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1999年9月集集(Mw7.6)地震,由于车笼埔地震断层猛烈地逆冲推挤作用,导致断层沿线地带产生剧烈的场地地震灾害、文中列举车笼埔断层活动引发场地地震灾害的情况,提出该类活断层下盘建筑物的安全距离不应少于3000m,上盘建筑物的安全距离不应少于5000m。  相似文献   

邢台地震的发震构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来分辨力较高的地震反射剖面资料证实了邢台地区的缓倾角正断层的构造特征。震源机制解、地面形变和地壳构造都表明邢台地震的发震构造不是地质图上所标明的北东向正断层。本文认为应以地震断层面解作为确定发震构造的主要根据,邢台地震是由于中层地壳内的垂直薄弱带在区域构造应力作用下产生水平错动的结果。这个垂直薄弱带的形成与华北地壳的新生代拉伸变形与火成岩的侵入有直接关系。  相似文献   

1988年耿马7.2级地震形成长约18km的地震断层。本文阐述了该地震断层带几何特征、位移分布及力学性质,并讨论了其形成机制与发震构造。  相似文献   

921台湾集集地震近断层强震记录的基线校正   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
分析了 92 1台湾集集地震近断层强震记录基线偏移的原因 ,指出强震仪的倾斜是导致近断层强震记录基线偏移的主要原因 ,并提出了相应的基线校正方法 ,比较好地消除了近断层强震记录的基线偏移。根据作者的研究 ,原始记录经基线初始化之后 ,基线偏移对反应谱在工程界最感兴趣的0 .1~ 6s周期范围内的影响是很小的 ,对PGA的影响也很小 ,但对PGV ,PGD和永久位移 (D -last)的影响则相当大。因此 ,对近断层强震记录进行基线校正具有重要的意义。文中所提出的基线校正方法 ,可应用于对 1999年土耳其地震及 92 1台湾集集地震余震产生的近断层强震记录和其他近断层强震记录的基线校正  相似文献   

应用化探方法研究断层活动性及发震构造   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
应用与断层活动有关的断层气资料研究断层的活动性,首先是要确定测区的背景值和异常下限,进而研究断层的活动性和分段特征,查找隐伏断裂及其产状,比较不同强震区断层气的异常值及峰值,判断潜在震源区的未来危险地段。重复测定活动断层的活动段以了解断层的动态变化,为预测断层的活动趋势与孕震关系提供依据。  相似文献   

有关1976年唐山地震发震断层的讨论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
江娃利 《地震地质》2006,28(2):312-318
对《地震地质》刊登的两篇文章中有关唐山断裂是高角度西倾的逆冲走滑断裂及唐山市东侧付庄-西河断裂是唐山地震的发震断裂的观点进行讨论。笔者认为,如果唐山地震断层是西倾的逆冲走滑活动,需要考虑唐山逆冲断裂的活动方式与唐山市西侧第四纪凹陷之间的关系;如果付庄-西河断裂是唐山地震震源构造的地表破裂,需要解释该西倾的倾滑断裂带与唐山市内走滑地裂缝带的成因联系。此外,还需要更有说服力的证据排除该地表破裂带是次生构造破裂的可能。建议对控制草泊第四纪凹陷的活动断裂开展调查  相似文献   

非发震断层的地震效应问题   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文采用二维动态有限元分析的方法,排除了影响宏观震害的其它因素,建立非发震断层的场地地震反应分析模型。计算中较全面地考虑了断层破碎带的尺度及带内岩土物理力学性能、断面产状、断层错距、覆盖层厚度、基岩起伏、输入波动力特性等一系列因素对地面峰值加速度及相对加速度反应谱的影响,并结合有关宏观震害资料从不同的角度对这些问题进行了初步的分析和探讨,认为非发震断层所表现出来的实际地震效应具有很大的随机性,其随机程度受控于断层自身要素的组合型式及各种外部条件。  相似文献   

多次强震单个发震概率的预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王健 《中国地震》1995,11(4):397-400
本文提出了应用复杂记忆概率预测模型,对预测时段内发生多次地震的各次概率的计算方法。对华北北部地区(39°─41°N,114°─117°E)1995年至2005年10年内发生6级以上地震的概率进行了预测,结论是发生一次大于6级地震的概率为0.85;在一定的假设条件下计算第一次地震后发生第二次6级以上地震的概率为0.24;第三次6级以上地震的发生概率为0.01。  相似文献   

