assimilation of the data into operational systems.  相似文献   

The ocean signal for this study is the sea surface height due to the slowly varying (greater than 5-day) ocean processes, which are predominantly the deep ocean mesoscale. These processes are the focus of present assimilation systems for monitoring and predicting ocean circulation due to ocean fronts and eddies and the associated environmental changes that impact real time activities in areas with depths greater than about 200 m. By this definition, signal-to-noise may be estimated directly from altimeter data sets through a crossover point analysis. The RMS variability in crossover differences is due to instrument noise, errors in environmental corrections to the satellite observation, and short time period oceanic variations. The signal-to-noise ratio indicates that shallow areas are typically not well observed due to the high frequency fluctuations. Many deep ocean areas also contain significant high frequency variability such as the subpolar latitudes, which have large atmospheric pressure systems moving through, and these in turn generate large errors in the inverse barometer correction. Understanding the spatial variations of signal to noise is a necessary prerequisite for correct assimilation of the data into operational systems.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional ocean wave spectrum developing under the atmospheric surface pressure fluctuations is linearly correlated with that of wind pressure itself, so that angular distribution of energy of ocean surface waves can be determined by directional properties of surface pressure fluctuations with the same frequency to the surface wave.From empirically determined spectral formula of the atmospheric surface pressure fluctuations the coefficients of Fourier series expanded around mean direction of wind are analytically integrated, from which r.m.s. angular distribution, spectral peakedness and long-crestedness are calculated, compared with previously proposed empirical formulae and observations carried out by ultrasonic current meter.  相似文献   

In July 2000, an array of instruments called acoustic extensometers was deployed at the Cleft segment of the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge, a seafloor observatory site selected by the National Science Foundation RIDGE Program. These instruments are designed to precisely measure horizontal deformation across the axis of a mid-ocean ridge in order to detect and quantify seafloor spreading events. The instruments were deployed in semipermanent seafloor benchmarks in a linear array that is 1.2-km long and spans the floor of the axial valley. The instruments make daily measurements of distance to their neighbors in the array by recording the round trip travel time of 100-kHz acoustic pulses, and simultaneous temperature measurements are used to correct the ranges for sound speed variations. The instruments are expected to have lifetimes of at least five years. In addition, precise pressure measurements have been made at each benchmark with a remotely operated vehicle in order to monitor for vertical deformation across the array. Preliminary results show that the resolution of the acoustic measurements is ±1-2 cm and that no abrupt deformation events occurred during the first year  相似文献   

Herber  R.  Grevemeyer  I.  Exner  O.  Villinger  H.  Weigel  W. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》1998,20(3):239-247
Bottom shots have been used for a number of years in seismic studies on the ocean floor. Most experiments utilized explosives as the energy source, though researchers have recognized the usefulness of collapsing water voids to produce seismoacoustic signals. Implosive sources, however, suffered generally from a lack of control of source depth. We present a new experimental tool, called SEEBOSEIS, to carry out seismic experiments on the seafloor utilizing hollow glass spheres as controlled implosive sources. The source is a 10-inch BENTHOS float with penetrator. Inside the sphere we place a small explosive charge (two detonators) to destabilize the glass wall. The time of detonation is controlled by an external shooting device. Test measurements on the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean, show that the implosive sources can be used in seismic refraction experiments to image the subbottom P-wave velocity structure in detail beyond that possible with traditional marine seismic techniques. Additionally, the implosions permit the efficient generation of dispersed Scholte waves, revealing upper crustal S-wave velocities. The frequency band of seismic energy ranges from less than 1 Hz for Scholte modes up to 1000 Hz for diving P-waves. Therefore, broadband recording units with sampling rates >2000 Hz are recommended to sample the entire wave field radiated by implosive sources.  相似文献   

A Remotely Operated Serial Sampler for Collecting Gas-Tight Fluid Samples   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper describes the design, construction and preliminary test results for a gas-tight serial sampler intended to be deployed at seafloor for long-term operation to take time-series fluid samples from deep-sea environments such as cold seeps, water column and hydrothermal vents. The serial sampler is a modular system that is based on independent and identical sampling modules, which are designed to collect six 160 ml gas-tight fluid samples maintained at high pressure to a depth of 4000 meters. With two working modes, the sampler can be deployed either with seafloor cabled observatory for remote control or as a stand-alone device for autonomous operation. A prototype of the instrument has been constructed and tested on the MARS cabled observatory for two months. The laboratory and field tests proved the success of the design and construction of the serial sampler, and indicated the potential for future ocean sciences.  相似文献   