基于高分辨率卫星影像解译,通过野外地质地貌填图与差分GPS测量,初步获得了帕米尔高原1895年塔什库尔干地震地表破裂带的空间展布、破裂类型、位移及分布等基本参数,据此估算了可能的地震震级,讨论了其宏观震中及发震构造模型.塔什库尔干地震使得慕士塔格正断层南段的部分和整个塔合曼正断层发生破裂,形成了长约27km的地震地表破...  相似文献   

灵丘盆地位于山西地堑系的东北部,曾于1626年发生7级地震.文中通过解译SPOT5影像、分析SRTM3数据和野外调查,对该盆地进行宏观的构造地貌分析和对比,结合探槽以及地质剖面确定主要活动断层的几何分布和最新活动特征,进而探讨灵丘地震的发震构造.结果显示:太白维山山前断裂大部分段落最新活动时代限于晚更新世晚期.NE向的水涧-落水河断裂灵丘县城以西段造成同级地貌面高差约6m,其中最新活动在地表残留高约1m的断层陡坎,县城及以东段无明显地貌表现;NW向的华山河断裂具有枢纽断层特征,在盆地北部断裂向西倾并造成华山河Ⅰ级阶地两侧约10m的高差,在盆地南部断裂向东倾,剖面和相关地貌揭示该断裂在南段为一条高角度的活动正走滑断裂;据此认为,1626年灵丘地震为水涧-落水河断裂西段和NW向的华山河断裂共轭作用的结果.  相似文献   

On October 17, 2014, a MS6.6 earthquake occurred in Jinggu, Yunnan. The epicenter was located in the western branch of Wuliang Mountain, the northwest extension line of Puwen Fault. There are 2 faults in the surrounding area, one is a sinistral strike-slip and the other is the dextral. Two faults have mutual intersection with conjugate joints property to form a checkerboard faulting structure. The structure of the area of the focal region is complex. The present-day tectonic movement is strong, and the aftershock distribution indicates the faulting surface trending NNW. There is no obvious surface rupture related to the known fault in the epicenter, and there is a certain distance from the surface of the Puwen fault zone. Regional seismic activity is strong. In 1941, there were two over magnitude 7.0 earthquakes in the south of the epicenter of Jinggu County and Mengzhe Town. In 1988, two mainshock-aftershock type earthquakes occurred in Canglan-Gengma Counties, the principal stress axes of the whole seismic area is in the direction of NNE. Geological method can be adopted to clarify the distribution of surficial fracture caused by active faults, and high-precision seismic positioning and spatial distribution characteristics of seismic sequences can contribute to understand deep seismogenic faults and geometric features. Thus, we can better analyze the three-dimensional spatial distribution characteristics of seismotectonics and the deep and shallow tectonic relationship. The focal mechanism reveals the property and faulting process to a certain extent, which can help us understand not only the active property of faults, but also the important basis for deep tectonic stress and seismogenic mechanism. In order to study the fault characteristic of the Jinggu earthquake, the stress field characteristics of the source area and the geometric parameters of the fault plane, this paper firstly uses the 15 days aftershock data of the Jingsuo MS6.6 earthquake, to precisely locate the main shock and aftershock sequences using double-difference location method. The results show that the aftershock sequences have clustering characteristics along the NW direction, with a depth mainly of 5~15km. Based on the precise location, calculations are made to the focal mechanisms of a total of 46 earthquakes including the main shock and aftershocks with ML ≥ 3.0 of the Jinggu earthquake. The double-couple(DC)component of the focal mechanism of the main shock shows that nodal plane Ⅰ:The strike is 239°, the dip 81°, and the rake -22°; nodal plane Ⅱ, the strike is 333°, the dip 68°, and the rake -170.31°. According to focal mechanism solutions, there are 42 earthquakes with a focal mechanism of strike-slip type, accounting for 91.3%. According to the distribution of the aftershock sequence, it can be inferred that the nodal plane Ⅱ is the seismogenic fault. The obtained focal mechanism is used to invert the stress field in the source region. The distribution of horizontal maximum principal stress orienation is concentrated. The main features of the regional tectonic stress field are under the NNE-SSW compression(P axis)and the NW-SE extension(T axis)and are also affected by NNW direction stress fields in the central region of Yunnan, which indicates that Jinggu earthquake fault, like Gengma earthquake, is a new NW-trending fault which is under domination of large-scale tectonic stress and effected by local tectonic stress environment. In order to define more accurately the occurrence of the fault plane of the Jinggu earthquake, with the precise location results and the stress field in the source region, the global optimal solution of the fault plane parameters and its error are obtained by using both global searching simulated annealing algorithm and local searching Gauss-Newton method. Since the parameters of the fault plane fitting process use the stress parameters obtained by the focal mechanism inversion, the data obtained by the fault plane fitting is more representative of the rupture plane, that is, the strike 332.75°, the dip 89.53°, and the rake -167.12°. The buried depth of the rupture plane is 2.746km, indicating that the source fault has not cut through the surface. Based on the stress field characteristics and the inversion results of the fault plane, it is preliminarily believed that the seismogenic structure of the Jinggu earthquake is a newly generated nearly vertical right-lateral strike-slip fault with normal component. The rupture plane length is about 17.2km, which does not extend to the Puwen fault zone. Jinggu earthquake occurred in Simao-Puer seismic region in the south of Sichuan-Yunnan plate. Its focal mechanism solution is similar to that of the three sub-events of the Gengma earthquake in November 1988. The seismogenic structure of both of them is NW-trending and the principal stress is NE-SW. The rupture plane of the Jinggu main shock(NW direction)is significantly different from the known near NS direction Lancang Fault and the near NE direction Jinggu Fault in the study area. It is preliminarily inferred that the seismogenic structure of this earthquake has a neogenetic feature.  相似文献   

整合了鲁甸震区周边的云南省地震台网、昭通市地震台网、巧家台阵,以及流动台站2个月的震相观测数据,对鲁甸地震序列进行了重新定位,得到了1 750个地震的震源参数。重定位结果显示,余震有2个优势分布方向,分别为SE向和SW向,具有不对称的共轭分布特征。2个余震条带的展布长度相当,约为16km,夹角约100°。余震分布显示鲁甸地震的发震断层为高倾角的走滑断层。主震位于2个余震条带中间略偏西南的位置,早期余震主要沿NW-SE向垂直于昭通-鲁甸断裂分布,主震西南侧的余震可能为后期触发的。根据余震分布与周边断层的关系、主震震源机制、烈度分布的长轴方位,以及滑坡分布等资料,认为鲁甸地震的发震断层为NW向的包谷垴-小河断裂。包谷垴-小河断裂南北两侧无论是在地震活动、深部速度结构,还是块体运动方向和速率方面都存在显著差异,断裂北侧的高速异常可能是阻止余震向北继续扩展的主要原因。  相似文献   

The Wulong MS5.0 earthquake on 23 November 2017, located in the Wolong sap between Wenfu, Furong and Mawu faults, is the biggest instrumentally recorded earthquake in the southeastern Chongqing. It occurred unexpectedly in a weak earthquake background with no knowledge of dramatically active faults. The complete earthquake sequences offered a significant source information example for focal mechanism solution, seismotectonics and seismogenic mechanism, which is helpful for the estimation of potential seismic sources and level of the future seismic risk in the region. In this study, we firstly calculated the focal mechanism solutions of the main shock using CAP waveform inversion method and then relocated the main shock and aftershocks by the method of double-difference algorithm. Secondly, we determined the seismogenic fault responsible for the MS5.0 Wulong earthquake based on these calculated results. Finally, we explored the seismogenic mechanism of the Wulong earthquake and future potential seismic risk level of the region. The results show the parameters of the focal mechanism solution, which are:strike24°, dip 16°, and rake -108° for the nodal plane Ⅰ, and strike223°, dip 75°, and rake -85° for the nodal plane Ⅱ. The calculations are supported by the results of different agencies and other methods. Additionally, the relocated results show that the Wulong MS5.0 earthquake sequence is within a rectangular strip with 4.7km in length and 2.4km in width, which is approximately consistent with the scales by empirical relationship of Wells and Coppersmith(1994). Most of the relocated aftershocks are distributed in the southwest of the mainshock. The NW-SE cross sections show that the predominant focal depth is 5~8km. The earthquake sequences suggest the occurrence features of the fault that dips northwest with dip angle of 63° by the least square method, which is largely consistent with nodal planeⅡof the focal mechanism solution. Coincidentally, the field outcrop survey results show that the Wenfu Fault is a normal fault striking southwest and dipping 60°~73° by previous studies. According to the above data, we infer that the Wenfu Fault is the seismogenic structure responsible for Wulong MS5.0 earthquake. We also propose two preliminary genetic mechanisms of "local stress adjustment" and "fluid activation effect". The "local stress adjustment" model is that several strong earthquakes in Sichuan, such as M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, M7.0 Luzhou earthquake and M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake, have changed the stress regime of the eastern margin of the Sichuan Basin by stress transference. Within the changed stress regime, a minor local stress adjustment has the possibility of making a notable earthquake event. In contract, the "fluid activation effect" model is mainly supported by the three evidences as follows:1)the maximum principle stress axial azimuth is against the regional stress field, which reflects NWW-SEE direction thrusting type; 2)the Wujiang River crosscuts the pre-existing Wenfu normal fault and offers the fluid source; and 3)fractures along the Wenfu Fault formed by karst dissolution offer the important fluid flow channels.  相似文献   