An acoustic transient recording buoy (ATRB) developed to provide improved dynamic range and recording capacity in a reconfigurable manner is described. This digital system can acquire and record up to 16 h of broadband wide dynamic range (≈80 dB) acoustic data from eight hydrophones. A unique feature is the use of two inexpensive video cassette recorders to obtain up to 10 Gb of data storage capacity. The system is self-contained and capable of unattended bottom-moored operation. An experiment designed and conducted using a single ship and this system to obtain simultaneous measurements of sea surface forward scatter, propagation loss, and sea floor interaction is reported. Data obtained demonstrate the utility of this system for ocean acoustic experiments. Explosive charge source levels using direct path measurements agreed with previous measurements. Surface reflected data exhibited a frequency dependence attributed to sea surface swell and roughness  相似文献   

Multibeam echosounders (MBES) have become a widely used acoustic remote sensing tool to map and study the seafloor, providing co-located bathymetry and seafloor backscatter. Although the uncertainty associated with MBES-derived bathymetric data has been studied extensively, the question of backscatter uncertainty has been addressed only minimally and hinders the quantitative use of MBES seafloor backscatter. This paper explores approaches to identifying uncertainty sources associated with MBES-derived backscatter measurements. The major sources of uncertainty are catalogued and the magnitudes of their relative contributions to the backscatter uncertainty budget are evaluated. These major uncertainty sources include seafloor insonified area (1–3 dB), absorption coefficient (up to >?6 dB), random fluctuations in echo level (5.5 dB for a Rayleigh distribution), and sonar calibration (device dependent). The magnitudes of these uncertainty sources vary based on how these effects are compensated for during data acquisition and processing. Various cases (no compensation, partial compensation and full compensation) for seafloor insonified area, transmission losses and random fluctuations were modeled to estimate their uncertainties in different scenarios. Uncertainty related to the seafloor insonified area can be reduced significantly by accounting for seafloor slope during backscatter processing while transmission losses can be constrained by collecting full water column absorption coefficient profiles (temperature and salinity profiles). To reduce random fluctuations to below 1 dB, at least 20 samples are recommended to be used while computing mean values. The estimation of uncertainty in backscatter measurements is constrained by the fact that not all instrumental components are characterized and documented sufficiently for commercially available MBES. Further involvement from manufacturers in providing this essential information is critically required.  相似文献   


This article describes the design and initial tests of the GPS portion of a system for making seafloor geodesy measurements. In the planned system, GPS antennas on a floating platform will be used to measure the location of an acoustic transducer, attached below the platform, which interrogates an array of transponders on the seafloor. Since the GPS antennas are necessarily some distance above the transducer, a short‐baseline GPS interferometer consisting of three antennas is used to measure the platform's orientation.

A preliminary test of several crucial elements of the system was performed at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) in December 1989. The test involved a fixed antenna on the pier and a second antenna floating on a buoy about 80 m away. GPS measurements of the vertical component of this baseline, analyzed independently by two groups using different software, agree with each other and with an independent measurement within a centimeter.

The first test of an integrated GPS/acoustic system took place in the Santa Cruz Basin off the coast of southern California in May 1990. In this test a much larger buoy, designed and built at SIO, was equipped with three GPS antennas and an acoustic transducer that interrogated a transponder on the ocean floor. Preliminary analysis indicates that the horizontal position of the transponder can be determined with a precision of about a centimeter. Further analysis will be required to investigate the magnitude of systematic errors.  相似文献   

如何确定海底多金属硫化物的空间分布并对其进行资源量评价至关重要。瞬变电磁法是陆地金属矿床勘探的重要手段,但海底的崎岖地形、硫化物的复杂结构以及不稳定的近底观测条件为瞬变电磁在海洋中的应用提出了挑战。为验证瞬变电磁方法对热液区硫化物的勘探应用潜力,本文采用了有限元方法,结合大西洋洋中脊TAG热液区实测地形数据和硫化物深部剖面进行三维正演模拟,通过对比仪器在不同位置、姿态、离底高度的正演模拟结果发现:重叠回线探测装置在离底高度小于60 m时,可以有效探测到TAG丘体的高电导率异常。海底复杂地形以及仪器拖曳方式都会对二次场早期响应产生干扰,同时仪器姿态变化也会改变所探测到的响应,这表明,应结合研究区域的海底地形、仪器海底定位以及姿态数据才能更好的对实测瞬变电磁数据进行合理解释。  相似文献   

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