Differently from the existing studies, about 210 days of the original seismic recordings since the Ludian MS6.5 earthquake are collected from almost all of the nearby stations, and a velocity model and a non-linear location technique are specially selected, in order to relocate the sources of the earthquake sequences. What is more, the same model as used in determining the absolute locations is adopted as the DD technique is used to determine their relative locations. Then the strikes and dips of the seismogenic faults are estimated by linearly fitting the source locations, and finally a new explanation is proposed for the sequence formation. It is shown that the sequence may be divided into 4 sub-areas spatially, each of which corresponds to a nearly vertical fault with but different dimensions and striking azimuths, and that two of them are relatively larger and linked with each other, being the main faults of the sequence, and two others are relatively smaller and separated away from the main faults. These 4 faults, together with the local existing faults, form a radiating-shaped structure reflecting the complicated tectonics, which is very likely to be related with the density variation in lower crust.  相似文献   

张北-尚义地震序列的重新定位和发震构造/   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
1998年1月10日在北京西北约180 km的河北省张北县和尚义县交界地区发生的ML=6.2地震是华北地区近年的重要地震事件.历史上这一地区的地震活动水平不高,迄今在地表未发现有明显活动的断裂.张北-尚义地震发生后,不同机构给出的主震定位结果不尽相同,他们所给出的余震分布也没有显示出优势的展布方向.因此,张北-尚义地震的发震构造亟待研究.本文应用相对定位方法,对张北-尚义地震序列的主震和ML3.0余震重新精确定位.得出:张北-尚义地震序列的主震震中位置为41.145N、114.462E,位于宏观震中的北东方向约4 km处,震源深度15 km;余震震源分布在与震源机制解给出的走向为180~200的节面一致的、接近于竖直的平面内及其附近.张北-尚义地震序列的重新精确定位的结果清楚地表明了张北-尚义地震的发震构造是一近南-北向~北北东向的断层.这次地震是在与华北地区构造应力场方向一致的﹑近水平的、北东东向主压应力作用下发生的右旋-逆断层错动.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method for small event detection named Match & Locate(M&L)is used to detect and locate the small earthquakes that are missing in the catalogue of the February 28, 2014 Shizuishan ML4.4 earthquake swarm. A total of 34 earthquakes were detected, which is nearly 3 times as much as the number(13)of earthquakes from Ningxia seismic network. The number of earthquake swarm sequence is greatly increased. Then, it provides the possibility for the fine study of the earthquake swarm activity and seismogenic fault. The best double couple solution of the main shock obtained by the cut and paste method is strike 354°, dip 70° and slip 166° for nodal plane I, and strike 89°, dip 77° and slip 21°for nodal plane Ⅱ. The main shock is a dextral strike-slip earthquake with a small amount of thrust component. And, the depth of the main shock is 7~8km, which is a shallow earthquake, derived from the results of the double difference relocation and the best fitting depth of focal mechanism. Together with the results of deep 3-D seismic tomography of the Yinchuan Basin, our results show that the main shock and the largest aftershock more likely occurred in the upper crust, and the rest of earthquakes mainly occurred at the bottom of sedimentary layer or on the top of the upper crust crystallization basement. We find some interesting phenomena on the pattern of time-space evolution of the earthquake swarm. The distribution of earthquake swarm is in the near north-south direction. Aftershocks are mainly concentrated in the north region of the main shock, which show an obvious trend of extending gradually from the south to the north. Also, the result shows the general trend of shallower focal depth with the development of aftershocks to the north. The results of distribution and depth profile of the earthquake swarm and the focal mechanism of the main shock all show that the sequence probably occurred in the fault at the east foot of Helan Mountain with an eastward dip and a larger dip angle. Surface projection image of the earthquake sequence shows that the epicenter distribution extends northward from the northern end of the fault. This may suggest that the deep part of the fault is likely to extend northward.  相似文献   

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